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内蒙古西辽河流域特种玉米品种特性及气候区划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于玉米本身的特性和用途的不同,将玉米分为高油型玉米、高淀粉型玉米、高赖氨酸型玉米和甜玉米四大类型.根据每种玉米品种对气候条件、土壤类型、地形特征等的不同需求,以通辽地区作为内蒙古东部西辽河流域玉米主产区的示范区,提出了特种玉米的区划指标,并利用GIS技术进行适宜种植区域划分.内蒙古通辽地区大部分农区适宜种植特种玉米,最适宜区、适宜区基本上均位于通辽南部和中部农业区.  相似文献   
Fluorine is in the dynamic balance of two geochemical processes, enrichment and leaching, reflecting the adsorption and desorption of fluoride by clay minerals, respectively. The two geochemical processes of fluorine in soil are influenced by factors including geochemical characteristics of soil and clay minerals, pH and sanity of soil solutions, climate, grazing and agriculture activities. Main factors controlling enrichment and leaching process of fluorine in soil can be found with interaction consideration.  相似文献   
基于中尺度数值模式WRF,选取新疆两次强降水过程,设计3个试验方案,其中试验1为控制试验,试验2提高分辨率,试验3提高分辨率并调整物理参数化方案,初步评估不同分辨率和参数化方案对新疆区域2m温度、10m风速、降水预报的影响。结果表明:(1)提高分辨率对2m温度、10m风速模拟精度均有提高,2m温度预报精度提高约0.5℃,降低了日间温度模拟冷偏差;10m风速预报精度提高约0.5m/s,降低了风速模拟正偏差;但提高分辨率后,模式出现虚假降水预报的情况。(2)提高分辨率并调整物理参数化方案后,2m温度模拟误差略有减小,模拟偏差减小约0.2℃;10m风速模拟误差增大约0.5m/s,模拟偏差增大超过0.5m/s;对降水落区、量级的模拟精度显著提高,减小了降水中心的模拟强度,对虚假降水预报有一定修正。  相似文献   
The potential role of tropical Pacific forcing in driving the seasonal variability of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) is explored using both observational data and a simple general circulation model (SGCM). A lead–lag regression technique is first applied to the monthly averaged sea surface temperature (SST) and the AO index. The AO maximum is found to be related to a negative SST anomaly over the tropical Pacific three months earlier. A singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis is then performed on the tropical Pacific SST and the sea level pressure (SLP) over the Northern Hemisphere. An AO-like atmospheric pattern and its associated SST appear as the second pair of SVD modes. Ensemble integrations are carried out with the SGCM to test the atmospheric response to different tropical Pacific forcings. The atmospheric response to the linear fit of the model’s empirical forcing associated with the SST variability in the second SVD modes strongly projects onto the AO. Idealized thermal forcings are then designed based on the regression of the seasonally averaged tropical Pacific precipitation against the AO index. Results indicate that forcing anomalies over the western tropical Pacific are more effective in generating an AO-like response while those over the eastern tropical Pacific tend to produce a Pacific-North American (PNA)-like response. The physical mechanisms responsible for the energy transport from the tropical Pacific to the extratropical North Atlantic are investigated using wave activity flux and vorticity forcing formalisms. The energy from the western tropical Pacific forcing tends to propagate zonally to the North Atlantic because of the jet stream waveguide effect while the transport of the energy from the eastern tropical Pacific forcing mostly concentrates over the PNA area. The linearized SGCM results show that nonlinear processes are involved in the generation of the forced AO-like pattern.  相似文献   
利用天气预报业务中的多种预报产品资料,对2008年9月21日呼和浩特地区秋季一次降水过程进行了分析,结果表明:(1)太平洋副高西伸,地面西南倒槽是本次降水形成的主要影响系统。(2)700hPa西南低空急流的形成与地面倒槽东移北上共同为降水提供了暖湿能量,对降水的形成发展起了重要作用。(3)在降水过程中,大气的高层辐散、低层辐合以及较强的垂直上升运动使降水加强。  相似文献   
利用呼和浩特市南郊1961-2008年夏季降水资料与海温、亚洲季风、西太平洋副热带高压和东亚阻塞高压等因子进行相关分析,结果表明:这些因子的异常变化,可以作为呼和浩特市南郊夏季降水的预测信号。  相似文献   
Baseflow, a component of the total streamflow, plays a key role in maintaining aquatic habitats, particularly during extreme drought events. This study investigated baseflow response to a prolonged and extreme meteorological drought event in the Baiyangdian Basin(BYD basin), a temperate water-limited basin in North China. Applying a precipitation series, piecewise regression was used to determine this extreme meteorological drought event, while the Automatic Baseflow Identification Technique(ABI...  相似文献   
以厦门岛东南部海滩为例,基于10条剖面连续6年野外实测地形数据,利用经验正交函数分析方法(EOF)提取海滩变化的主要模态,分析海滩中长期蚀淤变化特征及其控制因素。EOF提取方差总占比超过90%的前三种模态反映研究区海滩时空演变特征:沙源条件对海滩蚀淤过程起主导作用为第一模态,受上游沙源条件及沿岸输沙方向影响,海滩剖面在纵向上存在差异性,研究区北侧剖面持续淤积,南侧剖面则呈现侵蚀状态;第二模态为波浪季节性变化导致海滩滩肩在冬季变窄和夏季变宽之间旋回;人类活动影响滩面形态变化为第三模态,人类活动对岸滩形态及其变化产生一定影响,其中人工构筑物对研究区海滩影响较大。从多年海滩变化来看,沙源条件控制海滩响应差异性,沉积物供给充足的海滩形态变化幅度及系统可调节范围比沉积物匮乏海滩大,泥沙供给贫乏的海滩地形变化幅度虽小,其系统缓冲能力及自适应能力却弱。  相似文献   
认识青藏高原东部现代表土的色度特征及其空间分布,理解其与现代气候因子之间的联系,对于高原地区黄土-古环境重建和揭示第四纪环境变化历史具有重要意义。通过对研究区表层土壤色度的详细分析,对比现代气候资料,探讨了青藏高原东部表层土壤色度的空间变化特征及其环境意义。结果表明:① 高原东部表土色度参数空间变化特征差异显著,表现为随纬度升高,土壤亮度呈先减小后增大的趋势,而红度和黄度则逐步减小;随经度的升高,黄度先增大后减小,而红度值逐步减小;红度和黄度整体随着海拔上升而呈先减小后升高的特征。这些变化特征和差异是表土色度对高原东部复杂地理环境和水热条件变化响应的结果。② 在高原的干旱-半湿润区,土壤亮度对降水的响应敏感;红度和黄度对大尺度的温度变化响应较敏感,而较冷的环境下,红度对温度响应复杂,但与降水存在一定的联系。红度/黄度比值主要指示了气候控制下的赤铁矿和针铁矿的变化和竞争,对干旱-半湿润区域的降水变化响应较为敏感。青藏高原东部现代表土色度与气候密切相关,其空间变化特征一定程度上反映了该地区现代气候因子的空间变化;另一方面由于该区地形和气候复杂多变,部分色度指标与气候关系复杂,在重建青藏高原东部黄土古环境变化历史时需要谨慎。  相似文献   
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