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Summary Spongy textures are observed in anhydrous Group 1 mantle xenoliths (harzburgite, lherzolite and wehrlite) hosted in Tertiary alkali basaltic lavas from the Hessian Depression, Germany. These textures are developed only on clinopyroxene and spinel, and occur as rims or cross-cutting veinlets and patches showing optical continuity with the host grain. They are often associated with pools of amorphous glassy material. There is no preferential development of spongy domains against the xenolith-lava contact suggesting that the host magma did not play any significant role in their formation. Spongy clinopyroxene and spinel occur in all rock types, but, are more pervasive in wehrlite. Chemically, spongy domains of clinopyroxene and spinel are more refractory than unaffected areas, which is consistent with their formation through a partial melting event. The associated glassy material shows chemical characteristics which suggest that the melt pools are genetically related to the development of the spongy textures. The partial melting event was probably triggered by the infiltration of a low-density fluid. The fluid may have evolved from a silicate melt responsible for the metasomatic Fe-enrichment recorded in wehrlite. In this context, the more pervasive development of spongy clinopyroxene in wehrlite may be explained by a higher concentration of the evolved fluid phase at proximity to its silicate melt source. Received March 15, 2000; revised version accepted September 6, 2001  相似文献   
Foreign aid has arguably played a significant role in the economic development of the Pacific Island countries. Tonga is deemed to have succeeded in implementing the principles of the Paris Declaration of 2005, especially Ownership, Alignment and Harmonisation, by aid funding channelled through state institutions. Nevertheless, it is still unknown if the aid effect has reached civil society, and how community members perceive aid. This article examines the perceptions of community members towards foreign aid, using the case study of the archipelago of Vava'u, Tonga.  相似文献   
Although the bulk aerodynamic transfer coefficients for sensible (C H ) and latent (C E ) heat over snow and sea ice surfaces are necessary for accurately modeling the surface energy budget, they have been measured rarely. This paper, therefore, presents a theoretical model that predicts neutral-stability values of C H and C E as functions of the wind speed and a surface roughness parameter. The crux of the model is establishing the interfacial sublayer profiles of the scalars, temperature and water vapor, over aerodynamically smooth and rough surfaces on the basis of a surface-renewal model in which turbulent eddies continually scour the surface, transferring scalar contaminants across the interface by molecular diffusion. Matching these interfacial sublayer profiles with the semi-logarithmic inertial sublayer profiles yields the roughness lengths for temperature and water vapor. When coupled with a model for the drag coefficient over snow and sea ice based on actual measurements, these roughness lengths lead to the transfer coefficients. C E is always a few percent larger than CH. Both decrease monotonically with increasing wind speed for speeds above 1 m s–1, and both increase at all wind speeds as the surface gets rougher. Both, nevertheless, are almost always between 1.0 × 10–3 and 1.5 × 10–3.  相似文献   
Summary In-situ microprobe LREE analyses of perovskite and titanite (La, Ce, Nd), and apatite (La, Ce), from SW Ugandan clinopyroxenite xenoliths and kamafugite lavas indicate that LREE distribution in these minerals is determined by a number of factors related to their different parageneses: In particular LREE content is affected by whether the LREE-bearing minerals have crystallised from metasomatic carbonate or from silicate (i.e. metasomatic or magmatic) melts in the mantle. In this situation LREE partition favours carbonate over silicate melts. Distribution of LREE in perovskite and apatite crystallised from magmatic mantle melts or mantle-derived lavas is chiefly determined by preference of LREE for perovskite > apatite > titanite. LREE zoning in perovskite is influenced by changes in melt structure: increasing melt polymerisation enhancing mineralLREE/meltLREE partition into perovskite rims in magmatic xenoliths; decreasing melt polymerisation depleting LREE in lava perovskite rims. This zoning is reinforced by perovskite competition with apatite for LREE: perovskite (cores/rims) co-crystallising with apatite is reduced in LREE. There are 37 instances of perovskitewith Ce below detection while La and Nd levels are normal. These occur in both xenoliths and lavas; in grain zones or whole grains. Likewise Ce alone of the LREE is below detection in six out of ten titanite analyses. These observations are interpreted as evidence for increased fO 2, Ce4 + being excluded from these mineral structures. Recognition of these various processes can elucidate the interpretation of bulk rock and bulk mineral LREE signatures in kamafugite volcanism.
LREE Verteilung in Perovskit, Apatit und Titanit aus Xenolithen und kamafugitischen Laven Südwest-Ugandas
Zusammenfassung In-situ LREE Analysen von Perovskit und Titanit (La, Ce, Nd) und Apatit (La, Ce) aus Klinopyroxenit-Xenolithen und kamafugitischen Laven Südwest-Ugandas zeigen, daß die LREE Verteilung in diesen Mineralen durch eine Vielzahl von Faktoren, die mit Unterschieden in den Paragenesen zusammenhängen, bestimmt wird: Der LREE-Gehalt wird im besonderen davon bestimmt, ob die LREE-führenden Minerale aus metasomatischen Karbonat- oder aus (metasomatischen oder magmatischen) Silikatschmelzen im Mantel auskristallisierten. Dabei erfolgt die LREE Fraktionierung zu Gunsten der Karbonatschmelzen. Die LREE-Verteilung von Perovskit und Apatit, die aus magmatischen Mantelschmelzen oder -laven kristallisierten, wird vorrangig durch den bevorzugten Einbau der LREE in Perovskit > Apatit > Titanit kontrolliert. Der LREE Zonarbau von Perovskit wird durch die Änderungen der Schmelzstruktur beinflußt: Verstärkte Schmelzpolymerisation führt zu verstärkter MineralLFEE/SchmelzeLREE Fraktionierung in den Perovskiträndern magmatischer Xenolithe, eine Abnahme der Schmelzpolymerisation hingegen resultiert in einer Abreicherung der LREE in den Perovskiträndern. Diese Art der Zonierung wird durch den Wettbewerb von Perovskit mit Apatit um die LREE verstärkt. Perovskit (Kerne/Ränder), der mit Apatit gemeinsam auskristallisierte, ist ärmer an LREE. 37 Fälle, in denenCe nicht nachweisbar war, La und Nd aber in normaler Konzentration auftreten, wurden sowohl in den Xenolithen als auch in den Laven gefunden; und zwar entweder in Kornbereichen oder in ganzen Körnern. Vergleichsweise liegt Ce nur in sechs von zehn Titanitproben unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze. Diese Beobachtungen werden als Hinweise auf erhöhte SauerstoffFugazitäten, bei denen Ce4– aus der Mineralstruktur ausgeschlossen wird, angesehen.Ein Verständnis dieser verschiedenen Prozesse kann zur besseren Interpretation von LREE Gesamtgesteins- und Gesamtmineral-Signaturen in Kamafugiten beitragen.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   
Acta Geotechnica - The elastic stiffness of a fine sand at small to moderate strains ( $$\varepsilon \le 2 \times 10^{-4}$$ ) has been studied based on cyclic triaxial tests on cube-shaped samples...  相似文献   
An eclogite and five of its coexisting minerals (omphacite, garnet, carinthine, kyanite and zoisite) from the probable type locality of eclogites (Kupplerbrunn, Saualpe, Austria) described by Haüy (1822) have been analysed. Optical and X-ray data for these minerals are also given. Comparison of the Kupplerbrunn rock with those of other eclogites from the Saualpe region indicates they all have roughly similar compositions. When plotted on an A-C-F diagram the majority of these analyses fall in the region of kyanite-bearing eclogites suggested by Tilley (1936) although the Kupplerbrunn rock is the only sample containing kyanite; the others containing zoisite. The garnet and omphacite compositions of the Kupplerbrunn rock differ markedly from those of other Saualpe eclogites, possibly due to different metamorphic conditions of their formation. Carinthine analyses are all very similar for eclogites from Saualpe. On the basis of geological, analytical and limited experimental evidence, it is postulated that the Kupplerbrunn eclogite was derived from an original gabbroic rock low in water content such that amphibole and zoisite formed from plagioclase, pyroxene and water; omphacite, garnet and kyanite formed from plagioclase and pyroxene, once all the water was used up in the form of amphibole and zoisite. These reactions are believed to have taken place at 5–8 kb pressure at around 600° C; a value close to that suggested by Lodemann (1966) from field data.  相似文献   
Tectonic evolution of the Cape and Karoo basins of South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Cape and Karoo basins formed within the continental interior of Gondwana. Subsidence resulted from the vertical motion of rigid basement blocks and intervening crustal faults. Each basin episode records a three-stage evolution consisting of crustal uplift, fault-controlled subsidence, and long periods of regional subsidence largely unaccompanied by faulting or erosional truncation. The large-scale episodes of subsidence were probably the result of lithospheric deflection due to subduction-driven mantle flow. The early Paleozoic Cape basin records the combined effects of a north-dipping intra-crustal décollement (a late Neoproterozoic suture) and a right-stepping offset between thick Rio de la Plata craton and Namaqua basement. Following the Saldanian orogeny, a suite of small rift basins and their post-rift drape formed at this releasing stepover. Great thicknesses of quartz sandstone (Ordovician–Silurian) and mudstone (Devonian) accumulation are attributed to subsidence by rheological weakening and mantle flow. In contrast, the Karoo basin is a cratonic cover that mimics the underlying basement blocks. The Permian Ecca and lower Beaufort groups were deposited in a southward-deepening ramp syncline by extensional decoupling on the intra-crustal décollement. Reflection seismic and deep-burial diagenetic studies indicate that the Cape orogeny started in the Early Triassic. Deformation was partitioned into basement-involved strike-slip faults and thin-skinned thrusting. Uplift of the Namaqua basement resulted in erosion of the Beaufort cover. East of the Cape fold belt, contemporaneous subsidence and tilting of the Natal basement created a late Karoo transtensional foreland basin, the Stormberg depocentre. Early Jurassic tectonic resetting and continental flood basalts terminated the Karoo basin.  相似文献   
We investigate the dissociative recombination contribution to I(5577) and I(6300) of [OI] as a function of low energy cutoff for two measured solar proton spectra. The volume ionization rate profiles used in the calculation are obtained using a detailed atomic cross section approach in the continuous slowing down approximation. The ratio of the dissociative recombination contribution to the direct impact contribution for both the 5577 Å and 6300 Å [OI] emissions is found to be dependent upon the low energy cutoff. This ratio has a nominal value of ~2.0 for the 5577 Å [OI] emission and ~0.25 for the 6300 Å [OI] emission. The I(5577)/I(3914) and I(6300)/I(3914) ratios including the direct and dissociative recombination contributions are strongly dependent upon the low energy cutoff of the spectrum. We have also investigated F-layer enhancements resulting from the low energy spectrum component. For the Mizera et al. (1972) spectrum with a low energy cutoff of 12.4 keV, we find an NmF2 of ~4.5 × 103 electrons/cm3 or about 10 per cent of the ionization required to maintain the dip pole at a value of 5 × 104 electrons/cm3. Extension of the cutoff to 1 keV results in ~1 × 104 electrons/cm3, or about 20 per cent of the required maintenance ionization.  相似文献   
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