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Abstract— Puerto Lápice is a new eucrite fall (Castilla‐La Mancha, Spain, 10 May 2007). In this paper, we report its detailed petrography, magnetic characterization, mineral and bulk chemistry, oxygen and noble gas isotope systematics, and radionuclide data. Study of four thin sections from two different specimens reveal that the meteorite is brecciated in nature, and it contains basaltic and granulitic clasts, as well as recrystallized impact melt and breccia fragments. Shock veins are ubiquitous and show evidence of at least three different shock events. Bulk chemical analyses suggest that Puerto Lápice belongs to the main group of basaltic eucrites, although it has a significantly higher Cr content. Oxygen isotopes also confirm that the meteorite is a normal member of the HED suite. Noble gas abundances show typical patterns, with dominant cosmogenic and radiogenic contributions, and indicate an average exposure age of 19 ± 2 Ma, and a Pu‐fission Xe age well within typical eucrite values. Cosmogenic radionuclides suggest a preatmospheric size of about 20–30 cm in diameter.  相似文献   
Abstract– Sample preparation, involving physical and chemical methods, is an unavoidable step in geochemical analysis. From a noble gas perspective, the two important effects are loss of sample gas and/or incorporation of air, which are significant sources of analytical artifacts. This article reports on the effects of sample exposure to laboratory air without mechanical influence and during sample grinding. The experiments include pure adsorption on terrestrial analog materials (gibbsite and olivine) and grinding of Martian meteorites. A consistent observation is the presence of an elementally fractionated air component in the samples studied. This is a critical form of terrestrial contamination in meteorites as it often mimics the heavy noble gas signatures of known extra‐terrestrial end‐members that are the basis of important conclusions about the origin and evolution of a meteorite. Although the effects of such contamination can be minimized by avoiding elaborate sample preparation protocols, caution should be exercised in interpreting the elemental ratios (Ar/Xe, Kr/Xe), especially in the low‐temperature step extractions. The experiments can also be transferred to the investigation of Martian meteorites with long terrestrial residence times, and to Mars, where the Mars Science Laboratory mission will be able to measure noble gas signatures in the current atmosphere and in rocks and soils collected on the surface in Gale crater.  相似文献   
Abstract– We report Mg‐Al and Ca‐Ti isotopic data for meteoritic nanodiamonds separated from the Allende CV3 and Murchison CM2 meteorites. The goal of this study was to search for excesses in 26Mg and 44Ca, which can be attributed to the in situ decay of radioactive and now extinct 26Al and 44Ti, respectively. Previous work on presolar SiC and graphite had shown that 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios in presolar grains can be used to discriminate between different types of stellar sources. Aluminum and Ti concentrations are low in the meteoritic nanodiamonds of this study. Murchison nanodiamonds have higher Al and Ti concentrations than the Allende nanodiamonds. This can be attributed to contamination and the presence of presolar SiC in the Murchison nanodiamond samples. 26Mg/24Mg and 44Ca/40Ca ratios are close to normal in Allende nanodiamonds with upper limits on the initial 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios of approximately 1 × 10?3. These ratios are factors of 10–1000 and, respectively, 1–1000 lower than those of presolar SiC and graphite grains from supernovae. The 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti data for nanodiamonds are compatible with an asymptotic giant branch star or solar system origin, but not with a supernova origin of a major fraction of meteoritic nanodiamonds. The latter possibility cannot be excluded, though, as the diamond separates may contain significant amounts of contaminating Al and Ti, which would lower the inferred 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios considerably.  相似文献   
In mathematical statistical filtering the deconvolution problem can be solved by two different methods:
  • 1 by inverse filtering
  • 2 by calculating the prediction error.
Both methods are well known in the theory of Wiener filters. If, however, the generating process of the signal is known and can be described by a set of linear first order differential equations, then the Kalman filter can also be used to solve the deconvolution problem. In the case of the inverse filtering method this was shown by Bayless and Brigham (1970). But, while their method can only be used if the original signal is a colored random process, this paper shows that in the case of a white process the prediction error filtering method is a more appropriate approach. The method is extremely efficient and simple. This can be demonstrated by an example which maybe of special interest for seismic exploration.  相似文献   
Abstract— A series of experiments carried out by Koscheev et al. (1998, 2001, 2004, 2005) showed that the bimodal release of heavy noble gases from meteoritic nanodiamonds can be reproduced by a single implanted component. This paper investigates the implications of this result for interpreting the noble gas compositions of meteoritic nanodiamonds and for their origin and history. If the bimodal release exhibited by meteorite diamonds reflects release of the P3 noble gas component, then the composition inferred for the pure Xe‐HL end member changes slightly, the excesses of heavy krypton isotopes that define Kr‐H become less extreme, evidence appears for a Kr‐L component, and the nucleosynthetic contribution to argon becomes much smaller. After correction for cosmogenic neon inherited from the host meteorites, the neon in presolar diamonds shows evidence for pre‐irradiation, perhaps in interstellar space, and a nucleosynthetic component perhaps consistent with a supernova source. After a similar correction, helium also shows evidence for presolar irradiation and/or a nucleosynthetic component. For the case of presolar irradiation, due to the small size of the diamonds, a large entity must have been irradiated and recoiling product nuclei collected by the nanodiamonds. The high 3He/21Ne ratio (?43) calls for a target with a (C + O)/heavier‐element ratio higher than in chondritic abundances. Bulk gas + dust (cosmic abundances) meet this criteria, as would solids enriched in carbonaceous material. The long recoil range of cosmogenic 3He argues against a specific phase. The excess 3He in presolar diamonds may represent trapped cosmic rays rather than cosmogenic 3He produced in the vicinity of the diamond crystals.  相似文献   
Abstract– On April 9, 2009, at 3:00 CEST, a very bright fireball appeared over Carinthia and the Karavanke Mountains. The meteoroid entered the atmosphere at a very steep angle and disintegrated into a large number of objects. Two main objects were seen as separate fireballs up to an altitude of approximately 5 km, and witnesses reported loud explosions. Three stones were found with a total weight of approximately 3.611 kg. The measured activity of short‐lived cosmogenic radionuclides clearly indicates that two specimens result from a very recent meteorite fall. All cosmogenic radionuclide concentrations suggest a rather small preatmospheric radius of <20 cm; a nominal cosmic‐ray exposure age based on 21Ne is approximately 4 Ma, but the noble gas and radionuclide results in combination indicate a complex irradiation. Jesenice is a highly recrystallized rock with only a few relic chondrules visible in hand specimen and thin section. The texture, the large grain size of plagioclase, and the homogeneous compositions of olivines and pyroxenes clearly indicate that Jesenice is a L6 chondrite. The bulk composition of Jesenice is very close to the published average element concentration for L ordinary chondrites. The chondrite is weakly shocked (S3) as indicated by the undulatory extinction in olivine and plagioclase and the presence of planar fractures in olivine. Being weakly shocked and with gas retention ages of >1.7 Ga (4He) and approximately 4.3 Ga (40Ar), Jesenice seems not to have been strongly affected by the catastrophic disruption of the L‐chondrite parent body approximately 500 Ma ago.  相似文献   
Abstract– Shock recovery experiments were performed with an explosive set‐up in which three types of microorganisms embedded in various types of host rocks were exposed to strong shock waves with pressure pulse lengths of lower than 0.5 μs: spores of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis, Xanthoria elegans lichens, and cells of the cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis sp. 029. In these experiments, three fundamental parameters were systematically varied (1) shock pressures ranging from 5 to 50 GPa, (2) preshock ambient temperature of 293, 233 and 193 K, and (3) the type of host rock, including nonporous igneous rocks (gabbro and dunite as analogs for the Martian shergottites and chassignites, respectively), porous sandstone, rock salt (halite), and a clay‐rich mineral mixture as porous analogs for dry and water‐saturated Martian regolith. The results show that the three parameters have a strong influence on the survival rates of the microorganisms. The most favorable conditions for the impact ejection from Mars for microorganisms would be (1) low porosity host rocks, (2) pressures <10–20 GPa, and (3) low ambient temperature of target rocks during impact. All tested microorganisms were capable of surviving to a certain extent impact ejection in different geological materials under distinct conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract— Infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectra were obtained for diamonds from the Allende and Murchison meteorites. In addition, and for the first time, electron paramagnetic resonance spectra were measured. The IR and UV data confirm the suspicion of Russell et al. (1996) that N in presolar diamonds predominantly appears in the form of dispersed N atoms, as is the case for terrestrial type Ib diamonds. In accordance with other observations, our electron paramagnetic resonance measurements suggest a high H content in presolar diamonds. The presolar diamonds most likely originated in a H‐rich region, an environment in which nanometer‐sized diamonds may be more stable than graphite (Badziag et al., 1990). This adds to the evidence—previously based mainly on the twin microstructures of presolar diamonds (Daulton et al., 1996) and the absence of graphite with the same isotopic composition as presolar diamonds (Anders and Zinner, 1993)—for a homogeneous nucleation of presolar diamonds from a gas phase. Based on our results for detection of diamonds in space, we suggest searching for the N‐induced IR and UV absorption features of type Ib diamonds. Other characteristic diamond features that could also be used to detect diamonds in space are the (‐CHn) IR absorption features due to H‐coated diamonds, as they are described by Allamandola et al. (1993) and the IR multiphonon absorption features of the diamond lattice. The multiphonon features are very weak (Edwards, 1985), but their intensity increases somewhat with increasing temperature (Collins and Fan, 1954), so perhaps a search for them is not totally hopeless.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have determined the recoil losses from silicon carbide (SiC) grain‐size fractions of spallation Ne produced by irradiation with 1.6 GeV protons. During the irradiation, the SiC grains were dispersed in paraffin wax in order to avoid reimplantation into neighboring grains. Analysis for spallogenic 21Ne of grain‐size separates in the size range 0.3 to 6 μm and comparison with the 22Na activity of the SiC + paraffin mixture indicates an effective recoil range of 2–3 μm with no apparent effect from acid treatments, which are routinely used in the isolation of meteoritic SiC grains. Our results indicate that the majority of presolar SiC grains in primitive meteorites, which are micrometer‐sized, will have lost essentially all spallogenic Ne produced by cosmic‐ray interaction in the interstellar medium. This argues against the validity of previously published presolar ages of Murchison SiC (~10 to ~130 Ma, increasing with grain size; Lewis et al., 1994), where recoil losses had been based on calculated recoil energies. It is argued that the observed variations in meteoritic SiC grain‐size fractions of 21Ne/22Ne ratios are more likely due to the effects of nucleosynthesis in the He‐burning shell of the parent AGB stars which imposes new boundary conditions on nuclear parameters and stellar models. It is suggested that spallation‐Xe produced on the abundant Ba and REE in presolar SiC, rather than spallogenic Ne, may be a promising approach to the presolar age problem. There is a hint in the currently available Xe data (Lewis et al., 1994) that the large (>1 μm) grains may be younger than the smaller (<1 μm) grains. The retention of spallogenic 21Ne produced by the bombardment of SiC grains of different grain sizes with 1.6 GeV protons, avoiding reimplantation into neighboring grains by dispersing the SiC grains in paraffin wax, has been derived from a comparison of mass spectrometrically determined 21Ne, retained in the grains, with the 22Na activity of the grains‐plus‐paraffin mixture. Compared to estimates of retention used in previous attempts to determine presolar ages for SiC (Tang and Anders, 1988b; Lewis et al., 1990, 1994), the results indicate significantly lower values. They do, however, agree with retention as expected from previous measurements of recoil ranges in similar systems (Nyquist et al., 1973; Steinberg and Winsberg, 1974). The prime reason for the discrepancy must lie in the energy of the recoiling nuclei entering in the calculation of retention by Tang and Anders (1988b), which is based on considerations by Ray and Völk (1983). Based on the results, it appears questionable that spallation contributes significantly to the observed variations of 21Ne/22Ne ratios among various SiC grain‐size separates (Lewis et al., 1994). We rather suggest that the variations, just as it has been observed for Kr and Ba already (Lewis et al., 1994; Prombo et al., 1993), have a nucleosynthetic origin. Confirmation needs input of improved nuclear data and stellar models into new network calculations of the nucleosynthesis in AGB stars of elements in the Ne region. Finally we argue that, to determine presolar system irradiation effects, spallation Xe is more favorable than is Ne, primarily because of smaller recoil losses for Xe. Although preliminary estimates hint at the possibility that the larger (>1 μm) grains are younger than the smaller (<1 μm) ones, the major uncertainty for a quantitative evaluation lies in the exact composition of the Xe‐N component thought to originate from the envelope of the SiC grains' parent stars.  相似文献   
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