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It is important to understand how land use change impacts groundwater recharge,especially for regions that are undergoing rapid urbanization and there is limited surface water.In this study,the hydrological processes and re-charge ability of various land use types in Guishui River Basin,China(in Beijing Municipality) were analyzed.The impact of land use change was investigated based on water balance modeling,WetSpass and GIS.The results indicate that groundwater recharge accounts for only 21.16% of the precipitation,while 72.54% is lost in the form of evapotranspiration.The annual-lumped groundwater recharge rate decreases in the order of cropland,grassland,urban land,and forest.Land use change has resulted in a decrease of 4 × 106 m3 of yearly groundwater recharge in the study area,with a spatially averaged rate of 100.48 mm/yr and 98.41 mm/yr in 1980 and 2005,respectively.This variation has primarily come from an increase of urban area and rural settlements,as well as a decrease of cropland.  相似文献   
New observations of the photospheric 5-min oscillations are presented which prove that the physical reality of the very high horizontal phase propagation velocities observed in connection with the oscillations cannot be maintained. Instead, a statistical model is proposed to explain the observed phase relations.Mitteilungen aus dem Fraunhofer Institut Nr. 119.  相似文献   
1IN T R O D U C T IO NUrban green spaces can be consideredas the outdoorplacesintheurban covered with significanatmounts ofvegetation,naturalor manmade,as opposed to areasthatare paved or having buildingon them(JIM andC HEN,2003;SHIVANAND and SUZANA,2005)…  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONThreewell-documentedmajorglobalchangesaffectinghumanbeingsareincreasingconcentrationofcarbondioxideintheatmosphere,alterationinthebiochemistryoftheglobalnitrogencycle,andon-goinglanduse/coverchange(LUCC)(VITOUSEK,1994).Forcen-turies,humanbeingshavebeenalteringtheearth'ssurfacetoproducetheirfoodandsheltersthroughagri-culturalactivities(REIDetal.,2000).Likeothercountries,Chinaisalsosubjecttolandtransformation,forinstance,abouthalfamillionhectaresofwetlandshavebeenreclaime…  相似文献   
The seafloor spreading evolution in the Southern Indian Ocean is key to understanding the initial breakup of Gondwana. We summarize the structural lineaments deduced from the GEOSAT 10 Hz sampled raw altimetry data as well as satellite derived gravity anomaly map and the magnetic anomaly lineation trends from vector magnetic anomalies in the West Enderby Basin, the Southern Indian Ocean. The gravity anomaly maps by both Sandwell and Smith 1997, J. Geophys. Res. 102, 10039–10054 and 10 Hz raw altimeter data show almost the same general trends. However, curved structural trends, which turn from NNW–SSE in the south to NNE–SSW in the north, are detected only from gravity anomaly maps by 10 Hz raw altimeter data just to the east of Gunnerus Ridge. NNE–SSW structural trends and magnetic anomaly lineation trends that are perpendicular to them are observed between the Gunnerus Ridge and the Conrad Rise. To the west of Gunnerus Ridge, structural elements trend NNE–SSW and magnetic polarity changes are normal to them. In contrast, almost NNW–SSE structural trends and ENE–WSW magnetic polarity reversal strikes are dominant to the east of Gunnerus Ridge. Curved structural trends, which turn from WNW–ESE direction in the south to NNE–SSW direction in the west, and magnetic polarity reversal strikes that are almost perpendicular to them are observed just south of Conrad Rise. The magnetic polarity reversals may be parts of the Mesozoic magnetic anomaly sequence that formed along side of the structural lineaments before the long Cretaceous normal polarity superchron. Curved structural trends, detected only from gravity anomaly maps by 10 Hz raw altimeter data, most likely indicate slight changes in spreading direction from an initial NNW–SSE direction to NNE–SSW. Our results also suggest that these curved structural trends are fracture zones that formed during initial breakup of Gondwana.  相似文献   
Japan ranks fifth in the world for the number of large dams. Environmental impacts of large dams are known, such as enormous losses of water or disruption of fish spawning, however, impacts of the dams on their up streams are functions of topography of the up stream. Haizuka Dam is located in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan and its implementation will start in 2006. This large dam influences its up stream through dam making activities, which occurs in order and with different spatial presences that were categorized into chronological and spatial impacts. In this case study, spatial impacts were further divided into horizontal and vertical ones. The horizontal impacts were identified as new roads, diversion tunnel, dam lake, and submerged cultivated land, while vertical impacts were recognized as submerged historical monuments, slope protections, dam body, and deforested area in the reservoir. There were convergences of spatial and temporal impacts, however, the extent of the impacts was limited to the lake boundary.  相似文献   
1IN TR O D U CTIO N Wetlandsprovidemany importantservicesto human societ,y butareatthesame timeecologicallsyensitiv andadaptivesystems.Thisexplainswhy inrecentyears much attentiohnasbeenpaidto theformulatioanndop- erationof sustainablmeanagement strategie…  相似文献   
The major concern of this article is to address the shortcoming and outgoing effects of the human activities on the landscape patterns and their consequences in the Sefidrood River watershed in Iran. A flow of data includes three inputs; each of them belongs to one part of three zones of a fluvial system. The three parts of the Sefidrood River fluvial system include Zone 1, a sub-watershed as degradation modeling site, Zone 2, Sefidrood Dam asdam site, and Zone 3, 17kin away from the Sefidrood River path to the Caspian Sea as ending point site. The degra-dation model in the Zone 1 provides a suitable mean for decision support system to decrease the human impacts oneach small district. The maximum number for degradation coefficient belongs to the small district with the highest physiographic density, relatively cumulative activities, and a lower figure for the habitat vulnerability. The human degradation impact were not limited to the upstream. The investigation to the Sefidrood Dam and ending point of the Sefidrood River depicts that sedimentation continues as a significant visual impact in the Sefidrood Dam reservoir and the estuary.  相似文献   
A wind-tunnel experiment was carried out to test a hypothesis that the turbulence characteristics in the near-neutral surface layer are largely determined by detached eddies from above. The surrogate detached eddies were generated by using an active turbulence grid installed at the front of the test section and the parameters of the grid were chosen such that the fully developed logarithmic layer downstream consists of a turbulent flow that has similar normalized intensity to that typically observed in the near-neutral atmospheric surface layer. The effects of the detached eddies on turbulence characteristics were investigated by comparison with a second experiment without detached eddies. The influence of the detached eddies on the logarithmic layer was mostly on the coherent structures; the logarithmic layer with the detached eddies revealed a multi-layer structure similar to that found in the atmosphere where the lower part of the surface layer is dominated by sweep-like events and the upper part by ejection-like events. Our experiments show that the mean velocity gradient and the Reynolds shear stress were, however, not affected significantly by the detached eddies and hence the eddy viscosity.  相似文献   
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