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爆破理论的研究历史,经历了三个不同的发展阶段,各阶段均有其代表性理论。文章介绍和分析了各爆破理论的要点及其优缺点以及最新进展情况,对工程爆破实践起着重要的指导意义  相似文献   
The West Kunlun orogenic belt is located at the conjunction of the paleo-Asian tectonic system and the Tethys tectonic system. Petrological and mineralogical studies of the Early Cambrian metamorphic surface crust in this region have shown that in case the metamorphism reached low-temperature granulate facies, the typical mineral assemblage is biotite-garnet-silimanite-K feldspar-plagioclase-quartz. The peak metamorphic temperatures are within the range of 720–740°C and the pressure is 0.6 GPa ±. Three types of metamorphic zircon have been detected in the metamorphic rocks: the complex inclusion-bearing type ; the early relic zircon inclusion-bearing type; and the inclusion-free type. SHRIMP age determination of these three types of metamorphic zircon have revealed that these zircons were formed principally during 400–460 Ma, indicating that pre-Cambrian metamorphic surface crust rocks underwent low-temperature granulite facies metamorphism during the Caledonian. In combination with the geological characteristics of this region, it is considered that when the oceanic basin was closed, there occurred intense intracontinental subduction (type A), bringing part of the Early Cambrian metamorphic basement in this region downwards to the lower crust. Meanwhile, there were accompanied with tectonic deformation at deep levels and medium- to high-grade metamorphism. This study provided important chronological and mineralogical evidence for the exploration of the evolutionary mechanism and process of the West Kunlun Early Paleozoic. Part of the results from the research project “ Research on the West Kunlun pre-Cambrian tectonic events” under the program “ Research on the important geological problems of China’ s pre-Cambrian” (No. 200113900070) sponsored by the China National Geological Surveying Bureau.  相似文献   
郑州地区深约4~12 m多处发现有1-2层灰黑色黏土层,具有湖沼相沉积特征。中原地区是华夏文明发祥地,文明发展与环境密切相关,稳定的水源是先民生存繁衍的基础,探究古湖存在对认识文明起源与发展具有重要意义。选取该区张五寨、司马村、后真村、安庄村等4个含湖沼层剖面,采集2个标准钻孔和15个控制孔岩心,进行沉积学、物理磁学、生物化石、有机碳和地球化学等环境指标分析。湖沼层系灰-黑色黏土-粉砂黏土,夹于上下河流相沉积中。放射性碳和释光等测年技术测定结果表明,湖沼层时代为全新世中期,约3~8 kaBP。黏土含量高值与磁化率低值对应,反映出径流搬运的磁性重矿物较少,表明较弱的水动力条件或静水沉积,代表湖沼相环境。孢粉分析出香蒲属、蓼属、莕菜属、狐尾藻属、眼子菜属等水生植物花粉,最高占草本的19.4%。该湖沼层中有机碳含量平均为21.6%,最高达29.4%。化学元素综合环境C值与黏土含量变化同步,反映出古湖在气候湿润或降水增加的环境下形成;还反映了流域植被覆盖度较高,水土流失少,主要搬运细颗粒物质入湖。沉积证据重建的全新世中期湖沼环境,与区域仰韶和龙山文化的古遗址点分布特征一致,由此定量估计了其分布范围和面积。本研究为郑州地区全新世存在古湖沼提供了科学依据,也为人文考古、遗址发掘提供实践意义的帮助。  相似文献   
以南京市以下长江12.5 m深水航道建设工程中的白茆沙整治建筑物工程的年度监测为例,介绍了利用无人机航摄和机载LiDAR技术进行大比例尺高精度的滩涂地理信息数据采集的关键技术。研究案例表明,采用无人机搭载数码相机和LiDAR联合进行数据采集,在小区域、通行困难地区的高分辨率影像和地面高程数据快速获取方面具有明显优势,为沿海滩涂开发中的工程用图测绘工作提供了一种新的有效快捷的技术手段。  相似文献   
北山古寺滑坡位于北山古寺旅游景区山坡处,第四系上更新统坡积残积土层中.通过对滑坡的发育特征及周边工程地质环境的调查,认为滑坡区的构造条件、地貌特征、地层岩性、水文地质条件是造成滑坡的内在原因,而暴雨与旅游开发则是滑坡发生的诱发因素.经评价,该滑坡体稳定性差(稳定系数小于1.35),故建议采取以滑坡后缘锚索,前缘和中段设置挡土墙,中轴设降水盲沟,周边设排水沟等工程措施为主,结合植树造林、工程管理等为辅的综合防治措施.  相似文献   
The catchment of South Luohe River in Central China is an important region for investigating modern pollen-environment relationship, because it is located in the transitional zone between south and north China, an environment which is sensitive to climate changes. In this study, 40 surface samples under ten vegetation types were collected to reveal the relationship between pollen assemblages and vegetation. The results show that the surface pollen assemblages reflect the vegetation quite well. In forest topsoils, the average of arboreal pollen content is greater than 40%, and the Selaginella sinensis spore is high. As to sparse forest grassland and shrub community, the average arboreal pollen is 13.2% and 16.6% respectively, and the shrub pollen is relatively higher than that of grassland samples. The grassland and farmland are characterized by low percentage of tree and shrub pollen (<10% and <1%), and high percentage of herbs (>80%). Pinus, Quercus and some other arboreal pollen can indicate the regional vegetation because of their dispersal ability. Quercus pollen is under-representative and so is Pinus. Artemisia pollen is significantly over-represented, has poor correlation with the plant coverage, and may reflect human disturbance. Gramineae can indicate plant quite well, but with low representation. High content of Chenopodiaceae probably suggests human impact. Predominant Selaginella sinensis can be used as an indicator of forest environment. Cluster analysis and principal components analysis of pollen assemblages can distinguish forest and non-forest vegetation well. The former method is better at separating pine and mixed forests, while the latter is more stable and could better differentiate farmland and other non-forest area. The first axis of PCA mainly reflects the humidity.  相似文献   
依据1∶10万水系沉积物测量资料,分析研究了秘鲁南部阿蒂科地区水系沉积物地球化学特征。通过对元素分布、元素相关性、单元素异常、异常元素组合等特征的分析,结合成矿地质条件,圈定了阿祖卡、塞罗皮耶霍、帕姆帕和卡拉帕尔卡4处找矿远景区,为该区下一步的找矿工作指明了方向。  相似文献   
A synthesis of Holocene pollen records from the Tibetan Plateau shows the history of vegetation and climatic changes during the Holocene. Palynological evidences from 24 cores/sections have been compiled and show that the vegetation shifted from subalpine/alpine conifer forest to subalpine/alpine evergreen sclerophyllous forest in the southeastern part of the plateau; from alpine steppe to alpine desert in the central, western and northern part; and from alpine meadow to alpine steppe in the eastern and southern plateau regions during the Holocene. These records show that increases in precipitation began about 9 ka from the southeast, and a wide ranging level of increased humidity developed over the entire of the plateau around 8-7 ka, followed by aridity from 6 ka and a continuous drying over the plateau after 4-3 ka. The changes in Holocene climates of the plateau can be interpreted qualitatively as a response to orbital forcing and its secondary effects on the Indian Monsoon which expanded northwards  相似文献   
兹格塘错是青藏高原中部一个典型的半混合型咸水湖泊。本文在~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs定年的基础上,研究了兹格塘错重力岩芯(ZGTC A-1)小于38.5μm细颗粒组分碳酸盐稳定碳同位素1950年以来的变化及其影响因素。对冬夏季湖水水化学特征的分析表明,夏季湖水溶解CO_2呈逸出状态,冬季湖水钙离子浓度是夏季湖水的10倍,据此可以得出兹格塘错碳酸盐矿物主要在夏季沉淀。通过与那曲气象站气象记录对比发现,1950年以来A-1岩芯碳酸盐碳同位素变化与年均温度有很好的相关性,表现出年均温度高时碳同位素偏重,而年均温度低时碳同位素偏轻的特征。兹格塘错1950年以来自生碳酸盐碳同位素的变化是由湖区及水体碳循环(如碳酸盐沉淀,有机质的沉淀与分解,有机碳和无机碳的转化等)的变化引起的,但各种因素的相互作用非常复杂。碳酸盐含量也与温度有关,温度越高,碳酸盐含量越高,同时降水量与碳酸盐含量也存在明显的相关关系。1950年以来有机质含量与温度呈反相关,可能与湖泊生产力的下降有关。  相似文献   
本文提出一种将面向对象的设计思想应用于数据库逻辑设计的方法,讨论了如何在数据库系统中建立面向对象的用户概念模式.  相似文献   
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