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The methods are considered to solve the problem of secure isolation of radioactive waste containing long-lived products of nuclear fuel processing with a half-life of tens of thousands years (plutonium etc.). The methodology of long-term projection of average annual surface air temperature and total precipitation is proposed. Taking into account the possible scenarios of the development of the global socioeconomic system, variations due to the anthropogenic impact in average annual temperature at the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes for the period till 2300 are estimated. Based on paleoclimatic data, projections of natural trends in global average annual temperature and total precipitation till the year 3000 are developed. Taking into account the anthropogenic component, the projective ranges of these climatic parameters in the Vyatka River basin in 2100-3000 are evaluated.  相似文献   
The paper deals with type, age, and climatic conditions of the last vast glaciation in the East Pamir Mountains. The combination of paleobotanic and geomorphological data as well as absolute age dating of the Kara-Kul lake terrace (27,700 ± 700 years old) supports the thesis that maximum glaciation occurred in the Upper Pleistocene, 14–15 thousand years ago. By special calculations it was established that the tectonic factor of glaciation practically did not exist. This confirmed the existing opinion of a number of scientists that by the beginning of the Upper Pleistocene the Pamir Mountains had almost achieved their present altitude. The analysis of paleobotanic literature permitted the assumption that the amount of precipitation was about the same as it is now: 750 mm/year at an altitude of 4950 m (altitude of the present-day firn line). It was established that the Upper Pleistocene glaciation was caused only by general climatic cooling.  相似文献   
The substorm characteristics during the main phase of a large magnetic storm of November 20, 2003, are studied based on the data of TV observations of auroras and auroral absorption at Tixie Bay station and at the global network of magnetic stations. The contribution of auroral particles, responsible for the emission of discrete auroras, has been estimated based on an analysis of the spatial-time variations in the auroral luminosity intensity. This contribution accounted for ~40% of the total luminous flux, which is approximately twice as large as was previously observed in substorm disturbances. Responses of the solar wind and IMF parameters in substorms and variations in the magnetic indices, characterizing geomagnetic activity in the northern polar cap and ring current (PCN, ASY-H and SYM-H), have been detected. The spatial-time distribution of the equivalent ionospheric currents has been constructed, and the total value of these currents along the meridian has been determined based on the [Popov et al., 2001] method and using the IMAGE magnetic data. It has been obtained that the maximal total equivalent ionospheric current in the premidnight sector (~2000 MLT) leads the minimal value of the SYM-H index by ~1.5 h.  相似文献   
We present new polarimetric and photometric observations of high-albedo E-type Asteroid 44 Nysa in the BVRI wavebands at phase angles ranging from 0.41° to 7.49° during the 2005 opposition. A bimodal phase-angle dependence of polarization was found for Nysa in the V band. The polarization opposition effect was revealed in the form of a secondary minimum of negative polarization with amplitude ∼0.3% centered at a phase angle ∼0.8°. It is superimposed on the regular negative polarization branch with minimal polarization −0.30% at a phase angle 5.8°. We analyzed all available polarimetric data for E-type Asteroids 44 Nysa, 64 Angelina, and 214 Ashera and confirmed the presence of the polarization opposition effect for high-albedo asteroids at phase angle ∼1° with an amplitude ∼0.35%. The magnitude-phase curves reveal the presence of spike-like opposition effect of brightness for 44 Nysa in the BVRI spectral bands. 44 Nysa is the second high-albedo asteroid after 64 Angelina for which both the polarization opposition effect and the brightness opposition effect are detected. The differences between the parameters of the opposition effects for silicate surfaces (44 Nysa, 64 Angelina, Io) and icy surfaces (Europa, Ganymede, Iapetus, Saturn's rings) are discussed. The specific morphological parameters of opposition effects, in particular the angular width of the polarization opposition effect is comparable to that of the brightness opposition effect, provide almost unequivocal evidence that they are caused by coherent backscattering. One of unexpected results of our investigation is that 44 Nysa becomes bluer with increasing phase angle, while 64 Angelina shows phase reddening.  相似文献   
Relative variations in the critical frequency of the ionospheric F, region are considered as one of the main sources of information about the characteristics of plasma inhomogeneities in the region of the main ionization maximum and as a substantial factor responsible for the statistics of the decameter signal parameters on radio paths with different lengths. The functions defined on finite intervals are also used in statistical modeling in addition to the available methods. Such a consideration made it possible to remove a restriction, peculiar to previous models, in the form of the requirement that the fourth statistical invariant—excess— should be positive. This makes the generalized statistical model more universal, which is of special importance for high4atitude radio paths. The specified mo del more adequately corresponds to the experimental data, which are characterized by finite intervals where the quantities are measured.  相似文献   
This article examines the objectives, structure, content, and scientific significance of three new major world atlases being prepared for publication by the Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences in cooperation with other organizations. Translated from: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, seriya geograficheskaya, 1988, No. 3, pp. 22-30 by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005.  相似文献   
The formation of Zr I and Zr II lines in stellar atmospheres under non-LTE conditions has been considered for the first time. A model zirconium atom has been composed using 148 Zr I levels, 772 Zr II levels, and the ground Zr III state. Non-LTE calculations have been performed for model atmospheres with T eff = 5500 and 6000 K, log g = 2.0 and 4.0, [M/H] = −3, −2, −1, 0. In the entire investigated range of parameters, the Zr I levels are shown to be underpopulated relative to their LTE populations in the line formation region. In contrast, the excited Zr II levels are overpopulated, while the ground state and lower excited levels of Zr II retain their LTE populations. Since the non-LTE effects cause the Zr I and Zr II spectral lines being investigated to weaken, the non-LTE corrections to the abundance derived from Zr I and Zr II lines are positive. For Zr II lines, they increase with decreasing metallicity and surface gravity up to 0.34 dex for the model with T eff = 5500, log g = 2.0, and [M/H] = −2. The non-LTE effects depend weakly on temperature. The non-LTE corrections for Zr I lines reach 0.33 dex for solar-metallicity models. Zr I and Zr II lines in the solar spectrum have been analyzed. The non-LTE zirconium abundances derived from lines in the two ionization stages are shown to agree between themselves within the error limits, while the LTE abundance difference is 0.28 dex. The zirconium abundance in the solar atmosphere (averaged over Zr I and Zr II lines) is log ɛZr,⊙ = 2.63 ± 0.07.  相似文献   
The paper deals with type, age, and climatic conditions of the last vast glaciation in the East Pamir Mountains. The combination of paleobotanic and geomorphological data as well as absolute age dating of the Kara-Kul lake terrace (27,700 ± 700 years old) supports the thesis that maximum glaciation occurred in the Upper Pleistocene, 14–15 thousand years ago. By special calculations it was established that the tectonic factor of glaciation practically did not exist. This confirmed the existing opinion of a number of scientists that by the beginning of the Upper Pleistocene the Pamir Mountains had almost achieved their present altitude. The analysis of paleobotanic literature permitted the assumption that the amount of precipitation was about the same as it is now: 750 mm/year at an altitude of 4950 m (altitude of the present-day firn line). It was established that the Upper Pleistocene glaciation was caused only by general climatic cooling.  相似文献   
Lake-water oxygen-isotope histories for three lakes in northern Russia, derived from the cellulose oxygen-isotope stratigraphies of sediment cores, provide the basis for preliminary reconstruction of Holocene paleohydrology in two regions along the boreal treeline. Deconvolution of shifting precipitation δ18O from secondary evaporative isotopic enrichment is aided by knowledge of the distribution of isotopes in modern precipitation, the isotopic composition of paleo-waters preserved in frozen peat deposits, as well as other supporting paleoclimatic information. These data indicate that during the early Holocene, when the boreal treeline advanced to the current arctic coastline, conditions in the lower Yenisey River region were moist compared to the present, whereas greater aridity prevailed to the east near the lower Lena River. This longitudinal moisture gradient is consistent with the suggestion that oceanic forcing (increased sea-surface temperatures in the Nordic Seas and reduced sea-ice cover) was a major contributor to the development of a more maritime climate in western Eurasia, in addition to increased summer insolation. East of the Taimyr Peninsula, large tracts of the continental shelf exposed by glacial sea-level drawdown may have suppressed maritime climatic influence in what are now coastal areas. In contrast, during the late Holocene the two regions have apparently experienced coherent shifts in effective moisture. The similarity of the records may primarily reflect reduced North Atlantic influence in the Nordic Seas and southward retreat of coastline in eastern Siberia, coupled with declining summer insolation.  相似文献   
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