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本文选取榆林市横山区柳树峁剖面,对其第3层黄土(L3)、第3层古土壤(S3)层位粒度数据进行分布特征分析和参数化端元分析,以此探讨沉积动力及其所代表的环境特征。结果表明:柳树峁剖面L3、S3层位粒度组成以粗粉砂(42.65%)和极细砂(32.40%)为主,中值粒径为47.11μm。剖面L3、S3层粒度数据可分为4个端元:EM1组分(众数粒径7.42μm)为大气中长期存在的、经过远距离携带搬运的细粒组分,EM2(众数粒径43.66μm)和EM3(众数粒径76.43μm)组分是由冬季风或沙尘暴所携带的近源组分,EM4(众数粒径161.20μm)组分为风成沙,物源来自于北部的毛乌素沙地,该组分含量变化可作为指示强冬季风或强沙暴的替代性指标。柳树峁剖面记录了L3黄土沉积时期存在1个极冷期、2个冷期和1个较暖期,S3古土壤发育时期存在2个暖期和1个冷期。同时,剖面也记录了L3、S3  相似文献   
The Hengshan area in Shaanxi Province is located at the transitional junction of the Loess Plateau and the Mu Us sandy land in China. It is sensitive to environmental changes and has formed a unique paleoaeolian sand loess paleosol sequence. In this study, the L3 and S3 loess paleosol strata of the Liushumao section in Hengshan were selected for the analysis of the element content and related geochemical parameters in soil samples, to systematically explain the chemical weathering intensity and environmental evolution information recorded by the element geochemical index parameters during the L3 loess accumulation and S3 paleosol development in the Hengshan area. The results show that the major elements in the Liushumao section are mainly SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO. There are differences in the content of major elements in loess layers (L3-1, L3-2), paleosol layers (S3-1, S3-2), and aeolian sand layers (L3F, S3F). The contents of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 are the highest in the paleosol layer of the section, the content of CaO is the highest in the loess layer, and the content of Na2O is the highest in the aeolian sand layer. The CIA and Na/K values of the section samples reveal that the loess-paleosol layer are in the stage of primary chemical weathering, and the aeolian sand layer has not entered the stage of chemical weathering. The high values of CIA, Rb/Sr ratio, and magnetic susceptibility in the Liushumao section indicate the strengthening of weathering and pedogenesis, the relatively warm and humid climate in this period, the increasingly strong summer monsoon, and the fixed contraction of the Mu Us sandy land. The high values of the ratio of silicon and aluminium (Sa) and > 63 μm particle content indicate the occurrence of strong winter monsoon, which led to the activation and expansion of the sandy land under the effect of dry and cold climate. One extremely cold period, two cold periods, and a relatively warm period occurred in the L3 loess accumulation period, while two warm periods and one cold period occurred in the S3 paleosol development period. The change of element geochemical indicators in the Liushumao section revealed that the climate change in the Hengshan area was mainly affected by the change of strength of the East Asian winter and summer monsoon, which is generally consistent with other climate change records in North China. The study results provide more evidence for exploring the climate and environmental changes in the transitional area of the Loess Plateau and Mu Us sandy land in China. © 2023, Editorial office of PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
从历史文献中提取了唐代289 a间(公元618—907年)陕南地区的水旱灾害记录,使用灾害等级法和湿润指数法研究其洪涝灾害特征和干湿变化特点。结果表明:在时间上,洪涝灾害的发生可分为三个阶段,公元618—687年为少发期,688—847年为多发期,848—907年为少发期,在公元788—797年、808—817年发生了2次湿润气候事件;干湿变化具有明显的突变性和周期性,在公元748年前后发生由湿润向干旱的突变,指示气候发生了突变;湿润指数变化存在25~27 a、62~67 a的周期振荡,其中62~67 a为主变化周期。在空间上,商洛、汉中地区洪涝灾害次数较多,占水灾总次数的74.5%;唐代陕南地区洪涝灾害与干湿变化过程与同时期中国气候总体变化大致相同,其变化是对北半球气候变化的响应。  相似文献   
为揭示西安地区全新世环境变化及其对人类活动的影响,论文运用土层元素含量、CaCO3含量和磁化率等指标研究了白鹿塬全新世各土层发育时的环境变化。结果表明:该区的中全新世古土壤受到中等程度的化学风化,尚未达到脱钾阶段,土壤类型为亚热带黄棕壤。该层古土壤发育时的年均温度约为16 ℃,年均降水量约为920 mm。中全新世夏季风活动占主导地位,夏季风带来的降水量约为570 mm。晚全新世黄土受到低等程度的化学风化,具有碱性褐色土的特点,发育时的年均温度为11~13 ℃,年均降水量为600~700 mm。晚全新世夏季风活动与冬季风相近,夏季风带来的降水量在350 mm左右。在中全新世晚期的6000~5000 a BP之间,发生了气候变冷干的事件,在冷干事件期间土壤侵蚀强烈,当时堆积的黄土在广大地区受到侵蚀消失,仅在少数剖面存留。晚全新世黄土发育时的沙尘暴堆积率至少是中全新世古土壤发育时的2.3倍。中全新世气候温暖湿润,导致古土壤粘化强、持水性较好、含水量充足,非常利于当时温带作物和部分亚热带作物发展与农业生产,这是当时人类活动较强和村落分布较广的主要原因。晚全新世黄土也具有优良土壤的特性,当时降水量和土壤水分含量基本能够满足温带旱地农业生产的需要,这是晚全新世关中平原人类活动逐渐增强的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
通过对毛乌素沙地东南缘的榆林横山柳树峁剖面L3、S3黄土-古土壤地层等间距采集的229个样品进行色度分析,并通过与碳酸钙和全氧化铁(TFe2O3)含量的对比研究,以期揭示毛乌素沙地东南缘地区L3、S3黄土-古土壤的色度特征及其与气候变化的关系。结果表明:(1)亮度L*和色调角h*的峰值出现在风沙层(L3F、S3F),红度a*、黄度b*和饱和度C*的峰值出现在古土壤层(S3-1、S3-2),黄土层(L3-1、L3-2)的各色度参数介于风沙层与古土壤层两者之间。(2)亮度L*受红度a*和黄度b*的影响较大,而受碳酸钙含量影响微弱。红度a*和黄度b*表现出一致...  相似文献   
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