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翟永  刘磊  顾学明  高景强  赵薇蔚 《测绘通报》2016,(9):99-102,122
随着地理信息需求推动下的空间数据采集能力的发展,空间数据的生产规模和数据量呈爆发式增长,直接带来了对大规模空间数据处理的需求。本文基于IT并行计算和大数据技术的发展成果,探讨了这些技术在大规模空间数据处理上的应用及相应的IT系统集成思路,提出了基于数据库的并行空间数据处理方法,并根据第一次全国地理国情普查项目需求作了深度验证和分析。  相似文献   
张竞强 《现代测绘》2004,27(3):36-37
讨论了GPS RTK技术进行控制测量的作业方法。在分析长距离输油输气管道工程控制测量特点的基础 上,以某测区的长距离天然气输气管道的控制测量为例,说明具有省时、省力、工作效率高、精度高等优点。  相似文献   
Tests of new in-situ seabed acoustic measurement system in Qingdao   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new in-situ seabed acoustic measurement system is developed for direct in-situ measurement of sediment geoacoustic properties (compressional wave velocity and attenuation). The new in-situ system consists of two parts: the deck control unit and the underwater measurement unit. The underwater measurement unit emits sonic waves that propagate through the seafloor sediment, receives the returning signals, and transmits them to the deck control unit for waveform display and analysis. The entire operation is controlled and monitored in real time by the deck control unit on the research vessel and can provide recording of full waveforms to determine the sound velocity and attenuation. This paper outlines the design of the system, the measurement process, and demonstrates its application in tests carded out on seabed sediment off the Qingdao coast, China. The test results show that the system performed well and rapidly provided accurate in-situ acoustic velocity and attenuation estimates of the seafloor sediment.  相似文献   
在研究倾斜摄影技术发展的基础上,充分利用瞰景Smart3D在倾斜影像三维建模中空三一次性通过率高及ContextCapture集群技术建模效率高、模型效果好的优点,为具有大面积、广水域、多重分辨率等建模难点的倾斜数据提出了倾斜三维建模的技术路线、生产流程和质量检查方法,并成功应用到浙江仙居抽水蓄能电站工程项目生产中,为相关工程的模型生产提供技术参考。  相似文献   

以取自海南岛北部双池玛珥湖SCH17-04岩芯全长为420cm的沉积物为材料, 对其开展了AMS14C测年和总汞浓度、总有机碳、常量地化元素、干密度等指标的测试分析。通过对多代用指标的综合比对分析, 并结合历史文献资料, 着重探讨了815~1510A.D.时段内区域气候环境与人类活动影响下的汞沉积过程及其可能影响因素。研究结果表明: 在研究时段内, SCH17-04岩芯中汞浓度(Hg-C)为0.22~3.11μg/g, 汞沉积通量(Hg-AR)为0.01~1.92μg/(cm2·a)。进一步分析发现, 双池玛珥湖沉积物中汞浓度与各环境代用指标之间呈现出变化步调的不一致性, 揭示了有机质吸附、土壤侵蚀、气候变化、海洋释放等自然因素可能对沉积物中汞积累的贡献较为微弱。综合岩芯记录与史料记载分析发现, 主要与人类活动关系较为密切的大气汞沉降输入占据着主导地位, 其中人为汞信号始于约940A.D., 对应于五代十国时期, 并且在约940~1130A.D.(五代十国中后期和北宋)和约1320~1420A.D.(元朝中后期和明朝初期)期间, 特别是在后一时期, 出现显著的人为汞通量峰值阶段, 这与历史上海南岛人口数量变化趋势较为吻合, 揭示了人类活动(如金属冶炼和开采、战争叛乱、人口迁移等)在这些时期对自然界中的汞释放与积累具有重要影响。

Li  Lei  Tan  Jingqiang  Zhang  Dazhou  Malkoti  Ajay  Abakumov  Ivan  Xie  Yujiang 《Computational Geosciences》2021,25(5):1565-1578

Seismic modeling plays an important role in geophysics and seismology for estimating the response of seismic sources in a given medium. In this work, we present a MATLAB-based package, FDwave3D, for synthetic wavefield and seismogram modeling in 3D anisotropic media. The seismic simulation is carried out using the finite-difference method over the staggered grid, and it is applicable to both active and passive surveys. The code package allows the incorporation of arbitrary source mechanisms and offers spatial derivative operators of accuracy up to tenth-order along with different types of boundary conditions. First, the methodological aspects of finite-difference method are briefly introduced. Then, the code has been tested and verified against the analytical solutions obtained for the homogeneous model. Further, the numerical examples of layered and overthrust models are presented to demonstrate its reliability.

不同变质变形煤储层孔隙特征与煤层气可采性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
煤储层孔隙是煤层气的主要聚集场所和运移通道,煤储层孔隙结构不仅制约着煤层气的含气量,而且对其可采性也有重要影响。文中选取淮北煤田和沁水盆地不同矿区有代表性的煤样,通过对研究区不同变质与变形煤样的宏微观构造观测、镜质组反射率与孔隙度测试以及压汞实验分析,研究了不同变质变形煤储层孔隙结构特征及其对煤层气可采性的制约。研究结果表明,按照不同的变质变形特征将研究区煤储层主要划分为5类,即:高变质较强至强变形程度煤储层(Ⅰ类)、高变质较弱变形程度煤储层(Ⅱ类)、中变质较强变形程度煤储层(Ⅲ类)、中变质较弱变形程度煤储层(Ⅳ类)及低变质强变形程度煤储层(Ⅴ类)。不同变质变形煤储层的孔隙结构具有以下特征:Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类煤储层吸附孔占主导,Ⅰ类煤储层孔隙连通性差,Ⅱ类煤储层因后期叠加了构造裂隙,孔隙连通性变好;Ⅲ类煤储层中孔、大孔增多,但有效孔隙少,孔隙连通性变差;Ⅳ类煤储层吸附孔较多,中孔、大孔中等,且煤储层内生裂隙发育,孔隙具有较好的连通性,渗透性明显变好;Ⅴ类煤储层吸附孔含量较低,中孔较发育,大孔不太发育,有效孔隙少,孔隙连通性差。由此,变质程度高且叠加了一定构造变形的煤储层(Ⅱ类)以及中等变质程度变形较弱且内生裂隙发育的煤储层(Ⅳ类),其煤层气有较好的渗透性,可采性较好。  相似文献   
浅地层剖面是基于声学信号(频率在几百至几千赫兹)在沉积物中的传播得到可反映沉积地层结构的数据,海底反射系数与沉积物物理性质密切相关。Biot-Stoll声波传播理论模型可以预测海底沉积物的物理性质,构建反射系数等声学参数与物理参数之间的关系,但在不同的海域采用不同的参数所获得的效果不同。为此,本文基于南海北部陆坡海底表层沉积物的实测物理参数,利用BiotStoll模型建立研究区海底反射系数和沉积物物理性质之间的关系,结果表明模型计算值与样品实测值吻合度总体较好,偏差在0.1%~4.9%之间,并建立了频率3.5 kHz时海底反射系数与沉积物孔隙度、密度、平均粒径之间的关系方程,且方程拟合度较高,可决系数R2均大于0.99。在对典型Chirp剖面数据计算其海底反射系数的基础上,反演了海底表层沉积物的孔隙度、密度、颗粒平均粒径等物理性质,其中反演孔隙度、密度、平均粒径与实测孔隙度、密度、平均粒径相对误差均小于5%,结果与实测值基本相符,表明该反演方法在南海北部陆坡区的应用是可行的。  相似文献   
To accurately characterize the shear wave speed dispersion of seafloor sediments in the northern South China Sea,five types of sediments including silty clay,clayey silt,sandy silt,silty sand,and clayey sand were selected,on which the measurements of the shear wave speed at 0.5-2.0 kHz and related physical properties were performed.Results reveal that the shear wave speed of sediments increases as the frequency increases,and the dispersion enhanced in the sediments in the order of silty clay,clayey silt,sandy silt,silty sand,and clayey sand,at a linear change rate of 0.727,0.787,3.32,4.893,and 6.967 m s?1 kHz?1,respectively.Through regression analysis,linear and logarithmic regression equations for the correlation between shear wave speed and frequency were established for each sediment type and the determination coefficients of regression equations indicate that the correlation is closer to a logarithmic relationship.The Grain-Shearing(GS)and Biot-Stoll models were used to calculate the shear wave speed dispersion of the five sediment types,and the comparison between theoretical prediction and measured results of shear wave speeds shows that the GS model can more accurately describe the shear wave speed dispersion characteristics of these sediments in the frequency band of 0.5-2.0 kHz.In the same band,the predictions obtained by using the Biot-Stoll model are significantly different from the measured data.  相似文献   
基于遗传BP神经网络的海底沉积物声速预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海底沉积物声速预报中,针对传统经验公式存在预测精度差、适用范围窄、缺乏物理意义等问题,在已有BP神经网络预测的基础上,运用遗传算法优化其初始权值和阈值的方法,构建出基于含水量、孔隙度的声速预报模型。将南沙海域采集得到的海底沉积物样品分为两部分,抽取120组涵盖陆架、陆坡、海槽等地貌单元的样品作为训练数据,另外剩余6组作为测试数据。经试验对比后发现,在对本区域进行声速预报时,宜采用遗传算法优化的BP神经网络,其要优于传统的单参数、双参数回归拟合预报方法和国内外其他学者所得到的经验公式。此种预报方法具有一定的科学依据和广泛的应用前景,可在今后为建立明确、统一的声速预报模型提供参考。  相似文献   
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