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西部生态环境与资源可持续利用的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍西部主要生态环境现状的基础上,分析了西部生态环境恶化的症结所在,并指出西部应增强生态意识,重视保护和改善生态环境,确保资源的可持续利用,促进西部经济可持续发展。  相似文献   
旅游环境是旅游业赖以生存和发展的前提和基础.在生态旅游迅速发展的今天,旅游者更加重视旅游地的生态环境.对旅游地生态环境质量进行评价,可为维持和提高旅游地生态环境质量提供科学依据.基于"3S"技术及其有关理论,构建了生态农业旅游环境质量综合评价体系,以南充市木老乡为例采用主成分分析法对木老乡生态农业旅游生态环境质量进行综合评价.  相似文献   
四川省生态旅游跨越式发展初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于地理位置及历史原因,四川省经济、文化相对于中、东部来说比较滞后,近年来,在国家实施西部大开发这一伟大战略中,四川省发展较快,文章对四川省抓住这个历史机遇实现生态旅游跨越式发展进行了可行性分析,并提出实现这一跨越式发展的一些思路。  相似文献   
从岳阳旅游资源现状出发,在综合考虑了岳阳旅游资源的优、劣势之后,提出了岳阳旅游资源开发的对策。  相似文献   
Mangrove forests occur extensively in the tropic areas rich in wildlife and other nonforestry resources and provide a wide array of raw materials for livelihood and production processes and have been a major source of income generation and subsistence for the local people.Exploitation of timber, fuel wood, poles, industrial raw material, and many other non-wood products from the mangrove forests give rise to large scale economic activity and income generation. At present, mangrove forests are facing great peril. Reckless exploitation and swampland reclamation result in their gradual degradation. This article deals with the world‘s mangrove forest resources and their benefit to people ; describes the cmrrent status, points out the main causes of the destruction of these forests, presents proposals for protecting mangrove forests, and discusses international cooperation in protecting the world‘s mangrove forests.  相似文献   
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