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We have obtained 26 372 CCD frames in the B, V, and I c filters for 81 RR Lyrae stars in 2008–2010, using the 76-cm telescope of the South African Astronomical Observatory and the 40-cm telescope of the Cerro Armazones Observatory, North Catholic University (Chile) using an SBIG ST-10XME CCD camera. For 12 of these RR Lyrae stars, we also obtained 337 brightness measurements in the B and V bands in 2000–2001 using the 60-cm telescope of the High Altitude Mt. Maidanak Observatory (Republic of Uzbekistan). We present tables of observations, light curves, and improved light-curve elements for all these RR Lyrae stars. The Blazhko effect was detected for SU Hor.  相似文献   
We present the results of our UBVRI photometry for the type II-P supernova SN 2017eaw in NGC6946 obtained fromMay 14 to December 7, 2017, at several telescopes, including the 2.5-m telescope at the CaucasusHigh-Altitude Observatory of the SAIMSU. The dates andmagnitudes atmaximumlight and the light-curve parameters have been determined. The color evolution, extinction, and peak luminosity of SN 2017eaw are discussed. The results of our preliminary radiation–gasdynamic simulations of its light curves with the STELLA code describe satisfactorily the UBVRI observational data.  相似文献   
Based on the measurements performed from 2007 to 2015 at the summit of Mount Shatdzhatmaz adjacent to the 2.5-m telescope at the Caucasus Observatory of the SAI MSU, we have determined the statistical characteristics of basic meteorological parameters: the ambient air temperature, the ground wind speed, and the relative humidity. The stability of these parameters over the entire period of our measurements and their variations within an annual cycle have been studied. The median temperature on clear nights is +3.2°C, although there are nights with a temperature below ?15°C. The typical ground wind speed is 3 m s?1; the probability of a wind stronger than 10 m s?1 does not exceed 2%. The losses of observing time due to high humidity are maximal in the summer period but, on the whole, are small over a year, less than 10%. We have estimated the absolute water vapor content in the atmosphere, which is especially important for infrared observations. Minimum precipitablewater vapor is observed in December–February; the median value over these months is 5 mm. We additionally provide the wind speeds at various altitudes above the ground (from 1 to 16 km) that we obtained when measuring the optical turbulence. We present the results and technique of our measurements of the annual amount of clear night astronomical time, which is, on average, 1320 h, i.e., 45% of the possible one at the latitude of the observatory. The period from mid-September to mid-March accounts for about 70% of the clear time. A maximum of clear skies is observed in November, when its fraction reaches 60% of the possible astronomical night time.  相似文献   
We present the results of our 2005–2007 campaign to measure the vertical distribution of optical turbulence above Mount Maidanak. The measurements were performed with the MASS instrument, a multi-aperture scintillation sensor that has been widely used for such studies in recent years at many observatories worldwide. Analysis of the data shows that the median seeing in the free atmosphere (at an altitude of 0.5 km and higher) is 0 ″46, while the isoplanatic angle is 2″.47. Given the large time constant (about 7 ms at good seeing), such conditions are favorable for using adaptive optics and interferometric measurements in the visible and near-infrared spectral ranges.  相似文献   
Published photoelectric and CCD photometric data for fundamental-mode Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud are analyzed. The inferred scatter of the observed period-luminosity relation decreases with increasing quality of the light curves used. The observed scatter of the period-luminosity relations in the V and IC bands is as low as 0m.11 and 0m.07, respectively, i.e., a factor of 1.5 smaller than the lowest published estimates. This, in particular, suggests that the intrinsic scatter might be lower than previously believed.  相似文献   
Solar System Research - Replenishment of the database of observations of distant satellites of planets is always useful, since the accuracy of the motion models and ephemeris depends not only on...  相似文献   
Having compared images of a jet of the young star RWAurA obtained with an interval of 21.3 yr, we have found that the outermost knots of the jet have emerged approximately 350 years ago. We come up with arguments that the jet itself has appeared at the same time, and intensive accretion onto the star has begun due to rearrangement of its protoplanetary disk structure caused by the tidal effect of the companion RWAur B. More precisely suppose that intensification of accretion is a response to changing conditions in the outer-disk regions which has followed after the sound wave, generated by these changes, has passed the disk in the radial direction. In our opinion difference in the parameters of blue and red lobes of the RWAurA jet is a result of the asymmetric distribution of the circumstellar matter above and below the disk due to companion’s passage. It was found from the analysis of the RWAur historical light curve that deep and long-term (Δt > 150 days) light attenuations of RWAurA observed after 2010 had no precedents in the previous 110 years.We also associate the change in the character of photometric variability of the star with the rearrangement of the structure of inner (r < 1 AU) regions of its protoplanetary disk, and discuss why these changes have begun only 350 years after the beginning of the active accretion phase.  相似文献   
One of the goals of the Pulkovo program of research on stars with large proper motions is to reveal among the low-luminosity stars those that have evidence of binarity. Twelve astrometric binary candidates from the Pulkovo list have been included in the program of speckle observations with the BTA telescope at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS) and the 2.5-m telescope at the Caucasus Observatory (CO) of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University to confirm their binarity and then to determine the parameters of the revealed stellar pairs. The binarity of the brightest of these stars, J1158+4239 (GJ 3697), has been confirmed. Four sessions of speckle observations with the BTA SAO RAS telescope and one session with the 2.5-m CO telescope have been carried out in 2015–2016. The weighted mean estimates of the pair parameters are ρ = 286.5 ± 1.2 mas and θ = 230.24? ± 0.16? at the epoch B2015.88248. The magnitude difference between the pair stars is Δm = 0.55 ± 0.03 (a filter with a central wavelength of 800 nm and a FWHM of 100 nm) and Δm = 0.9 ± 0.1 (an R filter).  相似文献   
We present the results of the study of a red nova from the observations carried out with the Russian 6-m telescope (BTA) along with other telescopes of SAO RAS and SAI MSU. To investigate the nova progenitor,we used the data from the Digital Sky Survey and amateur photos available on the Internet. In the period between April 1993 and July 2014, the brightness of the progenitor gradually increased by \(2_ \cdot ^m 2\) in the V-band. At the peak of the first outburst in mid-November 2014, the star reached an absolute visual magnitude of \(- 12_ \cdot ^m 75\) but was discovered later, in February 2015, in a repeated outburst at the magnitude of \(- 11_ \cdot ^m 65\). The amplitude of the outburst was minimum among the red novae, only \(5_ \cdot ^m 6\) in V-band. The Hα emission line and the background of a cool supergiant continuum with gradually decreasing surface temperature were observed in the spectra. Such process is typical for red novae, although the object under study showed extreme parameters: maximum luminosity, maximum outburst duration, minimum outburst amplitude, unusual shape of the light curve. This event is interpreted as a massive OB star system components’merging accompanied by formation of a common envelope and then the expansion of this envelope with minimal energy losses.  相似文献   
Astronomy Letters - The results of UBVRIJHK photometry for the type II-P supernova SN 2018aoq in NGC 4151 obtained from April 4, 2018, to January 14, 2019, with several telescopes, including the...  相似文献   
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