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We study a nonlinear mechanism for the excitation of kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) by fast magneto-acoustic waves (FWs) in the solar atmosphere. Our focus is on the excitation of KAWs that have very small wavelengths in the direction perpendicular to the background magnetic field. Because of their small perpendicular length scales, these waves are very efficient in the energy exchange with plasmas and other waves. We show that the nonlinear coupling of the energy of the finite-amplitude FWs to the small-scale KAWs can be much faster than other dissipation mechanisms for fast wave, such as electron viscous damping, Landau damping, and modulational instability. The nonlinear damping of the FWs due to decay FW = KAW + KAW places a limit on the amplitude of the magnetic field in the fast waves in the solar corona and solar-wind at the level B/B 0∼10−2. In turn, the nonlinearly excited small-scale KAWs undergo strong dissipation due to resistive or Landau damping and can provide coronal and solar-wind heating. The transient coronal heating observed by Yohkoh and SOHO may be produced by the kinetic Alfvén waves that are excited by parametric decay of fast waves propagating from the reconnection sites.  相似文献   
The REE distribution patterns and Nd whole-rock and mineral isotope ratios of the Kingash ultramafic-mafic massif enabled us to propose a multistage history for its evolution at 1410 and 875 Ma. These stages reflect the magmatic evolution of the Siberian paleocontinent margin during the Late Precambrian. The age of metamorphism of the massif during collision and accretion in the Early Paleozoic (∼500 Ma) was obtained based on a Sm-Nd mineral isochron from rheomorphic veined albitite. The Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of rocks from the Kingash massif suggest mantle sources for picritic and basic magmas, which are thought to have originated by mixing of different proportions of depleted (PREMA or DM) and enriched (EM) melts. The initial isotope ratios of the parental melts transformed during interaction with Sr-rich material from the host metasedimentary complexes.  相似文献   
The fast heating of coronal loops at the very beginning of solar flares is discussed as a first observable signature of downstreaming 0.1–1 MeV proton beams. We place emphasis on the produced by proton beams large-scale upward electric field, supporting beam-driven instability of the kinetic Alfvén waves (KAW). The considerable part of a beam kinetic energy may be converted into heat via intermediate KAW with heated region initially spreading from the top downward to footpoints of the loop-like coronal structures with velocity of about a few thousands km/s.  相似文献   

Results from experiments on the radial distribution of the magnetic fields in axial plasma flows formed during the compression of a plasma–current sheath carried out at the KPF-4-PHOENIX plasmafocus installation are presented. The plasma flows were generated in a discharge with stationary filling of the chamber with a working gas of argon or hydrogen, and also with a pulsed injection of argon. Analysis of the radial profiles of the magnetic field distribution and their time variations are used to localize regions of trappedmagnetic field, as well as regions where a return current flows at the periphery of the plasma flow. It is shown that the transverse (radial) size of the plasma flow depends on the density of the ambient medium (background gas) through which it propagates. These experiments were carried out in the framework of a project on laboratory simulations of non-relativistic jets from young stars.

Voitenko  Yurii M. 《Solar physics》1998,182(2):411-430
At the onset of a solar flare, initiated by magnetic reconnection high in the corona, reconnection outflow sets up warm proton beams (PBs), streaming down along just-reconnected field lines through steady underlying plasma. Incorporating this scenario, we study excitation of kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) by PBs, keeping the effects of a beam-induced electric field and thermal effects. Taking into account the high growth rate (105 s–1), short relaxation distance (106 cm), and energy flux partition between the waves and the beam after relaxation (PKAW/PPB1), we conclude that PB-driven KAW instability is an efficient energy conversion mechanism in flaring loops. The quasilinear spectral energy concentration at the largest wavenumbers indicates the possibility of nonlinear spectral modification. We suggest that the resulting turbulence of KAWs plays an important role in the flare plasma energization.  相似文献   
Voitenko  Yuriy  Goossens  Marcel 《Solar physics》2002,206(2):285-313
We study a kinetic excitation mechanism for high-frequency dispersive Alfvén waves in the solar corona by magnetic reconnection events. The ion-cyclotron and Cerenkov kinetic effects are important for these waves which we call the ion-cyclotron kinetic Alfvén waves (IC KAWs). The plasma outflowing from the reconnection site sets up a neutralized proton beam in the surrounding plasma, providing free energy for the excitation of waves. The dependence of the phase velocity of the IC KAW on the parallel wavenumber is different from that on the perpendicular wavenumber. The phase velocity is an increasing function of the perpendicular wavenumber and overtakes the Alfvén velocity for sufficiently large values of k . However, the phase velocity is a decreasing function of k , and sufficiently large values of k result in a phase velocity below the Alfvén velocity. As a result, the IC KAWs can undergo the Cerenkov resonance with both super- and sub-Alfvénic particles, and for the waves to be excited the outflow velocity does not need to be super-Alfvénic, as for KAWs, but the beam/Alfvén velocity ratio can span a wide range of values. High growth rates of the order of 104 s–1 are found for the values of the plasma parameters typical for the low solar corona. The waves excited by (sub-)Alfvénic beams are damped mainly due to kinetic wave-particle interactions with ions at the cyclotron resonance (ion-cyclotron damping), and with ions and electrons at the Cerenkov resonance (Landau damping). Therefore, IC KAWs can heat the plasma species of the corona in both the parallel and perpendicular direction, giving rise to an anisotropic heating of the ions. The observational consequences of the processes under study are discussed.  相似文献   
We study the velocity-space quasi-linear diffusion of the solar wind protons driven by oblique Alfvén turbulence at proton kinetic scales. Turbulent fluctuations at these scales possess the properties of kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) that are efficient in Cherenkov-resonant interactions. The proton diffusion proceeds via Cherenkov kicks and forms a quasi-linear plateau – the nonthermal proton tail in the velocity distribution function (VDF). The tails extend in velocity space along the mean magnetic field from 1 to (1.5?–?3) V A, depending on the spectral break position, on the turbulence amplitude at the spectral break, and on the spectral slope after the break. The most favorable conditions for the tail generation occur in the regions where the proton thermal and Alfvén velocities are about equal, V Tp/V A≈1. The estimated formation times are within 1?–?2 h for typical tails at 1 AU, which is much shorter than the solar wind expansion time. Our results suggest that the nonthermal proton tails, observed in situ at all heliocentric distances >?0.3 AU, are formed locally in the solar wind by the KAW turbulence. We also suggest that the bump-on-tail features – proton beams, often seen in the proton VDFs, can be formed at a later evolutional stage of the nonthermal tails by the time-of-flight effects.  相似文献   
The current-driven kinetic Alfvén instability is proposed as an anomalous transport mechanism for regions of concentrated, field-aligned currents in the solar corona. Anomalous magnetic diffusivity ( e f f 109cm2s–1), produced by kinetic Alfvén turbulence in the vicinity of the saturation level, provides fast magnetic energy release with a local inflow Alfvén Mach numberM in 0.1.  相似文献   
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