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大学实践课程是培养学生创新、创业实践能力的重要环节,本文在新工科实验课程建设中,提出了以能力培养为导向的实践课程设计思路,旨在培养适应当今新技术、新产业、新模式快速变革时代的创新性工程科技人才。本文将传统的验证性实践课程调整为"目标设定、方案规划及实施"的设计型实验课程,强调学生在实践中的主体地位,遵循实践能力培养的规律,引导学生在实践中重参与、重思考、重实施、重过程。同时,将行业的最新发展、最新变革反映在实践教学课程中,增加了新型传感器及混合云人机协作数据处理平台,确保学生获取的知识和技术与快速发展的行业水平相接轨。本文以摄影测量实习课程改革为例,实践证明,课程的实施对于培养学生综合分析设计、创造性解决专业问题的能力取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
本文以表格形式列举了1993年1月至1993年12月经《国际矿物学协会(IMA)新矿物与矿物命名委员会(CNMMN)》批准并在各国矿物学杂志上发表的42个新矿物的中文英文名称、化学式及其他数据。数据依次为:矿物的晶系、空间群、晶胞参数、主要粉晶数据(I、hkl)、物理性质(晶形、颜色、条痕、光泽、解理、发光、硬度、密度等)、光学性质(一、二轴晶,正、负光性,折光率,反射率,双反射,2V,色散,吸收性,多色性等)、产状、共生矿物等。  相似文献   
传统的海洋环境数据集成与共享存在共享模式单一、数据服务效果不明显等突出问题。随着云计算等技术的出现,数据共享模式发生了巨大的变化。提出基于云计算的海洋环境数据共享体系,通过基础设施即服务(infrastructure as a service,IaaS)、数据资源即服务(data as a service,DaaS)及软件即服务(software as a service,SaaS)实现海洋环境数据共享模式的转变。在海洋环境数据云中,用户既是数据的使用者也是数据的提供者,通过数据发布与发现、数据需求发布与发现等功能,解决数据共享中“用户-数据”之间的矛盾,并激励普通海洋科研工作者贡献自己的数据,保障数据资源有效、可持续利用。以南海海域为实验区,以表层漂流浮标数据及中尺度涡旋数据为实验数据,构建了原型系统验证该方法。  相似文献   
基于坝上草原地区30个采样点表土花粉分析和植被调查的研究结果显示, 花粉组合以蒿属、藜科、禾本科、菊科和莎草科等草本植物为主, 基本能够反映草原植被特征, 但花粉百分比与其在植被中盖度差异明显。运用Extended R-Value(ERV)模型估算的坝上草原区相关花粉源范围大致为2100m, 当风速大于3.5m/s时, 基本稳定, 受风速影响不大。估算的相对花粉产量结果显示, 蒿属和藜科的相对花粉产量最高, 为禾本科的20倍左右; 其次为莎草科和菊科, 为禾本科的7~9倍; 百合科略高于禾本科; 旋花科、豆科、唇形科及委陵菜属的相对花粉产量则明显低于禾本科。利用相对花粉产量对花粉与植被关系的校正结果表明: 蒿属、藜科的校正效果明显, 其相对花粉产量可以作为定量重建古植被的参考; 莎草科、菊科、百合科和唇形科由于受植被和花粉数据梯度限制, 其相对花粉产量能否用于植被与花粉关系的校正有待通过更多植被群落调查进一步证实;其他花粉类型由于在花粉组合中含量多低于5 %, 所以在校正花粉与植被关系时的作用不明显。  相似文献   
The number concentrations in the radius range of 0.06 – 5 μm of aerosol particles and meteorological parameters were measured on board during a cruise in the South China Sea from August 25 to October 12, 2012. Effective fluxes in the reference height of 10 m were estimated by steady state dry deposition method based on the observed data, and the influences of different air masses on flux were discussed in this paper. The number size distribution was characterized by a bimodal mode, with the average total number concentration of(1.50 ± 0.76)×10~3 cm~(-3). The two mode radii were 0.099 μm and 0.886 μm, both of which were within the scope of accumulation mode. A typical daily average size distribution was compared with that measured in the Bay of Bengal. In the whole radius range, the number concentrations were in agreement with each other; the modes were more distinct in this study than that abtained in the Bay of Bengal. The size distribution of the fluxes was fitted with the sum of log-normal and power-law distribution. The impact of different air masses was mainly on flux magnitude, rather than the shape of spectral distribution. A semiempirical source function that is applicable in the radius range of 0.06 μmr_(80)0.3 μm with the wind speed varying from 1.00 m s~(-1) to 10.00 m s~(-1) was derived.  相似文献   
内蒙古艾勒格庙二长花岗岩岩体分布在锡林浩特-艾勒格庙前寒武纪微陆块的西部,利用LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石UPb法测得其形成年龄为418.5±1.1Ma,侵入时代为晚志留世末期。岩石地球化学特征显示高硅(SiO_2 74.22%~75.51%),富钾(K_2O 5.41%~5.78%),铝饱和指数A/CNK在1.17~1.21之间,属于高钾钙碱性强过铝质花岗岩类。微量元素特征为富集Rb、Th、U、Pb、K和重稀土元素(Yb 3.74×10~(-6)~9.65×10~(-6)),强烈亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等元素。该岩体形成于后碰撞构造环境,是地壳增厚后折返减压部分熔融的产物。它的存在揭示,艾勒格庙苏左旗北部造山带在晚志留世之前已经发生弧陆碰撞,之后的顶志留世—中泥盆世为后碰撞-后造山的伸展背景。  相似文献   
采用经验模式分解技术研究了从第12到第24太阳活动周黑子面积数据中的Rieger-type周期,以及它们在南北半球上的相位关系。研究发现:(1)Rieger-type周期尺度以及时间尺度在两个半球上是不一样的,从而导致了半球分布的不对称性;(2)平均Rieger-type周期在北半球上的周期长度略大于南半球上的;(3)占主导地位半球的Rieger-type周期的相位不一定是超前的,半球Rieger-type周期尺度相近的也并不一定是相关性强的。  相似文献   
根据金川超镁铁质岩体主要造岩矿物和副矿物的共生组合关系及各种矿物的化学成分特点;选用5种较成熟、使用较方便的矿物地质温度计、压力计(主要是辉石温压计和角闪石压力计),对岩体形成的温、压条件进行了估算,其结果为:成岩温度为1000~1300℃(上限可到1400~1500℃),成岩压力约为5×10 ̄8~11×10 ̄8pa。金川超镁铁质岩体的主要岩石类型为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩,这一岩石类型在复杂体系相关系图中的稳定区域大致处于5×l0 ̄8~15×10 ̄8pa的范围,这与矿物温压计估算的成岩温压条件是一致的。  相似文献   
Rare-earth elements in samples of geological interest were separated from other elements and concentrated onto ion-exchange membrane through ion-exchange procedures. The membrane was then used to determine the REE by X-ray fluorescence spectrography. In comparison with the traditional “thick-specimen” approach, the requirement of sample (REE oxides) in this method was reduced from 10 to 1 mg. Variable-internal-standard-quantification method was adopted to determine the relative concentrations of REE collected on the membrane. The area density of the sample was controlled at about 0.0003 g/cm2, so that the matrix effect could be eliminated to a satisfactory extent. Interference calibration between the spectro-lines and the background determination was also improved, with the detection limit reaching 2.5×10?6g.  相似文献   
The species of Epithemia ocellata (Ehr.) Kütz. from Northeastern China were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The studies on silica valve formation in different stages were made. At the early stage, a Y-shaped raphe sternum was found. Areolae were made from virgae and vimines. In immature valves, the canal formation before the raphe fissure is visible. The raphe system, virgae and vimines (areolae) might be the early siliceous elements of the valve during morphogenesis. The formations of virgae and vimines are similar to that of Gephyria media W. Arnott. Rows of silica papillae formed gradually on the face of the valve. After the areolae were covered with silica and form rows of papillae, the outer valve surface could become mature. Details of the internal costae were observed in mature valves.  相似文献   
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