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Role of sea ice in air-sea exchange and its relation to sea fog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synchronous or quasi-synchronous stereoscopic sea-ice-air comprehensive observation was conducted during the First China Arctic Expedition in summer of 1999. Based on these data, the role of sea ice in sea-air exchange was studied. The study shows that the kinds, distribution and thickness of sea ice and their variation significantly influence the air-sea heat exchange. In floating ice area, the heat momentum transferred from ocean to atmosphere is in form of latent heat; latent heat flux is closely related to floating ice concentration; if floating ice is less, the heat flux would be larger. Latent heat flux is about 21 23.6 W*m-2, which is greater than sensible heat flux. On ice field or giant floating ice, heat momentum transferred from atmosphere to sea ice or snow surface is in form of sensible heat. In the floating ice area or polynya, sea-air exchange is the most active, and also the most sensible for climate. Also this area is the most important condition for the creation of Arctic vapor fog. The heat exchange of a large-scale vapor fog process of about 500000 km2 on Aug. 21 22,1999 was calculated; the heat momentum transferred from ocean to air was about 14.8×109 kW. There are various kinds of sea fog, radiation fog, vapor fog and advection fog, forming in the Arctic Ocean in summer. One important cause is the existence of sea ice and its resultant complexity of both underlying surface and sea-air exchange.  相似文献   
本文根据1976—1983年12-3月的卫星云图,对生成于澳大利亚卡奔塔利亚湾的十余次热带风暴过程做了研究。发现于奔塔利亚湾台风的形成过程有惊人的一致性。当赤道西风强烈爆发时,无数东西向云带受伊里安岛山脉和约克角半岛的地形强迫影响,作气旋性旋转进入原已存在于卡奔塔利亚湾的热带忧动中,发展成为螺旋状云带。同时在中等一弱冷锋迫近的配合作用下,扰动加强成为卡湾台风。对于生成卡湾台风的过程以及与泰国湾的对比分析,也从反面证实了上述十湾台风生成的环流条件。  相似文献   
北冰洋夏季的海雾   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以中国首次北极科学考察采用国内外海冰、大气和海洋的先进观测设备,获得海、陆、空的同步或准同步观测资料为基础,重点研究北冰洋的海雾.发现在北冰洋大范围被海冰覆盖或冰水相间的洋面上,能够形成平流雾、辐射雾和蒸汽雾.每种海雾的特点和形成的物理机制不同.在北冰洋的南部,由于暖湿气流充分,易形成持续时间长、浓度大的平流雾;在冰盖和大浮冰块上,由于冰雪面的强辐射冷却,容易形成稳定的辐射雾;在浮冰区能够形成像开锅的蒸汽一样的蒸汽雾.指出在北冰洋形成多种海雾原因是海冰的分布及独特的物理特性造成下垫面性质的复杂化,产生的海气相互作用复杂化的结果,特别是冰雪面的反照率高,不能吸收极昼期充足的太阳辐射.冰又是热的不良导体,成为海气热交换的屏障,在浮冰区由于冰屏障的破碎,海气交换活跃.海洋以潜热的形式向大气输送热量,以蒸汽雾的形式反映出海气热交换的程度和对气候影响的一种表现形式.提出在蒸汽雾发生的过程中,海洋以感热的形式向大气输送热量.  相似文献   
气候变化的监测B.D.Santer(美国LawrenceLivermore国家实验室)现在,我们已走近监测人类活动对气候影响的门口。某些人甚至声称,我们已进了这个门。强有力的证据说明,过去一百年观测到的气候变化中至少部分是由于人类活动造成的。很容易预...  相似文献   
Synchronous or quasi-synchronous stereoscopic sea-ice-air comprehensive observation was conducted during the First China Arctic Expedition in summer of 1999. Based on these data, the role of sea ice in sea-air exchange was studied. The study shows that the kinds, distribution and thickness of sea ice and their variation significantly influence the air-sea heat exchange. In floating ice area, the heat momentum transferred from ocean to atmosphere is in form of latent heat; latent heat flux is closely related to floating ice concentration; if floating ice is less, the heat flux would be larger. Latent heat flux is about 21 23 6 W·m -2, which is greater than sensible heat flux. On ice field or giant floating ice, heat momentum transferred from atmosphere to sea ice or snow surface is in form of sensible heat. In the floating ice area or polynya, sea-air exchange is the most active, and also the most sensible for climate. Also this area is the most important condition for the creation of Arctic vapor fog. The heat exchange of a large-scale vapor fog process of about 500000 km 2 on Aug. 21 22,1999 was calculated; the heat momentum transferred from ocean to air was about 14 8×10 9 kW. There are various kinds of sea fog, radiation fog, vapor fog and advection fog, forming in the Arctic Ocean in summer. One important cause is the existence of sea ice and its resultant complexity of both underlying surface and sea-air exchange.  相似文献   
1986年3月16日至4月19日,中国南极考察队二次越冬队在南极洲乔治王岛中国南极长城站执行了哈雷彗星观测任务。在为期34天的时间里共进行了8次观测,拍摄到大尺度照片9张,并详细地记录了观测过程。  相似文献   
我们对冬半年(10月至翌年3月)影响我国近海航区8级或8级以上大风天气过程进行了统计分析。我国近海航区大风天气主要系统有以下几种类型:强冷空气影响时产生的大风天气过程;气旋造成的海上大风天气过程;台风大风天气过程。本文着重分析讨论了强冷空气影响我国近海区时的天气势以及它们的移动路径和强度变化。  相似文献   
5.1 背景及其与全球变化的关系 位于副热带辐合区内的作为世界大洋一部分的南大洋,其面积占世界海洋面积的20%以上。就我们考虑的全球变化而言,南大洋在全球的碳(C)和有关的生物元素(N,P,Si)循环的几个方面都起着重要作用。  相似文献   
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