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Progress () of the infiltration-driven reaction, 4olivine +5CO2 + H2O = talc + 5magnesite, that occurred during Barrovianregional metamorphism, varies at the cm-scale by a factor of3·5 within an 3 m3 volume of rock. Mineral and stableisotope compositions record that XCO2, 18Ofluid, and 13Cfluidwere uniform within error of measurement in the same rock volume.The conventional interpretation of small-scale variations in in terms of channelized fluid flow cannot explain the uniformityin fluid composition. Small-scale variations in resulted insteadbecause (a) reactant olivine was a solid solution, (b) initiallythere were small-scale variations in the amount and compositionof olivine, and (c) fluid composition was completely homogenizedover the same scale by diffusion–dispersion during infiltrationand subsequent reaction. Assuming isochemical reaction, spatialvariations in image variations in the (Mg + Fe)/Si of the parentrock rather than the geometry of metamorphic fluid flow. Ifinfiltration-driven reactions involve minerals fixed in composition,on the other hand, spatial variations in do directly imagefluid flow paths. The geometry of fluid flow can never be determinedfrom geochemical tracers over a distance smaller than the oneover which fluid composition is completely homogenized by diffusion–dispersion. KEY WORDS: Alpine Barrovian metamorphism; diffusion; metamorphic fluid composition; metamorphic fluid flow; reaction progress  相似文献   
The concept of stratigraphic base level, or the ratio between accommodation and sediment supply (A/S ratio), has been used to analyse the Rusty and Canyon Creek Members of the Campanian Ericson Sandstone in the Rock Springs Uplift, SW Wyoming, USA. The Ericson Sandstone was deposited under fluvial to estuarine conditions in a foreland basin setting influenced both by Sevier-style (thrust belt) tectonism and by more local, Laramide-style, foreland uplifts. The depositional setting was situated several tens to a few hundred kilometres from the nearest shoreline. Therefore, sea level change at the contemporaneous shoreline probably had little, if any, influence on the development of the sedimentary architecture. The Rusty Member shows an alternation between incised valleys filled by multi-storey estuarine channel sandstones showing palaeoflow to the south and delta plain sediments with single-storey channels with no evidence of tidal influence, which show palaeoflow to the east. This cyclicity is interpreted as recording repeated uplift of the Wind River Range to the north, causing valley incision and reduction of the A/S ratio. During quiescent periods, the A/S ratio increased allowing the valleys to fill and delta plain conditions to be subsequently re-established because of increased sediment supply from the thrust belt in the west. A regional unconformity at the base of the Canyon Creek Member truncates the Rusty Member, and represents a significant reduction of the A/S ratio caused by Laramide tectonic uplift. The Canyon Creek Member is a multi-storey, multi-lateral fluvial channel sandstone, where channel preservation and thickness increase upwards, suggesting an increase of the A/S ratio. The Canyon Creek Member channels are interpreted to have been sinuous, meandering channels from the observed sedimentary structures and fill patterns, despite their sand-rich nature. It is argued that grain size is a poor indicator of channel planform, and that there was very low preservation potential for fine material because of a relatively low A/S ratio. The top of the Canyon Creek Member is a regionally correlative surface marking an abrupt increase of the A/S ratio. This surface is termed an expansion surface, denoting an abrupt increase in accommodation. The overlying Almond Formation shows a single-storey alluvial architecture with a very high preservation of fine-grained material. An assumed correspondence in time of the Late Absaroka thrust phase in the Sevier belt to the west and the formation of the sharp top of the Canyon Creek Member suggests that the thrust phase caused a basin-wide abrupt increase of subsidence that changed the alluvial architecture. As an alternative to sequence stratigraphic nomenclature defined for strata controlled by shoreline movements, a scheme relating systems tracts and surfaces to changes in stratigraphic base level is proposed. Such a scheme is useful where correlations to shoreline strata are ambiguous or cannot be made, or where tectonics and climate are important controls.  相似文献   
The Vikinghøgda Formation (250 m) is defined with a stratotype in Deltadalen-Vikinghøgda in central Spitsbergen. The Vikinghøgda Formation replaces the Vardebukta and Sticky Keep Formations of Buchan et al. (1965) and the lower part of the Barentsøya Formation of Lock et al. (1978) as extended geographically by Mørk, Knarud et al. (1982) in central Spitsbergen, Barentsøya and Edgeøya. The formation consists of three member: the Deltadalen Member (composed of mudstones with sandstones and siltstones), the Lusitaniadalen Member (dominated by mudstones with thin siltstone beds and some limestone concretions) and the Vendomdalen Member (composed of dark shales with dolomite interbeds and nodules). The Lusitaniadalen and Vendomdalen members replace the former Sticky Keep Formation/ Member in the siirne areu. The Vikinghøda Formation can be followed through central and eastern Spitsbergen to Barentøya and Edgeøya and includes all sediments between the chert-rich Kapp Starostin Formation (Permian) and the organic-rich shales of the Botneheia Formation (Middle Triassic). The subdivision into three members is also reflected in the organic carbon content and palynofacies. Upwards. each succeeding member becomes more distal, organic-rich and oil-prone than the one below.
The Vikinghøda Formation is well-dated by six ammonoid zones. although the transitional beds between the Deltadalen and Lusitaniadalen members lack age diagnostic macrofossils. Corresponding palynozonation and magnetustratigraphy have also been determined. The overall stratigraphical development correlates well with other key Triassic areas in the Arctic, although intervals in the late Dienerian and early Smithian may be condensed or missing.  相似文献   
Quartz–calcite sandstones experienced the reaction calcite+ quartz = wollastonite + CO2 during prograde contact metamorphismat P = 1500 bars and T = 560°C. Rocks were in equilibriumduring reaction with a CO2–H2O fluid with XCO2 = 0·14.The transition from calcite-bearing, wollastonite-free to wollastonite-bearing,calcite-free rocks across the wollastonite isograd is only severalmillimeters wide. The wollastonite-forming reaction was drivenby infiltration of quartz–calcite sandstone by chemicallyreactive H2O-rich fluids, and the distribution of wollastonitedirectly images the flow paths of reactive fluids during metamorphism.The mapped distribution of wollastonite and modeling of an O-isotopeprofile across a lithologic contact indicate that the principaldirection of flow was layer-parallel, directed upward, withany cross-layer component of flow <0·1% of the layer-parallelcomponent. Fluid flow was channeled at a scale of 1–100m by pre-metamorphic dikes, thrust and strike-slip faults, foldhinges, bedding, and stratigraphic contacts. Limits on the amountof fluid, based on minimum and maximum estimates for the displacementof the wollastonite reaction front from the fluid source, are(0·7–1·9) x 105 cm3 fluid/cm2 rock. Thesharpness of the wollastonite isograd, the consistency of mineralthermobarometry, the uniform measured 18O–16O fractionationsbetween quartz and calcite, and model calculations all arguefor a close approach to local mineral–fluid equilibriumduring the wollastonite-forming reaction. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism, fluid flow, wollastonite, oxygen isotopes, reaction front  相似文献   
The polythcrmal valley glacier Erikbreen (79°40'N 12°30'E), northern Spitsbergen, was investigated in 1970 and 1990 using digital photogrammetry and digital elevation model (DEM) techniques. The bottom topography was derived from radio-echo soundings. Based on the DEM, mass balance and changes of surface slope, crevasse and flow pattern were evaluated, and internal ice deformation velocities were calculated. Calculations of the total mass balance show that Erikbreen has not been in equilibrium for the last 20 years. The average surface lowering was 0.38 m/a and the volume had decreased by 5% to 6% from 1970 to 1990 or on the average by 3.5 × 10−1 water. The glacier surface subsided over the whole glacier area except in minor areas with northfacing slopes in the accumulation area. The surface slope and the crevasse pattern, however, did not change significantly during the 20-year-period, except in areas below 100 ma.s.l.  相似文献   
Food samples from six high-arctic seabird species were collected during spring and summer seasons between 1982 and 1990 in the Svalbard region. The material came from coastal localities on the island of Spitsbergen and the marginal ice zone in eastern Svalbard waters. Polar cod Boreogadus saida was the most frequently occurring prey in the ice-covered areas. Analysis of otoliths showed that most polar cod were one-or two-year olds. These year classes are known to associate with sea ice. Other ice-associated (sympagic) organisms, such as gammarid amphipods, were not found to be of high importance as prey for seabirds in the study area. However, the sea ice occurring in the area was mainly one year old. Such ice contains a less developed sympagic fauna than multi-year ice. The pelagic amphipod Parathemisto libellula , which is not sympagic but occurs in the water column, was also found to be an important prey in the marginal ice zone, especially for the Briinnich's guillemot Uria lomuia . The smallest of the seabird species studied, the little auk Alle alle , differed from the other five species in its diet, preying mainly upon smaller items such as copepods and young stages of amphipods, euphausiids and decapods. The diet of the various seabird species was in general more diverse in the coastal areas than in the marginal ice zone.  相似文献   
The paper is a study of vegetation exploitation and the effect of food availability on the diet and behaviour in barnacle geese breeding at Storholmen, Svalbard. Detailed vegetation mapping was used to estimate the availability of food to individual pairs of geese. Diet composition was assessed through analysis of plant fragments in droppings. The behaviour of geese in relation to snowmelt patterns was recorded. Most vegetation types were exploited by the geese either for feeding or as nest substrate. Nest density was highest and territories were smallest on early, snow-free ridges, although late breeding individuals also nested in moss tundra vegetation. Most geese pairs exploited a mosaic of vegetation types in their territories, which extended the feeding period when plants were nutritionally most profitable to the geese. Territory size increased with decreasing density of the highest preferred food plants. Female geese preferred plants with high nutrient quality, and the diet during incubation consisted of 41% flowers of forbs, 19% grasses, 6% leaves and buds of forbs, and 34% mosses. When the availability of grasses was <5%, geese switched to a diet dominated by the abundant, but nutrient-poor, mosses. The nutrient-poor diet resulted in more time off the nest and less time being alert or searching for food during feeding bouts. Because nests are exposed to predators when females feed or search for food, a low availability of nutrient-rich food within the territory can affect hatching success.  相似文献   
Several studies have demonstrated high levels of genetic (DNA), ecophysiological, ecological, and morphological variation within the species Purple Saxifrage, Saxifraga oppositifolia , in Svalbard. It has recently been proposed that S. oppositifolia is represented by two conspicuously different subspecies in this archipelago: ssp. reptans , a late-flowering, prostrate ecotype of snow-protected, damp habitats, and ssp. pulvinata , an early-flowering, cushion-like ecotype of dry, wind-exposed heaths and ridges. It has also been suggested that the subspecies may be differentiated at the tetraploid and diploid levels, respectively, which would promote reproductive isolation. These hypotheses are tested by examining variation in morphology, ecology, and pollen size and stainability in 150 plants of S. oppositifolia growing in 50 vegetation samples at four sites in the Kongsfjorden area. Although analyses of the various data sets demonstrated the large variation within the species, the material could not be separated into distinct groups. The morphological variation was continuous along local ecological gradients. The pollen grains were fully stainable and the pollen diameter data showed a unimodal distribution, suggesting that the plants analysed represent only one ploidal level. These results reject a hypothesis that the morphologically intermediate plants are hybrids between two taxa at different ploidal levels. Thus, the conspicuous variation in S. oppositifolia in Svalbard probably results from local, in situ ecoclinal differentiation. Although this variation clearly is without taxonomic significance, it is important in the broader context of arctic conservation biology and the potential impact of global warming on arctic vegetation.  相似文献   
The statigraphy in 25 coastal lakes shows that most of the Norwegian coastline was impacted by a large tsunami about 7200 14C BP. The methodology has been to core a staircase of lake basins above the contemporary sea level in several areas and to map the tsunami deposit to its maximum elevation. The tsunami was identified in the sedimentary record as an erosional unconformity overlain by graded or massive sand with shell fragments, followed by redeposited organic detritus. The greatest recorded runup along the coast (10–11 m above high tide) is found in areas most proximal to the Storegga slide scar on the Norwegian continental slope (Sunnmøre). To the north and south, runup is less, about 6–7 m at Bjugn (250 km north of Sunnmøre) and about 3–5 m in Austrheim (200 km to the south of Sunnmerre). This runup pattern supports the suggestion that the tsunami was generated by the Second Storegga Slide. The recorded runup heights are consistent within and between the investigated areas, and imply that the tsunami wave was not significantly influenced by the local topography, suggesting a very long wave length. The mapped runup estimates are in good agreement with a numerical model of the tsunami generated by the Second Storegga slide, and indicate that the slide was a single major event rather than a set of smaller slides.  相似文献   
Thermal regime of a valley glacier, Erikbreen, northern Spitsbergen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thermal regime of the valley glacier, Erikbreen, northern Spitsbergen (79°40'N, 12°30'E) was studied using radio-echo sounding and temperature measurements from eight boreholes ranging from 13.5 to 24 m. Radar images indicate a glacier with a two-layered thermal structure. A surface layer of cold ice, 20 to 60 m thick along the centre flow line, extends from an altitude above equilibrium line to the glacier front. This layer represents 20 to 35% of the glacier thickness, except at the floating front, where the cold layer is about 50%. The ice beneath the cold surface layer is interpreted to be temperate. Cold-based areas exist near the glacier margin and in some locations in the accumulation area; the ice is interpreted to be entirely temperate in central parts of the accumulation area at high altitude. Freezing of temperate ice at the base of the cold surface layer is probably the main mechanism of cold ice formation in the frontal parts of Erikbreen. Calculated heat fluxes based on the borehole measurements show that a steady state cold layer 25 to 30 m thick is likely, assuming a surface melting of 1.7 m/y and a maximum water content of 3%. In the frontal parts the calculated mean annual upward heat flux at 10 to 15 m depth is roughly 0.6 W/m2.  相似文献   
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