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Rainwater, groundwater and soil-water samples were analysed to assess groundwater geochemistry and the origin of salinity in the Ochi-Narkwa basin of the Central Region of Ghana. The samples were measured for major ions and stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H and δ13C). The Cl? content in rainwater decreased with distance from the coast. The major hydrochemical facies were Na-Cl for the shallow groundwaters and Ca-Mg-HCO3, Na-Cl and Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4 for the deep groundwaters. Groundwater salinization is caused largely by halite dissolution and to a minor extent by silicate weathering and seawater intrusion. Stable isotope composition of the groundwaters followed a slope of 3.44, suggesting a mixing line. Chloride profiles in the soil zone revealed the existence of salt crusts, which support halite dissolution in the study area. A conceptual flow model developed to explain the mechanism of salinization showed principal groundwater flow in the NW–SE direction.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

Insufficient knowledge of the hydrogeochemistry of aquifers in the Central Region of Ghana has necessitated a preliminary water quality assessment in some parts of the region. Major and minor ions, and trace metal compositions of groundwater have been studied with the aim of evaluating hydrogeochemical processes that are likely to impair the quality of water in the study area. The results show that groundwater in the area is weakly acidic with mean acidity being 5.83 pH units. The dominant cation in the area is Na, followed by K, Ca, and Mg, and the dominant anion is Cl?, followed by HCO3 ? and SO4 2?. Two major hydrochemical facies have been identified as Na–Cl and Na–HCO3, water types. Multivariate statistical techniques such as cluster analysis (CA) and factor analysis/principal component analysis (PCA), in R mode, were employed to examine the chemical compositions of groundwater and to identify factors that influenced each. Q-mode CA analysis resulted in two distinct water types as established by the hydrochemical facies. Cluster 1 waters contain predominantly Na–Cl. Cluster 2 waters contain Na–HCO3 and Na–Cl. Cluster 2 waters are fresher and of good quality than cluster 1. Factor analysis yielded five significant factors, explaining 86.56% of the total variance. PC1 explains 41.95% of the variance and is contributed by temperature, electrical conductivity, TDS, turbidity, SO4 2?, Cl?, Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Mn and influenced by geochemical processes such as weathering, mineral dissolution, cation exchange, and oxidation–reduction reactions. PC2 explains 16.43% of the total variance and is characterized by high positive loadings of pH and HCO3 ?. This results from biogenic activities taking place to generate gaseous carbon dioxide that reacts with infiltrating water to generate HCO3 ?, which intend affect the pH. PC3 explains 11.17% of the total variance and is negatively loaded on PO4 3? and NO3 ? indicating anthropogenic influence. The R-mode PCA, supported by R-mode CA, have revealed hydrogeochemical processes as the major sources of ions in the groundwater. Factor score plot revealed a possible flow direction from the northern sections of the study area, marked by higher topography, to the south. Compositional relations confirmed the predominant geochemical process responsible for the various ions in the groundwater as mineral dissolution and thus agree with the multivariate analysis.  相似文献   
Abstract: The gold deposit at Ashanti occurs in the Proterozoic Birimian formation of Ghana. Two main ore types mined from the deposit are gold-bearing quartz veins, and gold-sulfide disseminations in metasediments and metavolcanics. The main sulfide minerals in the gold-sulfide disseminated ores are arsenopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite, and to a very minor extent, sphalerite and tetrahedrite. Carbonate alteration and sericitization are prominent in the metavolcanics and the metasediments, respectively. In the quartz veins, pyrite and arsenopyrite commonly occur in small amounts, but gold mostly occurs in contact with tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, galena, aurostibite, and sphalerite. Pyrrhotite is absent in the quartz veins.
Microprobe studies indicate that As content of homogeneous arsenopyrite grains ranges from 27. 0 to 31. 7 atm%, and gives mineralization temperatures from 170 to 430°C, although mostly from 300 to 400°C. Chlorite geothermometry using temperature dependence of substitution of Al for Si in the tetrahedral site gives formation temeratures of 330 to 400°C, comparable to the arsenopyrite temperatures. Applying sphalerite–pyrite–pyrrhotite geobarometry to sphalerite with FeS contents from 13. 6 to 12. 5 mol%, the pressure was estimated to be in a range from 5. 9 to 7. 0 kb at the stage of elevated temperatures.
Mineralogical observations, especially absence of pyrrhotite in the quartz veins, together with microprobe data for gold and associated minerals suggest that the fluids having ascended through fissures in the Ashanti deposit were reduced by the reaction with carbonaceous materials in the metasediments during the declining stage of the regional metamorphism.  相似文献   
Abstract— The Lonar crater, India, is the only well‐preserved simple crater on Earth in continental flood basalts; it is excavated in the Deccan trap basalts of Cretaceous‐Tertiary age. A representative set of target basalts, including the basalt flows excavated by the crater, and a variety of impact breccias and impact glasses, were analyzed for their major and trace element compositions. Impact glasses and breccias were found inside and outside the crater rim in a variety of morphological forms and shapes. Comparable geochemical patterns of immobile elements (e.g., REEs) for glass, melt rock and basalt indicates minimal fractionation between the target rocks and the impactites. We found only little indication of post‐impact hydrothermal alteration in terms of volatile trace element changes. No clear indication of an extraterrestrial component was found in any of our breccias and impact glasses, indicating either a low level of contamination, or a non‐chondritic or otherwise iridium‐poor impactor.  相似文献   
The Densu River Basin (DRB) is an important agricultural area in Ghana and has a high population density. Water shortages have occurred in the basin due to drying out of surface water, heavy pollution and low yield in most of the production wells, which are crucial factors restricting sustainable socioeconomic development. This study was carried out to investigate the geochemical characteristics and evolution, as well as recharge processes in the DRB system with regard to the tectonics, geomorphology, lithology and flow system. It mainly used hydrochemistry, environmental isotopes and a series of comprehensive data interpretation, e.g., statistics, ionic ratios and Piper diagram to obtain a better understanding of the functioning of the system. The following hydrochemical processes were identified as the main factors controlling the water quality of the groundwater system: weathering of silicate minerals, dissolution, ion exchange and, to a lesser extent, evaporation, which seems to be more pronounced downgradient of the flow system. As groundwater flows from the recharge to discharge areas, chemical patterns evolve in the order of Ca2+–HCO3 ?, Ca2+/Mg2+–HCO3 ? to Ca2+/Na+–Cl?, Ca2+–Na+–HCO3 ? and Na+–Cl? according to lithology. The environmental isotope (δ18O, δ2H, 3H) measurements further revealed that groundwater in the DRB was a relatively well-mixed system as evidenced by the encoded narrow range of values. However, deviation from the rainwater signature indicates combined local processes such as direct percolation through preferential channels, evaporation, and probable surface water and anthropogenic contribution to the system.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of groundwater recharge is essential for the proper management of aquifers. A study of water isotope (δ2H, δ18O) depth profiles was carried out to estimate groundwater recharge in the Densu River basin in Ghana, at three chosen observation sites that differ in their altitude, geology, climate and vegetation. Water isotopes and water contents were analysed with depth to determine water flow in the unsaturated zone. The measured data showed isotope enrichment in the pore water near the soil surface due to evaporation. Seasonal variations in the isotope signal of the pore water were also observed to a depth of 2.75 m. Below that depth, the seasonal variation of the isotope signal was attenuated due to diffusion/dispersion and low water flow velocities. Groundwater recharge rates were determined by numerical modelling of the unsaturated water flow and water isotope transport. Different groundwater recharge rates were computed at the three observation sites and were found to vary between 94 and 182 mm/year (± max. 7%). Further, the approximate peak-shift method was applied to give information about groundwater recharge rates. Although this simple method neglects variations in flow conditions and only considers advective transport, it yielded mean groundwater recharge rates of 110–250 mm/year (± max. 30%), which were in the same order of magnitude as computed numerical modelling values. Integrating these site-specific groundwater recharge rates to the whole catchment indicates that more water is potentially renewed than consumed nowadays. With increases in population and irrigation, more clean water is required, and knowledge about groundwater recharge rates – essential for improving the groundwater management in the Densu River basin – can be easily obtained by measuring water isotope depth profiles and applying a simple peak-shift approach.

Citation Adomako, D., Maloszewski, P., Stumpp, C., Osae, S. & Akiti, T. T. (2010) Estimating groundwater recharge from water isotope (δ2H, δ18O) depth profiles in the Densu River basin, Ghana. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(8), 1405–1416.  相似文献   
A preliminary assessment of toxic element pollution caused by artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the Bonsa river of Ghana as well as the influence of TOC and SO4 2? concentration on these traces in the sediment has been determined. With the exception of mercury (Hg), manganese (Mn), and arsenic (As), the concentration of aluminum (Al) in filtered river water exceeded the WHO guideline limit of 0.1 mg L?1 in drinking water. Analyses of toxic element in sediment using Canadian Sediment Quality Criteria, contamination factor, geoaccumulation index, and enrichment factor indicate that river sediment is severely contaminated with Hg confirming the negative impact of the amalgamation technique in gold beneficiation in Ghana. The level of Hg in the surface water exceeded reported values from some rivers in Africa, Asia, and South America. The ranking order of the mean element concentration in both matrices followed the conservative order of traces found in the Earth crust except copper, which was below the detection limit of 0.01 mg kg?1. A Pearson correlation matrix of the toxic element and geology of the river bedrock indicates that the Hg contamination is of anthropogenic origin whilst As, Mn, and Al are the result of natural enrichment. The partitioning of elements in the sediment compartments is independent of TOC and SO4 2? concentration. Health-risk assessment based on average daily dose, hazard quotient, and cancer risk indicates that Hg is a health risk to the human population. In conclusion, the study has shown that there is a likely anthropic affection of the river and that this situation has worsened since earlier studies. In order to sustain aquatic life and to prevent future human health hazard, an immediate mercury remediation in the river is recommended.  相似文献   
This paper presents a critical review of model-input parameters for transport of on-site wastewater treatment system (OWS) pollutants. Approximately 25% of the U.S. population relies on soil-based OWS for effective treatment and protection of public health and environmental quality. Mathematical models are useful tools for understanding and predicting the transport and fate of wastewater pollutants and for addressing water-budget issues related to wastewater reclamation from site to watershed scales. However, input parameters for models that simulate fate and transport of OWS pollutants are not readily obtained. The purpose of this analysis is to illustrate an objective, statistically supported method for choosing model-input parameters related to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Data were gathered from existing studies reported in the literature. Cumulative frequency distributions (CFDs) are provided for OWS effluent concentrations of N and P, nitrification and denitrification rates, and linear sorption isotherm constants for P. When CFDs are not presented, ranges and median values are provided. Median values for model-input parameters are as follows: total N concentration (44 mg/L), nitrate-N (0.2 mg/L), ammonium (60 mg/L), phosphate-P (9 mg/L), organic N (14 mg/L), zero-order nitrification rate (264 mg/L/d), first-order nitrification (2.9/d), first-order dentrification (0.025/d), maximum soil capacity for P uptake (237 mg/kg), linear sorption isotherm constant for P (15.1 L/kg), and OWS effluent flow rates (260 L/person/d).  相似文献   
A baseline study involving analyses of subsurface water samples from the Cape Coast granitoid complex, Lower Birimian, Togo Formation and the Voltaian Group, was carried out to assess their suitability for drinking, domestic and agricultural purposes. Study results show that pH within the range (3.0 ≤ pH ≤ 6.5) constitutes 74% of the boreholes analysed, and 51% have hardness values ranging from 7.89 to 73.24 mg/l as CaCO3 and are described as soft. Total dissolved solids are less than 1,000 mg/l and generally characterized by low conductivity values, of which 95% are within the range (55 ≤ EC ≤ 1,500 μS/cm). The mean values of the major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and anions (SO42−, Cl, HCO3) are all within the World Health Organisation (WHO) standards. Five (5) of the boreholes sampled have nitrate (NO3) contamination. Even though NO3 contamination and acidic waters exist in some of the boreholes, the majority of the boreholes are excellent for drinking and domestic purposes. Assessment of the groundwaters for agricultural irrigation revealed three main categories. These are low salinity–low sodicity (C1–S1), medium salinity–low sodicity (C2–S1) and high salinity–low sodicity (C3–S1), using the US Salinity Laboratory (USSL) classification scheme. As much as 95% of the samples plotted in the ‘excellent to good’ and ‘good to permissible’ categories on the Wilcox diagram. The groundwater in the study area may therefore be regarded as good for irrigation activities. The major identifiable geochemical processes responsible for the evolution of the various ions are mineral weathering and chemical reactions.  相似文献   
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