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The adsorption of cobalt ions was evaluated using sediment samples from water bodies to investigate the adsorption properties of sediment and the behavior of these natural materials in the presence of nuclear and industrial waste.The two sediments(S1 and S2)were treated to eliminate humic and fulvic acids and then they were characterized by several techniques.The minerals found in both the sediments(X-ray diffraction)were quartz and albite;plus,goethite and muscovite in S1,and kaolinite and montmorillonite in S2.Point of zero charge(PZC)of S1 and S2 was 6.00 and 5.22,respectively.The specific area of S1(63.3 m2/g)is higher than S2(1.5 m2/g).Adsorption kinetics data for S1 and S2 were best fitted to the pseudo second-order model.The removal efficiency of S1 for cobalt was 96%with an adsorption capacity(qe)of 0.93 mg/g,and for S2 was 45%with a qeof 0.40 mg/g.The experimental data of the adsorption isotherms were adjusted to Langmuir and Freundlich models for S1 and S2,respectively.The thermodynamic parameters(enthalpy,entropy,and Gibb’s free energy)indicated that the adsorption processes were endothermic,spontaneous,and chemisorption mechanism.The results show that the adsorption capacities of the sediments depend on their composition.These water sediments have important adsorption properties for cobalt,and they can be used in the treatment of nuclear and industrial aqueous wastes.  相似文献   
A new model is suggested for the history of the Baikal Rift,in deviation from the classic two-stage evolution scenario,based on a synthesis of the available data from the Baikal Basin and revised correlation between tectonic-lithological-stratigraphic complexes(TLSC) in sedimentary sections around Lake Baikal and seismic stratigraphic sequences(SSS) in the lake sediments.Unlike the previous models,the revised model places the onset of rifting during Late Cretaceous and comprises three major stages which are subdivided into several substages.The stages and the substages are separated by events of tectonic activity and stress reversal when additional compression produced folds and shear structures.The events that mark the stage boundaries show up as gaps,unconformities,and deformation features in the deposition patterns. The earliest Late Cretaceous-Oligocene stage began long before the India-Eurasia collision in a setting of diffuse extension that acted over a large territory of Asia.The NW-SE far-field pure extension produced an NE-striking half-graben oriented along an old zone of weakness at the edge of the Siberian craton.That was already the onset of rift evolution recorded in weathered lacustrine deposits on the Baikal shore and in a wedge-shaped acoustically transparent seismic unit in the lake sediments.The second stage spanning Late Oligocene-Early Pliocene time began with a stress change when the effect from the Eocene India-Eurasia collision had reached the region and became a major control of its geodynamics.The EW and NE transpression and shear from the collisional front transformed the Late Cretaceous half-graben into a U-shaped one which accumulated a deformed layered sequence of sediments.Rifting at the latest stage was driven by extension from a local source associated with hot mantle material rising to the base of the rifted crust.The asthenospheric upwarp first induced the growth of the Baikal dome and the related change from finer to coarser molasse deposition.With time,the upwarp became a more powerful stress source than the collision,and the stress vector returned to the previous NW-SE extension that changed the rift geometry back to a half-graben. The layered Late Pliocene-Quaternary subaerial tectonic-lithological-stratigraphic and the Quaternary submarine seismic stratigraphic units filling the latest half-graben remained almost undeformed.The rifting mechanisms were thus passive during two earlier stages and active during the third stage. The three-stage model of the rift history does not rule out the previous division into two major stages but rather extends its limits back into time as far as the Maastrichtian.Our model is consistent with geological, stratigraphic,structural,and geophysical data and provides further insights into the understanding of rifting in the Baikal region in particular and continental rifting in general.  相似文献   
Deposits from as many as 50 large tsunamis during the last 7000 years are preserved on the Pacific coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula near the mouth of the Zhupanova River, southern Kronotskiy Bay. These deposits are dated and correlated using Holocene marker tephra layers. The combined, preserved record of tsunami deposits and of numerous marker tephras on Kamchatka offers an unprecedented opportunity to study tsunami frequency. For example, from the stratigraphy along southern Kronotskiy Bay, we estimate frequency of large tsunamis (>5 m runup). In the last 3000 years, the minimum frequency is about one large tsunami per 100 years, and the maximum about one large tsunami per 30 years; the latter frequency occurred from about 0 to 1000 A.D. This time interval corresponds to a period of increased seismicity and volcanic activity that appears to be recorded in many places on the Kamchatka Peninsula.  相似文献   
Palaeomagnetic and geochronological studies on mafic rocks in the Lake Ladoga region in South Russian Karelia provide a new, reliably dated Mesoproterozoic key paleopole for the East European Craton (Baltica). U–Pb dating on baddeleyite gives a crystallisation age of 1452 ± 12 Ma for one of the studied dolerite dykes. A mean palaeomagnetic pole for the Mesoproterozoic dolerite dykes, Valaam sill and Salmi basalts yields a paleopole at 15.2°N, 177.1°E, A95 = 5.5°. Positive baked contact test for the dolerite dykes and positive reversal test for the Salmi basalts and for the dykes confirm the primary nature of the magnetisation. Comparison of this Baltica palaeopole with coeval paleomagnetic data for Laurentia and Siberia provides a revised palaeoposition of these cratons. The results verify that the East European Craton, Laurentia and Siberia were part of the supercontinent Columbia from the Late Palaeoproterozoic to the Middle Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   
Mesozoic rift basins locally bounding metamorphic core complexes have been recognized in Transbaikalia and northern China. Numerous basement outcrops located between these two regions, in eastern Mongolia, are considered as pre-Palaeozoic in age. One of these, the Ereendavaa Range, appears as a gneissic core marked by amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions. The range is overlain to the NW by the unmetamorphosed Mesozoic Onon Basin. Below the basin, the upper part of the range consists of a gently NW-dipping shear zone associated with top-to-the-NW motion. The structural pattern is consistent with syn-extensional exhumation of the range. Preliminary geochronological data indicate that the shear zone is late Jurassic to early Cretaceous in age, coeval with the Onon Basin. These new data from eastern Mongolia constitute a link between Transbaikalia and northern China, indicating that NW–SE extensional Mesozoic tectonics occurred throughout the entire region.  相似文献   
Molybdenum (Mo) isotopes have great potential as a paleoredox indicator, but this potential is currently restricted by an incomplete understanding of isotope fractionations occurring during key (bio)geochemical processes. To address one such uncertainty we have investigated the isotopic fractionation of Mo during adsorption to a range of Fe (oxyhydr)oxides, under variable Mo/Fe-mineral ratios and pH. Our data confirm that Fe (oxyhydr)oxides can readily adsorb Mo, highlighting the potential importance of this removal pathway for the global Mo cycle. Furthermore, adsorption of Mo to Fe (oxyhydr)oxides is associated with preferential uptake of the lighter Mo isotopes. Fractionations between the solid and dissolved phase (Δ98Mo) increase at higher pH, and also vary with mineralogy, increasing in the order magnetite (Δ98Mo = 0.83 ± 0.60‰) < ferrihydrite (Δ98Mo = 1.11 ± 0.15‰) < goethite (Δ98Mo = 1.40 ± 0.48‰) < hematite (Δ98Mo = 2.19 ± 0.54‰). Small differences in isotopic fractionation are also seen at varying Mo/Fe-mineral ratios for individual minerals. The observed isotopic behaviour is consistent with both fractionation during adsorption to the mineral surface (a function of vibrational energy) and adsorption of different Mo species/structures from solution. The different fractionation factors determined for different Fe (oxyhydr)oxides suggests that these minerals likely exert a major control on observed natural Mo isotope compositions during sediment deposition beneath suboxic through to anoxic (but non-sulfidic) bottom waters. Our results confirm that Mo isotopes can provide important information on the spatial extent of different paleoredox conditions, providing they are used in combination with other techniques for evaluating the local redox environment and the mineralogy of the depositing sediments.  相似文献   
Magnetic measurements of soils are an effective research tool in assessing soil erosion. This approach is based on detecting layers showing different magnetic properties in vertical soil profiles and lateral catenas. The objective of this research is to compile data on magnetic susceptibility (MS) of soils in Eastern Ukraine to assess the soil erosion rates. The chernozems of Tcherkascy Tishki (Kharkov Region, Ukraine) have undergone a field crop rotation without proper soil conservation technologies being applied. We conducted an intrinsic element grouping of the magnetic susceptibility values and demonstrated that they can be used as MS cartograms in soil erosion mapping. The study showed a strong correlation between the MS values and the erosion index. MS and the erosion index were found to correlate with the humus content. Magnetic mineralogical analyses suggest the presence of highly magnetic minerals (magnetite and maghemite) as well as weakly magnetic goethite, ferrihydrite, and hematite. Stable pseudosingle-domain (PSD), single-domain (SD), and superparamagnetic (SP) grains of pedogenic origin dominate in the studied chernozems. Being an effective, quick and low cost alternative, magnetic methods can be successfully used in the soil erosion investigations.  相似文献   
Passive sampling techniques facilitate the time-integrated measurement of pollutant concentrations through the use of a selective receiving phase. Accurate quantification using passive sampling devices rely on the implementation of methods that will negate the effects of environmental factors (flow, temperature, etc.) or that will allow the calculation of the chemical specific rates of uptake (R(s)) into the passive sampler employed. We have applied an in situ calibration technique based on the dissolution of gypsum to measure the average water velocity to which a sampler has been exposed. We demonstrate that the loss of gypsum from the passive flow monitor (PFM) can be applied to predict changes in R(s) dependent on flow when using the absorbent SPMD (semipermeable membrane device) and PDMS (polydimethyl siloxan) passive samplers. The application of the PFM will enhance the accuracy of measurements made when calculating and reporting environmental pollutant concentrations using a passive sampling device.  相似文献   
Concentrations of dissolved methane in seawater and bottom sediments, as well as of methane emanating from gas seeps were measured at 18 stations including several small bays in the Sevastopol coastal area (Black Sea) during 2007–2008. Methane concentrations in surface waters ranged from 10 to 2,970 nmol l?1, and correlated well with values recorded for sediments. Methane concentrations in the water column were influenced by water depth, as well as by air and water temperatures. In the spring and summer of 2008, in situ CH4 saturation relative to air was in the range of 970–71,900%. Maximum saturation was in summer. CH4 fluxes to the atmosphere from the Sevastopol coastal area were estimated to vary from 190 to 1,550 μmol m?2 day?1. Gas bubbles escaping from the seepages contained about 57 vol% methane. Radiocarbon dating of the methane revealed an age not exceeding 150 years, implying a biogenic origin.  相似文献   
Multidisciplinary study of seep-related structures on Southern Vøring Plateau has been performed during several UNESCO/IOC TTR cruises on R/V Professor Logachev. High-resolution sidescan sonar and subbottom profiler data suggest that most of the studied fluid discharge structures have a positive relief at their central part surrounded by depression. Our data shows that the present day fluid activity is concentrated on the top of these “seep mounds”. Number of high hydrocarbon (HC) gas saturated sediment cores and 5 cores with gas hydrate presence have been recovered from these structures. δ13C of methane (between −68 and −94.6‰ VPDB) and dry composition of the gas points to its biogenic origin. The sulfate depletion generally occurs within the upper 30–200 cm bsf and usually coincides with an increase of methane concentration. Pore water δ18O ranges from 0.29 to 1.14‰ showing an overall gradual increase from bottom water values (δ18O ∼ 0.35‰). Although no obvious evidence of fluid seepage was observed during the TV surveys, coring data revealed a broad distribution of living Pogonophora and bacterial colonies on sea bottom inside seep structures. These evidences point to ongoing fluid activity (continuous seepage of methane) through these structures. From other side, considerable number and variety of chemosynthetic macro fauna with complete absence of living species suggest that present day level of fluid activity is significantly lower than it was in past. Dead and subfossil fauna recovered from various seep sites consist of solemyid (Acharax sp.), thyasirid and vesicomyid (cf. Calyptogena sp.) bivalves belonging to chemosymbiotic families. Significant variations in δ13C (−31.6‰ to −59.2‰) and δ18O (0.42‰ and 6.4‰) of methane-derived carbonates collected from these structures most probably related to changes in gas composition and bottom water temperature between periods of their precipitation. This led us to ideas that: (1) seep activity on the Southern Vøring Plateau was started with large input of the deep thermogenic gas and gradually decries in time with increasing of biogenic constituent; (2) authigenic carbonate precipitation started at the near normal deep sea environments with bottom water temperature around +5 °C and continues with gradual cooling up to negative temperatures recording at present time.  相似文献   
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