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根据1998年和2000年东海北部的营养盐调查资料和相应的历史资料,以及同期开展的虾类资源调查资料,研究了冬、夏季长江冲淡水的流向以及它对长江口渔场、舟山渔场硅酸盐分布规律和虾类生物量分布规律的影响。结果表明,长江冲淡水转向的原因可以归纳为4类,夏季长江冲淡水的流动界限由123°E,30.3°N到127.3°E,33°N的直线和由123°E,31.8°N到127.3°E,34.5°N的直线所围的区域。长江冲淡水给长江口渔场、舟山渔场提供了大量的硅酸盐,对提高该海区的初级生产力起到了积极的作用,有利于生物的繁衍生息,提高了生物量。最后,用该海区虾类的分布密度证实了由该水团所做出的对生物量的推论。  相似文献   
象山港氮、磷营养盐环流和分布规律的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
采用定点监测分析方法,研究了象山港狭湾内设置的六个固定站位1992-2007年时间段内的硝酸氮(NO3-N)、亚硝酸氮(NO2-N)、铵氮(NH4-N)和磷酸盐(PO4-P)浓度的监测数据,探讨了象山港狭湾内(122°00'E以西)氮、磷营养盐的环流和分布规律.结果表明,(1)除个别年份外,16年内硝酸氮、亚硝酸氮、铵氮和磷酸盐浓度的空间分布,从港顶1号站向港口6号站呈降低趋势,其中以PO4-P、NO2-N的降低趋势最为明显,而NH4-N的降低趋势相对较弱.(2)NO3-N的空间变化规律较为复杂,并且3号站的浓度往往达到最大值.(3)无论是平水期(4月)还是丰水期(7月),表层盐度均低于底层,而表层温度高于底层;盐度从港顶1号站向港口6号站递增,而温度递减.这种分布规律基本上可用余环流模式进行解释,但余环流输运并不是促使营养盐入海的唯一原因,潮振荡的垂向剪切造成的纵向弥散和潮混合亦对营养盐输运有重大贡献.(4)与1992年相比,2007年各站的NO3-N浓度几乎都增加了一倍,PO4-P浓度增幅更大,说明象山港的氮、磷污染与日俱增.  相似文献   
通过综合分析有关文献资料,提出了东海表层各个水团的温、盐指标并把它们分成3个水系(沿岸水系、混合水系和黑潮水系)。把1999年7月和2000年2月的观测结果与历史(1907~1986年的7月和2月)平均值比较后发现:1999年7月,东海表层水团及台湾暖流北上势力弱于历史平均状况,但它们朝东北方向推进;长江冲淡水的外侧部分在济州岛西南具有朝东南方向伸展的特征。2000年2月,黑潮入侵势力强于历史平均状况;黄海水团入侵东海的势力不大;与10~14℃等温线组成的浙江沿岸温度锋相对应,盐度锋不明显。根据东海各水团的温、盐判别数据,将实测资料和历史平均值资料进行对比,可判别各水团的分布和变化特征。  相似文献   
东海大陆架海域经济蟹类种类组成和数量分布   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
根据1998年5月、8月、11月和1999年2月东海区虾蟹类资源调查结果,用重量资源密度作为经济蟹类数量分布的数量指标,对东海区经济蟹类的种类组成、数量分布、季节变化趋势以及数量与环境的关系作了定量分析。结果表明,在东海调查海区,经济蟹类主要有细点圆趾蟹Ovalipes punctatus、三疣梭子蟹Portunus trituberculatus、日本蟳Charybdis japonica、锈斑蟳Charybdis feriatus、武士蟳Charybdis miles、光掌蟳Charybdis riversandersoni和红星梭子蟹Portunus sanguinolentus等。经济蟹类渔获量约占蟹类总渔获量的62.8%,渔获量的季节变化明显,年间有二个汛期,一个出现在春夏季,以细点圆趾蟹为主要捕捞对象,兼捕光掌蟳、日本蟳等,渔场的主体分布在东海北部近海,渔场范围较小,蟹群集中,是捕捞生产条件较为理想的渔场;另一个出现在秋冬季,以三疣梭子蟹为主要捕捞对象,兼捕武士蟳、日本蟳、锈斑蟳、红星梭子蟹等。高生物量分布区主要出现在长江口、大沙、舟山渔场20—60m水深海域,是东海三疣梭子蟹和日本蟳的主要渔场,该渔场也是捕捞条件较为理想的渔场。在长江口以南的东海南部海域也有经济蟹类的较高生物量分布区,是武士蟳和锈斑蟳的渔场,该渔场具有范围较大,蟹群较分散的特征,所捕捞的品种往往只能作为兼捕对象。  相似文献   
To provide a scientific and technological base for fishery administration, holding a moratorium on fishing, and combating habitat degradation, a shrimp stock survey was carried out in May, August, and November 1998 and in February 1999. The study was conducted in the area between 26o00′ N and 33o00′ N and to the west of 127o00′ E in the East China Sea using a multi-sac trawl-net, with 115 stations being sampled. Up to 2001, we had found 121 species, which belong to 63 genera under 22 families, and 41 species are of high economic value and in great abundance. Nine shrimp species were of great economic importance, whose stock accounted for 76.8% of the demersal total. They were Parapenaeus fissuroides, Metapenaeopsis philippi, Palaemon gravieri, Metapenaeopsis barbata, Solenocera koelbeli, Solenocera crassicornis, Trachypenaeus curvirostris, Solenocera melantho and Parapenaeopsis hardwickii (listed in stock order). The nine species belong to the eurythermal and eurysaline community and high thermal and high saline community, had different migration patterns and stocks, and their distribution patterns could be generally classified into three types:(1) dominating in the north or the south;(2) dominating to the north of and in the coast to the south of 30o00′ N;and (3) dominating to the east of 60 m isobath, which were related to six water masses in the ECS near two lines, i.e., the 60 m isobath and 30o00′N latitudinal lines. Densely habited shrimps were found in all four seasons due to temperature and salinity frontiers and upwelling. The general stock density index was relatively higher in spring, summer, and autumn, when it surpassed 10 kg/h, while in winter, it was only 6.8 kg/h which might be caused by overfishing. According to the spawning areas of the nine species and their distribution patterns, to attain sustainable development of the shrimp fishery in the ECS, it is imperative to protect fishing areas and to hold a moratorium on catching to the west of 60 m isobath from April through October, and between 60 m and 100 m isobaths and to the south of 30oN from June through August and to limit fishing in winter.  相似文献   
In order to better understand the general tidal features in the venturi-shaped area between Zhenhai and Shenjiamen in the northern coastal region of Zhejiang Province in the East China Sea, the tidal data were obtained from both the three permanent tide stations of Zhenhai, Dinghai and Shenjiamen, and four temporary tide stations of Mamu, Chuanshan, Guoju and Liuheng, along with the current speed being observed at Luotou Waterway. Results from harmonic analysis show that: (1) The area was dominated by shallow water tides with irregular semi-diurnal features, and the smallest tidal range occurred in the area near a crossing line between Zhenhai and Dinghai stations, indicating that a tidal node existed in the southern Hangzhou Bay; (2) Formulae, HS2/HM2 >0.4 and gM2-(gK1+gO1)=270° (where H and g are harmonic constants), could be used as judging criteria for high and low tidal level diurnal inequalities; (3) The duration difference between ebb and flood tides could be roughly assessed by the ratio of HM4 vs. HM2; and the larger the ratio is, the bigger the duration difference is. At the same time, the duration period could be assessed by 2gM2-gM4, the epoch difference between M2 and M4 tidal constituents. If 2gM2-gM4 <180°, then the ebb duration is longer than the flood duration; if 180°< 2gM2-gM4 <360°, the result is reversed; (4) Taking Dinghai station as a center point, the highest tidal levels and the average high tidal levels, as well as the average tidal ranges at all stations became higher and larger both southeastwards and northwestwards, while the lowest tidal levels and the average low tidal levels appeared to be lower both southeastwards and northwestwards; and (5) The tidal patterns were not all in line with the tidal current patterns. As a conclusion, the smallest tidal range occurred in the narrow part of the venturi-shaped area. Along the both sides of the area, the highest tidal level and tidal range became higher and larger, while the lowest tidal level became lower with the increase of the distance from the narrow throat area. This is somehow different from the theory that the tidal level increases gradually when it moves towards the top narrow area of a V-shaped bay or estuary.  相似文献   
The statistical distribution of wave crest characteristics such as crest length, crest height, joint crest height and length are analyzed based on numerical simulation of 3-D random waves. The effects of directional functions and wave crest defining methods on crest characteristics are also studied.The results show that wave crests are no longer uniform and continuous in directional wave field; the distribution of crest length is obviously influenced by the directional function; the statistics of crest characteristics obtained by the two different methods are almost the same.  相似文献   
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