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A study on biogeochemical cycling in the west coastal Bay of Bengal was undertaken during the peak discharge period to understand the influence of enhanced stratification and primary production on the possible intensification of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Our study reveals that oxygen concentrations were below the detection limits in the northwestern (NW) coastal Bay of Bengal between 100 and 500 m associated with strong stratification and high phytoplankton biomass. Such low oxygen concentrations have never been reported so far from the coastal Bay of Bengal. Despite the existence of an environment conducive to denitrification in the coastal Bay of Bengal, accumulation of neither secondary nitrite nor nitrous oxide (N2O) was observed. The absence of denitrification was reported to be caused by faster scavenging of organic matter and low bacterial respiration rates; in contrast, our results suggest that neither of these factors are potential reasons for the absence of denitrification in the coastal Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   
Multiple Regressive Pattern Recognition Technique (MRPRT) is an adapted approach for improved geologic resource estimation. We developed and tested this approach for the Platinum (Pt) bearing region near Goodnews Bay, Alaska, which presents an example of a complex depositional environment. We applied geospatial and pattern recognition methods to assess the spatial distribution of offshore Pt in the Goodnews Bay area from point data collected by various agencies. We used the coefficient of correlation (r) and the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (E) to quantitatively assess the degree of accuracy of the estimated Pt distribution. We split the study area, based on trend analysis, into two regions: inside the Bay and outside the Bay. We could not obtain appreciable estimates from the geospatial and pattern recognition methods. Using MRPRT, we were able to improve r from 0.57 to 0.93 and the E from 28.31 to 92.91 inside the Bay. We achieved improvement in r from 0.55 to 0.61 and E from 28.46 to 34.52 outside the Bay. The reasons for a non-significant improvement outside the Bay have been discussed. The results indicate that the proposed MRPRT has wide application potential in georesource estimation where input data is often scarce.  相似文献   
Mid-fan areas in the Bay of Bengal to the west of the Andaman-Nicobar Islands and to the east of the 90 E ridge display remarkable channel-levee and interlevee characteristics over the seabed. These subsea channels at 3,000 m or more water depth have specific orientations along NNE or NNW. Most of these major and minor channels are at present inactive, except one running along the eastern part of the area following the reported subduction suture (Currey et al., 1979). The other channels in the western part retain the configuration of a floor-bank combination but are covered with a thin deposition of pelagic organisms without any significant terrigenous inputs to a depth of around 25 cm below the seabed. On the other hand, the active channel to the east is filled with continuous hemipelagic to terrigenous inputs up to at least 1.5 m bsf. The pelagic organisms of the upper 25 cm of seabed over the inactive channels as well as in their banks and interlevee areas are mainly represented by foraminiferal tests and thus constitute foraminiferal ooze. Most of the seafloor is covered by such ooze except in the easternmost part, where the active channel brings a terrigenous influx in the form of turbidites. The fan deposition has been restricted to the easternmost active channel since the early Holocene. The age of the pelagites that constitute the 25-cm top sediment slice is assumed to represent about 8,000 years, calculated at the rate of deposition of 3 cm 1,000 years (Kennet, 1982). Thus, most of the western seabed has not experienced any fan deposition during the last 8,000 years. However, below 25 cm, the entire area is seen to have experienced fan deposition as evidenced by occurrence of terrigenous silt and clay. Significantly, incidence of thermogenic hydrocarbons is proved in the levee-in terlevee complexes of the central part. Being closer to the subduction zone, gas seepages through pervasive fissures are perhaps more pronounced here.  相似文献   
Arsenic is often present in gold mining areas. The high sensitivity of arsenic to biogeochemical conditions may lead to catastrophic consequences through contamination of resources such as ground water. Therefore, it is critical to understand the spatial occurrence of arsenic across a given site. Previous studies using traditional pattern recognition techniques such as neural networks and kriging have not been entirely successful in predicting arsenic concentrations across a gold mining area. The methods used in this paper are the support vector machines (SVM) and robust least-square support vector machines (robust LS-SVM). The two techniques were used to predict arsenic concentrations in the sediments of Circle City, Alaska, using the gold concentration distribution present within the sediments. The analysis of the results shows an improved performance and better predictive capabilities of SVM and robust LS-SVM than that of the neural networks and kriging techniques. The robust LS-SVM performed better than the SVM. The performance of the SVM was affected by outliers. The removal of the outliers from the data set and application of SVM showed improved results.  相似文献   
The impact of urbanization is assessed by comparing values of the radiation parameters at an urban location with those of a rural site. Urban Delhi was divided according to land-use and the effects of urbanization was studied on incoming short-wave (K), albedo, incoming longwave (L, outgoing longwave (L), and net radiation (Q *), were individually studied at four representative sites (Rural, Commercial, Residential and Industrial). MaximumK was observed in the rural and commercial areas whereas highL was observed in the commercial and industrial locations. High depletion ofK of the order of 13% was observed for the industrial location in the winter season. An increase ofL in, the industrial location is of the same order as that of the commercial location, i.e. 20%. The residential location shows quite moderate (4.6%) depletion ofK in comparison with other sites.Nomenclature U Urban - R Rural - K Incoming Short-wave radiation - L Incoming Long-wave radiation - L Outgoing Long-wave radiation - Q * Net Radiation - Albedo - K * Net Short-wave radiation - L * Net Long-wave radiation  相似文献   
Subaqueous effusive to low-explosive eruptive product composed of blocky and fluidal fragments of glass and sparsely crystalline glass of obsidian lava are present in fine-grained volcaniclastic debris flow conglomerate and turbidite, occurring in a deep marine sequence of thin- and even-bedded grey siliceous micritic limestone of the Chanda Limestone. The siliceous limestone conformably encloses stratiform manganese deposit. Obsidian glass fragments consist of coherent and amorphous glassy groundmass containing patches of devitrified fibrous glass, oriented microlites and microphenocrysts of quartz and K-feldspars. Euhedral crystals, resorbed-rounded and embayed crystals, spherical vesicles, microlites, and flow texture are distinctive volcanic features observed in these fragments chemically similar to obsidian lava.The blocky fragments represent the products of hydroclastic fragmentation whereas the fludial one may indicate formation under steam explosion. Gravitational instability of the resulting slurry of glass fragments and the ambient sea water-sediments at the site of eruption causes gravity flows that carries the fragments along with epiclasts away from vent to a distal site for final deposition. This study records maiden evidence of volcanism in the Chanda Limestone of the Neoproterozoic Penganga Group and infers rifting and partial melting of the sialic crust and silicic lava flow during deposition of limestone unusually rich in silica. The inferred tectono-sedimentary setting, facies association and mode of occurrence of the manganese deposit suggest a hydrothermal source for the metal.  相似文献   
Accurate thematic classification is one of the most commonly desired outputs from remote sensing images. Recent research efforts to improve the reliability and accuracy of image classification have led to the introduction of the Support Vector Classification (SVC) scheme. SVC is a new generation of supervised learning method based on the principle of statistical learning theory, which is designed to decrease uncertainty in the model structure and the fitness of data. We have presented a comparative analysis of SVC with the Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC) method, which is the most popular conventional supervised classification technique. SVC is an optimization technique in which the classification accuracy heavily relies on identifying the optimal parameters. Using a case study, we verify a method to obtain these optimal parameters such that SVC can be applied efficiently. We use multispectral and hyperspectral images to develop thematic classes of known lithologic units in order to compare the classification accuracy of both the methods. We have varied the training to testing data proportions to assess the relative robustness and the optimal training sample requirement of both the methods to achieve comparable levels of accuracy. The results of our study illustrated that SVC improved the classification accuracy, was robust and did not suffer from dimensionality issues such as the Hughes Effect.  相似文献   
The Namunagarh grit of Eocene age in South Andaman island is a submarine fan deposit where sedimentation occurred in deep marine environment mainly by turbidity currents. The mudstone and fine-grained sandstone of the turbidite sequence yielded three ichnogenera viz Thalassinoides, Teichichnus and Lorenzinia. Typically shallow marine Thalassinoides burrows co-occur with deep water burrows represented by Teichichnus and Lorenzinia, indicating a dominant control of substrate, availability of food and rate of sedimentation against bathymetry on distribution of trace fossils. Trace fossils are particularly abundant in the mudstones pointing to a strong lithofacies control. A well-oxygenated muddy bottom with a low rate of sedimentation is envisaged. An order in the succession of traces could be deciphered. Simply constructed burrows of Thalassinoides appeared initially followed by complex structures of Teichichnus and ornate Lorenzinia.  相似文献   
The 2.0 Ga supracrustal Kolhan Group to the south of Chaibasa in Singhbhum Craton, eastern India is a shale-dominated succession deposited in continental rift setting. It begins with thin plane- and cross-bedded red and purple sandstones consisting of ferric oxide-rich quartz arenite with beds/lenses of conglomerates deposited in shallow, ephemeral braided streams. The thick and extensive shale deposited in lacustrine environment overlies the sandstone. The shale succession consisting of thin and even bedded shale and silty shale contains lenticular bodies of finely laminated thin-bedded limestones and manganese-rich interval towards the basal part. It lacks subaerial exposure and tidal features and at places exhibits small wave ripples on bed surfaces.

Petrography, geochemistry and CIA values of Kolhan siliciclastics, suggest passive margin tectonic setting, an intensely weathered low-relief provenance dominantly composed of granitoid rocks and a warm and humid palaeoclimate. Based on similarities in age, lithology, petrography, depositional environment and type of mineralization, the Kolhan Group in Singhbhum Craton is correlated with manganese bearing Wyllies Poort Formation of the Soutpansberg Group, northeast Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. This correlation suggests the two cratonic blocks may formerly have been juxtaposed and represents the sundered fragments of an Archean Craton.  相似文献   

Application of a semi-implicit version of primitive equation barotropic model to predict monsoon depressions is proposed. Forecasts upto 48 hr have been quite satisfactory. The results are compared with those obtained from an explicit version of primitive equation barotropic model developed earlier. The flow patterns from these two versions are similar with few exceptions in isolated pockets, however, the forecast movement obtained from the semi-implicit version is comparable or slightly superior to those obtained from the explicit version. The computational time in semi-implicit and explicit schemes is approximately in the ratio of 1∶2.  相似文献   
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