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Results of comparison exercises carried out between the state-of-the-art TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter-derived ocean surface wind speed and ocean wave parameters (significant wave height and wave period) and those measured by a set of ocean data buoys in the North Indian Ocean are presented in this article. Altimeter-derived significant wave height values exhibited rms deviation as small as ±0.3 m, and surface wind speed of ±1.6 m/s. These results are found consistent with those found for the Pacific Ocean. For estimation of ocean wave period, the spectral moments-based semiempirical approach, earlier applied on GEOSAT data, was extended to TOPEX/POSEIDON. For this purpose, distributions of first four years of TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data and climatology over the North Indian Ocean were analyzed and a new set of coefficients generated for estimation of wave period. It is shown that wave periods thus estimated from TOPEX/POSEIDON data (for the subsequent two years), when compared with independent data set of ocean data buoys deployed in the North Indian Ocean, exhibit improved accuracy (rms ~ ±1.4 nos) over those determined earlier with GEOSAT data.  相似文献   
Basal part of the Gondwana Supergroup represented by Talchir and Karharbari Formations (Permo-Carboniferous) records an abrupt change-over from glacio-marine to terrestrial fluviolacustrine depositional environment. The contact between the two is an unconformity. Facies analysis of the glacio-marine Talchir Formation reveals that basal glaciogenic and reworked glaciogenic sediments are buried under storm influenced inner and outer shelf sediments. Facies associations of the Karharbari Formation suggest deposition as fluvio-lacustrine deposits in fault-controlled troughs. An attempt has been made in this paper to explain the sedimentation pattern in Talchir and Karharbari basins, and the abrupt change-over from glacio-marine to terrestrial fluviolacustrine depositional environment in terms of glacio-isostacy.  相似文献   
Over the time-scale, earth's atmospheric CO2 concentration has varied and that is mostly determined by balance among the geochemical processes including burial of organic carbon in sediments, silicate rock weathering and volcanic activity. The best recorded atmospheric CO2 variability is derived from Vostok ice core that records last four glacial/interglacial cycles. The present CO2 concentration of earth's atmosphere has exceeded far that it was predicted from the ice core data. Other than rapid industrialization and urbanization since last century, geo-natural hazards such as volcanic activity, leakage from hydrocarbon reservoirs and spontaneous combustion of coal contribute a considerable amount of CO2 to the atmosphere. Spontaneous combustion of coal is common occurrence in most coal producing countries and sometimes it could be in an enormous scale. Remote sensing has already proved to be a significant tool in coalfire identification and monitoring studies. However, coalfire related CO2 quantification from remote sensing data has not endeavoured yet by scientific communities because of low spectral resolution of commercially available remote sensing data and relatively sparse CO2 plume than other geological hazards like volcanic activity. The present research has attempted two methods to identify the CO2 flux emitted from coalfires in a coalmining region in north China. Firstly, a band rationing method was used for column atmospheric retrieval of CO2 and secondly atmospheric models were simulated in fast atmospheric signature code (FASCOD) to understand the local radiation transport and then the model was implemented with the inputs from hyperspectral remote sensing data. It was observed that retrieval of columnar abundance of CO2 with the band rationing method is faster as less simulation required in FASCOD. Alternatively, the inversion model could retrieve CO2 concentration from a (certain) source because it excludes the uncertainties in the higher altitude.  相似文献   
Trace-element geochemistry of sandstones are being used to determine provenance. We have conducted preliminary and limited experiments to determine to what extent daughter sands retain the geochemical signature of parent rocks. Six sets of first-order stream sediments, soils from adjacent slopes, and a variety of parent rocks were collected from southwestern Montana, U.S.A. Sampling in a low-relief area ensured that climate and residence time of soils on slopes could be eliminated as variables. Sand-size fractions of stream sediments and soils, and the corresponding parent rocks (granodiorite, quartz monzonite, granite gneiss, biotite-tonalite gneiss and amphibolite) were analyzed for most major elements and selected trace elements. Petrologic modal analysis of the parent rocks and the 0.25–0.50-mm fraction of each sand was done to monitor major mineralogic control, if any, on chemical compositions of the samples.

Our data show that the abundances of the Si and Al in sediments do not discriminate provenance. Abundances of Ca, Mg, Fe and Ti may broadly distinguish between sands derived from metamorphic and igneous source rocks, at least in the area studied. Differences in abundances of the Ba and Th, and the ratio of La/Lu between granitic, tonalitic and amphibolitic parent rocks are preserved in the daughter sediments that we studied. However, the size of the Eu anomaly in the REE patterns of different daughter sediments is not diagnostic of parent rocks. Abundances of Co and Sc distinguish between sediments derived from felsic and mafic rocks. A better provenance discrimination is obtained if the ratios La/Sc, Th/Sc, La/Co, Ba/Sc and Ba/Co are used.

Petrologic modal data show that mineral contents and chemical compositions of parent rocks are compatible with each other. The chemical composition of the sands may be roughly correlated to the petrological modal data but the abundances of some minor and trace elements of sediments cannot be inferred from modal mineralogy. This is expected because these elements may concentrate in accessory minerals and/or may weather out into aqueous or clay mineral fractions; it is also compatible with conclusions of previous studies that some of these elements do not reside in sand-size fractions of siliciclastic sediments.  相似文献   

For a pure phase at equilibrium with a polycomponent melt, two sets of expressions can be derived; one expressing its activity as a function of enthalpy, entropy, heat capacity and temperature, and the other by coupling a Flory-Huggins' polymerisation model with the van Laar heat of mixing term. Interaction parameters for binary and ternary systems have been computed at 1 bar by equating these two expressions. Assuming the interaction parameter to be independent of temperature, equilibrium temperatures at higher pressures can be calculated by an iterative procedure. Such retrieval calculations were carried out in simple eutectic, volatile-free systems like CaAl2Si2O8-CaMgSi2O6, Mg2SiO4-TiO2, MgSiO3-TiO2, Mg2SiO4-CaMgSi2O6, NaAlSi3O8-SiO2 and CaAl2Si2O8-CaMgSi2O6-Mg2SiO4. The close agreement between the theoretically retrieved and the experimentally determined equilibrium temperatures testifies to the validity of the model at higher pressures. The successful application of the model to simple eutectic, binary and ternary systems involving vastly dissimilar phases without imposing added constraints implies that it can be possibly extended to hitherto unknown systems provided the thermodynamic parameters of the phases involved are known.  相似文献   
This work presents a procedure for developing a high-resolution, regional climatology estimate, named RClimo, off the coast of central California. This high-resolution climatology may provide an alternative way to initialize numerical nowcast/forecast exercises in coastal regions. The methodology includes two primary steps: (1) averaging available data on a high-resolution grid and (2) objective interpolating the resulting average profiles onto a regular grid. The first step involves the computation of averages over density layers in the vertical and allowing for data gaps in the horizontal if data are unavailable at a high resolution. The OA in the second step uses anisotropic correlation length scales derived from the data themselves and an averaging radius to preserve the scales and variability of the synoptic fields.  相似文献   
Salt-water encroachment in the multi-layer groundwater system underlying the Bangkok metropolitan area was simulated with a quasi-three-dimensional flow and solute-transport model. The quasi-three-dimensional model used in this study is based on the model SUTRA. Accurate conceptualization of the initial state of the system with regard to the distribution of salt-water concentration is very important for modeling, especially in areas where localized zones of high salt concentration exist in the groundwater. Data adequacy and model results were evaluated by a geostatistical analysis. The model is capable of simulating the regional trend of potentiometric levels and salt concentration. However, lack of monitoring data in areas where localized zones of high salt concentration exist resulted in large model residuals. RÉSUMÉ: L'empiétement des eaux salées dans le système hydrologique multi-couche sous-jacent la zone métropolitaine de Bangkok a été simulé à l'aide d'un modèle quasi-tridimensionnel représentant l'écoulement des eaux et le transport d'éléments en solution. Le modèle quasi-tridimensionnel utilisé dans cette étude est basé sur le modèle SUTRA. Une conceptualisation exacte de l'état initial du système en ce qui concerne la répartition de la concentration des eaux salines est très important, particulièrement dans les endroits localisés où l'eau souterraine presente une forte concentration en sel. La qualité des donnés et des résultats a été estimée à l'aide d'une analyse géostatistique. Le modèle est capable de simuler la tendance régionale des niveaux potentiométriques et de la concentration en sel. Cependant, le manque de données de contrôle dans les endroits à forte concentration a donné lieu à des résiduels importants. RESUMEN: La intrusión de agua salina en el sistema multicapa bajo el área metropolitana de Bangkok se simuló mediante un modelo de flujo y transporte de solutos casi-tridimensional, basado en el modelo SUTRA. La conceptualizacián precisa de la distribución inicial de concentraciones de agua salina es muy importante para el modelo, especialmente en áreas donde existen zonas locales de alta concentración salina en el agua subterránea. La exactitud de los datos y del modelo se evaluaron mediante un análisis geoestadístico. El modelo permite simular la tendencia regional de los niveles piezométricos y la concentración de sales. Sin embargo, la falta de datos de muestreo en las zonas locales de alta salinidad resultaron en valores altos de los residuos calculados por el modelo.  相似文献   
An analytical form for the source function is formulated by comparing the fetch-limited approximation of the Ocean Wave Transport equation and the empirical equation for the fetch-dependent wave forecast nomograms. The source function thus generated has been utilised in the numerical model based on Toba’s formulation of wave transport equation and tested for the seas around the Indian subcontinent (5°S to 25°N latitude; 45°E to 100°E longitude). The grid averaged hindcast wave heights are found to be moderately matching with the GEOSAT altimeter measured significant wave heights of the 1987–1989 period, particularly for waves higher than 1 meter.  相似文献   
Water and nutrient availability for crop production are critical issues in (semi)arid regions. Unsaturated-zone Cl tracer data and nutrient (NO3 and PO4) concentrations were used to quantify recharge rates using the Cl mass balance approach and nutrient availability in the Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India. Soil cores were collected in dune/interdune settings in the arid Thar Desert (near Jaisalmer) and in rain-fed (nonirrigated) and irrigated cropland in the semiarid desert margin (near Jaipur). Recharge rates were also simulated using unsaturated zone modeling. Recharge rates in sparsely vegetated dune/interdune settings in the Jaisalmer study area are 2.7–5.6 mm/year (2–3% of precipitation, 165 mm/year). In contrast, recharge rates in rain-fed agriculture in the Jaipur study area are 61–94 mm/year (10–16% of precipitation, 600 mm/year). Minimum recharge rates under current freshwater irrigated sites are 50–120 mm/year (8–20% of precipitation). Nitrate concentrations are low at most sites. Similarity in recharge rates based on SO4 with those based on Cl is attributed to a meteoric origin of SO4 and generally conservative chemical behavior in these sandy soils. Modeling results increased confidence in tracer-based recharge estimates. Recharge rates under rain-fed agriculture indicate that irrigation of 20–40% of cultivated land with 300 mm/year should be sustainable.  相似文献   
The temporal‐spatial resolution of input data‐induced uncertainty in a watershed‐based water quality model, Hydrologic Simulation Program‐FORTRAN (HSPF), is investigated in this study. The temporal resolution‐induced uncertainty is described using the coefficient of variation (CV). The CV is found to decrease with decreasing temporal resolution and follow a log‐normal relation with time interval for temperature data while it exhibits a power‐law relation for rainfall data. The temporal‐scale uncertainties in the temperature and rainfall data follow a general extreme value distribution and a Weibull distribution, respectively. The Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficient (NSC) is employed to represent the spatial resolution induced uncertainty. The spatial resolution uncertainty in the dissolved oxygen and nitrate‐nitrogen concentrations simulated using HSPF is observed to follow a general extreme value distribution and a log‐normal distribution, respectively. The probability density functions (PDF) provide new insights into the effect of temporal‐scale and spatial resolution of input data on uncertainties involved in watershed modelling and total maximum daily load calculations. This study exhibits non‐symmetric distributions of uncertainty in water quality modelling, which simplify weather and water quality monitoring and reducing the cost involved in flow and water quality monitoring. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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