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厦门港浮游植物对磷酸盐吸收速率的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
用无载体32P同位素示踪测定海水中浮游植物和细菌吸收磷酸盐速率的方法,对厦门港浮游植物和细菌进行了研究。结果表明,厦门港海水中吸收磷酸盐的主体是浮游植物(几乎占100%),平均吸收速率为4.28×10-5μmol/(L·s),并且存在着晚秋<冬<初春的季节变化,培养实验的结果表明吸收速率的季节变化主要是由于种类更替和温度效应所致。  相似文献   
Alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and the availability of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) to marine algae were determined in Xiamen Bay and in algal batch culture systems. Results showed that APA changed with seasons, increasing to the highest value in summer and decreasing to the lowest in autumn and spring in Xiamen Bay. Tests on natural populations of planktonic algae and bacteria community showed that algae were mostly responsible for DOP utilization, while bacteria could not take up DOP compounds. Results from algal batch cultures also supported the above conclusion. Relationships between APA and environmental factors indicated that APA was negatively correlated with phosphorus level such as phosphate and small molecular DOP, and APA played an important role in utilization of DOP by algae. All the results emphasized the ecological significance of DOP in subtropical coastal waters.  相似文献   
In order to determine the phytoplankton community composition, the modification and optimizing of the CHEMical TAXonomy (CHEMTAX) running was carried out through samples grouping, successive run and ev...  相似文献   
Phytoplankton respiratory electron transport system (P-ETS) activities were studied in two cruises in Taiwan Strait (Aug. 1997 and Feb. -Mar.1998) and two cruises in Xiamen Harbour (Oct., 1997 and Apr.,1998). Results showed that P-ETS activity in the surface water of southern Yaiwan Strait in summer was homogeneous [mean value of 0.106 μ102/(L.h)], inhomogeneous in northern Yaiwan Strait in winter. Variation of P-ETS activity in middle part of the Strait was not obvious between summer and winter. Mean P-ETS activity of Xiamen Harbour in autumn was 0.255 μ102/(L.h) with a little higher value in Jiulong River estuary areas. In spring, P-ETS activity was more homogeneously distributed and the mean value was 1.076 μ102/(L.h). P-ETS activity in spring was obviously higher than in autumn in Xiamen Harbour. Vertical distribution of P-ETS in Taiwan Strait was homogeneous at some stations in winter and in summer. An obvious daily variation of P-ETS activity was recorded at Stn 9837, high at midnight and low in the early morning. Significant correlation between P-ETS activity and Chl-a was observed. Results also showed that the ratio of estimated respiratory rate to photosynthetic rate varied seasonally, high in winter (0.41) and low in summer (0.12).  相似文献   
Abstract-A survey was carried out in the central and north part of the Huanghai Sea (34.5°~37.0°N, 120.5°~124.0°E) during June 12~27, 2000. It was found that the abundance of marineflagellate ranged from 45 to 1278 cell/ml, 479 cell/ml in average. Flagellate was more abundant in thecentral part than in the north part of Huanghai Sea, and the abundance decreased with the increasingdistance from the coast, showing a similar distribution pattern with isotherm. Vertically, high densityof flagellate was always presented in the bottom of thermocline, and formed a dense accumulation in thecentral area of the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass. The effects of physical and biological factors on thedistribution of marine flagellate in early summer were discussed. Water temperature (especially the ex-istence of thermocline) rather than salinity showed significant effect on the distribution pattern of marineflagellate in the Huanghai Sea in early summer. When comparing the abundance of marine flagellatewith that o  相似文献   
Variations in abundance, biomass, vertical profile and cell size of heterotrophic dinoflagellates (HDFs) between summer and winter and its controlling factors were studied in the northern South China Sea (SCS). It was found that HDF abundance and carbon biomass were 4–102 × 103 cells L−1 and 0.34–12.3 mg C L−1 in winter (February 2004), respectively, while they were 2–142 × 103 cells L−1 and 0.22–31.4 μg C L−1 in summer (July, 2004), respectively, in the northern SCS. HDF abundance and carbon biomass decreased from the estuary to inshore and then offshore. Vertical profiles of HDF abundance were heterogeneous, which accorded well with that of chlorophyll a (Chl.a). Higher abundance of HDFs was often observed at a depth of 30–70 m offshore waters, matching well with the Chl.a maximum, while it showed high abundance at the surface in some coastal and estuary stations. Small HDFs (≤20 μm) dominated the assemblage in term of abundance accounting for more than 90%. However, large HDFs (>20 μm) generally contributed equally in terms of carbon biomass, accounting for 47% on average. HDFs showed different variation patterns for the different study regions; in the estuarine and continental shelf regions, abundance and biomass values were higher in summer than those in winter, while it was the reverse pattern for the slope waters. Hydrological factors (e.g. water mass, river outflow, monsoon and eddies) associated with biological factors, especially the size-fractionated Chl.a, seemed to play an important role in regulating HDF distribution and variations in the northern South China Sea.  相似文献   
于2009年7月20日至8月16日(夏季),2010年1月6日至30日(冬季),2010年10月26日至11月24日(秋季)和2011年4月30日至2011年5月24日(春季)在南海北部调查了微型异养鞭毛虫的生态分布特点。结果表明:春、夏、秋、冬的微型异养鞭毛虫丰度分别为0.05×103~1.93×103,0.03×103~2.65×103,0.09×103~2.05×103和0.04×103~1.84×103 cells/mL,生物量(以碳计)分别为0.56~19.50,0.04~24.11,0.96~14.80和0.29~22.26 μg/L。4个季节的微型异养鞭毛虫丰度均以2~5 μm粒级的为主,其所占比例超过65%,10~20 μm粒级所占比例通常低于10%。在水平分布上,微型异养鞭毛虫的丰度随离岸距离的增加逐渐降低;在垂直分布上,微型异养鞭毛虫的丰度随深度的增加逐渐降低,但夏季微型异养鞭毛虫丰度的高值多出现在次表层叶绿素a极大值层(DCM层)。微型异养鞭毛虫的丰度分布受到多重因素的交互影响,并且其所受调控模式在不同季节存在差异:春季和秋季微型异养鞭毛虫主要受下行调控;夏季微型异养鞭毛虫主要受上行调控;冬季上行和下行调控对微型异养鞭毛虫的影响相近。  相似文献   
Seven stations were established in the Quanzhou Bay (24.73°-24.96°N, 118.50°-118.70°E) in China on three cruises to determine the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the numbers of PAH-degrading bacteria in surface sediments. Assessing the biodegradation poten- tial of indigenous microorganisms by measuring the respiratory intensity with the addition of PAHs in sediment samples was also one of the aims of this study. The results show that the total PAH concentrations of the sedimen...  相似文献   
黄海冷水团海域浮游植物磷胁迫的季节变动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Yellow Sea is located between the China Mainland and the Korean Peninsula, representing a typical shallow epicontinental sea. The Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(YSCWM) is one of the most important physical features in the Yellow Sea. The characteristics of vertical profiles and seasonal variations of biogenic elements in the YSCWM may lead the variations of nutrient availability(e.g., phosphorus) and phosphorus stress of phytoplankton. In this study, the authors surveyed the seasonal variations of phytoplankton phosphorus stress with emphasis on the effect of the YSCWM during the four cruises in April and October 2006, March and August 2007. Using both bulk and single-cell alkaline phosphatase activity(APA) assays, this study evaluated phosphorus status of phytoplankton community, succession of phytoplankton community and ecophysiological responses of phytoplankton to phosphorus in the typical region of the YSCWM. With the occurrence of the YSCWM, especially the variations of concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorus(DIP), the results of bulk APA appeared corresponding seasonal variations. Along Transects A and B, the mean APA in August was the highest, and that in March was the lowest. According to the ELF-labeled assay's results, seasonal variations of the ELF-labeled percentages within dominant species indicated that diatoms were dominant in March, April and October, while dinoflagellates were dominant in August. During the four cruises, the ELF-labeled percentages of diatoms except Paralia sulcata showed that diatoms were not phosphorus deficient in April 2006 at all, but suffered from severe phosphorus stress in August 2007. In comparison, the ELF-labeled percentages of dinoflagellates were all above 50% during the four time series, which meant dinoflagellates such as Alexandrium and Scrippsiella, sustained perennial phosphorus stress.  相似文献   
原位观测技术在生物海洋学过程研究中的应用,从海洋生物多样性、海洋生物的生理生态响应和宏观的生态过程及其变动机制等方向的研究中得到迅速的发展,极大提高了对海洋生物学、生态学以及不同时空尺度生物地球化学过程的认识.包括原位光学检测技术、水下显微摄像与自动化鉴定技术、水下流式细胞技术、分子生物传感器等新型原位观测技术,拓宽了各类型观测平台的研究对象范围.重点阐述生物海洋学原位观测技术的发展现状、应用实例及其在立体海洋观测系统中的应用前景.  相似文献   
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