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High spectral resolution spectroscopy enables to have detailed information on chemical and morphological status of crop. An attempt of using space platform for detecting red edge shift during different growth stages of wheat crop is reported. Study was conducted during rabi 1996–97 season using Modular Opto-Electronic Scanner MOS-B Imaging data onboard IRS-P3 satellite. Inverted Gaussian model was fitted for satellite derived reflectances between 650 and 870 nm to derive inflection wavelength and its subsequent change with crop stages i.e. red shift. Red shift of 10 nm observed from crown root initiation stage (703.8 nm) to peak vegetative stage (714.2 nm). A comparative study on temporal behaviour of vegetative indices like NDVI and ARVI with Red edge showed that latter is more atmospherically stable parameter. It is concluded that red edge shift which hitherto has been observed from ground and airborne sensors, can also be detected from space.  相似文献   
The author analyzes the spatial distribution and the rapid growth rate of India's scheduled caste population since 1971 and finds that "there are wide regional disparities in their rates of population growth. Areas with relatively high growth rates are associated with (i) accelerated process of urbanisation and industrialisation, (ii) expansion in mining activity, and (iii) intensification and commercialisation of agricultural development based on irrigation. By contrast, areas experiencing low rates of growth are associated with (i) continuing high mortality rate, and (ii) net out-migration arising from scarcity of resources, acute poverty and subjection to deprivations...."  相似文献   
The spatial patterns in the density of rural population in an area are a function of the complex interplay of physical, economic, social, and technological forces. However, natural forces play a more prominent role than others in this respect. This is especially true of the developing world where application of modern technologies is limited and economies are predominantly agricultural in nature. This paper establishes quantitatively the superiority of the physical environment in effecting spatial patterns in the density of the rural population in Punjab. Only 3 variables taken from natural setup, rainfall, soil, and water, jointly explain over 53% of the spatial variance in the density of the rural population in Punjab. This clearly proves the supremacy of physical forces over others in determining spatial patterns in the density of the rural population in an agricultural area of the developing world. However, the concept needs further testing in some similar areas to establish its validity on a wider scale.  相似文献   
Literacy by geographic region in India's scheduled caste population is examined, with a focus on urban-rural and sex differentials. Education, migration, religion, and economic development are considered as factors affecting literacy rates. Data are from official Indian sources for 1981.  相似文献   
Apart from a generalized discussion on the trends of population growth in India during the post-Independence decades and its socio economic implications, this paper examinies in some detail the spatal patterns of population change in India during 1971-1981. The discussion is mainly based on what has emerged on 3 maps depicting percentage change in general and rural and urban population change in India during this decade. While areas of rapid growth of population continue to be associated with net in-migration resulting from: 1) the development of manufacturing industries, mining, trade, and miscellaneous services, all leading to acceleration in the process of urbanization, 2) the development of irrigation and reclamation of land bringing about increased intensity and extension in farming, and 3) infiltration from neighboring countries, particularly from Bangladesh. The areas of relatively low growth are mostly those which have suffered net out-migration induced by pressure of population and paucity of resources or a desire to seek better avenues of employment elsewhere. Superimposed on this is the new trend of declining rate of natural increase, such as in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, which has played its own role in bringing down the overall growth rate. Likewise there are areas, such as in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan, where recent breakthroughs in the mortality rate, with the birth rate staying at a high level, has stepped up the process of demographic dynamism. A comparison of the spatial patterns of 1971-1981 with those witnessed in precious decades brings out important chnges in these patterns which are occurring as a result of the various areas of the country getting into different phases of the second stage of the "demographic transition." With a view to bringing the benefits of socioeconomic progress to the door steps of all sections of the society in all parts of the country, it is necessary to bring about a substantial decline in the birth rate without any further loss of time.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to explore the work force of India's scheduled caste population in a spatial perspective. Findings are based upon data from detailed district-wise maps from data relating to the workers. Peninsular India has a far larger proportion of workers to the total scheduled caste population than northern India. The degree of participation of females trying to earn their living is the most crucial factor in the broad regional differentiation which is then associated with women's social status and autonomy in the society and their freedom from inhibitions to work outside of the home. These factors are deeply rooted in the histories of the two regions and their components. Demographic, economic, and political variables are intermingled with the social and cultural dimensions to impact upon the magnitude and composition of the work force. Further disparities exist within and across macro-regions at meso and micro regional levels which are connected with socioeconomic and demographic specificities of the local/regional situations.  相似文献   
目的 探讨电子束CT三维重建技术在颅颌面外科的适应症和应用价值。方法 采用美国Imatron公司的电子束CT(electron beam CT,以下简称EBCT)C-150,对76例严重颅颌面病人实行薄层CT容积扫描。将所获CT图象经数字接口传至加拿大ISG公司生产的Allegro工作站进行三维重建。结果EBCT成像技术能立体的、详尽和精确的显示机体组织三维解剖结构极其相互关系。其再现畸形或病体模型的程度可以达到近乎解剖学的精度,为准确了解和掌握病情并制定合理的手术治疗计划提供了极为重要的依据,提高了手术治疗效果。结论EBCT三维重建技术是现代颅颌面外科最主要的诊断方法之一并具有重要的临床应用价值。  相似文献   
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