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Flysch-type aquifers in the Eastern Carpathians usually feed periodic and low-discharge springs.However,in some areas,such as in the upper part of the Po(l)onin...  相似文献   
We investigate the dynamical evolution of trans-neptunian objects (TNOs) in typical scattered disk orbits (scattered TNOs) by performing simulations using several thousand particles lying initially on Neptune-encountering orbits. We explore the role of resonance sticking in the scattered disk, a phenomenon characterized by multiple temporary resonance captures (‘resonances’ refers to external mean motion resonances with Neptune, which can be described in the form r:s, where the arguments r and s are integers). First, all scattered TNOs evolve through intermittent temporary resonance capture events and gravitational scattering by Neptune. Each scattered TNO experiences tens to hundreds of resonance captures over a period of 4 Gyr, which represents about 38% of the object's lifetime (mean value). Second, resonance sticking plays an important role at semimajor axes , where the great majority of such captures occurred. It is noteworthy that the stickiest (i.e., dominant) resonances in the scattered disk are located within this distance range and are those possessing the lowest argument s. This was evinced by r:1, r:2 and r:3 resonances, which played the greatest role during resonance sticking evolution, often leading to captures in several of their neighboring resonances. Finally, the timescales and likelihood of temporary resonance captures are roughly proportional to resonance strength. The dominance of low s resonances is also related to the latter. In sum, resonance sticking has an important impact on the evolution of scattered TNOs, contributing significantly to the longevity of these objects.  相似文献   
The orbital structure of trans-neptunian objects (TNOs) in the trans-neptunian belt (Edgeworth-Kuiper belt) and scattered disk provides important clues to understand the origin and evolution of the Solar System. To better characterize these populations, we performed computer simulations of currently observed objects using long-arc orbits and several thousands of clones. Our preliminary analysis identified 622 TNOs, and 65 non-resonant objects whose orbits penetrate that of at least one of the giant planets within 1 Myr (the centaurs). In addition, we identified 196 TNOs locked in resonances with Neptune, which, sorted by distance from the Sun, are 1:1 (Neptune trojans), 5:4, 4:3, 11:8, 3:2, 18:11, 5:3, 12:7, 19:11, 7:4, 9:5, 11:6, 2:1, 9:4, 16:7, 7:3, 12:5, 5:2, 8:3, 3:1, 4:1, 11:2, and 27:4. Kozai resonant TNOs are found inside the 3:2, 5:3, 7:4, and 2:1 resonances. We present detailed general features for the resonant populations (i.e., libration amplitude angles, libration centers, Kozai libration amplitudes, etc.). Taking together the simulations of Lykawka and Mukai [Lykawka, P.S., Mukai, T., 2007. Icarus 186, 331-341], an improved classification scheme is presented revealing five main classes: centaurs, resonant, scattered, detached and classical TNOs. Scattered and detached TNOs (non-resonant) have q (perihelion distance) <37 AU and q>40 AU, respectively. TNOs with 37 AU<q<40 AU occupy an intermediate region where both classes coexist. Thus, there are no clear boundaries between the scattered and detached regions. We also securely identified a total of 9 detached TNOs by using 4-5 Gyr orbital integrations. Classical objects are non-resonant TNOs usually divided into cold and hot populations. Their boundaries are as follows: cold classical TNOs (i?5°) are located at 37 AU<a<40 AU (q>37 AU) and 42 AU<a<47.5 AU (q>38 AU), and hot classical TNOs (i>5°) occupy orbits with 37 AU<a<47.5 AU (q>37 AU). However, a more firm classification is found with i>10° for hot classical TNOs. Lastly, we discuss some implications of our classification scheme comparing all TNOs with our model and other past models.  相似文献   
Classical trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are believed to represent the most dynamically pristine population in the trans-Neptunian belt (TNB) offering unprecedented clues about the formation of our Solar System. The long term dynamical evolution of classical TNOs was investigated using extensive simulations. We followed the evolution of more than 17000 particles with a wide range of initial conditions taking into account the perturbations from the four giant planets for 4 Gyr. The evolution of objects in the classical region is dependent on both their inclination and semimajor axes, with the inner (a<45 AU) and outer regions (a>45 AU) evolving differently. The reason is the influence of overlapping secular resonances with Uranus and Neptune (40–42 AU) and the 5:3 (a∼ ∼42.3 AU), 7:4 (a∼ ∼43.7 AU), 9:5 (a∼ ∼44.5 AU) and 11:6 (a∼ ∼ 45.0 AU) mean motion resonances strongly sculpting the inner region, while in the outer region only the 2:1 mean motion resonance (a∼ ∼47.7 AU) causes important perturbations. In particular, we found: (a) A substantial erosion of low-i bodies (i<10°) in the inner region caused by the secular resonances, except those objects that remained protected inside mean motion resonances which survived for billion of years; (b) An optimal stable region located at 45 AU<a<47 AU, q>40 AU and i>5° free of major perturbations; (c) Better defined boundaries for the classical region: 42–47.5 AU (q>38 AU) for cold classical TNOs and 40–47.5 AU (q>35 AU) for hot ones, with i=4.5° as the best threshold to distinguish between both populations; (d) The high inclination TNOs seen in the 40–42 AU region reflect their initial conditions. Therefore they should be classified as hot classical TNOs. Lastly, we report a good match between our results and observations, indicating that the former can provide explanations and predictions for the orbital structure in the classical region.  相似文献   
Resonance occupation of trans-neptunian objects (TNOs) in the scattered disk (>48 AU) was investigated by integrating the orbits of 85 observed members for 4 Gyr. Twenty seven TNOs were locked in the 9:4, 16:7, 7:3, 12:5, 5:2, 8:3, 3:1, 4:1, 11:2, and 27:4 resonances. We then explored mechanisms for the origin of the resonant structure in the scattered disk, in particular the long-term 9:4, 5:2, and 8:3 resonant TNOs (median 4 Gyr), by performing large scale simulations involving Neptune scattering and planetary migration over an initially excited planetesimals disk (wide range of eccentricities and inclinations). To explain the formation of Gyr-resident populations in such distant resonances, our results suggest the existence of a primordial planetesimal disk of at least 45-50 AU radius that suffered a dynamical perturbation leading to 0.1-0.3 or greater eccentricities and a range of inclinations up to ∼20° during early stages of the Solar System history, before planetary migration.  相似文献   
Transneptunian objects (TNOs) orbit beyond Neptune and do offer important clues about the formation of our solar system. Although observations have been increasing the number of discovered TNOs and improving their orbital elements, very little is known about elementary physical properties such as sizes, albedos and compositions. Due to TNOs large distances (>40 AU) and observational limitations, reliable physical information can be obtained only from brighter objects (supposedly larger bodies). According to size and albedo measurements available, it is evident the traditionally assumed albedo p=0.04 cannot hold for all TNOs, especially those with approximately absolute magnitudes H?5.5. That is, the largest TNOs possess higher albedos (generally >0.04) that strongly appear to increase as a function of size. Using a compilation of published data, we derived empirical relations which can provide estimations of diameters and albedos as a function of absolute magnitude. Calculations result in more accurate size/albedo estimations for TNOs with H?5.5 than just assuming p=0.04. Nevertheless, considering low statistics, the value p=0.04 sounds still convenient for H>5.5 non-binary TNOs as a group. We also discuss about physical processes (e.g., collisions, intrinsic activity and the presence of tenuous atmospheres) responsible for the increase of albedo among large bodies. Currently, all big TNOs (>700 km) would be capable to sustain thin atmospheres or icy frosts composed of CH4, CO or N2 even for body bulk densities as low as 0.5 g cm−3. A size-dependent albedo has important consequences for the TNOs size distribution, cumulative luminosity function and total mass estimations. According to our analysis, the latter can be reduced up to 50% if higher albedos are common among large bodies.Lastly, by analyzing orbital properties of classical TNOs (), we confirm that cold and hot classical TNOs have different concentration of large bodies. For both populations, distinct absolute magnitude distributions are maximized for an inclination threshold equal to 4.5° at >99.63% confidence level. Furthermore, more massive classical bodies are anomalously present at , a result statistically significant and apparently not caused by observational biases. This feature would provide a new constraint for transneptunian belt formation models.  相似文献   
In the transneptunian classical region (), an unexpected orbital excitation in eccentricity and inclination, dynamically distinct populations and the presence of chaotic regions are observed. For instance, the 7:4 mean motion resonance () appears to have been causing unique dynamical excitation according to observational evidences, namely, an apparent shallow gap in number density and anomalies in the colour distribution, both features enhanced near the 7:4 mean motion resonance location. In order to investigate the resonance dynamics, we present extensive computer simulation results totalizing almost 10,000 test particles under the effect of the four giant planets for the age of the solar system. A chaotic diffusion experiment was also performed to follow tracks in phase space over 4-5 Gyr. The 7:4 mean motion resonance is weakly chaotic causing irregular eccentricity and inclination evolution for billions of years. Most 7:4 resonant particles suffered significant eccentricities and/or inclinations excitation, an outcome shared even by those located in the vicinity of the resonance. Particles in stable resonance locking are rare and usually had 0.25<e<0.3. For other regions, 7:4 resonants had quite large mobility in phase space typically leaving the resonance (and being scattered) after reaching a critical e∼0.2. The escape happened in 108-109 yr time scales. Concerning the inclination dependence for 7:4 resonants, we found strong instability islands for approximately i>10°. Taking into account those particles still locked in the resonance at the end of the simulations, we determined a retainability of 12-15% for real 7:4 resonant transneptunian objects (TNOs). Lastly, our results demonstrate that classical TNOs associated with the 7:4 mean motion resonance have been evolving continuously until present with non-negligible mixing of populations.  相似文献   
In our preliminary study, we have investigated basic properties and dynamical evolution of classical TNOs around the 7:4 mean motion resonance with Neptune (a∼43.7 AU), motivated by observational evidences that apparently present irregular features near this resonance (see [Lykawka and Mukai, 2005a. Exploring the 7:4 mean motion resonance—I. Dynamical evolution of classical trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). Space Planet. Sci. 53, 1175-1187]; hereafter “Paper I”). In this paper, we aim to explore the dynamical long-term evolution in the scattered disk (but not its early formation) based on the computer simulations performed in Paper I together with extra computations. Specifically, we integrated the orbital motion of test particles (totalizing a bit more than 10,000) placed around the 7:4 mean motion resonance under the effect of the four giant planets for the age of the Solar System. In order to investigate chaotic diffusion, we also conducted a special simulation with on-line computation of proper elements following tracks in phase space over 4-5 Gyr. We found that: (1) A few percent (1-2%) of the test particles survived in the scattered disk with direct influence of other Neptunian mean motion resonances, indicating that resonance sticking is an extremely common phenomenon and that it helps to enhance scattered objects longevity. (2) In the same region, the so-called extended scattered TNOs are able to form via very long resonance trapping under certain conditions. Namely, if the body spends more than about 80% of its dynamical lifetime trapped in mean motion resonance(s) and there is the action of a k+1 or (k+2)/2 mean motion resonance (e.g., external mean motion resonances with Neptune described as (j+k)/j with j=1 and 2, respectively). According to this hypothetical mechanism, 5-15% of current scattered TNOs would possess thus probably constituting a significant part of the extended scattered disk. (3) Moreover, considering hot orbital initial conditions, it is likely that the trans-Neptunian belt (or Edgeworth-Kuiper belt) has been providing members to the scattered disk, so that scattered TNOs observed today would consist of primordial scattered bodies mixed with TNOs that came from unstable regions of the trans-Neptunian belt in the past.Considering the three points together, our results demonstrated that the scattered disk has been evolving continuously since early times until present.  相似文献   
Equipment has been developed for straddle packer testing in fractured-rock boreholes to conduct four types of tests (constant-head step tests, slug tests, constant-rate pumping tests, and recovery tests) without deflating the packers or adjusting equipment in the hole between tests. The goal is to achieve improved accuracy and precision in the determination of transmissivity (T). Water-pressure measurements are recorded using pressure transducers positioned above and below the test interval to identify connections from the test interval to the open borehole. Insights concerning the nature of test conditions are gathered with this equipment to assess errors related to deviations from assumptions inherent in the mathematical models used to determine T, including validation of the Darcian flow assumption, validation of slug test assumptions, cross-connection to the open borehole, inadequate borehole development, and dual permeability, thereby giving greater confidence in the calculated T values. When the errors indicated above are minimized, the constant-head step tests, slug tests and constant-rate pumping/recovery tests give nearly identical values. This multiple-test approach to fractured-rock studies increases confidence in test results, which is important when the goal is characterization of fracture networks for contaminant transport and fate assessment.  相似文献   
Open boreholes in fractured rock often cross-connect fractures with differing hydraulic head and the head differences between these fractures cause vertical flow in the water column. This cross-connection has potential to bias transmissivity (T) values obtained from straddle packer tests. This study demonstrates how measurements of the blended head in the open-hole segments above and below the straddle-packer test interval can be used to correct packer tests for cross-connection effects. A pressure response observed in the open-hole segment above and/or below the packers isolating a test interval during a hydraulic test indicates short-circuiting of water from the injection interval through the vertically connected fracture network to the open-hole segments, resulting in the overestimation of T. A method is presented using blended head concepts to minimize this error using a trial-and-error procedure to determine the short-circuiting flow rate to account for the head conditions in the open-hole segments during each hydraulic test. Observed differences between the measured head and the calculated blended head in the open-hole segments above and below the test interval are attributed to cross-connection effects around the 1-m-long packers. The head and corrected T values determined from packer tests are used to estimate the flow in and out of the open hole at each of the intervals tested for assessing the cross-connection effects under open borehole conditions. Understanding open-hole flow dynamics gives insight about the potential for vertical cross connection of chemical constituents caused by the open hole.  相似文献   
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