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Characterizing the pore space of rock samples using three‐dimensional (3D) X‐ray computed tomography images is a crucial step in digital rock physics. Indeed, the quality of the pore network extracted has a high impact on the prediction of rock properties such as porosity, permeability and elastic moduli. In carbonate rocks, it is usually very difficult to find a single image resolution which fully captures the sample pore network because of the heterogeneities existing at different scales. Hence, to overcome this limitation a multiscale analysis of the pore space may be needed. In this paper, we present a method to estimate porosity and elastic properties of clean carbonate (without clay content) samples from 3D X‐ray microtomography images at multiple resolutions. We perform a three‐phase segmentation to separate grains, pores and unresolved porous phase using 19 μm resolution images of each core plug. Then, we use images with higher resolution (between 0.3 and 2 μm) of microplugs extracted from the core plug samples. These subsets of images are assumed to be representative of the unresolved phase. We estimate the porosity and elastic properties of each sample by extrapolating the microplug properties to the whole unresolved phase. In addition, we compute the absolute permeability using the lattice Boltzmann method on the microplug images due to the low resolution of the core plug images. In order to validate the results of the numerical simulations, we compare our results with available laboratory measurements at the core plug scale. Porosity average simulations for the eight samples agree within 13%. Permeability numerical predictions provide realistic values in the range of experimental data but with a higher relative error. Finally, elastic moduli show the highest disagreements, with simulation error values exceeding 150% for three samples.  相似文献   
The orthophragminids in lower Bartonian Reineche Limestone member, a fossiliferous shallow-marine unit exposed in Cap Bon peninsula in Tunisia, are represented by 17 species assigned to Discocyclinidae Galloway 1928 and Orbitoclypeidae Brönnimann 1946. These taxa, associated with nummulitids and alveolinids, belong to the lineages of Discocyclina Gümbel 1870, Nemkovella, 1987, Orbitoclypeus Silvestri 1907, and Asterocyclina Gümbel 1870, described for the first time from north Africa lying at the southern margin of Tethyan ocean during Paleogene. We identified Nemkovella evae, previously not recorded in upper Lutetian/lower Bartonian and younger Eocene deposits of northern Tethyan platforms, and erected a new subspecies, N. evae reinechensis n. ssp. A comparison of Reineche orthophraminids, assigned to orthophragmines zone (OZ) 12 and shallow benthic zone (SBZ 17), to the well-described coeval assemblages at northern Tethyan platforms in Italy, Hungary, Turkey, and to those in Kutch Basin in the Indian subcontinent suggests that some species are confined to certain paleogeographic domains. Orbitoclypeus haynesi, the only orbitoclypeid and the most abundant orthophragminid in lower Bartonian deposits in Kutch, appears to be the most common orbitoclypeid in Reineche Limestone. In Europe, this species is not known and is replaced by Orbitoclypeus varians, the most common orbitoclypeid in middle Eocene of central Europe. Both species occur in varying proportions in marine successions in Turkey. Asterocyclina sireli, identified so far only in Turkey, occurs in Reineche Limestone and in lower Bartonian deposits in Kutch. This species is recorded for the first time in the Indian subcontinent. Relying on present study, as well as our recent studies in Kutch Basin, we conclude that the generic and specific diversity of orthophragminids decreases eastward from the peri-Mediterranean region to Indian subcontinent and to the western Pacific.  相似文献   
During the Mesozoic and Cenozoic rifting, the Pelagian Sea recorded the consequences of the African and European plate’s rapprochement. The interpretation of surface and subsurface data that is the 2D seismic reflection and petroleum well data show new ideas on the geodynamic evolution and halokinesis of the Jeffara basin during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic period. Seismic lines interpretations of the subsurface mainly reveal normal syn-sedimentary NW-SE faulting and where the Jeffara fault seems to be the major play. This syn-sedimentary faulting induced horst and graben structures materialized by major sedimentary sequences thicknesses as well as depths variations on the seismic profiles from the Jeffara fault zone overall towards the East of Jeffara basin. After the Hercynian event of the Permian - Carboniferous age, a general extension took place, which gave rise to the Tethyan opening. This extension has favored the individualization of the Jeffara basin in the South East of Tunisia, characterized by a structuring in Horst and Graben with a Permian carbonate subsidence. During the Triassic - Middle Jurassic period, the Jeffara basin is marked by a pronounced subsidence of essentially evaporate sedimentation accompanied by the birth of normal syn-sedimentary NW-SE faults following an NE-SW extension. This subsidence continuing during the Upper Jurassic period, the accentuation of which is towards the NE of the study zone at the Jerba and El Bibane sub-basin with a dominance of bioclastic limestone and dolomites sedimentation in the same extensive NE-SW direction, during this period, the Jeffara basin was characterized by a beginning of salt activity indicated by the appearance of salt nuclei at the base of the preexisting NW-SE normal faults. During the Lower Cretaceous, we are witnessing an individualization of salt complexes in the SE of the study area at Rass Ajil sub-basin, where this reactive diapirism has produced high zones and erosions in the crest above the salt bodies. During the mid Cretaceous period, the Zebbag formation, hatched by the Gattar carbonate bar, recorded a subsidence inversion phenomenon between the three sub-basins Jerba, El Bibane and Rass Ajil sub-basin, and showed the change of movement of the African plate relative to the European plate related to the opening of the North Atlantic and the beginning of the drift towards the North of Africa. This phenomenon is concretized towards the Upper Cretaceous, where we witness a strong subsidence towards the southeastern part of the study area at Rass Ajil sub-basin with sandstone, marl and clay sedimentation under a regional extensive regime and the individualization of high zones at Jerba sub-basin. The salt movements present an active aspect by piercing their cover and inducing rim synclines in the surroundings. The Cenozoic period is characterized by a strong subsidence of sandstone, clays and carbonates along the Jeffara basin, the salt activity shows a passive aspect at the beginning of this period which slows down and eventually stopped at the late Miocene period, thus indicating the probable exhaustion of the source of the salt material.  相似文献   
A fully and coherent relativistic fluid model derived from the covariant formulation of relativistic fluid equations is used to study ion-acoustic solitary waves in a fully relativistic ion-electron-positron plasma. This approach has the characteristic to be consistent with the relativistic principle and consequently leads to a more general set of equations valid for fully relativistic plasmas with arbitrary Lorentz relativistic factor. Our results may be relevant to cosmic relativistic double- layers and relativistic plasma structures involving energetic plasma flows that may occur in space plasmas. Furthermore, they may complement and provide new insights into recently published results (G. Lu et al. in Astrophys. Space Sci., doi:, 2010).  相似文献   

Prediction of salt intrusion length in estuaries is a challenge for managers as well as scientists in this field. Several numerical and empirical models have been developed for the prediction of salt intrusion length in recent decades. However, all these models require large data set on estuary geometry, tide, stratification turbulence which demands experimental cost and time, and which is not always available as in our case. Thus, for reducing the complexity of analysis, a new simple equation was derived to predict the salinity intrusion length using nonlinear multivariable regression in the Bouregreg estuary, Morocco. The equation relates salt intrusion length with freshwater discharge and tidal range using a power law. The salt intrusion length predicted by the developed equation was in good agreement (R2 = 0.72) with that obtained using a numerical salinity transport model (HEC-RAS software “Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System”). This simple formula is completely transparent and practical for Bouregreg estuary, allowing direct assessment of the parameters on the salt intrusion. Therefore, the proposed model can either be used to predict the salt intrusion for a given freshwater discharge and tidal range, or can used as a tool to design the minimum daily discharge to regulate the salt intrusion into the estuary, thereby providing assistance for management plans.  相似文献   
The Paleozoic massif of Tichka in the southern part of the Western High Atlas of Morocco constitutes a structural transition between the Meseta and the Anti-Atlas domains. It was affected by a complex network of fractures noticeable at different scales. Using Landsat ETM+ imagery permits detecting the main fracture directions. Various techniques of lineament’s extraction were applied, including the colored compositions, spectral band ratios, and directional filters applied to the principal component analysis. Lineament’s extraction is based on visual interpretation and completed by field observations. The resulted map allows recognizing at least four trending fracture system, with average N-S, NE-SW, E-W, and NW-SE orientations. The surrounding rocks of the granitic massif show a high fracture density. Tectonic indicators show that this massif is initially affected by NW-SE Variscan tectonic extension, followed by NW-SE Variscan compression. This regime is being maintained until the late Variscan period corresponding to the relaxation of the NW-SE major Variscan stress. A clockwise rotation of the latter stress, which became N-S to NNE-SSW, related to the late Variscan deformation, is responsible for reworking preexisting faults.  相似文献   
The upper member of the Jafnayn Formation in Wadi Rusayl and Al Khoud, Seeb Area in north Oman contains Nemkovella stockari Less & Özcan, 2007, an Early Eocene orthophragminid recorded here for the first time from the Arabian Peninsula. N. stockari, the only orthophragminid identified in Jafnayn Formation, is quite distinct from any other species from Tethys in having spiral and orbitoidiform chambers around the isolepidine embryon developed before the onset of annular chambers. The Oman specimens exhibit equal-sized principal auxiliary chambers and symmetrical spirals and are assigned to N. stockari bejaensis Özcan, Boukhalfa & Scheibner, 2014, an advanced form of the N. stockari lineage. The associated alveolinids, revised in this study, rotaliids and other age-diagnostic foraminiferal taxa in the transgressive basal part of the upper member have enabled us to revise the age as middle Ilerdian (Early Eocene), assignable to SBZ 7/8 and 8; OZ 3/4. Integrating a new record of this species from Arabian Plate margin in Belen, S Turkey, and previous records from north Africa, N. stockari appears to be a diagnostic marker for the Early Eocene along the southern peri-Tethys platforms, facilitating the Tethyan correlation by orthophragminids. The palaeobiogeographic distribution of N. stockari is discussed.  相似文献   
Ion-acoustic rogue waves (IARWs) are addressed in a two-component plasma with a q-nonextensive electron velocity distribution. A weakly nonlinear analysis is carried out to derive a Korteweg-de Vries (K-dV) equation with a particular emphasis on its application to the IARWs. This K-dV equation is transformed to a nonlinear Schr?dinger equation, provided that the frequency of the carrier wave is much smaller than the ion plasma frequency. Interestingly, it is found that the IARWs may be drastically affected by electron nonextensivity depending on whether the entropic index q is positive or negative. In view of the crucial importance of RWs in space environments, our results should be useful in understanding the basic features of the nonextensive IARGs that may occur in space plasmas.  相似文献   
Salinity is an important parameter influencing the water quality of estuaries, and can constitute a serious problem to society due to the need for freshwater for industry and agriculture. Therefore, the determination of salt intrusion length in estuaries is a challenge for managers as well as scientists in this field. The managers tend to use simple and reliable tools for salinity variation. Although 2-D and 3-D numerical models are common tools for the prediction of salinity intrusion now, analytical models of salinity variation are much more efficient, and also require minimal sets of river data. In this paper, two analytical solutions, Brockway and Savenije used worldwide to assess longitudinal salinity variation in alluvial estuaries, are applied to the Moroccan Atlantic semi-closed estuaries, i.e., Sebou and Loukkos. The solutions are derived from salt convection-dispersion equations, with different assumptions for the dispersion coefficient. The estuaries' bathymetry is described by an exponential function. The performance of these two solutions was evaluated by comparing their results with field-measured salinity data. The Brockway model's salinity predictions performs well to observations especially in downstream reaches of the two estuaries (Sebou: R2 = 0.95, root mean square error [RMSE] = 1.50‰, normalized root mean square error [NRMSE] = 3.45‰; Loukkos: R2 = 0.95, RMSE = 1.13‰, NRMSE = 3.01‰), while the Savenije model outperformed the Brockway's model and is better to predict salt intrusion length and salinity variation along the two estuaries (Sebou: R2 = 0.97, RMSE = 1.15‰, NRMSE = 2.85‰; Loukkos: R2 = 0.98, RMSE = 0.95‰, NRMSE = 1.94‰). This revealed that both analytical solutions apply well to the estimation of salinity variation and the prediction of salt intrusion in these two estuaries.  相似文献   
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