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北黄海獐子岛海域浮游动物群落年际变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文比较了海洋普查期间(1959年1-12月)和2009-2010年獐子岛海域附近站位的浮游动物的种类组成、优势种、丰度、生物多样性,结果显示,北黄海区域浮游动物群落物种组成未发生较大的变化,在獐子岛海域以及整个北黄海,中华哲水蚤和强壮箭虫的优势种地位没有发生变化,细足法虫戎也一直出现且为冬春季的优势种;太平洋磷虾在2009-2010年獐子岛海域虽然全年均有出现,但是全年均不是优势种,而在1959年的獐子岛海域,作为优势种出现在4月和11月;1959年与2009年相较,腹针胸刺水蚤在春夏季优势种的地位被沃氏纺锤水蚤所取代。2009年浮游动物丰度(131.26 ind/m3)比1959年(78.90 ind/m3)高;浮游动物多样性指数(H')均在夏秋季高于冬春季节,且年平均多样性指数也有所提高。  相似文献   
The Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) was suggested as an over-summering site of the dominant copepod species Calanus sinicus in coastal Chinese seas. Population abundance and structure were investigated by monthly sampling along three transects across the northern boundary of the YSCWM during 2009-2010. Results show that thermal stratification existed from June to October and that the vertical thermal difference increased with depth. Generally, total abundance was lowest in October and highest in June, and the female/male sex ratio was highest in February and lowest in August. Evident spatial differences in abundance were observed during the existence of the YSCWM. In June, total abundance averaged 158.8 ind/m~ at well-stratified stations, and 532.1 ind/m3 at other stations. Similarly, high abundances of 322.0 and 324.4 ind/m3 were recorded from July to August inside the YSCWM, while the abundance decreased from 50.4 to 1.9 ind/m3 outside the water mass. C. sinicus distribution tended to even out over the study area in September when the YSCWM disappeared. We believe that the YSCWM may retard population recruitment in spring and preserve abundant cohorts in summer. The summer population was transported to neritic waters in autumn. In addition to low temperatures, stable vertical structure was also an essential condition for preservation of the summer population. C. sinicus can survive the summer in marginal areas in high abundance, but the population structure is completely different in terms of C5 proportion and sex ratio.  相似文献   
强壮箭虫是我国温带海域的浮游动物优势种。本文通过2009年7月至2010年6月在北黄海獐子岛海域的逐月综合调查,研究了大网浮游动物中强壮箭虫丰度的周年变化及其与环境因子的关系。结果显示,强壮箭虫年平均丰度为22.6 ind/m3,高峰值出现在12月(47.5 ind/m3),最低值出现在8月(7.8 ind/m3);在水平分布上,除了夏季的8月,全年近岸海域强壮箭虫丰度均高于外海海域,且在10月及次年2月差异显著(P<0.05)。相关性分析显示,作为肉食性浮游动物,强壮箭虫丰度时空变化除了受温度和盐度影响外,还与饵料生物(主要是桡足类)丰度有关。我们认为,这是其丰度周年变化规律在不同海域出现明显差异的主要原因。  相似文献   
2009年2—12月间在胶州湾大沽河口邻近海域的逐月现场调查中,利用垂直拖网研究了海月水母碟状体和水母体的时空分布情况以及对其它浮游动物类群的影响,并探讨了海月水母的生态适应性。结果表明:海月水母的碟状体4月份开始在胶州湾出现,并且丰度逐渐增加,到6月份达到最高峰。海月水母的水母体集中在7月份大量出现。碟状体和水母体高峰期的月平均丰度分别为2.9和1.3ind/m3。碟状体开始出现时的水温平均为11.5℃,数量高峰期的水温为20.6℃,而水母体高峰期的水温为25.2℃。该海域的浮游动物总丰度(不含夜光虫)在5—7月份有个高峰期,其中5月份最高值为486.9ind/m3。7月份海月水母高峰期,浮游动物的丰度没有明显下降,两者丰度的地理变化之间也没有显著的相关性。但是通过对2006—2010年间的浮游动物各类群丰度对比,2009年海月水母暴发时夜光虫和桡足类春季丰度高值显著低于其它年份。  相似文献   
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