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温度对条斑紫菜丝状体生长发育的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
条斑紫菜(Porphyra yezoensis Ueda)是我国北方紫菜种类中的主要人工养殖对象。要开展这种紫菜的人工养殖,首先必须培养好其丝状体,以便适时得到大量壳孢子,满足人工采苗的要求。因此,了解丝状体的生长发育同环境条件的关系,对培养好丝状体是非常必要的。 温度是影响丝状体生长发育的一个重要环境因子。关于这方面的研究工作,过去已有  相似文献   
羊栖菜(Hizikiafusiformis)是一种重要的经济海藻,隶属于褐藻门,墨角藻目,马尾藻科,羊栖菜属 ,自然分布在太平洋的西海岸。在我国北至大连南到海南岛都广有分布 ,尤其以浙江和福建等地区分布最广[1]。羊栖菜藻体黄褐色 ,生长在潮间带 ,株高一般在30~60cm ,藻体自下而上包括假根 ,茎 ,叶片、气囊和生殖托 (繁殖季节 )等部分组成。羊栖菜雌雄异株 ,属暖水性多年生海藻 ,靠残留的假根度过冬季 ,次年春天由假根再生植株。每年的繁殖季节 (5~10月份 ) ,雌雄生殖托自叶茎处生成。雌雄生殖托分别排放卵子和精…  相似文献   
紫菜是世界上最重要的人工栽培海藻,全世界紫菜初级产品的年产值占人工栽培海藻总产值的2/3。目前我国的紫菜栽培面积已跃居世界第一。紫菜育苗是必不可少的生产步骤和关键,决定全年生产的成败,常规的紫菜育苗期通常仅限于每年晚秋的10~20d内,受到海况气象条件和育苗管理水平的制约,不能适时采苗和优质苗网的育成率低,出现苗期大面积病烂的情况是经常发生的,一旦出现这类情况,其后果往往是灾难性的,这正是目前普遍采用传统的紫菜贝壳丝状体室内水槽育苗技术普遍存在的问题,因此,迫切需要加快研究改进。  相似文献   
针对海带夏苗致病与育苗水系中细菌大量繁殖有密切的关系,于1984年在福建三沙海带育苗室同时从微生物、生理生态和培养技术三个方面对水系中微生物进行监控,具体步骤为:1.小心地抽出,古海况及气象条件不佳时,即停止抽水;2.育苗海水要经黑暗沉淀和过滤;3.种海带必须健康清洁,将首批放散的孢子水排掉不用,而以第二批孢子水采苗;4.育苗苗帘须经过严格漂洗和消毒。通过以上措施取得育苗的成功。  相似文献   
现场及实验室试验表明,近岸水中细菌丰度因时因地有较大差别,近岸水在潮周期中以高潮前后细菌量较低;海水在沉淀贮存过程中细菌丰度有明显变化,且与海水中营养物含量、贮存温度等有关;海水经沙滤后能减少细菌90%左右;回水中脱落苗进入贮水池,是贮水池中细菌数量增长10余倍的主要原因。  相似文献   
There are many reports that cells (protoplasts) separated from the thallus of Porphyra by enzyme can develop to normal leafy thalli in the same way as monopores. But there are few investigations on the subcellular structure of the isolated vegetative cell for ccmparison with the subcellular structure of monospores. To clarify whether the separated and cultured cells undergo the same or similar ultrastructure changes during culture and germination as monospores undergo in their formation and germination, we observed their ultrastructure, ccxnpared them with those of the monospore and found that the ultrastructure of separated and cultured cells did not have the characteristic feature as that of monospore formarion, such as production of small and large fibrous vesicles, but was acccxnpanied by vacuolation andstarch mobilization like that in monospore germination. The paper also discusses the relations between monospores and separated and cultured cells.  相似文献   
Several papers have reported that part or whole leafy thallus seemingly consisting of zygotospores can give rise to both blades and conchocelis in the same culture of Porphyra. Study on samples of wild and cultivated Porphyra yezoensis and P. oligospermatangia were conducted to clarify the origination of the young blades in the culture. It is confirmed that single cells on the blade of both species, which normally intermixed with zygotospores, germinated into young blades. TEM and SEM observation has shown that the single cells of Porphyra yezoensis had typical features of female gamete (carpogonia) but archeospore. Therefore, the female gametes are responsible in developing leafy thalli.  相似文献   
海藻载培—传统方式及其改造途径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
费修绠  鲍鹰 《海洋与湖沼》2000,31(5):575-580
上前所有的海藻载培技术和方法都是以在对藻类个体和群体的了解为基础的,这就是传统海藻载培业的基础和出发点。现代生命科学和生物技术的进展和进步已使陆地的农业和医学大为受益,会传统的海藻载培业还很少应用这些最新的科技成果。实际上自从以来最基本的载培技术没有发生大的变化,这是因为在相当长时期内海藻载培在技术上比较保守,有许多有待解决的问题,其中最主要的有六个方面。新的载培种类需要增加,新的技术需要发展和  相似文献   
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