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Heavy metals and sulphur in mosses from southern Spitsbergen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentrations of Cd, Pb. Ni, Cu. Zn and S were determined in 16 moss species collected from 9 localities in southern Spitsbergen (mostly within the Hornsund region). Two species, Sanionia uncinata and Hylocomium splendens , were objects of more thorough studies. In Sanionia uncinata the mean concentrations were (ug/g): Cd-0.59, Pb-7.07, Ni-4.25, Cu-6.01. Zn-21.13 and S- 1, 481. Hylocomium splendent accumulated similar quantities of these elements. The concentrations of metals and sulphur in mosses differed significantly {p 0 .05) from site to site, depending on geological and climatic conditions specific to the Arctic region. The effect of remote sources of pollution reaching Spitsbergen on the levels of heavy metal concentrations was taken into account, as well as the effect of local emissions from the Polish Polar Station. At 10-25 metre distances from the Station, the levels of heavy metals and sulphur were 3-10 times higher than at a 300-metre distance.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This article explores the regional identity of the Great Plains through its foodways using 744 responses from a mailed survey that asked participants to plan a representative menu for their locale. The strongest association is with beef—not surprising in an area known for cattle ranching. Other commonalities include potatoes, beans, and corn. Differentiation within the region is marked by preparation methods for beef as well as emphases on cornbread and peach cobbler in the south, rhubarb pie in the north, tortillas and sopapillas in the southwest, and pickles in two separate clusterings.  相似文献   
A new tephra has been identified within a long core (EC 3) sequence recovered from Les Echets, near Lyon, France. This visible tephra was discovered as part of a high resolution multiproxy re-investigation of the Les Echets sequence. Independent chronological information suggests that the tephra is c . 2 000–45 000 years old, and geochemical analysis indicates that it is of basanitic composition. The latter suggests a possible origin in the Eifel; however, as yet, no other volcanic events or deposits can be correlated to the Les Echets tephra. New sedimentological and chronological data are presented indicating that the tephra falls within an interval that most likely correlates with Dansgaard–Oeschger events 12-9. Thus, this tephra could potentially be an important middle MIS 3 marker horizon in central Europe if it can be traced in other palaeorecords.  相似文献   
Wohlfarth, B. 2010: Ice‐free conditions in Sweden during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3? Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00137.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 Published and unpublished 14C dates for Sweden older than the Last Glacial Maximum ice advance were evaluated. Acceptable 14C dates indicate that age ranges for interstadial organic material in northern and central Sweden are between c. 60 and c. 35 cal. kyr BP and for similar deposits in southern Sweden are between c. 40 and c. 25 cal. kyr BP, which is in good agreement with recently derived Optical Stimulated Luminescence ages. 14C dates on mammoth remains show a larger scatter, possibly as a result of incomplete laboratory pretreatment. A possible scenario based on calibrated 14C dates from interstadial deposits is that central and northern Sweden was ice‐free during the early and middle part of Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 and that southern Sweden remained ice‐free until c. 25 cal. kyr BP. A first ice advance into northern and central Sweden might have occurred as late as around 35 cal. kyr BP, more or less coeval with the Last Glacial Maximum ice advance onto the Norwegian shelf. To test the conclusions drawn here, new multi‐proxy and high‐resolution investigations of several key sites in north, central and south Sweden are required.  相似文献   
The laminated sediments at Pudozh in eastern Karelia are generally assumed to have been deposited between 13 000 and 16 000 14C yr BP and have been used to date the recession of the active ice margin. However, 17 AMS 14C measurements performed on terrestrial plant macrofossils contained in these sediments show that deposition began during the late Allerφd, when the ice margin had already receded to the northern part of Lake Onega. Based on an age model, we assume that the 1933-year-long varved sequence covers the time period between c. 12 900 and 11 000 calendar years BP. During this period, which comprises the later part of the Late Weichselian and the early Holocene, the local vegetation consisted of open, tree-less dwarf shrub heaths. Increased soil erosion may have occurred before 12 550 calendar years BP.  相似文献   
Lusardi, B. A., Jennings, C. E. & Harris, K. L. 2011: Provenance of Des Moines lobe till records ice‐stream catchment evolution during Laurentide deglaciation. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00208.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Mapping and analysis of deposits of the Des Moines lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, active after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), reveal several texturally and lithologically distinct tills within what had been considered to be a homogeneous deposit. Although the differences between tills are subtle, minor distinctions are predictable and mappable, and till sheets within the area covered by the lobe can be correlated for hundreds of kilometres parallel to ice flow. Lateral till‐sheet contacts are abrupt or overlap in a narrow zone, coincident with a geomorphic discontinuity interpreted to be a shear margin. Till sheets 10 to 20 m thick show mixing in their lower 2 to 3 m. We suggest that: (i) lithologically distinct till sheets correspond to unique ice‐stream source areas; (ii) the sequence of tills deposited by the Des Moines lobe was the result of the evolution and varying dominance of nearby and competing ice streams and their tributaries; and (iii) in at least one instance, more than one ice stream simultaneously contributed to the lobe. Therefore the complex sequence of tills of subtly different provenances, and the unconformities between them record the evolution of an ice‐catchment area during Laurentide Ice Sheet drawdown. Till provenance data suggest that, after till is created in the ice‐stream source area, the subglacial conditions required for transporting till decline and incorporation of new material is limited.  相似文献   
This article describes the development and performance of an integrated optical sensor system that has been designed for rapid analysis of split sediment cores. The primary aim of the system is to obtain information based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques; these provide a record of the accrued radiation dose of material since deposition. Particularly after suitable normalization, the luminescence signal recorded along the length of the core will provide information on the relative age of the sediment. Two wavelengths of stimulation are used (infra-red and green) and these probe the feldspar, and combined feldspar and quartz components of the sediment respectively; the ratio of the two signals can thus provide some indication of relative changes in the silicate mineralogy. A secondary use of the system is for optical reflectance measurements. With the addition of a monochromator, optical reflectance spectroscopy can be applied to obtain additional information on down-core mineralogical changes. In this article we describe technical aspects of the sensor system, discuss measurement techniques and consider the relevance of data obtained. Two examples of sediment cores are presented, which demonstrate the applicability of the instrument.  相似文献   
Region 2 comprises arctic and subarctic North America and is underlain by continuous or discontinuous permafrost. Its freshwater systems are dominated by a low energy environment and cold region processes. Central northern areas are almost totally influenced by arctic air masses while Pacific air becomes more prominent in the west, Atlantic air in the east and southern air masses at the lower latitudes. Air mass changes will play an important role in precipitation changes associated with climate warming. The snow season in the region is prolonged resulting in long-term storage of water so that the spring flood is often the major hydrological event of the year, even though, annual rainfall usually exceeds annual snowfall. The unique character of ponds and lakes is a result of the long frozen period, which affects nutrient status and gas exchange during the cold season and during thaw. GCM models are in close agreement for this region and predict temperature increases as large as 4°C in summer and 9°C in winter for a 2 × CO2 scenario. Palaeoclimate indicators support the probability that substantial temperature increases have occurred previously during the Holocene. The historical record indicates a temperature increase of > 1°C in parts of the region during the last century. GCM predictions of precipitation change indicate an increase, but there is little agreement amongst the various models on regional disposition or magnitude. Precipitation change is as important as temperature change in determining the water balance. The water balance is critical to every aspect of hydrology and limnology in the far north. Permafrost close to the surface plays a major role in freshwater systems because it often maintains lakes and wetlands above an impermeable frost table, which limits the water storage capabilities of the subsurface. Thawing associated with climate change would, particularly in areas of massive ice, stimulate landscape changes, which can affect every aspect of the environment. The normal spring flooding of ice-jammed north-flowing rivers, such as the Mackenzie, is a major event, which renews the water supply of lakes in delta regions and which determines the availability of habitat for aquatic organisms. Climate warming or river damming and diversion would probably lead to the complete drying of many delta lakes. Climate warming would also change the characteristics of ponds that presently freeze to the bottom and result in fundamental changes in their limnological characteristics. At present, the food chain is rather simple usually culminating in lake trout or arctic char. A lengthening of the growing season and warmer water temperature would affect the chemical, mineral and nutrient status of lakes and most likely have deleterious effects on the food chain. Peatlands are extensive in region 2. They would move northwards at their southern boundaries, and, with sustained drying, many would change form or become inactive. Extensive wetlands and peatlands are an important component of the global carbon budget, and warmer and drier conditions would most likely change them from a sink to a source for atmospheric carbon. There is some evidence that this may be occurring already. Region 2 is very vulnerable to global warming. Its freshwater systems are probably the least studied and most poorly understood in North America. There are clear needs to improve our current knowledge of temperature and precipitation patterns; to model the thermal behaviour of wetlands, lakes and rivers; to understand better the interrelationships of cold region rivers with their basins; to begin studies on the very large lakes in the region; to obtain a firm grasp of the role of northern peatlands in the global carbon cycle; and to link the terrestrial water balance to the thermal and hydrological regime of the polar sea. Overall, there is a strong need for basic research and long-term monitoring. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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