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The seasonal abundance of flagellates has been monitored over a period of 1 year from December2013 to November 2014(divided into 4 conjugative seasons namely winter, spring, summer, and autumn) in an experimental pond located in Rajshahi City Corporation area, Bangladesh. To our knowledge, this study is the first to shed light on the occurrence and possible interrelationships among heterotrophic flagellates(HF),bacteria and zooplankton in Bangladesh and the result obtained by this study will be beneficial for similar water ecosystem all over the world. Standard methods were used to determine the prescribed hydrological parameters and zooplankton cell density. Maximum HF abundance(14 346.00 cells/mL) was found in the spring and the minimum(5 215.00 cells/mL) occurred in the summer. Inverse to HF, significantly(P0.05)higher zooplankton abundance was found during the winter(782.00±47.62 cells/mL) and the lowest value was found in the autumn(448.00±39.15 cells/mL). Whereas similar to the HF, total bacterial abundance was significantly higher during the spring((2.25±1.05)×10~5 cells/mL) and lower in the summer((0.79±0.06)×105 cells/mL). Multivariate analyses(ANOSIM and MDS) have shown significant seasonal differences for cell numbers where MDS ordination plot and cluster analysis based on similarity in the genera abundance of HF revealed overlapping condition between winter and spring. Canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) also showed a distinct separation among the genera based on the prevailing hydrological situation and indicated that temperature, pH, BOD_5, and NO_3~- were the most important environmental variables in determining the observed variation in HF community structure. Among the biological factors, zooplankton showed negative but total bacteria were positively correlated with HF abundance.  相似文献   
An experimental investigation was carried out on the reconstituted Tunis soft soil (TSS) that was extracted from the centre of Tunis City at 35-m depth. Three series of consolidation tests were performed on TSS specimens. The first series included consolidation tests by preload. In the second series, vacuum consolidation tests were performed. The third series comprised a vacuum consolidation test combined with the preload. Excess pore water pressure and settlement were measured during the consolidation tests. Experimental results showed that for the same magnitude of preload and the vacuum pressure of 4, 8, 16 and 30 kPa, the settlement caused by the vacuum pressure is lower than that generated by the preload, while the settlements generated by preloads of 60 and 100 kPa are slightly lower than those caused by vacuum pressure of 60 and 100 kPa. A rapid dissipation of recorded excess pore water pressure around the geodrain was observed compared to that measured close to the cell border.  相似文献   
The study area is located in the southwestern part of Bangladesh. Twenty-six groundwater samples were collected from both shallow and deep tube wells ranging in depth from 20 to 60 m. Multivariate statistical analyses including factor analysis, cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling were applied to the hydrogeochemical data. The results show that a few factors adequately represent the traits that define water chemistry. The first factor of Fe and HCO3 is strongly influenced by bacterial Fe (III) reduction which would raise both Fe and HCO3 concentrations in water. Na, Cl, Ca, Mg and PO4 are grouped under the second factor representing the salinity sources of waters. The third factor, represented by As, Mn, SO4 and K is related to As mobilization processes. Cluster analysis has been applied for the interpretation of the groundwater quality data. Initially Piper methods have been employed to obtain a first idea on the water types in the study area. Hierarchical cluster analysis was carried out for further classification of water types in the study area. Twelve components, namely, pH, Fe, Mn, As, Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3, Cl, SO4 and NO3 have been used for this purpose. With hierarchical clustering analysis the water samples have been classified into 3 clusters. They are very high, high and moderately As-enriched groundwater as well as groundwater with elevated SO4.  相似文献   
Geochemical analyses of lakebed and core sediments from Lake Sambe on the outskirts of Oda City in Shimane prefecture in southwestern Japan were carried out in order to assess the water quality and the concentration and distribution patterns of sixteen elements. The lake water showed a stratified condition with respect to dissolved O2, and As, Fe, and Mn concentrations in the bottom layers which increased in the summer. The chemical composition of the sediments, as measured by X-ray fluorescence, included major and trace elements (P, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Zr, Pb, and Th), and total sulfur (TS). Elevated values of As, Zn, V, Fe, P, and TS were present in several layers of the upper cores (from 0 to 5 cm) and other surface sediments. Increases in the abundances of these metals in lake sediments are probably related to the reducing condition of the sediments, fine-grained organic rich sediments, and post-depositional diagenetic remobilization. Moreover, correlations between the concentrations of trace metals and iron in the sediments suggest their adsorption onto Fe (oxy)hydroxides, whereas correlations with sulfur indicate that they were precipitated as Fe-sulfides. The average abundances of As, Pb, Zn, and Cu exceeded the lowest effect level and Interim Sediment Quality Guideline values that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment determined to have moderate impact on aquatic organisms. In addition, concentrations of As and Zn exceeded the Coastal Ocean Sediment Database threshold value, indicating potentially toxic levels. Therefore, the presence of trace metals in the lake sediments may result in adverse effects on biota health.  相似文献   

In this paper, an improvement has been made to the approximation technique of a complex domain through the stairstep approach to have a considerable accuracy, minimize computational cost, and avoid the hardship of manual work. A novel stair-step representation algorithm is used in this regard, where the entire procedure is carried out through our developed MATLAB routine. Arakawa C-grid is used in our approximation with (1/120)° grid resolution. As a test case, the method is applied to approximate the domain covering the area between 15°–23°N latitudes and 85°–95° E longitudes in the Bay of Bengal. Along with the approximation of the land-sea interface, coastal stations are also identified. Approximated land-sea interfaces and coastal stations are found to be in good agreement with the actual ones based on the similarity index, overlap fraction, and extra fraction criteria. The method can be used for approximating an irregular geometric domain to employ the finite difference method in solving problems related to long waves. As a test case, shallow water equations in Cartesian coordinates are solved on the domain of interest for simulating water levels due to the nonlinear tide-surge interaction associated with the storms April 1991 and AILA, 2009 along the coast of Bangladesh. The same input except for the discretized domain and bathymetry as that of Paul et al. (2016) is used in our simulation. The results are found to be in reasonable agreement with the observed data procured from Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority.


It is axiomatically true that urbanization in India's metropolises and large cities has been exacerbated since the beginning of the millennium, consuming the natural and semi-natural ecosystem on the outskirts of the city, resulting in a zone with a distinct climate known as urban climate. Such a climate—the result of a built-up environment is distinctly different from the natural climate as the paved surface and concrete skyscrapers not only destroy the natural ecosystem, it peculiarly induce a different kind of insolation, cooling and air drainage were lacking in green space, water bodies and open space cannot accommodate with environmental rhythm properly, resulting into the accumulation of heat, ecological derangement of subsurface soil which can easily be predicted by GIS analysis. This paper is an attempt to measure urban growth and its impact on the environment in the metropolitan city Kolkata. The use of satellite data and GIS techniques to detect urban expansion is a highly scientific strategy. Using geospatial techniques, the current study attempts to examine major urban changes in Kolkata and its surroundings from 1988 to 2021. Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI temporal data are used to identify land-use change through unsupervised classification; Spectral Radiance Model and Split Window Algorithm method are used for identifying land surface temperature change. SRTM DEM (30 m) has been used to identify flood risk zones and several spectral indices like Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Modified Normalized Difference Water Index are a further extension for environmental assessment. By all such suitable methods, a clearer change in an urban environment is detected within the period of 33 years (1988–2021). The result shows that the population changes, vegetation cover and built-up area, and accessibility are at a rapid rate. These changes are causing major environmental degradation in the city. The classification result indicates that appropriate land use planning and environmental monitoring are required for the long-term exploitation of these resources.

The seasonal abundance of flagellates has been monitored over a period of 1 year from December 2013 to November 2014(divided into 4 conjugative seasons namely winter,spring,summer,and autumn)in an experimental pond located in Rajshahi City Corporation area,Bangladesh.To our knowledge,this study is the fi rst to shed light on the occurrence and possible interrelationships among heterotrophic flagellates(HF),bacteria and zooplankton in Bangladesh and the result obtained by this study will be beneficial for similar water ecosystem all over the world.Standard methods were used to determine the prescribed hydrological parameters and zooplankton cell density.Maximum HF abundance(14 346.00 cells/mL)was found in the spring and the minimum(5 215.00 cells/mL)occurred in the summer.Inverse to HF,significantly(P<0.05)higher zooplankton abundance was found during the winter(782.00±47.62 cells/mL)and the lowest value was found in the autumn(448.00±39.15 cells/mL).Whereas similar to the HF,total bacterial abundance was significantly higher during the spring((2.25±1.05)×10^5 cells/mL)and lower in the summer((0.79±0.06)×10^5 cells/mL).Multivariate analyses(ANOSIM and MDS)have shown significant seasonal differences for cell numbers where MDS ordination plot and cluster analysis based on similarity in the genera abundance of HF revealed overlapping condition between winter and spring.Canonical correspondence analysis(CCA)also showed a distinct separation among the genera based on the prevailing hydrological situation and indicated that temperature,pH,BOD5,and NO3^-were the most important environmental variables in determining the observed variation in HF community structure.Among the biological factors,zooplankton showed negative but total bacteria were positively correlated with HF abundance.  相似文献   
Drinking water from Japan (Toyama, Kumamoto, Osaka, and Tokyo Prefecture) and France (Volvic water) was evaluated for taste and health properties using an index based on major and trace mineral content and organoleptic components. Although various reports point to calcium (Ca2+) as a key ingredient imparting good taste and magnesium (Mg2+) and sulfate (SO4 2?) as causing unpleasant taste in drinking water, recent sensory threshold experiments have indicated that other major ions and minerals directly or indirectly contribute to good taste, including potassium (K), silica (SiO2), and phosphorous (P). The present study examined major and trace constituents in water to accurately quantify water taste, flavor, and health effects in good-tasting (Volvic, Toyama, and Kumamoto water) and average-tasting water (Osaka and Tokyo water). Trace metal, volatile organic carbon, non-purgeable organic carbon and total inorganic carbon levels were evaluated as parameters influencing the sensory properties of the drinking water. All of the representative good-tasting water contained higher amounts of tasty minerals (Ca2+, K+, SiO2) and lower amounts of unsavory, rough (Mg2+ and SO4 2?), and bitter (Cl?) minerals. Stiff diagrams of the water samples indicated that good-tasting water was generally bicarbonate (HCO3 ?) type. Seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters did not change the order of abundance of cations and anions but did affect the concentration of various ions present in the water. Trace metals also affected water flavor. Mn facilitates acetaldehyde formation and Fe is associated with polyphenolic oxidation and formation of organoleptic flavor constituents. Trihalomethanes (THMs) may also cause unpleasant drinking water flavors or odors. THMs concentrations for all samples were below 5.7 μg/L, meeting the safety and taste requirements for good drinking water. The Japanese samples were compared against Volvic water, which was used as a standard for good-tasting water. Total dissolved solids concentrations were below 300 mg/L for all specimens, in compliance with World Health Organization guidelines. The results are discussed on the basis of the balance between inorganic major ions and trace minerals and THMs concentration thresholds.  相似文献   
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