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浮游植物群的组成是沿海水域状况的极好指标。本研究的目的是探索阿尔及利亚沿海不同地区(东部、中部和西部)浅海沿岸地区浮游植物的空间变异性。浮游植物种群的定性和定量研究是在2012–2013年期间研究船GRINE BELKACEM在该区域采集样本的基础上进行的。定性研究的结果显示硅藻和甲藻具有显著的多样性,在总菌群中分别排名第一和第二(Fr50%)。这一发现也得到了2012年和2013年样本的丰度值的定量证实,这些丰度值大大超过了西部大多数地区的平均值(56%),并且在所有中心地区略高于52%,这代表了硅藻和甲藻两者之间的均衡分布。甲藻对东部地区的数量丰富度(60%)有显著贡献。在东部地区Dia/Dino指数所记录到的最小值也证实了甲藻在该区域的主导地位,特别是在Skikda(0.31)地区更是如此。本文的研究结果还揭示了其他群体(如cocolithophoridae和euglenophyceae)存在的比例较小。  相似文献   
Transhumant pastoralism is an important activity in southern Morocco. Migration pattern of transhumant pastoralists can be affected by physical factors (e.g. droughts and diseases) or socioeconomic factors (e.g. schooling options for children and migration costs). We studied the spatio-temporal rangeland usage of the three tribes Ait Mgoun, Ait Zekri, and Ait Toumert in the south-central Atlas region with a two-fold approach. First, we tracked the migration movements of one representative transhumant herd using the Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite (ARGOS) collars, which record coordinates from satellite signals. Second, we interviewed herders to obtain information about general grazing practices of the respective tribe and to gain more direct information on motivations underlying decisions. For each tribe we observed small-, medium- and large-scale movements. We found that the most important drivers of migration decisions were seasonal fodder availability and weather conditions in combination with herd-specific risk and cost assessment, as well as personal factors. In conclusion, general migration patterns vary in time, both between and within the tribes, but according to a regulatory framework. Moreover, it appears that both the customary rules and its flexible adaptation to physical constraints are generally beneficial in terms of conservation of the arid and semiarid rangeland resources.  相似文献   
The Tin Zebane dyke swarm was emplaced at the end of the Pan-African orogeny along a mega-shear zone separating two contrasting terranes of the Tuareg shield. It is located along the western boundary of the Archaean In Ouzzal rigid terrane, but inside the adjacent Tassendjanet terrane, strongly remobilized at the end of the Precambrian. The Tin Zebane swarm was emplaced during post-collisional sinistral movements along the shear zone at 592.2±5.8 Ma (19WR Rb–Sr isochron). It is a dyke-on-dyke system consisting of dykes and stocks of gabbros and dykes of metaluminous and peralkaline granites. All rock types have Sr and Nd isotopic initial ratios (Sri=0.7028 and Nd=+6.2) typical of a depleted mantle source, similar to the prevalent mantle (PREMA) at that period. No crustal contamination occurred in the genesis of the Tin Zebane swarm. Even the samples showing evidence of fluid interaction (essentially alkali mobility) have the same isotopic signature. The peralkaline granites have peculiar geochemical characteristics that mimic subduction-related granites: this geochemical signature is interpreted in terms of extensive differentiation effects due to late cumulates comprising aegirine, zircon, titanite, allanite and possibly fergusonite, separated from the liquid in the swarm itself due to magmatic flow turbulence. The Tin Zebane dyke swarm is thus of paramount importance for constraining the differentiation of mantle products to generate highly evolved alkaline granites without continental crust participation, in a post-collisional setting.  相似文献   
In this paper, the lumped quasi-distributed hydrological model HEC HMS is used to simulate the rainfall–runoff process of the Mekerra watershed, located in the northwest of Algeria. The model parameters’ uncertainty and the predictive intervals were evaluated with the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) approach. According to the results, good simulations were obtained with different values of variables for many sets of parameters generated randomly by the Monte Carlo procedure, which is known as Equifinality. After the analysis, only the hydraulic conductivity at saturation parameter appears well defined, taking values within a limited range. In addition, results indicated that combinations of likelihood measures associated with multiple and different periods of observations reduce a posterior uncertainty of estimated parameters and predictive intervals in some degree. Overall, the GLUE analysis showed that there is a significant uncertainty associated with hydrological modelling of watershed Mekerra, to a great extent due to multiple sources of errors.  相似文献   
The Saghro hills constitute the northern branch of the Panafrican mobile belt in the eastern part of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas. The Precambrian terranes are predominantly composed of volcaniclastic and volcanic series witnessing a mainly explosive volcanism, intruded by diorites and granites. Their age attribution is problematic, and has been reconsidered in the present study based on structural evidence and Rb/Sr data of quartzdiorites: penetratively deformed volcano-sedimentaries intruded by these plutons aged between 754 and 722 Ma are now considered as Lower Precambrian II. The Upper PII series have been reattributed, and only formations overlying a basal conglomerate and angular disconformity are considered PIII.Main schistosities are predominantly NE-SW, cut by conjugate sets of strike-slip shear zones. In the Saghro area NW-SE compression can explain the observed structures during this main Panafrican deformation phase, while fault kinematics and dike emplacement related to late deformation events indicate rather a NE-SW compression.The explosive volcanism of the Saghro area can be related to a volcanic arc, active during the subduction- and collision-related Panafrican deformations. This arc would be located on the upper plate in respect to the northward dipping subduction zone evidenced in Bou Azzer — El Graara inlier (Saquaque et al., 1989a).
Zusammenfassung Der Saghro repräsentiert den nördlichen Zweig der panafrikanischen Kette im östlichen Teil des marokkanischen Anti-Atlas. Die präkambrischen Serien bestehen weitgehend aus vulkanischem und vulkano-detritischem Material, die Zeugnis einer vorwiegend explosiven Vulkantätigkeit sind. Diese Serien sind intrudiert von Dioriten und Graniten. Die Altersbestimmung dieser Serien ist problematisch, und ihre Einstufung ist in vorliegender Arbeit revidiert auf Grund struktureller Beobachtungen und Rb-Sr Alter der intrusiven Quarzdiorite von 754 bis 722 Ma. Damit gehören die penetrativ deformierten Serien dem unteren PII an und dem oberen PII werden die etwas deformierten Teile des ehemaligen unteren PIII zugeordnet. Nur diejenigen Formationen, die ein charkteristisches Basiskonglomerat oder eine Winkeldiskordanz überlagern, werden als PIII eingestuft.Die Hauptschieferung streicht NE-SW, und wird von einem System konjugierter Scherzonen durchschnitten. Im Saghro können alle Strukturen dieser panafrikanischen Hauptphase durch eine NW-SE gerichtete Einengung erklärt werden. Die Injektion von Gängen und die Kinematik entlang Störungen im späteren Stadium der panafrikanischen Deformation dagegen deutet auf eine NE-SW-Einengung.Der explosive Vulkanismus und die kalk-alkalinen Plutone des Saghro können durch einen Inselbogenmagmatismus im Zusammenhang mit der nordvergenten Subduktion entlang des »accident majeur« von Bou Azzer – El Graara erklärt werden (Saquaque et al., 1989). Seine Aktivität war gleichzeitig mit den die Subduktion und die Kollision begleitenden Deformationen.

Résumé Les boutonnières du Saghro constituent la branche nord de la zone panafricaine mobile dans la partie est de l'Anti-Atlas marocain. Les terrains précambriens sont essentiellement composés de séries volcano-clastiques et volcaniques témoignant d'un volcanisme à prédominance explosive, qui sont intrudées par des diorites et des granites. Leur attribution stratigraphique est problématique et fut reconsidérée comme PrécambrienII inférieur sur la base des données structurales et des datations Rb/Sr des diorites qaurtziques intrusives entre 754 et 722 Ma. En conséquence la série PII supérieur a été redéfinie, et uniquement des formations surmontant un conglomérat basai caractéristique ou une discordance angulaire sont considérés du PIII.La schistosité principale est NE-SW, recoupé par des systèmes de zones de cisaillement décrochantes conjuguées. Dans la région du Saghro, une compression NW-SE peut expliquer ces structures associées à la phase de déformation pan-africaine majeure, tandis que la cinématique des failles et l'emplacement de dykes liés aux déformations panafricaines tardives indiquent une compression NE-SW.Le volcanisme explosif du Saghro peut être lié à un arc, qui a été actif pendant les événements tectoniques liés à la subduction et la collision panafricaines. Cet arc sera localisé sur la plaque supérieure par rapport à une zone de subduction vers le nord retracée le long de l'accident majeur dans la boutonnière de Bou Azzer — El Graara (Saquaque et al., 1989).

- . . . - , . . Rb/Sr . - , 722754 . , P II, P III, , P . P III , , , . . . - . - , , , . , - , . , -, , , - — .
The hydrologic impact of climate change has been largely assessed using mostly conceptual hydrologic models. This study investigates the use of distributed hydrologic model for the assessment of the climate change impact for the Spencer Creek watershed in Southern Ontario (Canada). A coupled MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 hydrologic model is developed to represent the complex hydrologic conditions in the Spencer Creek watershed, and later to simulate climate change impact using Canadian global climate model (CGCM 3·1) simulations. Owing to the coarse resolution of GCM data (daily GCM outputs), statistical downscaling techniques are used to generate higher resolution data (daily precipitation and temperature series). The modelling results show that the coupled model captured the snow storage well and also provided good simulation of evapotranspiration (ET) and groundwater recharge. The simulated streamflows are consistent with the observed flows at different sites within the catchment. Using a conservative climate change scenario, the downscaled GCM scenarios predicted an approximately 14–17% increase in the annual mean precipitation and 2–3 °C increase in annual mean maximum and minimum temperatures for the 2050s (i.e., 2046–2065). When the downscaled GCM scenarios were used in the coupled model, the model predicted a 1–5% annual decrease in snow storage for 2050s, approximately 1–10% increase in annual ET, and a 0·5–6% decrease in the annual groundwater recharge. These results are consistent with the downscaled temperature results. For future streamflows, the coupled model indicated an approximately 10–25% increase in annual streamflows for all sites, which is consistent with the predicted changes in precipitation. Overall, it is shown that distributed hydrologic modelling can provide useful information not only about future changes in streamflow but also changes in other key hydrologic processes such as snow storage, ET, and groundwater recharge, which can be particularly important depending on the climatic region of concern. The study results indicate that the coupled MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 hydrologic model could be a particularly useful tool for understanding the integrated effect of climate change in complex catchment scale hydrology. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The phytoplankton group’s composition is an excellent indicator of the state of coastal waters. The aim of this study is to explore spatial variability of phytoplankton in shallow coastal areas from different regions (East, Center and West) of the Algerian coast. The quantitative and qualitative study of the phytoplankton population was conducted on samples taken during the 2012-2013 period by the research vessel GRINE BELKACEM. The qualitative results show a significant diversity of diatoms and dinoflagellates, which rank first and second in the total flora (Fr > 50%). This finding is also confirmed quantitatively by the abundance values in both 2013 and 2012 samples which largely exceeds the average value in most other areas of the western region (56%) and slightly exceeding 52% in all central areas which represent an equi-distribution between diatoms and dinoflagellates. The Dinoflagellates contribute significantly to the quantitative richness in the eastern region (>60%). The minimum value of Dia/Dino index, recorded in the eastern region confirms the dominance of the dinoflagellates especially in Skikda (0.31) (Skikda).However, our results reveal the presence, in smaller proportion, of other groups such as the cocolithophoridae and euglenophyceae.  相似文献   
Our interest is related to the hydrological characteristics of the Moulay Bousselham lagoon. Water samples were taken monthly from July 2001 to June 2002 in 15 stations distributed along the lagoon. The various measured hydrological parameters (temperature, salinity, suspended matter, chlorophyll a) showed significant monthly variations (p<0.001), whereas spatially among all sampled stations, only the salinity showed significant variations. The variability analysis approached by the analysis of the normalized principal components combined with discriminate analysis showed very small inter-stations variability. Its percentage is 11% and 9% of the total variance during high and low tide, respectively. To cite this article: H. Labbardi et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
Groundwater resources in semi-arid areas and especially in the Mediterranean face a growing demand for irrigated agriculture and, to a lesser extent, for domestic uses. Consequently, groundwater reserves are affected and water-table drops are widely observed. This leads to strong constraints on groundwater access for farmers, while managers worry about the future evolution of the water resources. A common problem for building proper groundwater management plans is the difficulty in assessing individual groundwater withdrawals at regional scale. Predicting future trends of these groundwater withdrawals is even more challenging. The basic question is how to assess the water budget variables and their evolution when they are deeply linked to human activities, themselves driven by countless factors (access to natural resources, public policies, market, etc.). This study provides some possible answers by focusing on the assessment of groundwater withdrawals for irrigated agriculture at three sites in North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria). Efforts were made to understand the different features that influence irrigation practices, and an adaptive user-oriented methodology was used to monitor groundwater withdrawals. For each site, different key factors affecting the regional groundwater abstraction and its past evolution were identified by involving farmers’ knowledge. Factors such as farmer access to land and groundwater or development of public infrastructures (electrical distribution network) are crucial to decode the results of well inventories and assess the regional groundwater abstraction and its future trend. This leads one to look with caution at the number of wells cited in the literature, which could be oversimplified.  相似文献   
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