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本文继续报道我国西沙群岛海产色球藻目 Chroococcales 的十种蓝藻,隶于三科六属,有八种是我国海产蓝藻的新记录,它们是:铜锈微囊藻 Microcystis aeruginosa Kuetzing,小形色球藻 Chroococcus minor ( Kuetzing) Naegeli,湖沼色球藻盐泽变种 C. limneticus Lemm.var. subsalsus Lemm,易变色球藻 C.varius A.Braun,膜状色球藻C. membraninus ( Meneghini) Naegeli,圆胞束球藻 Gomphasphaeria aponina Kuetzing,附钙管鞘藻 Hormathonema epilithicum Ercegovic 和透明拟丝藻 Johannesbaptistia pellucida ( Dickie) Taylor at Drouet。其中透明拟丝藻形态特征独特,这对于蓝藻类的研究,特别是研究从色球藻目进化到丝状蓝藻类的系统演化具有重要价值,早已为藻类学家们所重视。该种也是我国海产蓝藻属的新记录。 迄今为止,藻类学家们一致认为色球藻目是蓝藻门 Cyanophyta 中最原始、最低级的类群,其植物体最简单,大都是单细胞或简单的群体,而且都十分微小,常被肥厚的胶质鞘所包埋,这就使该目蓝藻能适应复杂的自然环境。所以,在地质学和古生物学的研究中它已引起许多学者的注意。有关该目海产种类的分类研究,我国仅有少数报道,这方面的工作还有待深入。  相似文献   
秦松  王希华  童顺  曾呈奎 《海洋与湖沼》1995,26(S1):126-129
于1993年1月 - 1993年4月,为了制备遗传性纯一的基因工程受体,用酶法从海带雌配子体单性生殖系分离雌性单倍体原生质体。从皱纹盘鲍消化腺及消化器官提取出鲍酶,在25°C下、1%(WV)的鲍酶与2%(WV)的纤维素酶(Onozuka R-10)合用能有效解离单细胞和原生质体。海带雌性原生质体经2d培养再生了细胞壁。  相似文献   
根据1992年6月-1994年6月国内外发表资料,评述海洋藻类活性物质研究的生物技术及最新成果。认为,海洋生物活性物质研究的重心正转向与海洋生物技术有关的研究。运用生物技术筛选、提取并生产藻类活性物质已经成为这一领域的主流。综合文献表明,藻类活性物质的生物技术正走向成熟,大量的活性物质被发现,光生物反应器将成为主要的下游生产技术,通过藻类基因工程生产药物已初现端倪。  相似文献   
对中国马尾藻属,真马尾藻亚属,滑托组,丛伞托序族的种类进行系统研究。此族种类的主要特征是生殖托光滑,聚伞状排列在小校上,生殖托柄状部位都有生殖窝。多孢马尾藻是该族的非常特殊种类,它的分校和小分枝上密生刺和羽状分裂的藻叶。文中还报道了一个新种一长干马尾藻。模式标本产自广东省徐闻,还见于海丰。至今为止,丛伞托序族在中国共有两种。  相似文献   
马尾藻类是重要的经济海藻。自古以来,我国劳动人民就以马尾藻作为药材和食品;近几年来,随着医药工业的发展,马尾藻类不仅越来越广泛地用在医药上,而且成为提取褐藻胶、甘露醇、碘和氯化钾的重要工业原料之一。因此,弄清这类海藻的种类、分布和资源情况是有效地开发、利用马尾藻类海藻的前提。西沙群岛地处我国海防前哨,海洋植物资源很丰富,马尾藻类种类也较多,为了更好地开发利用西沙群岛的海藻资源,使其为祖国的社会主义建设和工、农、兵服务,中国科学院海洋研究所曾于1957年,1958年,特别是无产阶级文化大革命后的1975年,1976年前后四次对西沙群岛的海藻进行了调査,收集了大量的标本。在此基础上,我们对西沙群岛的马尾藻科海藻进行了较为系统的研究,本文仅是这项研究任务的一部分,以后将陆续整理发表。  相似文献   
1993年11月~1994年1月用简单的羟基磷灰石柱层析法从多管藻中分 离纯化了R-藻红蛋白和从钝顶螺旋藻中纯化了C-藻蓝蛋白,它们的纯度(指可见 光部分的最大吸收与 280nm处吸收值之比)可分别达到 6(R-藻红蛋白)和 5. 5(C- 藻蓝蛋白)。由于不同藻种的同种藻胆蛋白的摩尔消光系数不同,所以应用凯氏定 氮法并结合可见光的吸收值测定了上述两种藻胆蛋白的摩尔消光系数,钝顶螺旋 藻C-藻蓝蛋白为1.853 × 106mol-1cm-1(620nm),多管藻R-藻红蛋白为1.796 × 106mol-1cm-1(498nm),为藻胆蛋白的浓度测定提供了方便。  相似文献   
This study uses factorial and indicator kriging methods with a geographic information system (GIS), to overlay and delineate the variation and pollution sources of soil heavy metals in fields in the north of Changhua County, Taiwan. Accordingly, the spatial variation and pollution probability patterns of soil cadmium, chromium and copper are estimated to support further environmental monitoring, remediation and planning. The overlay maps of industrial plants, irrigation channels and kriging estimates, constitute a GIS. This reveals that the short- and long-range variations and soil pollution by Cd, Cr and Cu strongly corresponded to the locations of irrigation systems and industrial plants in the area of study. The maps also verify most locations of suspected pollution sources from the GIS database. Moreover, the probability spatial patterns estimated by indicator kriging, based on the pollution thresholds of Cd, Cr and Cu, were also highly correlated with irrigation channels and industrial plants. The GIS, with factorial and indicator kriging under different combinations of variations and pollution probabilities of soil Cd, Cr and Cu, provide alternative scenarios for delineating the areas that contain high variation and high pollution probability of these heavy metals, to enable decision makers to identify pollution sources, and to further investigate and remedy soil pollution.  相似文献   
Taiwan and China have a long history of sharing marine resources in the China Seas. However, due to political issues, the two sides have yet to formalize collaboration and interaction despite such a close geographical relationship. The lack of formal collaboration means they cannot manage fisheries or conserve resources as a team. The lack of collaboration in the regional fisheries management organizations also means a mutually beneficial situation for the two sides is yet to be achieved. Recognizing this, the two sides began negotiations in 2008 and have since signed agreements on fisheries co-operation projects. This paper discusses the unique fisheries relationship between Taiwan and China, and the characteristics of their fishing industries. The paper also presents the latest update on the collaboration between the two sides. Finally, this paper proposes practical solutions for resolving outstanding issues between the two sides’ fishing industries.  相似文献   
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