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Qingyuan County, Zhejiang, China is recognized as a source of mushrooms around the world and as Mushroom City in China. Because of a favorable ecological environment and abundant forest resources, mushroom farmers in Qingyuan have engaged in mushroom production for 800 years and continued to form unique mushroom production systems where people and nature live in a harmonious way, and a rich and colorful mushroom culture. The Qingyuan Mushroom Culture System was named the Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage systems of China in 2014. Based on analysis of the importance of agricultural heritage and the necessity and urgency of protection, here we examine the agricultural heritage of the Qingyuan mushroom culture system as a research case study and comprehensively describe its heritage values, including supply materials and production, ecosystem services, cultural inheritance and multi-function agricultural development. These results provide reference values for agricultural heritage protection and inheritance of edible fungi in China, agricultural sustainable development and extension of agricultural function.  相似文献   
高分五号卫星大气参数探测综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高分五号卫星搭载了大气痕量气体差分吸收光谱仪、主要温室气体探测仪、大气多角度偏振探测仪、大气环境红外甚高分辨率探测仪、可见短波红外高光谱相机和全谱段光谱成像仪共6台载荷,对全球环境监测及中国大气气溶胶、臭氧、二氧化硫、二氧化氮、二氧化碳、甲烷和云等多个环境与气象综合监测方面有着重要的意义。为了更好的了解高分五号卫星任务的大气监测内容,本文对高分五号卫星其中的4个大气探测载荷特征和数据处理算法进展进行了总结,涉及各个载荷参数信息、算法介绍和产品初步结果等相关内容。高分五号卫星是中国专门用于大气环境监测任务的遥感卫星,随着后续卫星的发射升空,将对中国乃至全球大气环境监测提供强有力的数据支撑。  相似文献   
高分五号(GF-5)号卫星所搭载的大气多角度偏振探测仪(DPC)能够对地球进行多波段,多角度和的连续观测,其数据对研究全球大气云分布及云辐射反馈作用提供新的视角。本文通法国多角度偏振载荷POLDER(POLarization and Directionality of the Earth’s Reflectances)云检测算法为参考,结合DPC多波段反射率、偏振反射率、表观压强等信息开发了一个适用于DPC的云检测算法。算法主要分为3个部分:首先是阈值方法对云像元进行检测,同时引入表观压强对不同高度的云(如卷云、层积云等)进行进一步的条件约束,然后利用865 nm波段偏振反射率对海表反射的太阳耀斑区进行识别,修正了反射率阈值识别云像元时受到的太阳耀斑干扰。为了验证算法的准确性,利用2018-10-01的MODIS的MOD06云掩码产品与本文云检测算法结果进行定性分析,从目视判读结果可以看出本文云检测结果与MOD06产品具有较高的吻合度;随后又利用2018-10-01—04的CALIPSO-VFM数据与本文云检测结果和MYDO6云掩码产品进行定量分析,分别计算了中低纬度区域(60°N—60°S)的云/晴空像元命中率和云/晴空像元错误预报率,计算结果显示算法云命中率均值相较MYD06云掩码产品高出13.501%的前提下云错误预报率仅高出3.561%,可表明该算法在全球中低纬度区域有着良好的云检测效果。本文提出的云检测算法,可为后续DPC的云参数、水汽、气溶胶等研究提供重要数据支撑。  相似文献   
浙江省滨海湿地生态系统服务及其价值研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
因特殊的地理位置,浙江省分布有丰富的滨海湿地资源。滨海湿地为人类提供了物质生产、环境调节和人文社会等诸多服务。在全面分析浙江省滨海湿地现状及综合比较不同评价方法基础上,对浙江省滨海湿地服务价值进行了初步评估。研究结果表明,浙江省滨海湿地生态系统服务总价值为210.383×108元/a,其中直接使用价值141.658×108元/a,间接使用价值68.725×108元/a;滨海湿地单位面积服务价值为3.664元/(m2·a);各服务价值按大小排列依次为:海水养殖87.022×108元/a,滨海旅游54.636×108元/a,水质净化7.698×108元/a,护岸37.944×108元/a,促淤5.829×108元/a,固碳释氧11.867×108元/a,养分积累4.526×108元/a,提供生境0.861×108元/a;8项服务中,海水养殖价值最大,占总价值的41.363%,其次为旅游和护岸,分别占总价值的25.970%和18.035%。浙江省滨海湿地在发挥显著直接经济效益的同时,还兼具巨大的生态效益和社会效益,在维系浙江省生态安全及国民经济发展方面发挥着不可替代的重要作用。  相似文献   
Letu  Husi  Shi  Jiancheng  Li  Ming  Wang  Tianxing  Shang  Huazhe  Lei  Yonghui  Ji  Dabin  Wen  Jianguang  Yang  Kun  Chen  Liangfu 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(6):774-789
The estimation of downward surface shortwave radiation(DSSR) is important for the Earth's energy budget and climate change studies. This review was organised from the perspectives of satellite sensors, algorithms and future trends,retrospects and summaries of the satellite-based retrieval methods of DSSR that have been developed over the past 10 years. The shortwave radiation reaching the Earth's surface is affected by both atmospheric and land surface parameters. In recent years,studies have given detailed considerations to the factors which affect DSSR. It is important to improve the retrieval accuracy of cloud microphysical parameters and aerosols and to reduce the uncertainties caused by complex topographies and high-albedo surfaces(such as snow-covered areas) on DSSR estimation. This review classified DSSR retrieval methods into four categories:empirical, parameterisation, look-up table and machine-learning methods, and evaluated their advantages, disadvantages and accuracy. Further efforts are needed to improve the calculation accuracy of atmospheric parameters such as cloud, haze, water vapor and other land surface parameters such as albedo of complex terrain and bright surface, organically combine machine learning and other methods, use the new-generation geostationary satellite and polar orbit satellite data to produce highresolution DSSR products, and promote the application of radiation products in hydrological and climate models.  相似文献   
This study examines the progress made by reanalyses and satellite products in the estimation of cloud cover over China: the ECMWF reanalyses ERA5 and ERA-Interim, geostationary satellite observation Himawari-8 (H8) and the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project H-series (ISCCP) product. There is great similarity in spatial patterns of cloud cover in reanalyses and satellite observations, especially between ERA5 and H8. Distinct characteristics of the seasonal evolution of cloud cover are shown over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), the southeast (SE) and northeast (NE) of China. Differences in magnitudes of cloud cover exist. Overestimations are about 10% for reanalyses and about 20% for ISCCP in compared with certain cloud cover in H8. When probable cloud (about 10%) in H8 is included in the estimation, biases reduce the most in ERA5. The cloud hit rate (CHR) and false alarm rate (FAR) in against H8 and ISCCP reveal that simulated clouds in ERA5 have been improved especially over eastern China, but with limited improvement over TP in compared with ERA-Interim. Diurnal variations of cloud cover are characterized by increases during daytime over those three regions. Amplifications of diurnal variation vary over different regions and months. Satellite observations and ERA5 indicate distinguished diurnal cycle of cloud cover over TP, while further investigation based on ERA5 reveals coherent diurnal cycle in meteorological environment. Long-term changes of cloud cover highlight decreasing trends over TP and particular during March in past decades based on ISCCP and ERA5, which require further investigation in future.  相似文献   
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