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Intra and inter-annual variations in the sea ice thickness are highly sensitive indicators of climatic variations undergoing in the earth’s atmosphere and oceans. This paper describes the method of estimating sea ice thickness using radar waveforms data acquired by SARAL/Altika mission during its drifting orbit phase from July 2016 onwards yielding spatially dense data coverage. Based on statistical analysis of return echoes, classification of the surface has been carried out in three different types, viz. floe, lead and mixed. Time delay correction methods were suitably selected and implemented to make corrections in altimetric range measurements and thereby freeboard. By assuming hydrostatic equilibrium, freeboard data were converted into sea ice thickness. Results show that sea ice thickness varies from 4 to 5?m near ice shelves and 1 to 2.5?m in the marginal sea ice regions. Freeboard and sea ice thickness estimates were also validated using NASA’s Operation Ice Bridge (OIB) datasets. Freeboard measurements show very high correlation (0.97) having RMSE of 0.13. Overestimation of approximately 1–2?m observed in the sea ice thickness, which could be attributed to distance between AltiKa footprint and OIB locations. Moreover, sensitivity analysis shows that snow depth and snow density over sea ice play crucial role in the estimation of sea ice thickness.  相似文献   
The effect of finite conductivity on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability of an incompressible, viscous rotating fluid through a porous medium has been studied in the presence of a two-dimensional horizontal magnetic field. It has been shown that the solution is characterized by a variational principle. By making use of the existence of the variational principle, proper solutions have been obtained for a semi-infinite fluid in which density has a one-dimensional (exponential) vertical stratification. The dispersion relation has been derived and solved numerically. It is found that finite resistivity and porosity have a destabilizing effect on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability while rotation has a stabilizing effect.  相似文献   
Abandoned channel belts, ponds and point bar deposits of palaeochannels in the interfluve regions of the central Ganga Plain suggest changes in the morphohydrologic conditions during the Latest Pleistocene–Holocene. Stratigraphy of these ponds comprises channel sand at the base overlain by shell-bearing clayey silt. The contact of the two facies marks the phase when channels converted into standing water bodies. Point bar deposits of some palaeochannels are overlain by oxidised aeolian sand, indicating that the channel abandonment possibly occurred due to the desiccation and aridity in the region.Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronometry of the pond sediments suggests that the deposition of the basal channel sand started before 13 ka and continued up to 8 ka. The ponds formed around 8–6 ka when the channel activity ceased. Evidence from the point bar deposits also indicates that the fluvial activity in the region ended sometime during 7–5 ka. This was followed by aeolian aggradation. The present study thus suggests that the hydrologic conditions in the Gangetic plains, i.e. initiation of channels and their abandonment, formation of microgeomorphologic features such as ponds and their eventual siltation, were controlled largely by climatic changes (i.e. monsoon changes) supported by tectonic activity. For the past 2 ka, increasing human and related agricultural activity has substantially accentuated the natural siltation rate of ponds.  相似文献   
The mechanism and kinetics of superoxide-mediated reduction of a variety of organic iron(III) complexes has been investigated over the pH range 7-9. Our experimental results show that the rate of iron(II) formation is a function of pH, ligand type and ligand concentration with the measured rate varying between 0.44 ± 0.07 and 39.25 ± 1.77 pM s−1 in the systems investigated. Additionally, our results show that the presence of competing cations such as Ca2+ have a significant impact on iron(II) formation if the organic ligand is strongly complexed by Ca2+. Formation of iron(II) occurs by either (or, in some instances, both) reaction of superoxide with inorganic iron(III) after its dissociation from the complex (dissociative reduction) or by direct reaction of superoxide with the complex (non-dissociative reduction). In the presence of weak ligands, dissociative reduction (DR) dominates; however non-dissociative reduction (NDR) becomes important in the presence of either strongly binding ligands or high concentrations of weakly binding ligands. The major factors contributing to the pH dependence of the iron(II) formation rate are the complexation kinetics of inorganic iron(III) (which controls the DR contribution) and the reduction kinetics of the iron(III) complex (which controls the NDR contribution). The relative NDR contribution increases with increasing superoxide and ligand concentration and decreasing pH for all ligands examined. Since iron(II) formation occurring via NDR results in a significantly larger increase in the proportion of iron in free aquated form than does DR, this non-dissociative pathway of superoxide-mediated iron(III) reduction is particularly effective in increasing the lability of iron in aquatic systems.  相似文献   
This paper describes the results of a comparative study of five classifiers viz., maximum likelihood, modified maximum likelihood, minimum distance to mean. Fisher and min-max, for classifying a subscene of Junagadh district using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data. The kappa coefficient of agreement (k) and per cent correctly classified pixels for training data are used as measures of overall performance. It is observed that maximum likelihood and modified maximum likelihood classifiers perform better than the other three classifiers for this data set. Band combinations (3, 4, S) and (2, 3, 4, S) perform better than the usual combination (1,2,3,4), possibly because of presence of middle infrared band (band 5) on a scene dominated by vegetation cover. The band combination (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7) performed the best.  相似文献   
Sal (Shorea robusta) is an important forest tree species in north and north-eastern India. Large-scale plantations of this species have been raised there under taungya and coppice system of management. The conventional volume table prepared for high sal forest is referred to infer the volume of production of this species. Earlier workers have used aerial remote sensing data to develop volume tables of this species. In the present study a volume table for sal is developed based on remotely sensed satellite data using a regression technique. A two-step method was developed to estimate mean tree volume from satellite data. In step 1, mean crown diameter — an intermediate variable - was estimated from satellite data. In step 2, the estimated mean crown diameter was used to estimate the mean tree volume. Addition of age of the crop as an independent variable improved the predictive ability of the regression equation.  相似文献   
The identification of sea-ice has frequently been cited as one of the most important tasks for deriving the sea-ice parameters and to avoid erroneous retrieval of wind vector over sea-ice infested oceans using space-borne scatterometer data. Discrimination between sea-ice and ocean is ambiguous under the high wind and/or thin/scattered ice conditions. The pre-launch technique developed for Oceansat-2, utilizes the dual-polarized QuikSCAT scatterometer data by using the spatio-temporal coherence properties of sea ice in addition to backscatter coefficient and the Active Polarization Ratio. Results were compared with the operational sea-ice products from National Snow and Ice Data Center. The threshold API value of −0.025 was found optimum for sea-ice and ocean discrimination. The overall sea-ice identification accuracy achieved was of the order of 95 per cent, ranging from 92.5% (during December in Southern Hemisphere) to 98% (during March in Northern Hemisphere). The applicability of the algorithm for both the Arctic as well as Antarctic makes it suitable for its operational use with the Oceansat-2 scatterometer data.  相似文献   
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