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The optical observations of the type Ic supernova(SN Ic) SN 2012 ap in NGC 1729 are presented. A comparison with other SNe Ic indicates that SN 2012 ap is highly reddened(with E(B- V)host~0.8 mag) and may represent one of the most luminous SNe Ic ever observed, with an absolute V-band peak magnitude of ~-19.3±0.5 mag after extinction correction. The near-maximum-light spectrum shows wide spectral features that are typical of broad-lined SNe Ic. One interesting feature in the spectrum is the appearance of some narrow absorption features that can be attributed to the diffuse interstellar bands, consistent with the large reddening inferred from the photometric method. Based on the light curves and the spectral data, we estimate that SN 2012 ap produced a56 Ni mass of ~ 0.3 ± 0.1M in the explosion, with an ejecta mass of 2.4+0.7-0.7M and a kinetic energy of E5K= 1.1+0.4-0.4× 102 erg. The properties of its progenitor are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
月际地震趋势的数值预测法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
考虑到目前地震月趋势以模糊用语进行预测的缺陷,本文提出采用数值预测法能更好地适应社会需求. 这种方法是基于地震有自律现象,通过建立非线性的数学模型予以实现的. 模型试验结果表明,我国大陆地震活动存在有7~8个月左右的循环结构,逐月比较预测与实况的震级误差平均低于0.2级,因而该方法比经验性预报更适宜社会的实际利用.   相似文献   
在出现区域大震后,为了迅速展开有效的应急救援行动,需要及时准确了解烈度分布.目前震动图的获得有震后人工调查、震源参数计算、地震监测台网、地震烈度速报台网等几种方式,其中最有效的是在重点监护区建立烈度速报台网.但烈度速报台网建设往往沿用地震监测台网的模式,建设成本高、台站密度有限、实时数据传输量大.本文研制的地震动参数速报仪采用MEMS加速度计为测震传感器和ARM+Linux嵌入式计算机技术,具有体积小、成本小、功耗低、一体化、智能化的特点;其内置地震信息实时处理算法,能够自动判别地震事件并计算地震动参数;在实际应用中安装简便.通过大量密集布设这种小型仪器而组建的地震动参数速报网络,具有数据传输量小、分布式计算、组成的速报网络可靠性高、能够快速产出高分辨率的精细震动图等特点.  相似文献   
为了研制亚毫米波射电天文用超导SIS(超导 -绝缘体 -超导 )接收机 ,我们重点开展了如下研究 ,1 )Nb超导SIS结在其能隙频率附近的量子混频特性 ,及其结合高能隙超导薄膜 (NbTiN)和高电导率金属薄膜 (Al)分布结阵在 780 - 950GHz频率区间的量子混频特性 ;2 )亚毫米波超导混频器嵌入阻抗的数值和实验表征 ;3)高电流密度小面积Nb超导SIS结的制备和特性表征 ;4)一个 60 0 - 72 0GHz超导SIS混频器的研制和特性表征。本文详细介绍了相关的数值分析和实验测量结果。  相似文献   
Based on the turbulent convection model (TCM) of Li & Yang, we have studied the characteristics of turbulent convection in the envelopes of 2 and 5M⊙ stars at the red giant branch and asymptotic giant branch phases. The TCM has been successfully applied over the entire convective envelopes, including the convective unstable zone and the overshooting regions. We find that the convective motions become progressively stronger when the stellar models are located farther up along the Hayashi line. In the convect...  相似文献   
山东东营凹陷新生代天文地层表简介   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综合山东东营凹陷郝科1等6口井的天文地层研究结果提出"东营凹陷新生代天文地层表",表中列出的是"国际地层表(2004)"、"中国区域年代地层表(2000)"和0—65Ma期间天文偏心率405ka周期编号以及东营凹陷孔店组(顶部)至平原组各组的年龄以及东营凹陷新生代51Ma以来3个大的地层不整合:1)沙河街组二段下部,大约33.8—33.4Ma期间405ka周期振幅不明显、100ka周期较强,与南大西洋33.4—33.7Ma和热带太平洋33.6—33.7Ma期间沉积物中显著转折等特征可作对比;2)东营组-馆陶组界线上下,东营组三角洲顶面最后萎缩时间约为24.467Ma,推测由此至渐新世末(23.03Ma),大约近1.5Myr期间本区没有大的湖泊,而是冲积—河流相沉积,中新世初(23.03Ma)快速隆起,直到约18—16Ma开始馆下段的上部沉积,这一区域性角度不整合面形成大约持续5—7Myr;3)上新统-更新统界线上下,根据本区东辛2-4井古地磁和天文地层研究,测出布容、松山、高斯和吉尔伯特等4个极性时,求出2.546Ma—1.806Ma期间[明上(上)亚段顶]可能沉积并剥蚀过的地层厚度为129m;1.806—0.908Ma期间,因构造活动本区上升成为高山,第四系平一段底部形成了大的不整合面。  相似文献   
山东东营凹陷渐新统东营组的天文地层研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
选定东营凹陷牛38、郝科1和利1等3口井东营组进行天文地层研究。以牛38井沙河街组一段顶界31.8Ma作为东营组底界年龄,得到3口井各段的年龄平均值为:东二段底28.406Ma,东一段底25.385Ma和顶界24.467Ma。东营组底界(31.829Ma)大致相当于"中国区域地层表"提出的32Ma的渐新统底年龄,但是与"国际地层表"提出的渐新世鲁培尔阶底界(33.9Ma)相差1.9Myr。东三段底界、顶界的平均年龄分别为31.829Ma、28.406Ma大致可与中国的乌兰布拉格阶或国际的鲁培尔阶中上部相当;东二段底界至东一段顶界的平均年龄大致相当于塔本布鲁克阶或夏特阶。根据东营组岩石地层与天文地层研究认为,在三角洲沉积过程中,东营组各段界线是穿时的,如东三与东二段界线的年龄相差可达1.4Myr。根据偏心率理论曲线和小波分析,夏特阶底界(28.4Ma)附近的变化可能与偏心率100ka左右理论周期的特殊变化有关。  相似文献   
1986年2月4日太阳耀斑的演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据乌鲁木齐天文站的H_α耀斑及3.2cm射电流量观侧资料、云南天文台的黑子精细结构照相和Marshall Space Flight Center的向量磁场图,对1986年2月4日的六个耀斑的形态相关及演化联系,特别是0736UT 4B/3X大耀斑的发展过程进行了综合分析。主要结果是: 1.4日大耀斑的初始亮点和闪光相的主要形态演化,与活动区中沿中性线新浮现的强大电流/磁环系密切相关。后者的主要标志是沿中性线的长的剪切半影纤维及它两端的偶极旋涡黑子群(1_3F_3)。 2.上述大耀斑与1972年8月4日0624 UT大耀斑爆发的磁场背景及主要形态特征相似,表明两者的储能和触发机制可能相同。 3.大耀斑爆发的H_α初始亮点,双带出现,环系形成,亮物质抛射和吸收冕珥等现象同3.2cm射电流量的变化在时间上有较好的对应关系。 4.重复性的前期小耀斑爆发位置和发展趋势与大耀斑的主要形态及演化特征相似。它们相对于剪切的纵场中性线两侧的位置相近或相同。因而,可以看作上述强大电流/磁环系不稳性发展过程中的前置小爆发。  相似文献   
The primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) in the matter density perturbation is a very powerful probe of the physics of the very early Universe. The local PNG can induce a distinct scale-dependent bias on the large scale structure distribution of galaxies and quasars, which could be used for constraining it. We study the detection limits of PNG from the surveys of the LAMOST telescope. The cases of the main galaxy survey, the luminous red galaxy (LRG) survey, and the quasar survey of dif- ferent magnitude limits...  相似文献   
We present a statistical study of decimetric type Ⅲ radio bursts,coronal mass ejections(CMEs),and Hα flares observed in the period from July 2000 to March2005.In total,we investigated 395 decimetric type Ⅲ radio burst events,21% of which showed apparent correlation to CMEs that were associated with Hα flares.We noticed that the Hα flares which were strongly associated with CMEs were gradual events,and82% of them took place before CMEs appeared in the field of view of LASCO C2;that most of the CME-associated radio bursts started in the frequency range around750 MHz with a frequency drifting rate of several hundred MHz s-1,of which both positive and negative ones were recognized; and that the correlation of type Ⅲ radio bursts to CMEs without associated flares is fairly vague,less than 9%.  相似文献   
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