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Over the last two decades, China has introduced a series of agricultural and forestland use reforms, aiming to feed the largest population in the world and maintain ecological services locally and nationally. This paper studies the impacts of local government-driven reforestation on land use and land cover change, as well as its further impacts on livelihoods of upland farmers in Xizhuang watershed. An analysis of aerial photographs and ASTER satellite imagery from 1987 to 2002, respectively, showed that the forest has significantly increased at the expense of decreasing farmland. However, the monoculture reforestation of pine has caused both biophysical and socio-economic consequences. This case study also shows forestry decentralization in China remains incomplete. Land use and land cover change is also a political economic issue. Some of the reforms designed to protect forest resources have had a negative impact on rural livelihoods.  相似文献   
总结陕西省煤田地质局物探测量队在毛乌素沙漠开展地震勘探攻关的三个阶段及各阶段取得的成果,认为该区虽然表浅层地震地质条件复杂,地震勘探难度较大,但勘探精度基本上可以达到解释5m断层的的精度。并以国家重大产业技术开发专项的依托工程,内蒙古鄂托克前旗新上海庙地区SZT井田三维地震勘探为例,对地震激发、接收技术进行改进,并采取精细静校、地表一致性振幅补偿等处理手段,结合多参数信息,进行资料精细解释。成果表明:依托工程野外原始资料甲级率达到70%以上,获得的三维数据体信噪比高,构造及煤层解释成果可靠、准确。  相似文献   
不同供氧方式对水库底泥氮磷释放的影响   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
采用实验室模拟试验,研究了三种供氧方式——曝气、投加过氧化氢和投加过氧化钙对水库底泥氮磷释放的影响.研究结果表明:(1)溶解氧是控制底泥氮磷释放的重要因素,厌氧条件能加速底泥释放磷和氨氮;(2)曝气、投加过氧化氢和投加过氧化钙均能显著提高底部水体的溶氧水平,并能有效抑制底泥氮磷的释放.三种供氧方式对底泥释磷的控制效率依次为:投加CaO2>曝气>投加H2O2;对氨氮释放的控制效率则为:曝气>投加CaO2>投加H2O2.  相似文献   
张辉  徐九华  成曦晖 《地质通报》2015,34(6):1011-1025
美国阿拉斯加红狗(Red Dog)铅锌矿床为典型的喷流沉积型(SEDEX)或页岩容矿矿床,拥有世界上最丰富的锌储量。矿床赋存于石炭纪库纳组中。该地层由黑色富有机质的硅质泥岩和页岩组成,局部有大量的碳酸盐浊积岩。根据闪锌矿结构和成分变化,矿化可分为4个阶段:早期褐色闪锌矿阶段、黄褐色闪锌矿阶段、红褐色闪锌矿阶段和晚期棕褐色闪锌矿阶段,其中第2和第3阶段为主矿化阶段。成矿年代学及古地磁研究表明,矿化作用与库纳组沉积作用同时发生,且存在中生代热液叠加。矿床形成经历了4个沉积-热液成矿过程:未固结泥中重晶石和硫化物沉积、重晶石的热液重结晶和硫化物沉淀、重晶石和硫化物脉的形成并交代早期重晶石,以及晚期角砾岩-细粒石英和晚期棕褐色闪锌矿的形成。  相似文献   
本文详细介绍了笔者所建议的运用模糊图理论和方法进行城市输水管网的地震可靠性分析途径和计算程序。对于输水管网中每段管道的震害预测,建立了相应的专家系统。在此基础上,定义了管网系统的模糊可靠性,更好地反映了人们对于管道损坏状态估计的模糊性和对可靠性要求上的模糊性。以模糊矩阵来描述输水管网的状态是十分方便的。通过计算模糊矩阵的传递闭包,极易找出最短路、关键段等。由于地震作用和管道抗震能力都是随机的,因此整个管网系统的可靠性分析是藉助Monle Carlo法进行的。以Monle Carlo法对模糊图进行分析,从而得到管网的地震可靠性,这还是首次。用PASCAL和PROLOG编制了在微机上实用的计算机程序,特别是以智能语言PROLOG编制的程序,更有许多特色。由于采用了一些技巧,使在微机上可以分析相当大的系统,为城市抗震防灾工作提供了一个有力的工具。  相似文献   
气候变化和人类活动对中国地表水文过程影响定量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘剑宇  张强  陈喜  顾西辉 《地理学报》2016,71(11):1875-1885
利用中国372个水文站月径流数据(1960-2000年)及41个水文站年径流数据(2001-2014年),采用基于Budyko假设的水热耦合平衡方程,构建气候变化和人类活动对径流变化影响定量评估模型,在Penman-Monteith潜在蒸发分析基础上,进一步分析气象因子对径流变化的弹性系数,量化气候变化和人类活动对径流变化的影响。结果表明:① 中国北方地区流域径流变化对各气象因子弹性系数明显大于中国南方地区。就全国而言,径流变化对各因子的弹性系数为:降水>土地利用/土地覆盖变化(LUCC)>相对湿度>太阳辐射>最高气温>风速>最低气温;② 1980-2000年,气候变化总体上有利于增加中国年径流量,而降水对年径流量增加的贡献最为显著;③ 1980-2000年,中国南方流域中,气候变化对年径流变化的影响以增加作用为主,而北方流域,以减少年径流作用为主。对中国大多数流域径流变化而言,人类活动的影响主要以减少年径流量为主。2001-2014年,气候变化以减少径流量为主,人类活动对径流变化的影响程度明显增强,气候变化与人类活动对径流变化的贡献率分别为53.5%、46.5%。该研究对气候变化与人类活动影响下,中国水资源规划管理、防灾减灾及保障水资源安全具有重要理论与现实意义。  相似文献   
The Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit is located about 200 km northwest of Hami City, the Eastern Tianshan orogenic belt, Xinjiang, northwestern China, and is a quartz vein‐type tungsten deposit. Combined fluid inclusion microthermometry, host rock geochemistry, and H–O isotopic compositions are used to constrain the ore genesis and tectonic setting of the Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit. The orebodies occur in granite intrusions adjacent to the metamorphic crystal tuff, which consists of the second lithological section of the first Sub‐Formation of the Dananhu Formation (D2d 12). Biotite granite is the most widely distributed intrusive bodies in the Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit. Altered diorite and metamorphic crystal tuff are the main surrounding rocks. The granite belongs to peraluminous A‐type granite with high potassic calc‐alkaline series, and all rocks show light Rare Earth Element (REE)‐enriched patterns. The trace element characters suggest that crystallization differentiation might even occur in the diagenetic process. The granite belongs to postcollisional extension granite, and the rocks formed in an extensional tectonic environment, which might result from magma activity in such an extensional tectonic environment. Tungsten‐bearing quartz veins are divided into gray quartz vein and white quartz veins. Based on petrography observation, fluid inclusions in both kinds of vein quartz are mainly aqueous inclusions. Microthermometry shows that gray quartz veins have 143–354°C of Th, and white quartz veins have 154–312°C of Th. The laser‐Raman test shows that CO2 is found in fluid inclusions of the tungsten‐bearing quartz veins. Quadrupole mass spectrometry reveals that fluid inclusions contain major vapor‐phase contents of CO2, H2O. Meanwhile, fluid inclusions contain major liquid‐phase contents of Cl?, Na+. It can be speculated that the ore‐forming fluid of the Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit is characterized by an H2O–CO2, low salinity, and H2O–CO2–NaCl system. The range of hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions indicated that the ore‐forming fluids of the tungsten deposit were mainly magmatic water. The ore‐forming age of the Xiaojiashan deposit should to be ~227 Ma. During the ore‐forming process, the magmatic water had separated from magmatic intrusions, and the ore‐bearing complex was taken to a portion where tungsten‐bearing ores could be mineralized. The magmatic fluid was mixed by meteoric water in the late stage.  相似文献   
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