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巩贺  朱琳  黄玫 《气象学报》2017,75(3):471-480
山脉力矩是地球与大气角动量交换的重要途径之一,为了深刻地理解全球的大气环流变化,比较了NCEP再分析数据、欧洲中心中尺度天气预报的ECMWF再分析数据和NASA的MERRA再分析数据计算的1979-2012年的全球山脉力矩的时、空分布及其年际变化。研究发现三套数据计算的山脉力矩空间分布基本一致,均显示北半球的青藏高原、落基山脉以及南半球的安第斯山脉是对全球山脉力矩贡献最大的三个区域。NCEP再分析数据计算的山脉力矩空间差异和多年变化标准差明显高于其他两套数据,其在纬向上的积分廓线与其他两套数据也差异较大,但是全球积分以后其平均值与标准差与其他两套数据基本一致,而且其在欧亚、南美和北美区域的积分与其他两套数据也没有明显差别,因此,NCEP再分析数据适用于大尺度的山脉力矩模拟。在研究空间尺度较小的山脉力矩变化时,建议优先考虑ECMWF和MERRA再分析数据。三套数据对北美地区山脉力矩计算的一致性较高,其次是欧亚地区,对南美区域山脉力矩计算的一致性则较差,表明北美地区气象数据质量要高于亚洲,南美洲气象数据质量较差。欧亚地球山脉力矩与大西洋-欧洲环流有很强的相关,北美山脉力矩与太平洋区极涡面积关系密切。   相似文献   
Frictional torque is an important mean for momentum exchange between the atmosphere and earth, and significantly influences the variation in atmospheric angular momentum. Using NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data for the period 1948–2011, we examined the spatial and temporal patterns of frictional torque. It was found that the globally integrated frictional torque turned from positive to negative in 1972, suggesting that angular momentum was transferred from the earth to the atmosphere before 1972, but from the atmosphere to the earth thereafter. The global frictional torque steadily declined from 1948 to 1994, but has been increasing since 1995. It was also found that the global frictional torque is mainly determined by the wind systems in the mid and low latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere (SH), where large changes in frictional torque occurred during the study period. Westerly wind increased continuously in the midlatitudes after 1948, while easterly wind decreased in the tropics of the SH after the 1980s.  相似文献   
There is a lack of simple ways to predict the vegetation responses to the East Asian Monsoon(EAM) variability in China due to the complexity of the monsoon system. In this study, we found the variation of the Western Pacific Subtropical High(WPSH), which is one of the major components of the EAM, has a profound influence on the vegetation growth in China. When the WPSH is located more to the west of its climate average, the eastern and northwestern parts experience increased yearly-averaged normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and gross primary productivity(GPP) by 0.3%–2.2%, and 0.2%–2.2%, respectively. In contrast, when the WPSH is located more to the east of its climate average, the above areas experience decreased yearly-averaged NDVI and GPP by 0.4% to 1.6%, and 1.3% to 4.5%, respectively. The WPSH serves as a major circulation index to predict the response of vegetation to monsoon.  相似文献   
东亚夏季风可显著影响中国季风区气候变化,但是季风区植被净初级生产力(NPP)对夏季风气候变化的响应机理尚不明确。利用大气—植被相互作用模型(AVIM2)模拟了中国季风区植被NPP,分析了其与夏季风指数的相关关系,探讨了其对夏季风变化的响应机理。研究发现,我国南、北方植被对夏季风强度变化的响应方式和机理并不相同。强夏季风年北方植被NPP增加,而南方植被NPP减少。东亚夏季风对中国华北平原植被生长季NPP的作用主要是通过影响该地降水量实现的;京、津、冀地区植被NPP受东亚夏季风带来的气温和降水量变化的叠加影响,因而成为北方对夏季风变化最敏感的区域。东亚夏季风对我国南方江苏、安徽、湖南、湖北、江西植被NPP的作用是通过影响太阳辐射实现的,强夏季风导致太阳辐射减弱,从而使各省植被NPP减少。南方沿海的浙江和福建,强季风年带来的弱太阳辐射和低温是该地植被NPP减少的原因。广东、台湾植被NPP则主要受强夏季风带来的低温影响。  相似文献   
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