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Summary Mt. Hasan is a complex stratovolcano located in Central Anatolia, Turkey. It exhibits four evolutionary stages: (1) Kecikalesi volcano, (2) Palaeovolcano, (3) Mesovolcano and (4) Neovolcano. Each stage is characterized by differentiated magmas varying from basaltic andesite to rhyolite, but basaltic activities are recorded on the volcano flanks. Garnets occur in rhyodacitic and rhyolitic pumices of the Palaeo-, Meso- and Neovolcanoe, as well as in the basaltic andesite lava flows of Palaeovolcano. In addition, garnets are recognised also in recent basalts which were erupted contemporaneously with Neovolcano during the late Quaternary. Garnets appear as euhedral grains in a basaltic groundmass. Mineralogy and geochemistry of older volcanics (Kecikalesi, Palaeovolcano) exhibit a tholeitic trend, while Mesovolcano and Neovolcano are calc-alkaline in affinity. However, the recent basalts exhibit alkaline chemistry and mineralogy. Garnets of Mt. Hasan volcanic rocks are pyrope- and almandine-rich and display rather uniform composition throughout the volcanic evolution. Trace element data suggest that while subduction components in magma composition decreased from Miocene to late Quaternary, the within plate character increased. We propose that the generation of garnet-bearing volcanics reflects an enriched source inherited from ancient subduction processes. Received November 1, 1999; revised version accepted June 30, 2001  相似文献   
Erciyes stratovolcano, culminating at 3917 m, is located in the Cappadocian region of central Anatolia. During its evolution, this Quaternary volcano produced pyroclastic deposits and lava flows. The great majority of these products are calc-alkaline in character and they constitute Kocdag and Erciyes sequences by repeated activities. Alkaline activity is mainly observed in the first stages of Kocdag and approximately first-middle stages of Erciyes sequences. Generally, Kocdag and Erciyes stages terminate by pyroclastic activities. The composition of lavas ranges from basalt to rhyolite (48.4–70.5 wt.% SiO2). Calc-alkaline rocks are represented mostly by andesites and dacites. Some compositional differences between alkaline basaltic, basaltic and andesitic rocks were found; while the composition of dacites remain unchanged. All these volcanics are generally enriched in LIL and HFS elements relative to the orogenic values except Rb, Ba, Nb depleted alkaline basalt. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic composition of the volcanics range between 0.703344–0.703964, 0.512920–0.512780 for alkaline basalts and change between 0.704322–0.705088, 0.512731–0.512630 for alkaline basaltic rocks whereas calc-alkaline rocks have relatively high Sr and Nd isotopic ratios (0.703434–0.705468, 0.512942–0.512600). Low Rb, Ba, Nb content with high Zr/Nb, low Ba/Nb, La/Yb ratio and low Sr isotopic composition suggest an depleted source component, while high Ba, Rb, Nb content with high La/Yb, Ba/Nb, low Zr/Nb and low 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate an OIB-like mantle source for the generation of Erciyes alkaline magma. These elemental and ratio variations also indicate that the different mantle sources have undergone different degree of partial melting episodes. The depletion in Ba, Rb, Nb content may be explained by the removal of these elements from the source by slab-derived fluids which were released from pre-collisional subduction, modified the asthenospheric mantle. The chemically different mantle sources interacted with crustal materials to produce calc-alkaline magma. The Ba/Nb increase of calc-alkaline samples indicates the increasing input of crustal components to Erciyes volcanics. Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and elevated LIL and HFS element content imply that calc-alkaline magma may be derived from mixing of an OIB-like mantle melts with a subduction-modified asthenospheric mantle and involvement of crustal materials in intraplate environments.  相似文献   
Mount Nemrut, an active stratovolcano in eastern Turkey, is a great danger for its vicinity. The volcano possesses a summit caldera which cuts the volcano into two stages, i.e. pre- and post-caldera. Wisps of smoke and hot springs are to be found within the caldera. Although the last recorded volcanic activity is known to have been in 1441, we consider here that the last eruption of Nemrut occurred more recently, probably just before 1597. The present active tectonic regime, historical eruptions, occurrence of mantle-derived magmatic gases and the fumarole and hot spring activities on the caldera floor make Nemrut Volcano a real danger for its vicinity. According to the volcanological past of Nemrut, the styles of expected eruptions are well-focused on two types: (1) occurrence of water within the caldera leads to phreatomagmatic (highly energetic) eruptions, subsequently followed by lava extrusions, and (2) effusions–extrusions (non-explosive or weakly energetic eruptions) on the flanks from fissures. To predict the impact area of future eruptions, a series of morphological analyses based on field observations, Digital Elevation Model and satellite images were realized. Twenty-two valleys (main transport pathways) were classified according to their importance, and the physical parameters related to the valleys were determined. The slope values in each point of the flanks and the Heim parameters H/L were calculated. In the light of morphological analysis the possible impact areas around the volcano and danger zones were proposed. The possible transport pathways of the products of expected volcanic events are unified in three main directions: Bitlis, Guroymak, Tatvan and Ahlat cities, the about 135 000 inhabitants of which could be threatened by future eruptions of this poorly known and unsurveyed volcano.  相似文献   
The Afyon stratovolcano exhibits lamprophyric rocks, emplaced as hydrovolcanic products, aphanitic lava flows and dyke intrusions, during the final stages of volcanic activity. Most of the Afyon volcanics belong to the silica-saturated alkaline suite, as potassic trachyandesites and trachytes, while the products of the latest activity are lamproitic lamprophyres (jumillite, orendite, verite, fitztroyite) and alkaline lamprophyres (campto-sannaite, sannaite, hyalo-monchiquite, analcime–monchiquite). Afyon lamprophyres exhibit LILE and Zr enrichments, related to mantle metasomatism.  相似文献   
Mount Hasan is a double-peaked stratovolcano, located in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The magmas erupted from this multi-caldera complex range from basalt to rhyolite, but are dominated by andesite and dacite. Two terminal cones (Big Mt. Hasan and Small Mt. Hasan) culminate at 3253 m and 3069 m respectively. There are four evolutionary stages in the history of the volcanic complex (stage 1: Kecikalesi volcano, 13 Ma, stage 2: Palaeovolcano, 7 Ma, stage 3: Mesovolcano and stage 4: Neovolcano). The eruptive products consist of lava flows, lava domes, and pyroclastic rocks. The later include ignimbrites, phreatomagmatic intrusive breccias and nuées ardentes, sometimes reworked as lahars. The total volume is estimated to be 354 km3, the area extent 760 km2. Textural and mineralogical data suggest that both magma mixing and fractional crystallization were involved in the generation of the andesites and dacites. The magmas erupted from the central volcanoes show a transition with time from tholeite to calc-alkaline. Three generations of basaltic strombolian cones and lava flows were emplaced contemporaneously with the central volcanoes. The corresponding lavas are alkaline with a sodic tendency.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - It is common to use synthetic fibers to increase the strength of engineering materials. Fibers obtained from rocks have also started to take their place in composite...  相似文献   
During its storage or ascent, basaltic magma inevitably interacts with the surrounding rocks. In this study, schist xenoliths incorporated within ascending basalt are examined. Heating of the xenoliths combined with decompression effect of rapid magma uprise led to dehydration melting of hydrous minerals producing hercynitic spinel, melt, sillimanite and FeTi oxides. The melt is rhyolitic, strongly peraluminous (1.77 < A/CNK < 2.35) and corundum normative. It may contain up to 8 wt%FeOt. It occurs between the foliation planes and in the intragranular environment. Dehydration melting of micas in the schist is probably related to combined effects of heating by basaltic magma and decompression due to the rapid rise. Melting of xenoliths was a progressive process at low pressure. To cite this article: H. Bayhan et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
Western Anatolia, largely affected by extensional tectonics, witnessed widespread volcanic activity since the Early Miocene. The volcanic vents of the region are represented by epicontinental calderas, stratovolcanoes and monogenetic vents which are associated with small-scale intrusions as sills and dykes. The volcanic activity began with an explosive character producing a large ignimbritic plateau all over the region, indicating the initiation of the crustal extension event. These rhyolitic magmas are nearly contemporaneous with granitic intrusions in western Anatolia. The ignimbrites, emplaced approximately contemporaneous with alluvial fan and braided river deposits, flowed over the basement rocks prior to extensional basin formation. The lacustrine deposits overlie the ignimbrites. The potassic and ultrapotassic lavas with lamprophyric affinities were emplaced during the Late Miocene–Pliocene. The volcanic activities have continued with alkali basalts during the Quaternary.  相似文献   
Plio-Quaternary volcanism played an important role in the present physical state of Eastern Anatolia. Mount Nemrut, situated to the west of Lake Van is one of the main volcanic centers in the region, with a spectacular summit caldera 8.5 × 7 km in diameter. The most recent eruptions of the volcano were in 1441, 1597 and 1692. Nemrut Lake covers the western half of the caldera; it is a deep, half-bowl-shaped lake with a maximum depth of 176 m. Numerous eruption centers are exposed within the caldera as a consequence of magma–water interaction. Current activity of Nemrut caldera is revealed as hot springs, fumaroles and a small, hot lake.Self-potential and bathymetric surveys carried out in the caldera were used to characterize the structure of the caldera and the associated hydrothermal fluid circulation. In addition, analyses based on digital elevation models and satellite imagery were used to improve our knowledge about the structure of the caldera. According to SP results, the flanks of the volcano represent “the hydrogeologic zone”, whereas the intra-caldera region is an “active hydrothermal area” where the fluid circulation is controlled by structural discontinuities. There is also a northern fissure zone which exhibits hydrothermal signatures. Nemrut caldera collapsed piecemeal, with three main blocks. Stress controlling the collapse mechanism seems to be highly affected by the regional neotectonic regime. In addition to the historical activity, current hydrothermal and hydrogeologic conditions in the caldera, in which there is a large lake and shallow water table, increase the risk of the quiescent volcano.  相似文献   
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