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The occasional occurrence of brief but intense bursts of cosmic gamma-rays was disclosed through a systematic search of data acquired from the Vela satellites. Confirmation of the nature of the events and additional detail of their characteristics has subsequently been provided by 15 other groups of experimenters with instruments on 13 spacecraft. Thirty-nine such events have been identified from data spanning a period of four and a half years. The record of intensity as a function of time varies considerably for different events, with total durations ranging from 0.1 to 60s. Time-integrated flux density ranges from 10–6 to 10–3 erg cm–2. Spectral measurements have been accomplished by several groups of experimenters, showing a broad maximum in the energy distribution at about 150 keV. The distribution of source directions implies either near galactic or extragalactic locations. The existing data are not sufficient to distinguish between the various models proposed to explain the phenomenon; no model is completely consistent with all observed characteristics.Work performed under the auspices of the United States Energy Research and Development Administration.Paper presented at the COSPAR Symposium on Fast Transients in X-and Gamma-Rays, held at Varna, Bulgaria, 29–31 May, 1975.  相似文献   
Summary Sub-calcic alkali amphiboles from silica-saturated peralkaline rocks exhibit two main patterns of compositional variation, which we term the magmatic-subsolidus and oxidation trends. The first is a continuous change from magmatic to subsolidus amphibole from barroisite through richterite to arfvedsonite, involving substitutions under reducing conditions, mainly of the type AlivCaSi(Na,K). The second trend is towards riebeckite, under the influence of oxidizing hydrothermal fluids, according to a reaction such as Fe2+ SiFe3+ Alvi or (K, Na)A Fe2+Fe3+. Textural evidence suggests that fluid characteristics are as important as host-rock compositions in controlling the chemical characteristics of amphiboles in peralkaline intrusive and volcanic rocks.
Magmatische Subsolidus-und Oxydations-Trends der Zusammensetzung von Amphibolen aus Si-gesättigten peralkalinen Magmatiten
Zusammenfassung Alkali-Amphibole aus Si-gesättigten peralkalinen Gesteinen zeigen zwei definierte Trends chemischer Variation, die hier als magmatisch-subsolidus und Oxydations-Trend bezeichnet werden. Der erstere stellt einen kontinuerlichen Übergang von magmatischen zu subsolidus Amphibolen dar, und zwar von Barroisit über Richterit bis zu Arfvedsonit, wobei Substitutionen unter reduzierenden Bedingungen, hauptsächlich des Typs Aliv CaSi(Na,K), zu beobachten sind. Der zweite Trend zeigt, unter dem Einfluß oxydierender hydrothermaler Lösungen, eine Tendenz auf Riebeckit hin, entsprechend einer Reaktion wie z.B. Fe2+ Si Fe3+ Alvi oder (K, Na)AFe2+ Fe3+. Mikroskopische Befunde weisen darauf hin, daß die Eigenschaften dieser Lösungen genauso wichtig für die chemische Zusammensetzung der Amphibole in peralkalinen Intrusiv-Gesteinen und Vulkaniten sind, wie die Zusammensetzung der Wirtsgesteine.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   
Australian meteorological observers started using the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) weather coding system in the 1950s. This system is still in use around the world today. However, observing and recording the weather in an organized and systematic manner had been ongoing for over 100 years prior to the adoption of this coding system, and much like Australia, most countries will have historical meteorological records. In this paper we compare the wind erosion of two of the greatest droughts in Australian recorded history; the World War II (WWII) Drought (1937–1945) and the Millennium Drought (2001–2009). To do this we analysed previously unavailable meteorological observer records from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (ABM). Wind erosion records, mostly in long‐hand written form, were translated to the modern WMO coding system for the WWII Drought and compared with the wind erosion of Australia's recently‐ended Millennium Drought, one of the longest and harshest on record. We quantify wind erosion using Dust Event Days (DED) and a modified version of a published Dust Storm Index (DSI) to show that wind erosion during the WWII Drought was up to 4.6 times higher than during the Millennium Drought. This study has international significance because it demonstrates a methodology for tracking changes in wind erosion over the past 75 years based on observer records available in every country with a history of organized weather observation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper describes a series of tests designed to evaluate the capacity of a personal computer (PC) based statistical curve‐fitting program called MIX to quantify composite populations within multi‐modal particle‐size distributions. Three natural soil samples were analysed by a Coulter Multisizer, and their particle‐size distributions analysed using MIX software to identify the modes, standard deviations and proportions of their composite populations. The particle‐size distributions of the three natural soil samples were then numerically combined in equal proportions using a spreadsheet program to create synthetic particle‐size distributions of known populations. MIX was then tested on the synthetic particle‐size distributions to see if the modes and proportions it identified were similar to those modes and proportions known to characterize the synthetic particle‐size distributions. The main outcome is that MIX can very accurately describe the modal particle size and proportions of the major composite populations within a particle‐size distribution. However MIX has difficulty in identifying small populations (those contributing <10 per cent of a total particle‐size distribution), particularly when they are located in the central sections of particle‐size distributions, overlain by larger populations, or when positioned in the fine tails of distributions. Despite these minor shortcomings, MIX is a valuable tool for the examination and interpretation of particle‐size data. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Early Carboniferous (Viséan to possibly earliest Namurian) sedimentary rocks of the Deer Lake Group of western Newfoundland rest unconformably on Grenvillian basement rocks of the Canadian Shield which form the western border of the Early Palaeozoic Appalachian orogen. In addition to magnetically soft magnetizations directed along the present field, three families of magnetization directions are found. Two of them (referred to as N (north) and S (south)) are antiparallel and prefolding, and were probably acquired during the depositional process. N and S are roughly of equal frequency. They have a mean direction irrespective of sign of 0.7°, ?35.2°, k = 40, α95 = 8.9°, and a palaeopole 21.5°N, 121.8°E (10.3°, 6.0°) corresponding to a palaeolatitude of 20 ± 6°S. This agrees with the palaeolatitude (17 ± 5°S) determined from the somewhat older Early Carboniferous (Tournaisian) Terenceville Formation of the Avalon Platform on the eastern side of the Appalachian orogen in Newfoundland. The third magnetization, referred to as H (roughly horizontal), has a mean direction 156.8°, ?13.3°, k = 37, α95 = 10.1°, and a palaeopole 45.4°N, 140.3°E (10.3°, 5.3°) corresponding to a palaeolatitude of 7 ± 4°N; we interpret this to be an early Kiaman (latest Carboniferous to early Permian) overprint probably acquired chemically. The palaeolatitude determined from the H overprint agrees with that determined from Early Carboniferous rocks of cratonic North America west of the Appalachians. Therefore, we argue, Early Carboniferous palaeofield determinations for cratonic North America have been strongly biased by unremoved Kiaman overprints. Because of this, and because of the good agreement between Early Carboniferous palaeolatitudes obtained from opposite margins of the Appalachian orogen, we suggest that there is, at present, no palaeomagnetic evidence for the previously proposed 1500 km displacement from the south of an eastern portion of the Appalachians (“Acadia”) relative to cratonic North America during the Carboniferous.  相似文献   
D.F. Strong  D.G. Minatidis   《Lithos》1975,8(4):283-295
Major and trace element chemistry suggest that the Holyrood plutonic series is a co-magnetic calc-alkaline suite, formed at about 5 kb PH2O by fractionation of plagioclase, amphibole and clinopyroxene from a gabbroic magma which was derived from the upper mantle. It appears unlikely that the series is genetically related to the Harbour Main volcanic rocks, either magmatically or by hybridization. Chemical comparison of the Holyrood series with suites from known tectonic environments suggest that this region approximated a ‘basin and range’ type of tectonic setting during formation of the Holyrood plutonic series.  相似文献   
The late syntectonic mylonite zone (45–100 m thick) within the dynamothermal aureole of the St. Anthony Complex in northwestern Newfoundland was derived from surrounding quartz and epidote amphibolites by deformation and the nearly isovolumetric metasomatism. Amphibolites have a composition typical of light REE-depleted ocean-floor tholeiites. Mylonites (biotite amphibolites) resemble transitional alkali basalts in major and trace element composition and in the interrelation among relatively immobile elements such as Ti, Zr, Nb, Y and P. Their REE patterns are enriched in light REE and show gradual depletion of heavy REE with La/Yb ratios ranging from 8.4 to 18.4. The results emphasize the need for caution in interpreting the concentration and ratios of any elements in mafic rocks which have been affected by metasomatism in an amphibolite facies shear zone.  相似文献   
In this article, we present a satellite-based approach to gather information about the threat to coral reefs worldwide. Three chosen reef stressors – development, gas flaring and heavily lit fishing boat activity – are analysed using nighttime lights data derived from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) produced at the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, National Geophysical Data Center (NOAA/NGDC). Nighttime lights represent a direct threat to coral reef ecosystems and are an excellent proxy measure for associated human-caused stressors. A lights proximity index (LPI) is calculated, measuring the distance of coral reef sites to each of the stressors and incorporating the stressor's intensity. Colourized maps visualize the results on a global scale. Area rankings clarify the effects of artificial night lighting on coral reefs on a regional scale. The results should be very useful for reef managers and for state administrations to implement coral reef conservation projects and for the scientific world to conduct further research.  相似文献   

The results of a calibration and intercomparison of hailpads performed at the Workshop is presented, and recommendations are made on future calibration work and on international cooperation for obtaining comparable measurements of hailfall characteristics.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in the local atmospheric moisture budget over the Canadian Prairies are computed using sequential radiosonde soundings from the 1991 Regional Evaporation Study (RES‐91). Previous attempts to estimate evapotranspiration with radiosonde data have used either similarity theory or a moisture budget, but have been confined to the boundary layer in either case. These studies, as well as semi‐empiric operational techniques which use surface‐based data, exclude the effects of moisture advection and energy exchanges between the boundary layer and the free atmosphere, assuming negligible effects on evapotranspiration. The moisture budget method adopted here includes horizontal advection explicitly, and treats vertical fluxes implicitly through a total tropospheric moisture budget.

Comparison of the evapotranspiration estimates with those of other techniques are positive only when results are averaged over several days to weeks. While the advection estimates are a major source of error for the “daily” estimates in this particular study, it is shown that neither advection nor moisture flux through the boundary layer can be ignored in estimating daily evapotranspiration, regardless of the technique used. The results also suggest that evapotranspiration is more variable on a daily basis than other techniques have indicated. With an improved synoptic database now available for advection estimates, the moisture budget technique may provide an excellent ground‐truth method for fine‐tuning techniques for remote sensing of evapotranspiration, and could lead to improved parametrization schemes for both NWP models and GCMs.  相似文献   
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