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采用NCEP1°×1°客观再分析资料和常规观测资料,对2008年1月25—29日发生在长江中下游地区的强雨雪过程进行诊断分析,结果表明,低空急流与强雨雪有着密切关系,强雨雪的发生需具备一定的温度条件以及水汽场与动力场的耦合机制。对强雨雪过程的湿Q矢量诊断分析表明,700hPa湿Q矢量辐合区以及850hPa锋生函数正值区与强雨雪区对应较好,对雨雪天气的发生有着很好的指示意义。湿位涡特征分析表明,此次强雨雪过程发生在层结稳定的大气中且垂直涡度发展较强。  相似文献   
The effect of anomalous snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau upon the South Asian summer monsoon is investigated by numerical simulations using the NCAR regional climate model (RegCM2) into which gravity wave drag has been introduced. The simulations adopt relatively realistic snow mass forcings based on Scanning Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer (SNINIR) pentad snow depth data. The physical mechanism and spatial structure of the sensitivity of the South Asian early summer monsoon to snow cover anomaly over the Tibetan Plateau are revealed. The main results are summarized as follows. The heavier than normal snow cover over the Plateau can obviously reduce the shortwave radiation absorbed by surface through the albedo effect, which is compensated by weaker upward sensible heat flux associated with colder surface temperature, whereas the effects of snow melting and evaporation are relatively smaller.The anomalies of surface heat fluxes can last until June and become unobvious in July. The decrease of the Plateau surface temperature caused by heavier snow cover reaches its maximum value from late April to early May. The atmospheric cooling in the mid-upper troposphere over the Plateau and its surrounding areas is most obvious in May and can keep a fairly strong intensity in June. In contrast, there is warming to the south of the Plateau in the mid-lower troposphere from April to June with a maximum value in May.The heavier snow cover over the Plateau can reduce the intensity of the South Asian summer monsoon and rainfall to some extent, but this influence is only obvious in early summer and almost disappears in later stages.  相似文献   
地震预报是当今世界尚未破解的重大科技难题,短临地震预报是地震预报的难点,有效的前兆信息则是短临预报的关键。笔者围绕短临地震预报难题,研制了高精度动态固体潮汐重力仪和大气潮汐重力仪,成功捕获到2010~2023年间的玉树7.1级地震、土耳其7.8级地震等震前几十个小时的动态重力场变化信息。这些信息再现了强震孕育–发生的过程,初步揭示短临阶段“基本稳定→闭锁蓄能→震前平静→能量释放”的强震物理机制,可作为短临地震预报的前兆信息。为实现对短临地震“时−空−强”的准确预报,提出通过动态重力场变化组网观测和分布式前兆信息数据库建设,进一步揭示不同类型地震的动态重力信号响应规律,建立强震发生概率、时间、震中位置及震级预报模型的可行性路径,渴望破解强震短临预报的世界难题。  相似文献   
包络地形和重力波拖曳对区域气候模拟效果的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
刘华强  钱永甫 《大气科学》2001,25(2):209-220
用NCAR区域气候模式(RegCM2)的数值试验,研究了包络地形和地形重力波拖曳作用对1991年5、6月份中国区域内气候模拟效果的影响。通过试验结果的对比分析发现,在模式中引入地形重力波拖曳作用可在一定程度上改善模式对气候系统和要素的模拟效果,使模拟结果更符合气候实况。包络地形对模拟结果也有一定的改善,但对于细网格的区域气候模式(RCM)来说,其效果不如重力波拖曳明显。不论是地形重力波拖曳还是包络地形,在模式积分的初期,它们的作用并不明显,随着积分时间的增长,它们对模拟结果的影响程度增大。  相似文献   
针对月核大小及密度估计问题,利用高分辨率重力场模型GL1500E的二阶位系数和LLR(lunar laser ranging)天平动参数,考虑月核分层为外核和内核的情况,结合非线性粒子群优化算法,对月核大小和组成进行了估计。大批量的统计结果表明,大概率分布的外核半径rc1约为469 km,内核半径rc2约为303 km,外核密度ρc1约为4613 kg/m3,内核密度ρc2约为7004 kg/m3,月幔密度ρm约为3340 kg/m3。月幔密度非常接近地质研究结果3360 kg/m3,内外核半径与近期其他研究结果相近,估算的月核大小与密度组成具有一定的参考价值。若月核由纯铁和硫化亚铁组成,则研究表明,内核大部分由纯铁组成,外核大部分由硫化亚铁组成。  相似文献   
支持向量机(SVM)的惩罚参数及核参数的选择直接影响到模型效果,通过粒子群算法(PSO)解决支持向量机的参数选择问题,实现了参数选择的自动化。将该方法应用于热带气旋强度预报,利用气候持续性因子,挑选了1990年的100个左右样本进行预报检验,预报时效为12 h、24 h、36 h、48 h的强度平均绝对误差分别为3.00、4.35、4.93和6.68 m/s。另外,还与国外预报结果及采用最小二乘回归法的预报结果进行了效果的比较,SVM方法显示了更好的预报能力。  相似文献   
1.IntroductionAlthoughGCMsprovedsuccessfulinreproducingthebasicfeaturesoflarge--scaleatmosphericcirculations(Gates,1992),theyaretoocoarsetodescribethedetailsofregionalclimatepatterns(Grotch,etal.,1991).Intheregionswheretheatmosphericdynamicalandphysicalforcingsvaryonascaleoflessthanafewhundredkilometers,suchasinthepresenceofcomplexterrain,afactorof10orgreaterincreaseinmodelhorizontalresolutionmayberequiredtosimulatetherealisticregionalresponsestothefutureclimatechanges.Duetothelimitationsinb…  相似文献   
鄂北杭锦旗探区构造演化与油气关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
鄂北杭锦旗探区构造演化与油气关系研究比较匮乏,而该区构造演化对上古生界油气运聚的作用不容忽视。论文通过对研究区构造演化分析研究,结合前人成果,明确指出研究区先后经历了太古代-古元古代基底形成期、中、新元古代裂谷集中发育期、早古生代隆起剥蚀期、中晚石炭世-三叠纪的稳定克拉通发育期及中新生代的不均衡发育期等五个演化阶段。在研究区形成了早、中期的北西高南东低转变为现今的南西低北东高的构造格局。研究区构造演化与上古生界油气关系密切。具体表现为,古隆起及其演化控制了上古生界烃源岩的展布和演化,构造运动导致上古生界储层普遍致密化,基底形态及构造活动控制了区内构造圈闭的形成,构造演化控制了上古生界油气的运移和聚集,先后经历了中-晚侏罗世和早白垩世-至今两期油气运聚,油气运移方向分别以北向、北东向为主,在研究区南部斜坡发育根缘气藏,北部发育常规气藏。  相似文献   
The effect of anomalous snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau upon the South Asian summer monsoon is investigated by numerical simulations using the NCAR regional climate model (RegCM2) into which gravity wave drag has been introduced. The simulations adopt relatively realistic snow mass forcings based on Scanning Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) pentad snow depth data. The physical mechanism and spatial structure of the sensitivity of the South Asian early summer monsoon to snow cover anomaly over the Tibetan Plateau are revealed. The main results are summarized as follows. The heavier than normal snow cover over the Plateau can obviously reduce the shortwave radiation absorbed by surface through the albedo effect, which is compensated by weaker upward sensible heat flux associated with colder surface temperature, whereas the effects of snow melting and evaporation are relatively smaller.The anomalies of surface heat fluxes can last until June and become unobvions in July. The decrease of the Plateau surface temperature caused by heavier snow cover reaches its maximum value from late April to early May. The atmospheric cooling in the mid-upper troposphere over the Plateau and its surrounding areas is most obvious in May and can keep a fairly strong intensity in June. In contrast, there is warming to the south of the Plateau in the mid-lower troposphere from April to June with a maximum value in May.The heavier snow cover over the Plateau can reduce the intensity of the South Asian summer monsoon and rainfall to some extent, but this influence is only obvious in early summer and almost disappears in later stages.  相似文献   
以实际工程为例,论述了真空预压排水固结法加固连云港沿海地区潮间带软土地基的原理和施工要点,对工程实际的观测结果进行了深入分析。实践证明,使用真空预压法,对地基施加相当于80kPa荷载的真空压力,100d后地基的总沉降量可达到1m,地基土的平均固结度超过80%,经过加固的地基土抗剪强度明显增加,地基承载力基本满足后续施工要求。表明真空预压法适用连云港沿海潮间带软基加固,效果明显。  相似文献   
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