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磷污染是水污染的重要组成部分,因其可造成水体富营养化、水质下降,从而引起人们的广泛关注。研究沉积物中不同磷赋存形态及其分布特征有助于了解沉积物中磷的行为特征及迁移能力,从而为水体富营养化防治提供支撑。磷矿的开采、冶炼对矿区内水资源环境可能产生严重影响,本文以安宁磷矿区内河流、水库为研究区域,分析了不同水系沉积物磷元素赋存形态及分布特征,并对其生态风险进行评估。采用X射线荧光光谱法测定研究区水系沉积物总磷(TP)含量,并基于顺序提取及Hupfer改进的磷形态分析方法,将研究区各水系沉积物中磷分为弱吸附态磷(NH4Cl-P)、可还原态磷(BD-P)、金属氧化物结合态磷(NaOH-P)、钙结合态磷(Ca-P)、残渣态磷(Res-P)等5种形态,采用单因子污染指数法对其进行生态风险评估。结果表明:研究区水系沉积物样品中TP含量范围为567.6~48115.5mg/kg,NH4Cl-P含量范围为0.07~115.2mg/kg,BD-P含量范围为8.84~802.5mg/kg,NaOH-P含量范围为21.3~3129.5mg/kg, Ca-P含量范围为12~45098mg/kg,Res-P含量范围为28.5~515.4mg/kg。研究区各水系沉积物样品磷形态具有相似的分布特征,即磷主要以Ca-P和NaOH-P形态存在,其他磷形态的相对含量大小顺序为NH4Cl-P  相似文献   
下热尔断裂位于巴颜喀拉块体东北边界变形带即东昆仑断裂带东段与迭部-白龙江断裂2条剪切断裂之间挤压变形带内,在空间上属于“玛曲空段”范围.经野外考察及遥感资料验证,确定下热尔断裂走向为310°,长度约为20km,运动学特征表现为左旋走滑为主兼少量倾滑分量,沿断裂发育大量断错地貌,水平位移主要分布在3.5~5m,而未发现垂向断错地貌;垂直断裂走向开挖2处探槽,揭示断层切穿晚第四纪地层,被地表沼泽相泥炭层覆盖,结合相关地层年龄资料,初步得出平均水平滑动速率约为6.3mm/a.该断裂在几何学与运动学方面与东昆仑断裂带具有较好的一致性,推测两者之间存在一定相关性,属于东昆仑断裂带走滑断裂体系内的一条次级断裂或过渡性断裂.  相似文献   
The East Kunlun fault zone is located in the northern margin of the Bayan Har block. The study of earthquake rupture behavior in the fault zone is of importance for understanding the future seismic risk in northwest Sichuan. A number of geological field investigations, typical micro topography DGPS measurements and sample dating show that the earthquake activity of the East Kunlun fault zone extends to the north boundary of Zoige basin, a segment known as the Luocha segment of Tazang fault. In the satellite image, the segment is seen clearly as gray and yellow strips. The earthquake deformation zone mainly features fault scarp, valleys on the slope, offset gullies and terraces, linear distribution of plants, waterfall, fault spring, fault sag pond, and landslide, collapse and talus associated with surface rupturing. These phenomena are distributed intermittently along the re-existing fault and form a ~50km-long inverse L-shaped deformation zone. Fault activities caused left-lateral offset of gullies and terraces, with horizontal displacement concentrated at 5.5m~6m, 18m~23m, 68m~75m, and 200m~220m, respectively. The recent earthquake occurred between 340±30~500±30BP. The macro epicenter is located 5km~7km northwest of Benduo village, with magnitude of MW7.3~7.4, maximum coseismic displacement of 6m, horizontal displacement 5.5m~6m and vertical displacement 0.2m~0.5m, being in a proportion of 5∶1~10∶1. These phenomena show that the Tazang fault is the causative fault of this earthquake. The fault is a Holocene active fault and was dominated recently by left-lateral movement with a small amount of thrust component under compressive shear stress. This characteristic is similar to the movement in other segments of the East Kunlun fault zone. The results of this study support the "continental escape" model.  相似文献   
地质雷达在活动断裂研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于快速发生沉积和侵蚀的地区,断裂附近的古地震遗迹会很快被掩埋。获取这些地区断裂的位置、上断点的埋深和标志层的断距等方面的数据至关重要。本文利用地质雷达探测技术探测这些被埋藏的古地震遗迹。以北京平原区正断性质的新夏垫断裂和青藏高原东北缘六盘山地区逆冲性质的六盘山东麓断裂为实验区。通过探测发现,对于断裂两侧地表覆盖层主要为粉土或粉质粘土的新夏垫断裂,地质雷达可精确定位断裂通过的位置,指示上断点的埋深,但无法在地质雷达剖面上识别出各套地层。对于在T1基座阶地上通过的六盘山东麓断裂,地质雷达不但可以精确定位断裂的位置,而且可以在地质雷达剖面上识别出各套地层,进而求得断裂两侧基座的断距。  相似文献   
塔藏断裂位于东昆仑断裂带东段,属于“玛曲空区”范围,汶川Ms8.0级地震对该区域造成了应力的加载,但是本区尚未开展古地震方面研究,地震危险性认识不足.通过断错地貌实测、古地震探槽、14C定年等方法,在坡中谷、断塞塘附近位置开挖两处探槽,获得了一些古地震方面的认识.探槽附近微地貌测量结果表明,断错量主要分布在两个范围区间72m和71m,以及27m,25和22m,两区间之间近倍数关系,推测由多次地震事件造成.两处探槽采集14C样品共计19个,探槽剖面分别记录了2次古地震事件,事件发生的层位与年龄具有一定的可比性,经逐次限定后得到2次古地震事件,时间分别为320±30~500±30aB.P.和2730±30 ~ 2840±30aB.P.;最近一次古地震离逝时间为320±30 ~ 500±30aB.P.;实际重复间隔约为2300a,与东昆仑断裂玛曲段的重复间隔较为接近.  相似文献   
利用SuomiNet网GPS大气可降水量数据和地面气象数据研究建立大气可降水量估算模型.利用研究区域GPS PWV和地面气象数据,研究了大气可降水量与地面水汽压间的相关性,并建立二者间的线性、二次多项式和幂函数回归模型,对比分析各模型的估算精度以确定最优估算模型,并检验了不同大气水汽含量下最优模型的估算精度.得出以下结论:1)GPS大气可降水量与地面水汽压变化趋势基本一致,存在着良好的相关关系(相关系数达到0.892).2)基于地面水汽压的线性、二次多项式和幂函数模型估算大气可降水量均达到一定的估算精度(相对误差均小于19%),其中幂函数估算模型的R2最高,估算误差最小.3)基于地面水汽压的PWV估算模型具有地域性特征,基于研究区域数据所建立的模型更适合于研究区域,其PWV估算精度高于Cole模型、张学文模型和李超模型.4)所建估算模型在不同的大气水汽含量条件下估算精度不同,大汽水汽含量越高,估算结果的相对误差越小.  相似文献   
在政府主导的生态建设工程中,各利益主体决策行为相互影响,策略相互依存。使用博弈论方法研究生态建设工程中利益主体间相互作用关系及结果是一条可行途径。以典型的生态建设工程——退耕还林还草工程为例,分别从静态和动态两方面,建立退耕还林还草博弈模型。模型表明:在中央政府参与的三方动态博弈中,中央政府应当在发展水平较低、生态环境脆弱地区安排下达较多的任务量,同时为保证项目工程顺利实施,应提高该地区的补助比例;在没有中央政府的监督考核机制、群众完成项目量不影响地方政府外部效应情况下,地方政府就会忽视群众利益;农牧民作为项目具体执行者,主要从政府补助比例、工程任务量及自身实际情况出发,考虑完成任务比例,而极少关注政府"信誉"问题。因此,在推进生态建设工程中,项目决策管理层应认识到地区间差异,实行有区别的项目政策,中央政府应在工程中起主导作用。  相似文献   
Hou  Jundong  Lv  Jun  Chen  Xin  Yu  Shiwei 《Natural Hazards》2015,77(1):97-107
The Andaman–Sumatra is one of the seismically active subduction zones and experienced three largest earthquakes in the recent past and rupturing more than 1,600-km-long portion of the plate boundary. The seismicity analysis of these large earthquakes source region (5°S–15°N latitude and 90°E–103°E longitude) has been carried out by several researchers and quantified the spatial and temporal variation of b-value which is a proxy to differential stress conditions and fractal dimension which is an indicator of material heterogeneity and strength. The results of all these studies clearly bring out the low b-value and low fractal dimension corresponding to locales were sizable magnitude earthquakes have occurred. Further locales of high stress regions are identified.  相似文献   
Surface soil samples were collected from 161 sites throughout the downtown and suburban area of Beijing, China. The samples were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations. Through Kriging analysis, five heavily contaminated zones were identified in the study area. Sources of PAHs in the soil were apportioned using principal factor analysis and multiple linear regression. Three factors were identified representing coal combustion/vehicle emission, coking emission, and petroleum sources, respectively. The relative contributions of the three sources were 48% for coal/vehicle emission, 28% for coking emission, and 24% for petroleum sources. The contributions of total PAHs from the three sources were 16.4, 4.63 and 3.70 ng g−1, respectively. Spatial analysis indicated that the contribution of coal/vehicle sources was higher in the downtown area than in the suburban area, the petroleum sources had a high contribution in the urban area, and the contribution of coking sources was high in the suburban area. The results indicated that PAH contamination in the surface soil in Beijing was closely related to the spatial characteristics of energy consumption and functional zoning. Improvement of the energy consumption structure and relocation of industries with heavy pollution are effective ways to control PAH contamination in surface soil in the area.  相似文献   
目前,洪涝灾害是我国最严重的气象灾害之一,如何实现及时准确的洪灾监测是防灾减灾的重要前提和基础。本文基于多源遥感数据,采用数据协同的方式进行洪涝淹没范围时序监测分析,以重现淹没情形,反映灾情特征。其中MODIS地表反射率产品和DFO达特茅斯洪水数据库能够实现淹没的宏观动态监测;由同期高分辨率遥感影像水体提取结果以空间差值的计算方式求取的淹没范围则能反映淹没的空间变化和细节特征。相关结果可为灾情评估奠定基础。  相似文献   
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