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Biogenic barium, mostly in the barite (BaSO4) form, has been proposed as a tracer for export production in the ocean. Here we report on biogenic barium (Baxs) and particulate organic carbon (POC) fluxes from sediment traps deployed at the DYFAMED site in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Baxs fluxes display average values of 37 ± 45 and 50 ± 58 μg/m2/d at 200 and 1000 m respectively, and are linearly correlated to POC fluxes (mean values of 7.9 ± 9.3 and 6.8 ± 6.8 mg C/m2/d at 200 and 1000 m). Export production estimates, calculated using published Baxs- or POC-based algorithms, all fall below or close to the lower limit of potential export values proposed in the literature. This work clearly demonstrates the usefulness of Baxs as a tracer of oceanic export production in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. However, development of a quantitative export production proxy requires a clear understanding of the underlying cause(s) for the observed spatial variations in the relationship between Baxs and POC fluxes. The present study confirms that the processes leading to barite formation differ between margin and open-ocean sites and probably account for much of the regional variability in the POC/Baxs ratio.  相似文献   
A first study from the subtropical western Atlantic, using 231Pa/230Th ratios as a kinematic proxy for deep water circulation, provided compelling evidence for a strong link between climate and the rate of Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) over the last deglaciation. However, these results warrant confirmation from additional locations and water depths because the interpretation of the sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratio in terms of circulation vigor can be biased by variations in particle flux and composition. We have measured 231Pa/230Th in a core from the Iberian margin, in the Northeastern Atlantic basin, and have compared these new results to the data from the western Atlantic basin. We find that the reduction in the circulation during H1 and YD and the subsequent increases first recognized in the sediment deposited on Bermuda Rise are also evident in the eastern basin, in a totally different sedimentary regime, confirming that sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratios record basin-wide changes in deep water circulation. However, some differences between the eastern and western records are also recognized, providing preliminary evidence to differentiate between renewal rates in the two North Atlantic basins and between shallower and deeper overturning. Our results suggest the possible existence of two sources of Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Deep Water (GNAIW), one in the south Labrador Sea and another west of Rockall Plateau. Both sources contributed to the meridional overturning but the two had different sensitivity to meltwater from the Laurentide and the Fennoscandian ice sheets during the deglaciation. These results indicate that additional information on the geometry and strength of the ventilation of the deep Atlantic can be obtained by contrasting the evolution of sediment 231Pa/230Th in different sections of the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
The natural river water certified reference material SLRS‐5 (NRC‐CNRC) was routinely analysed in this study for major and trace elements by ten French laboratories. Most of the measurements were made using ICP‐MS. Because no certified values are assigned by NRC‐CNRC for silicon and 35 trace element concentrations (rare earth elements, Ag, B, Bi, Cs, Ga, Ge, Li, Nb, P, Rb, Rh, Re, S, Sc, Sn, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y and Zr), or for isotopic ratios, we provide a compilation of the concentrations and related uncertainties obtained by the participating laboratories. Strontium isotopic ratios are also given.  相似文献   
The effect of TiO2 and P2O5 on the ferric/ferrous ratio in silicate melts was investigated in model silicate melts at air conditions in the temperature range 1,400–1,550 °C at 1-atm total pressure. The base composition of the anorthite–diopside eutectic composition was modified with 10 wt % Fe2O3 and variable amounts of TiO2 (up to 30 wt %) or P2O5 (up to 20 wt %). Some compositions also contained higher SiO2 concentrations to compare the role of SiO2, TiO2, and P2O5 on the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio. The ferric/ferrous ratio in experimental glasses was analyzed using a wet chemical technique with colorimetric detection of ferrous iron. It is shown that at constant temperature, an increase in SiO2, TiO2, and P2O5 content results in a decrease in the ferric/ferrous ratio. The effects of TiO2 and SiO2 on the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio was found to be almost identical. In contrast, adding P2O5 was found to decrease ferric/ferrous ratio much more effectively than adding silica. The results were compared with the predictions from the published empirical equations forecasting Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio. It was demonstrated that the effects of TiO2 are minor but that the effects of P2O5 should be included in models to better describe ferric/ferrous ratio in phosphorus-bearing silicate melts. Based on our observations, the determination of the prevailing fO2 in magmas from the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio in natural glasses using empirical equations published so far is discussed critically.  相似文献   
Francois Mignard 《Icarus》1982,49(3):347-366
The dynamics of small dust grains orbiting a planet are investigated when solar radiation pressure forces are added to the planet's gravitational central field. In the first part a set of differential equations is derived in a reference frame linked to the solar motion. The complete solution of these equations is given for particles lying in the planet's orbital plane, and we show that the orbital eccentricity may undergo considerable variation. At the same time the pericenter longitude librates or circulates according to initial conditions. With this result we establish a criterion for any orbiting particle (because of its highly eccentric orbit) to collide with its planet's atmosphere. The case of inclined orbit is studied through a numerical integration and allows us to draw conclusions related to the stability of the orbital plane. All solutions are periodic, with the period being independent of the initial conditions. This last point permits us to investigate the different time scales involved in that problem. Finally, the Poynting-Robertson drag is included, along with the radial radiation pressure forces, and the secular trend is considered. A coupling effect between the two components is ascertained, yielding a systematic behavior in the eccentricity and thus in the pericenter distance. Our solutions generalize the results of S. J. Peale (1966, J. Geophys. Res.71, 911–933) and J. A. Burns, P. Lamy, and S. Soter (1979, Icarus40, 1–48) by allowing eccentricities to be large (of order 1) and inclinations to be nonzero and by considering Poynting-Robertson drag.  相似文献   
小型激光天文动力学空间计划概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小型激光天文动力学空间计划是 :使用在太阳轨道上无拖曳航天器和地面站以激光干涉和脉冲测距的方法 ,精确地探讨天文动力学 ,检测相对论与时空基本定律 ,改进探测引力波的灵敏度以及更准确地测定太阳、行星和小行星的参数。 1 969年开始的月球激光 (反射 )测距 ,对地球物理、参考坐标的选定、相对论的检验均有重要的贡献。 3 0年来 ,激光技术的长足进步 ,使现在正是适合于开始进行研究空间有源 (主动 )测距和光波空间通讯的时候。激光天文动力学的兴起是必然的趋势 ,其精确度将比现在提高 3到 6个数量级 ,将是天文动力学革命性的发展。小型激光天文动力学空间计划可以起到带头作用。它的关键技术有三 ,即 :弱光锁相、极精确无拖曳航天和高衰减日冕仪。弱光锁相已有长足的进步。对高衰减日冕仪的研究 ,也有了初步的方案。LISA空间计划将于 2 0 0 6年 8月发射SMART -2 ,研究测试极精确无拖曳航天。小型激光天文动力学空间计划的关键技术已日趋成熟。在第一届国际激光天文动力学研讨会 ( 2 0 0 1 ,9.1 3 -2 3 )中介绍了各相关学科背景及前沿研究 ,讨论了激光天文动力学空间计划科学目标及相关技术 ,并召开了两次小型激光天文动力学空间计划预研究筹备会 ,建立了和欧洲的合作关系。会后着手进行此项对基础  相似文献   
We present here the annual behavior of atmospheric water vapor on Mars, as observed by the OMEGA spectrometer on board Mars Express during its first martian year. We consider all the different features of the cycle of water vapor: temporal evolution, both at a seasonal and at a diurnal scale; longitudinal distribution; and the vertical profile, through the variations in the saturation height. We put our results into the context of the current knowledge on the water cycle through a systematic comparison with the already published datasets. The seasonal behavior is in very good agreement with past and simultaneous retrievals both qualitatively and quantitatively, within the uncertainties. The average water vapor abundance during the year is ∼10 pr. μm, with an imbalance between northern and southern hemisphere, in favor of the first. The maximum of activity, up to 60 pr. μm, occurs at high northern latitudes during local summer and shows the dominance of the northern polar cap within the driving processes of the water cycle. A corresponding maximum at southern polar latitudes during the local summer is present, but less structured and intense. It reaches ∼25 pr. μm at its peak. Global circulation has some influence in shaping the water cycle, but it is less prominent than the results from previous instruments suggest. No significant correlation between water vapor column density and local hour is detected. We can constrain the amount of water vapor exchanged between the surface and the atmosphere to few pr. μm. This is consistent with recent results by OMEGA and PFS-LW. The action of the regolith layer on the global water cycle seems to be minor, but it cannot be precisely constrained. The distribution of water vapor on the planet, after removing the topography, shows the already known two-maxima system, over Tharsis and Arabia Terra. However, the Arabia Terra increase is quite fragmented compared with previous observations. A deep zone of minimum separates the two regions. The saturation height of water vapor is mainly governed by the variations of insolation during the year. It is confined within 5-15 km from the surface at aphelion, while in the perihelion season it stretches up to 55 km of altitude.  相似文献   
Although there are many numerical applications used in aquifer management, few methodologies seem to be sufficiently adapted to provide solutions for regional-scale problems. Their applications for multilayered aquifers are also too limited. A new groundwater management tool adapted to such large physical systems has been developed, using the unit response function (URF) approach. This tool is based on the link between a numerical groundwater flow model and a mathematical optimisation tool. Pre- and post processing are based on a geographical information system (GIS). The developed tool has been applied to a real management case—the regional Aquitaine multilayered aquifer (France). A representative hydrodynamic model was built using MODFLOW 2000 code. First tests show that the linearity condition needed for the application of URF methodology is respected despite the high complexity of the system. Two management scenarios were tested. Optimal solutions thus obtained allow for viable exploitation alternatives to be proposed, which integrate complex environmental constraints.
Résumé Malgré un nombre important d’applications existant dans le domaine de la gestion des aquifères, peu de méthodologies semblent adaptées pour proposer des solutions à des problèmes réels de dimension régionale. Leurs application pour des systèmes multicouches sont souvent trop limitées. Un outil de gestion adapté à ces systèmes de large taille a été développé, basé sur la théorie des Fonctions de Réponses Unitaires (FRU). Cet outil est basé sur le couplage d’un modèle numérique d’écoulement et d’un code d’optimisation mathématique. Les entrées et sorties du modèle sont réalisées à l’aide d’un Système d’Information Géographique (SIG). L’outil développé est appliqué à un cas de gestion réel—le système aquifère régional multicouche aquitain (France). Un modèle hydrodynamique représentatif a été construit, basé sur le code MODFLOW 2000. Les premiers tests montrent que les conditions de linéarité nécessaires à l’application de la méthode FRU sont respectées, malgré l’importante complexité du système. Deux scénarii de gestion sont testés. Les solutions optimales ainsi obtenues permettent de proposer des solutions d’exploitation alternatives viables, intégrant des contraintes environnementales complexes.

Resumen Aunque hay muchas aplicaciones numéricas usadas en la gestión de acuíferos, unas pocas metodologías parecen estar adaptadas suficientemente para dar las soluciones a los problemas de escala regional. También son limitadas sus aplicaciones para los acuíferos multicapa. Se ha desarrollado una nueva herramienta para el manejo del agua subterránea, adaptada a tales sistemas físicos grandes, usando el avance de la Función de Respuesta Unitaria (URF). Esta herramienta se basa en la combinación entre un modelo numérico de flujo de agua subterránea y una herramienta de optimización matemática. El pre-proceso y el post-proceso se basan en un Sistema de Información Geográfico (GIS). La herramienta desarrollada se ha aplicado a un caso real de manejo en el acuífero regional multicapa de Aquitania (Francia). Se construyó un modelo hidrodinámico representativo, que usó el código MODFLOW 2000. Las primeras pruebas muestran que la condición de linearidad, necesaria para la aplicación de la metodología URF, se respeta a pesar de la complejidad alta del sistema. Se probaron dos escenarios de manejo. Las soluciones óptimas así obtenidas permiten la proyección de alternativas viables de explotación, las cuales integran restricciones medioambientales complejas.
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