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野外科学观测研究台站(网络)和科学数据中心建设发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所成立80年来,十分重视野外台站(网络)和科学数据中心的建设,取得了辉煌成就。研究所建立了4个野外观测研究网络,引领了中国生态系统研究网络的建设与发展;成立了2个国家级科学数据中心,1个中国科学院数据中心,1个数据出版系统并于2016年加入了世界数据系统;拥有2个国家级野外观测研究站,1个中国科学院野外研究站,形成了独具特色的野外观测研究平台和数据共享服务平台。本文回顾了中国生态系统研究网络、国家生态系统观测研究网络、中国通量观测研究网络、中国物候观测网和禹城站、拉萨站、千烟洲站以及地球系统科学数据中心、生态科学数据中心、资源环境科学数据中心和全球变化科学研究数据出版系统的发展历程。地理资源所台站(网络)从无到有,不断发展壮大,引领了中国野外观测研究事业的发展,支撑了地理学、生态学等重要科学成果产出,科技支撑能力和示范能力大幅提升,有力支撑了华北平原、青藏高原以及南方山地丘陵区的生态文明建设;成为中国地球系统科学、野外台站、资源环境等学科和领域最大的科学数据汇聚中心,数据共享服务成效显著,在国内外具有广泛影响力。在未来发展中,地理资源所将充分发挥野外台站(网络)综合中心作用,强化生态系统、碳水通量、物候等观测研究网络的能力建设,稳步提升野外观测研究站条件保障能力和科学数据中心的数据汇聚能力、分析挖掘能力以及共享服务能力,持续推动和引领中国科学数据的共享,在科学研究和支撑国家需求等方面做出更大贡献。  相似文献   
六盘山植物区系基本特征的初步分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
六盘山位于陕甘宁交接地区,属于半湿润气候向半干旱气候的过渡带,是黄土高原生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,有维管植物836种,隶属于93科,359属。本区属于泛北极植物区、中国-日本森林植物亚区、华北植物地区的黄土高原亚地区。全部种子植物可分为13个分布区类型和12个变型,以北温带分布类型为主,与其他植物区系联系广泛,但特有属较贫乏。六盘山与小陇山、太白山和中条山的属相似性系数较高,均达60%以上,表明几座山体处于相似的生物气候背景之下,地理隔离性不明显。与贺兰山的属相似性系数低于60%,因为贺兰山位于干旱的荒漠与半荒漠区,可能有地理隔离作用。  相似文献   
Freezing damage results in the dehydration of plant cells and reduces the photosynthetic capacity of plants, which causes significant losses to ecology and economy. Over the past 40 years, global warming has reduced the frequency and intensity of frost events while bringing forward the spring phenology of plants, increasing the exposure of their leaves and flowers to harsh cold temperatures. Therefore, the dual effects of climate warming should be considered in order to accurately assess the changes of plant freezing damage. To date, there is no systematic analysis of plant freezing damage in different climatic regions of China. Based on phenological observation records from the China Phenological Observation Network, leaf frost damage of four common woody plants (Ulmus pumila, Robinia pseudoacacia, Salix babylonica, Fraxinus chinensis) in the spring over the past 40 years was calculated, and the spatio-temporal patterns were analyzed. We also investigated the change in the occurrence time of maximum frost damage (TMFD) and its relationship with plant phenology. The results show that: 1) Most species presented an overall trend towards an earlier leaf unfolding date, and the advancing trend was significant and greater than 1 d/a in about 60% of the regions (P<0.05). 2) The TMFD occurred earlier in 72.22%-83.03% of the regions, which was closely related to plants' earlier leaf unfolding date. The TMFD of all species advanced the most (8.3 days) in the temperate climate zone, followed by the warm temperate, subtropical, plateau, and cold temperate zones. 3) The leaves of U. pumila, R. pseudoacacia and S. babylonica suffered more freezing damage in the spring, and the most significant freezing damage was mainly found in the north of 50°N region and part of the west of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In comparison, the leaves of F. chinensis suffered less frost damage due to later leaf unfolding date and stronger leaf frost resistance. With regard to interannual variations, the average freezing damage of U. pumila, R. pseudoacacia and S. babylonica increased significantly (P<0.05), but that of F. chinensis did not change obviously. In addition, the freezing damage of U. pumila and S. babylonica increased the most in the cold temperate zone, while that of R. pseudoacacia increased in about 10% of the regions in the plateau climate zone, and 3%-6% of the regions in the cold temperate, temperate, and warm temperate climate zones. The freezing damage of F. chinensis merely increased in the warm temperate zone. The results of this study can provide a reference for assessing the risk of plant freezing damage accurately and help develop regional-specific response and adaptation strategies to climate change. © 2023, Editorial office of PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
Aboveground biomass in grasslands of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has displayed an overall increasing trend during 2003–2016, which is profoundly influenced by climate change. However, the responses of different biomes show large discrepancies, in both size and magnitude. By applying partial least squares regression, we calculated the correlation between peak aboveground biomass and mean monthly temperature and monthly total precipitation in the preceding 12 months for three different grassland types(alpine steppe, alpine meadow, and temperate steppe) on the central and eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The results showed that mean temperature in most preceding months was positively correlated with peak aboveground biomass of alpine meadow and alpine steppe, while mean temperature in the preceding October and February to June was significantly negatively correlated with peak aboveground biomass of temperate steppe. Precipitation in all months had a promoting effect on biomass of alpine meadow, but its correlations with biomass of alpine steppe and temperate steppe were inconsistent. It is worth noting that, in a warmer, wetter climate, peak aboveground biomass of alpine meadow would increase more than that of alpine steppe, while that of temperate steppe would decrease significantly, providing support for the hypothesis of conservative growth strategies by vegetation in stressed ecosystems.  相似文献   
历史物候记录对过去气候变化研究弥足珍贵。诗歌作为历史文献的重要体裁之一,其中的历史物候记录已得到了一定程度的整编和利用。但对诗歌物候记录的特征和处理方法仍缺乏系统的梳理和探讨。本文首先介绍了诗歌中物候记录的内容、特征及其在季节指示和反映农时中的应用,发现诗歌中的物候记录主要包括动物物候、植物物候和周期性气象、水文现象等3种,并呈现出距今越近,经济、社会越发达,记录越多的时空特点。然后,从物候记录筛选、物种鉴别、物候事件发生时间识别、物候期确定等方面总结了历史气候研究中诗歌物候记录的处理方法:①从诗歌的创作背景、文学成分、地理环境分异规律和人为影响等几个方面进行筛选,以保证其中物候记录的有效性;②区分古今动、植物名差异,并将物种鉴定到种;③针对年、月、日缺记的不同情况,依据物候规律和背景资料确定物候事件的发生时间;④根据现代物候观测标准,对诗歌中的文字描述进行归类定级,确定所包含的物候期。以期为诗歌物候记录的提取及其在历史气候研究中的应用提供理论和方法上的借鉴。  相似文献   
贵阳木本植物始花期对温度变化的敏感度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物物候期的温度敏感度反映了植物是怎样及在何种程度上响应气候变化,研究不同物种物候期的温度敏感度有利于鉴别易受气候变化影响的物种。现有关于始花期的温度敏感度研究主要集中在温带地区,在亚热带地区研究仍较少。本文以位于亚热带的贵阳为研究区,利用1980-2014年60种典型木本植物的始花期观测资料,分析了该地区植物始花期变化趋势及对气温变化的敏感度,评估了样本量大小对敏感度估计稳定性的影响。结果表明:①研究时段内贵阳发生了明显的气候变化,年平均气温显著升高,其中春、秋季的增温比夏、冬季显著。②绝大多数植物(88.3%)的始花期在研究时段内呈提前趋势,其中显著提前的占物种总数的21.7%(P<0.05);60种植物始花期总体的提前趋势为2.89 d/10 a。③绝大多数(88.3%)植物始花期的年际变化与最优时段内平均气温呈显著负相关(P<0.05),所有植物始花期的总体敏感度为-5.75 d/℃。④样本量大小对温度敏感度估计的稳定性有显著影响,15年长序列能将敏感度估计结果的波动范围以99%的概率控制在2 d/℃之内。  相似文献   
中国传统农区过去300年耕地重建结果的对比分析   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
土地覆被变化是气候与生态效应模拟研究的重要参量。SAGE和HYDE两个全球历史土地利用数据集在相关研究中得到广泛应用, 但在区域尺度上的应用, 其可靠性如何, 至今少有论及。以我国学者重建的传统农区历史耕地数据集(CHCD) 为基础, 从全区、省区和网格(60 km×60 km) 三个空间尺度, 对SAGE (2010) 和HYDE3.1 数据集中有关中国传统农区历史耕地重建结果进行对比分析, 结果表明:(1) SAGE (2010) 数据集对中国传统农区耕地数量重建是以单一线性插补而得, 其中1700-1950 年是以0.51%的年均增长率线性递增, 1950 年后是以0.34%年均速率线性递减, 这种“标准化”变化趋势不能客观反映传统农区土地垦殖的真实历史, 耕地面积也明显高估, 与CHCD数据集不具有可比性;(2) HYDE3.1 数据集吸纳了区域性研究成果, 使其在总量上与CHCD数据集较为接近, 具有较好的可比性, 但其在省区和网格尺度上与CHCD存在显著差异, 其中相对差异率超过70% (< -70%或> 70%) 的网格占比高达56%~63%, 超过90% (< -90%或> 90%) 的网格占比也高达40%~45%;而相对差异率介于-10%~10%的网格占比仅为5%~6%, 介于-30%~30%的网格占比也仅为17%左右;(3) 充分利用我国丰富的历史文献, 建立更高精度的中国区域历史土地利用数据集, 是提高区域气候与生态效应模拟研究质量的重要保障。  相似文献   
在全球气候变暖背景下,某些植物分布范围会发生明显变化。但已有研究尚未对中国中东部地区近30年来的植物分布变化进行系统总结。采用荟萃分析方法(meta-analysis),通过搜集已发表文献中关于植物引种、植被和物种分布及其变化等数据资料,得到近15年119个植物物种的251条分布变化证据,经与《中国木本植物分布图集》中记载的原分布记录(约20世纪80年代至90年代)对比,统计了不同物种的分布范围变化,并分析了变化原因。结果表明:近30年来,统计物种中80%在水平地带上发生北移,平均移动值约为3.37°;中东部地区植物分布响应气候变化的区域集中在北亚热带常绿阔叶林—暖温带落叶阔叶林过渡带以及中温带针阔叶混交林过渡带。分析发现20世纪50年代以来中国绝大多数地区有显著的增温趋势,升温导致温暖指数(Warmth Index)增加,满足植物生长的热量需求,是植物北移的重要原因。  相似文献   
More than 240 items of historical records containing climatic information were retrieved from official historical books, local chronicles, annals and regional meteorological disaster yearbooks. By using moisture index and flood/drought (F/D) index obtained from the above information, the historical climate change, namely wet-dry conditions in borderland of Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (BSGN, mainly included Ningxialu, Hezhoulu, Gongchanglu, Fengyuanlu and Yan’anlu in the Yuan Dynasty) was studied. The results showed that the climate of the region was generally dry and the ratio between drought and flood disasters was 85/38 during the period of 1208–1369. According to the frequencies of drought-flood disasters, the whole period could be divided into three phases. (1) 1208–1240: drought dominated the phase with occasional flood disasters. (2) 1240–1320: long-time drought disasters and extreme drought events happened frequently. (3) 1320–1369: drought disasters were less severe when flood and drought disasters happened alternately. Besides, the reconstructed wet-dry change curve revealed obvious transition and periodicity in the Mongol-Yuan Period. The transitions occurred in 1230 and 1325. The wet-dry change revealed 10- and 23-year quasi-periods which were consistent with solar cycles, indicating that solar activity had affected the wet-dry conditions of the study region in the Mongol-Yuan Period. The reconstructed results were consistent with two other study results reconstructed from natural evidences, and were similar to another study results from historical documents. All the above results showed that the climate in BSGN was characterized by long-time dry condition with frequent severe drought disasters during 1258 to 1308. Thus, these aspects of climatic changes might have profound impacts on local vegetation and socio-economic system.  相似文献   
2005年9月5日至9日,第17届国际生物气象大会在风景如画的德国南部小城加米施·帕滕基兴城市议会中心大厦召开。会议由国际生物气象学会(International Society of Biometeorolgy,ISB)主办,世界气象组织(WMO)、世界卫生组织(WHO)、欧洲科学技术联合会(COST)、美国、德国、日本和  相似文献   
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