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INTRODUCTIONTheSCSisthelargestmarginseainthewestoftheNorthPacificOcean .Theprevailingwindinwinterisnortheast,whileinsummeritissouthwest .Itisstilluncertainthathowthecirculationandtemperature -salinityfieldassociatewiththemonsoonforcingandaccompanywithseveralkindsofvariationsbeforeorafterthesummermonsoonburst .DuringSECMEXin 1 998,twointensiveobservationperiods (IOP)havebeencarriedoutntheSCS (Fig 1 ) :IOP1 ,from 1 0Aprilto 5May ;IOP2 ,from 1 2JunetoJuly 6 ,inordertounderstandthe…  相似文献   
For 15 years since the beginning of China Argo project, China has deployed over 350 profiling floats in Pacific and Indian ocean, and constructed China Argo ocean observing network. Moreover, we have setup the Argo data receiving, processing and distributing system, and developed various Argo data products using Argo observations, which has promoted the progress of ocean data sharing in China. The abundant Argo data have become a main data source in oceanic and atmospheric basic researches and operational applications. A batch of important achievements in basic research and operational application have been brought, e.g. in aspects of tropical cyclone (typhoon), ocean circulation, meso-scale eddy, turbulence, heat/salt storage and transport and water mass, as well as in ocean, atmosphere/climate operational forecasting and predicting. With the extension of the international Argo program from “Core Argo” to “Global Argo”, we are faced with great challenges in the long-term maintaining and sustained developing of our Argo ocean observing network. It is suggested that we should take the opportunity to construct China regional Argo ocean observing network as soon as possible in adjacent northwestern Pacific and Indian ocean using Chinese BeiDou profiling floats, which will make us to take responsibility and obligation of a big country for addressing global climate changes and preventing natural disasters.  相似文献   
应用Argo资料分析西北太平洋冬、夏季水团   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用Argo剖面浮标观测的温、盐度资料,分析了西北太平洋海域冬、夏季的温、盐度分布、水团结构及其分布。首先采用T-S点聚图法分析了该海域水团分布的基本情况,由点聚分析结果可知,该海域至少存在6种以上水团;再用模糊聚类软化法对水团作进一步划分,分别计算了该海域6至11类水团的F和△F值,结果表明,冬、夏季的△F值都以划分为8类时为最大,这与大洋水团的稳定性是一致的,因此,该海域冬、夏季水团以划分为8类最佳,它们分别是北太平洋热带表层水、北太平洋次表层水、北太平洋中层水、北太平洋副热带模态水、北太平洋深层水和赤道表层水,以及南太平洋次表层水和南太平洋中层水。  相似文献   
本文将TMI(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)Microwave Imager)和AMSR-E(Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System)卫星观测的全球海表温度与Argo浮标观测的近海表温度进行了比较。并检验了影响海温变化的因素,包括风速、水汽含量、液态云和地理位置。结果显示,TMI、AMSR-E海表温度与Argo近海表温度均明显相关。在低风速时,TMI、AMSR-E海表温度整体比Argo近海表温度高。在低风速时,TMI比AMSR-E海表温度更接近Argo近海表温度,但TMI海表温度在高纬可能没有经过良好校正。温度差异显示,在低水汽含量时,TMI和AMSR-E海表温度显示出暖的差异,代表TMI和AMSR-E海表温度在高纬均没有经过良好校正。黑潮延伸区的海表温度变化要比海潮区明显。春季在黑潮延伸区,卫星观测的海表温度与Argo近海表温度差异较小。在低风速时,TMI和AMSR-E海表温度均经过了良好校正,而TMI比AMSR-E效果更好。  相似文献   
Profiles observed by Sea-Wing underwater gliders are widely applied in scientific research. However, the quality control(QC) of these data has received little attention. The mismatch between the temperature probe and conductivity cell response times generates erroneous salinities, especially across a strong thermocline. A sensor drift may occur owing to biofouling and biocide leakage into the conductivity cell when a glider has operated for several months. It is therefore critical to design a mature real-time QC procedure and develop a toolbox for the QC of Sea-Wing glider data. On the basis of temperature and salinity profiles observed by several Sea-Wing gliders each installed with a Sea-Bird Glider Payload CTD sensor, a real-time QC method including a thermal lag correction, Argo-equivalent real-time QC tests, and a simple post-processing procedure is proposed. The method can also be adopted for Petrel gliders.  相似文献   
本文研究Ti(Ⅳ)-氨三乙酸(NTA)-对氯苯基荧光酮(p-ClPF)-CTMAB四元配合物的显色条件。结果表明,在pH5.8—6.6形成了摩尔比为Ti(Ⅳ):NTA:p-ClPF:CTMAB=1:1:3:3的四元配合物,借此反应测定钛,灵敏度高,其ε_(573nm)=2.1×10~5L·mol~(-1)·cm~(-1)。Ti(Ⅳ)浓度在0—1.4μg/10ml范围服从比耳定律。已用本法直接测定了岩矿和铝合金中的Ti,结果满意。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONRecentyears’studyhasprimarilyshownthattheSCShasanimportantinfluenceonthemonsooncurrentsandonthefloodactivitiesoccurredintheregionofChina (Sunetal .,1 999,Dingetal.,1 999) .ThemonsoononsetinevitablycausestheadjustmentoftheSCScircula tion ,andinturn ,th…  相似文献   
北斗剖面浮标数据服务系统主要由北斗剖面浮标数据自动接收/监视子系统和北斗剖面浮标数据解码、处理及分发共享子系统组成,具备自动、批量、业务化接收国产北斗剖面浮标数据,以及业务化处理和分发浮标数据的能力,为我国主导建设南海或“21 世纪海上丝绸之路”Argo 区域海洋观测网提供了关键技术保障。催生的中国北斗剖面浮标数据服务中心,也为北斗剖面浮标走出国门、参与国际竞争奠定了坚实基础,成为世界上 3 个有能力为全球 Argo 实时海洋观测网提供剖面浮标观测数据服务的国家平台之一。  相似文献   
Several characteristics of water exchange in the Luzon Strait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1IntroductionTheLuzonChannelissituatedonthewest-ernsideofthenorthernPacificandbetweenTaiwanandLuzonIslands.ItisthemainpassageofthePacificwaterenteringtheSCS.Therearenumerousdifferent-sizedislandsformingmanynarrowwaterpassagesinthischannel,sotheLuzonChannelisthegeneralnameofthesepas-sages(includingBabuyan,BalintangandBashiChannels,etc.).Customarily,theLuzonStraitiscalledtheBashiChannel.Itswidthis386kmandhasameandepthof1400m. Toagreatextent,thehydro-meteorologi-calconditionso…  相似文献   
Understanding of the temporal variation of oceanic heat content(OHC) is of fundamental importance to the prediction of climate change and associated global meteorological phenomena. However, OHC characteristics in the Pacific and Indian oceans are not well understood. Based on in situ ocean temperature and salinity profiles mainly from the Argo program, we estimated the upper layer(0–750 m) OHC in the Indo-Pacific Ocean(40°S–40°N, 30°E–80°W). Spatial and temporal variability of OHC and its likely physical mechanisms are also analyzed. Climatic distributions of upper-layer OHC in the Indian and Pacific oceans have a similar saddle pattern in the subtropics, and the highest OHC value was in the northern Arabian Sea. However, OHC variabilities in the two oceans were different. OHC in the Pacific has an east-west see-saw pattern, which does not appear in the Indian Ocean. In the Indian Ocean, the largest change was around 10°S. The most interesting phenomenon is that, there was a long-term shift of OHC in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during 2001–2012. Such variation coincided with modulation of subsurface temperature/salinity. During 2001–2007, there was subsurface cooling(freshening)nearly the entire upper 400 m layer in the western Pacific and warming(salting) in the eastern Pacific. During2008–2012, the thermocline deepened in the western Pacific but shoaled in the east. In the Indian Ocean, there was only cooling(upper 150 m only) and freshening(almost the entire upper 400 m) during 2001–2007. The thermocline deepened during 2008–2012 in the Indian Ocean. Such change appeared from the equator to off the equator and even to the subtropics(about 20°N/S) in the two oceans. This long-term change of subsurface temperature/salinity may have been caused by change of the wind field over the two oceans during 2001–2012, in turn modifying OHC.  相似文献   
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