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曹军 《地理教学》2010,(11):56-57
每年临近高考,就有老师要求学生去死记硬背地理知识,并把它作为提高学生成绩的手段,这种做法是有害的。前苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾说:“在这个年龄期,死记硬背会造成一种幼稚病——它会使成年人停留在幼稚阶段,使他们智力迟钝,阻碍才能和爱好的形成。”  相似文献   
近20年海南岛森林生态系统碳储量变化   总被引:49,自引:2,他引:49  
曹军  张镱锂  刘燕华 《地理研究》2002,21(5):551-560
热带森林在碳循环研究中有重要作用。根据目前森林碳储量的计算方法和海南森林资源二类调查数据 ,估算了不同时段的碳储量 ,并分析其动态变化特点。结果表明 :海南森林碳储量从 1979年的 30 4 5TgC增加到 1998年的 37 74TgC ,年均增加 0 36 4 5TgC ,增长率为1 19% ,是全国平均增长率的 2 5倍 ;海南森林在碳循环中起不断增强的碳汇作用 ;森林碳密度呈加速减少趋势 ,储碳潜力将很大 ;随着海南全面禁止采伐和封育等林业措施的实施 ,森林面积扩大 ,林龄结构改善 ,储碳能力将进一步提高 ,海南森林在全国或全球碳循环中的作用和社会价值与意义将日渐突出。通过对碳储量计算不确定性的分析和讨论 ,提出应加强对森林群落各层次生物量的实测与实地监测研究 ,统一计算方法 ,以提高碳储量计算的精度  相似文献   
土壤水溶性有机物与富里酸分子量分布的空间结构特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张甲  陶澍  曹军 《地理研究》2001,20(1):76-82
用凝胶色谱法测定了16种土类的35个表土样品水溶性有机物和富里酸的分子量分布。分析了水溶性有机物与富里酸分子量分布的地域分异规律与空间结构特征。结果表明研究区土壤水溶性有机物与富里酸平均分子量大小具有自东北向西南递降的一般趋势,分布的离散性则表现出与此相反的规律。水溶性有机物分子量沿趋势面倾斜方向的变化幅度较富里酸大,两在空间的自相关范围基本一致。水热条件是影响水溶性有机物分子量空间分布的主要因素。  相似文献   
Measurements were performed in spring 2001 and 2002 to determine the characteristics of soil dust in the Chinese desert region of Dunhuang, one of the ground sites of the Asia-Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-Asia). The mean mass concentrations of total suspended particle matter during the spring of 2001 and 2002 were 317 μg m?3 and 307 μg m?3, respectively. Eleven dust storm events were observed with a mean aerosol concentration of 1095 μg m?3, while the non-dusty days with calm or weak wind speed had a background aerosol loading of 196 μgm?3 on average in the springtime. The main minerals detected in the aerosol samples by X-ray diffraction were illite, kaolinite, chlorite, quartz, feldspar, calcite and dolomite. Gypsum, halite and amphibole were also detected in a few samples. The mineralogical data also show that Asian dust is characterized by a kaolinite to chlorite (K/C) ratio lower than 1 whereas Saharan dust exhibits a K/C ratio larger than 2. Air mass back-trajectory analysis show that three families of pathways are associated with the aerosol particle transport to Dunhuang, but these have similar K/C ratios, which further demonstrates that the mineralogical characteristics of Asian dust are different from African dust.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to reconstruct light extinction coefficients (b ext ) according to chemical composition components of particulate matter up to 2.5 μm in size (PM 2.5 ). PM 2.5 samples were collected at the monitoring station of the South China of Institute of Environmental Science (SCIES, Guangzhou, China) during January 2010, and the online absorbing and scattering coefficients were obtained using an aethalometer and a nephelometer. The measured values of light absorption coefficient by particle (b ap ) and light scattering coefficient by particle (b sp ) significantly correlated (R 2 > 0.95) with values of b ap and b sp that were reconstructed using the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) formula when RH was <70%. The measured b ext had a good correlation (R 2 > 0.83) with the calculated b ext under ambient RH conditions. The result of source apportionment of b ext showed that ammonium sulfate [(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ] was the largest contributor (35.0%) to b ext , followed by ammonium nitrate (NH 4 NO 3 , 22.9%), organic matter (16.1%), elemental carbon (11.8%), sea salt (4.7%), and nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 , 9.6%). To improve visibility in Guangzhou, the effective control of secondary particles like sulfates, nitrates, and ammonia should be given more attention in urban environmental management.  相似文献   
Characterization of carbonaceous aerosols including CC (carbonate carbon), OC (organic carbon), and EC (elemental carbon) were investigated at Xi'an, China, near Asian dust source regions in spring 2002. OC varied between 8.2 and 63.7 μg m-3, while EC ranged between 2.4 and 17.2 μ m-3 during the observation period. OC variations followed a similar pattern to EC and the correlation coeflcient between OC and EC is 0.89 (n=31). The average percentage of total carbon (TC, sum of CC, OC, and EC) in PM2.5 during dust storm (DS) events was 13.6%, which is lower than that during non-dust storm (NDS) periods (22.7%). CC, OC, and EC accounted for 12.9%, 70.7%, and 16.4% of TC during DS events, respectively. The average ratio of OC/EC was 5.0 in DS events and 3.3 in NDS periods. The OC-EC correlation (R2=0.76, n=6) was good in DS events, while it was stronger (R2=0.90, n=25) in NDS periods. The percentage of water-soluble OC (WSOC) in TC accounted for 15.7%, and varied between 13.3% and 22.3% during DS events. The distribution of eight carbon fractions indicated that local emissions such as motor vehicle exhaust were the dominant contributors to carbonaceous particles. During DS events, soil dust dominated the chemical composition, contributing 69% to the PM2.5 mass, followed by organic matter (12.8%), sulfate (4%), EC (2.2%), and chloride (1.6%). Consequently, CC was mainly entrained by Asian dust. However, even in the atmosphere near Asian dust source regions, OC and EC in atmospheric dust were controlled by local emission rather than the transport of Asian dust.  相似文献   
黑碳是不完全燃烧产生的一种难熔的含碳物质的连续统一体,由焦碳(char)和烟炱(soot)组成。岱海与太湖沉积物焦碳和烟炱浓度对比显示,两个湖泊焦碳浓度和通量变化受局地火事件影响,无明显的规律;  而烟炱具有相似的变化历史,主要反映在1970年代后期急剧升高,与中国工业化历史一致。烟炱粒径细小,具区域传输特点,可以通过沉积物指示大气烟炱。结合当前大气气溶胶烟炱浓度,恢复了岱海与太湖地区最近200年来的大气烟炱浓度。其变化趋势与200年来北半球温度对比显示,大气烟炱中的高浓度对应于高温,低浓度对应低温。这种历史关系进一步证实大气烟炱在全球增温中具有极其重要的作用。  相似文献   
根据西安东郊任家坡黄土剖面中第5层古土壤样品的电子显微镜观察和能谱分析,在该层古土壤中发现了极少见的能够指示典型干旱气候环境的AgSO4矿物和钼矿物等.次生银矿物一般呈现椭球形结晶粒状形态,具有孔洞和裂隙化学沉淀结晶的特点,钼矿物具有胶体物质的特点.次生银矿物有两种类型,一是AgSO4矿物,二是氧化银矿物.次生银、钼和钴矿物与新生粘土矿物及Fe2O3和Al2O3的明显迁移指示该层土壤发育时经历了较为强烈的化学风化和矿物分解作用,银、钼和钴能够从原生矿物中释放出来,当时西安地区降水量丰富,达到了酸性化学风化阶段.在西安地区S5下部分层古土壤发育末期,出现了由温暖湿润季风气候向非季风干旱气候的大变化.在比CaSO4还易于溶解的AgSO4形成时期,关中平原为非季风干旱气候,强烈的蒸发造成了土壤水溶液中SO42的富集和AgSO4的形成.当时东亚夏季风活动极弱,一般不能越过秦岭到关中平原地区,那时西安地区年降水量为300mm以下,比现今兰州地区的气候还要冷干.  相似文献   
曹军 《地理教学》2007,(7):41-41
苏霍姆林斯基曾经说过:学生当然要保证学好必修课程,而课外阅读是必修课程的“大后方”,不经常阅读课外书籍,对知识的持久兴趣是不可思议的。我在教学过程中,积极引导学生进行课外阅读,提高了学生地理学习兴趣。  相似文献   
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