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Obtaining accurate geological boundaries and assessing the uncertainty in these limits are critical for effective ore resource and reserve estimation. The uncertainty in the extent of an ore body can be the largest source of uncertainty in ore resource estimation when drilling is sparse. These limits are traditionally interpreted deterministically and it can be difficult to quantify uncertainty in the boundary and its impact on ore tonnage. The proposed methodology is to consider stochastic modeling of the ore boundary with a distance function recoding of the available data. This technique is modified to incorporate non-stationarities in the form of a locally varying anisotropy field used in kriging and sequential Gaussian simulation. Implementing locally varying anisotropy kriging retains the geologically realistic features of a deterministic model while allowing for a stochastic assessment of uncertainty. A case study of a gold deposit in Northern Canada is used to demonstrate the methodology. The proposed technique generates realistic, curvilinear geological boundary models and allows for an assessment of the uncertainty in the model.  相似文献   
Geostatistical models should be checked to ensure consistency with conditioning data and statistical inputs. These are minimum acceptance criteria. Often the first and second-order statistics such as the histogram and variogram of simulated geological realizations are compared to the input parameters to check the reasonableness of the simulation implementation. Assessing the reproduction of statistics beyond second-order is often not considered because the “correct” higher order statistics are rarely known. With multiple point simulation (MPS) geostatistical methods, practitioners are now explicitly modeling higher-order statistics taken from a training image (TI). This article explores methods for extending minimum acceptance criteria to multiple point statistical comparisons between geostatistical realizations made with MPS algorithms and the associated TI. The intent is to assess how well the geostatistical models have reproduced the input statistics of the TI; akin to assessing the histogram and variogram reproduction in traditional semivariogram-based geostatistics. A number of metrics are presented to compare the input multiple point statistics of the TI with the statistics of the geostatistical realizations. These metrics are (1) first and second-order statistics, (2) trends, (3) the multiscale histogram, (4) the multiple point density function, and (5) the missing bins in the multiple point density function. A case study using MPS realizations is presented to demonstrate the proposed metrics; however, the metrics are not limited to specific MPS realizations. Comparisons could be made between any reference numerical analogue model and any simulated categorical variable model.  相似文献   
A stationary specification of anisotropy does not always capture the complexities of a geologic site. In this situation, the anisotropy can be varied locally. Directions of continuity and the range of the variogram can change depending on location within the domain being modeled. Kriging equations have been developed to use a local anisotropy specification within kriging neighborhoods; however, this approach does not account for variation in anisotropy within the kriging neighborhood. This paper presents an algorithm to determine the optimum path between points that results in the highest covariance in the presence of locally varying anisotropy. Using optimum paths increases covariance, results in lower estimation variance and leads to results that reflect important curvilinear structures. Although CPU intensive, the complex curvilinear structures of the kriged maps are important for process evaluation. Examples highlight the ability of this methodology to reproduce complex features that could not be generated with traditional kriging.  相似文献   
Modeling of geometallurgical variables is becoming increasingly important for improved management of mineral resources. Mineral processing circuits are complex and depend on the interaction of a large number of properties of the ore feed. At the Olympic Dam mine in South Australia, plant performance variables of interest include the recovery of Cu and U3O8, acid consumption, net recovery, drop weight index, and bond mill work index. There are an insufficient number of pilot plant trials (841) to consider direct three-dimensional spatial modeling for the entire deposit. The more extensively sampled head grades, mineral associations, grain sizes, and mineralogy variables are modeled and used to predict plant performance. A two-stage linear regression model of the available data is developed and provides a predictive model with correlations to the plant performance variables ranging from 0.65–0.90. There are a total of 204 variables that have sufficient sampling to be considered in this regression model. After developing the relationships between the 204 input variables and the six performance variables, the input variables are simulated with sequential Gaussian simulation and used to generate models of recovery of Cu and U3O8, acid consumption, net recovery, drop weight index, and bond mill work index. These final models are suitable for mine and plant optimization.  相似文献   
In a spatial property modeling context, the variables of interest to be modeled often display complex nonlinear features. Techniques to incorporate these nonlinear features, such as multiple point statistics or cummulants, are often complex with input parameters that are difficult to infer. The methodology proposed in this paper uses a classical vector-based definition of locally varying anisotropy to characterize nonlinear features and incorporate locally varying anisotropy into numerical property models. The required input is an exhaustive field of anisotropy orientation and magnitude. The methodology consists of (1) using the shortest path distance between locations to define the covariance between points in space (2) multidimensional scaling of the domain to ensure positive definite kriging equations and (3) estimation or simulation with kriging or sequential Gaussian simulation. The only additional parameter required when kriging or simulating with locally varying anisotropy is the number of dimensions to retain in multidimensional scaling. The methodology is demonstrated on a CO2 emissions data set for the United States in 2002 and shows an improvement in cross validation results as well as a visual reproduction of nonlinear features.  相似文献   
Multiple-Point Statistics for Training Image Selection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Selecting a training image (TI) that is representative of the target spatial phenomenon (reservoir, mineral deposit, soil type, etc.) is essential for an effective application of multiple-point statistics (MPS) simulation. It is often possible to narrow potential TIs to a general subset based on the available geological knowledge; however, this is largely subjective. A method is presented that compares the distribution of runs and the multiple-point density function from available exploration data and TIs. The difference in the MPS can be used to select the TI that is most representative of the data set. This tool may be applied to further narrow a suite of TIs for a more realistic model of spatial uncertainty. In addition, significant differences between the spatial statistics of local conditioning data and a TI may lead to artifacts in MPS. The utilization of this tool will identify contradictions between conditioning data and TIs. TI selection is demonstrated for a deepwater reservoir with 32 wells.  相似文献   

Incorporating locally varying anisotropy (LVA) in geostatistical modeling improves estimates for structurally complex domains where a single set of anisotropic parameters modeled globally do not account for all geological features. In this work, the properties of two LVA-geostatistical modeling frameworks are explored through application to a complexly folded gold deposit in Ghana. The inference of necessary parameters is a significant requirement of geostatistical modeling with LVA; this work focuses on the case where LVA orientations, derived from expert geological interpretation, are used to improve the grade estimates. The different methodologies for inferring the required parameters in this context are explored. The results of considering different estimation frameworks and alternate methods of parameterization are evaluated with a cross-validation study, as well as visual inspection of grade continuity along select cross sections. Results show that stationary methodologies are outperformed by all LVA techniques, even when the LVA framework has minimal guidance on parameterization. Findings also show that additional improvements are gained by considering parameter inference where the LVA orientations and point data are used to infer the local range of anisotropy. Considering LVA for geostatistical modeling of the deposit considered in this work results in better reproduction of curvilinear geological features.

Vein-hosted gold deposits are characterized by mineralization, which is spatially restricted to narrow vein structures. Drillholes intersecting a mineralized vein can lead to unreliable and biased assay values compared to selective mining unit scale block grades. In this work, a discrete fracture network is simulated and adapted to model gold mineralization within the veins. Veins are assumed planar and the required inputs are distributions of vein orientation, vein length, and vein intensity (i.e., density). These inputs are collected from drillhole data, geological mapping, and expert knowledge of the deposit. A spatial point process is then applied to model gold grade as discrete events or “nuggets,” which are spatially restricted to the simulated quartz veins for the case of incomplete mineralization of the veins; when the vein is completely mineralized, a vein thickness distribution is required. The methodology is applied to an epithermal gold deposit in northwestern British Columbia, Canada and shows improvement in restricting the influence of the high-grade gold samples without resorting to ad-hoc manipulation of input assays through capping or cutting. The final output of this methodology is a block model of gold grade, which better honors the spatial structure of the veins in the deposit and is suitable for use in mine planning or resource estimation.  相似文献   
GWML2 is an international standard for the online exchange of groundwater data that addresses the problem of data heterogeneity. This problem makes groundwater data hard to find and use because the data are diversely structured and fragmented into numerous data silos. Overcoming data heterogeneity requires a common data format; however, until the development of GWML2, an appropriate international standard has been lacking. GWML2 represents key hydrogeological entities such as aquifers and water wells, as well as related measurements and groundwater flows. It is developed and tested by an international consortium of groundwater data providers from North America, Europe, and Australasia, and facilitates many forms of data exchange, information representation, and the development of online web portals and tools.  相似文献   
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