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The BATSE and OSSE instrument teams have modified flight software to promptly (within 2 min of trigger) slew the OSSE detectors to burst locations determined on-board by BATSE. This enables OSSE to make sensitive searches for prompt and delayed post-burst line and continuum emission above 50 keV. In the best cases our sensitivity will be more than an order of magnitude better than any other search in this energy range. We expect to slew to 1–2 bursts per month, based on the OSSE FOV and BATSE event rate. Detections or limits from continued operation of this system may provide significant constraints on burst models. As an example of the observations made using this system, we present preliminary limits for post-burst emission from GRB 950223 on several time scales.  相似文献   
Share  G.H.  Murphy  R.J.  Dennis  B.R.  Schwartz  R.A.  Tolbert  A.K.  Lin  R.P.  Smith  D.M. 《Solar physics》2002,210(1-2):357-372
The RHESSI high-resolution spectrometer detected γ-ray lines and continuum emitted by the Earth's atmosphere during impact of solar energetic particles in the south polar region from 16:00–17:00 UT on 21 April 2002. The particle intensity at the time of the observation was a factor of 10–100 weaker than previous events when gamma-rays were detected by other instruments. This is the first high-resolution observation of atmospheric gamma-ray lines produced by solar energetic particles. De-excitation lines were resolved that, in part, come from 14N at 728, 1635, 2313, 3890, and 5106 keV, and the 12C spallation product at ∼ 4439 keV. Other unresolved lines were also detected. We provide best-fit line energies and widths and compare these with moderate resolution measurements by SMM of lines from an SEP event and with high-resolution measurements made by HEAO 3 of lines excited by cosmic rays. We use line ratios to estimate the spectrum of solar energetic particles that impacted the atmosphere. The 21 April spectrum was significantly harder than that measured by SMM during the 20 October 1989 shock event; it is comparable to that measured by Yohkoh on 15 July 2000. This is consistent with measurements of 10–50 MeV protons made in space at the time of the γ-ray observations.  相似文献   
The existence of either pre- or post-burst emission can provide substantial new information about the burst source and its local environment. We have data from serveral events serendipitously in or near the OSSE field of view at the time of the burst. We present pre- and post-burst flux limits from one such event, GRB 940301. The OSSE data for other periods when scheduled observations have included burst locations will enable us to search for pre- and post- burst emission on many time scales.  相似文献   
The Solar Maximum Mission Gamma Ray Experiment (SMM GRE) utilizes an actively shielded, multicrystal scintillation spectrometer to measure the flux of solar gamma rays. The instrument provides a 476-channel pulse height spectrum (with energy resolution of 7% at 662 keV) every 16.38 s over the energy range 0.3–9 MeV. Higher time resolution (2 s) is available in three windows between 3.5 and 6.5 MeV to study prompt gamma ray line emission at 4.4 and 6.1 MeV. Gamma ray spectral analysis can be extended to 15 MeV on command. Photons in the energy band from 300–350 keV are recorded with a time resolution of 64 ms. A high energy configuration also gives the spectrum of photons in the energy range from 10–100 MeV and the flux of neutrons 20 MeV. Both have a time resolution of 2 s. Auxiliary X-ray detectors will provide spectra with 1-sec time resolution over the energy range of 10–140 keV. The instrument is designed to measure the intensity, energy, and Doppler shift of narrow gamma ray lines as well as the intensity of extremely broadened lines and the photon continuum. The main objective is to use this time and spectral information from both nuclear gamma ray lines and the photon continuum in a direct study of the dynamics of the solar flare/particle acceleration phenomena.  相似文献   
Summary. A novel 3-axis superconducting magnetometer has been constructed using just one SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) sensor. The magnetometer has been placed in a large mu-metal shield together with a non-magnetic oven and 3-axis af demagnetizer. Once a sample is entered into the system a microprocessor controller executes a predetermined measuring and demagnetizing/remagnetizing sequence. The system was originally designed automatically to determine field magnitude values from ceramics and igneous rocks but has proved itself to be a useful general purpose palaeomagnetic instrument.  相似文献   
Share  G.H.  Murphy  R.J.  Tylka  A.J.  Schwartz  R.A.  Yoshimori  M.  Suga  K.  Nakayama  S.  Takeda  H. 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):41-53
The HXS and GRS detectors on Yohkoh observed the 14 July 2000, X5.7 flare, beginning at ∼ 10:20 UT, ∼ 4 min before the peak in soft X-rays. The hard X-rays and γ-rays peaked ∼ 3 min later at ∼ 10:27 UT. Solar γ-ray emission lasted until ∼ 10:40 UT. Impact of high-energy ions at the Sun is revealed by the γ-ray lines from neutron capture, annihilation radiation and de-excitation that are visible above the bremsstrahlung continuum. From measurement of these lines we find that the flare-averaged spectrum of accelerated protons is consistent with a power law ge10 MeV with index 3.14±0.15 and flux 1.1×1032 protons MeV−1 at 10 MeV. We estimate that there were ∼1.5×1030 erg in accelerated ions if the power law extended without a break down to 1 MeV; this is about 1% of the energy in electrons > 20 keV from measurements of the hard X-rays. We find no evidence for spectral hardening in the hard X-rays that has been suggested as a predictor for the occurrence of solar energetic particle (SEP) events. This was the third largest proton event above 10 MeV since 1976. The GRS and HXS also observed γ-ray lines and continuum produced by the impact of SEP on the Earth's atmosphere beginning about 13 UT on 14 July. These measurements show that the SEP spectrum softened considerably over the next 24 hours. We compare these measurements with proton measurements in space.  相似文献   
We investigate the origin of the increasing spectra observed at submillimeter wavelengths detected in the flare on 2 November 2003 starting at 17:17 UT. This flare, classified as an X8.3 and 2B event, was simultaneously detected by RHESSI and the Solar Submillimeter Telescope (SST) at 212 and 405 GHz. Comparison of the time profiles at various wavelengths shows that the submillimeter emission resembles that of the high-energy X rays observed by RHESSI whereas the microwaves observed by the Owens Valley Solar Array (OVSA) resemble that of ∼50 keV X rays. Moreover, the centroid position of the submillimeter radiation is seen to originate within the same flaring loops of the ultraviolet and X-ray sources. Nevertheless, the submillimeter spectra are distinct from the usual microwave spectra, appearing to be a distinct spectral component with peak frequency in the THz range. Three possibilities to explain this increasing radio spectra are discussed: (1) gyrosynchrotron radiation from accelerated electrons, (2) bremsstrahlung from thermal electrons, and (3) gyrosynchrotron emission from the positrons produced by pion or radioactive decay after nuclear interactions. The latter possibility is ruled out on the grounds that to explain the submillimeter observations requires 3000 to 2×105 more positrons than what is inferred from X-ray and γ-ray observations. It is possible to model the emission as thermal; however, such sources would produce too much flux in the ultraviolet and soft X-ray wavelengths. Nevertheless we are able to explain both spectral components at microwave and submillimeter wavelengths by gyrosynchrotron emission from the same population of accelerated electrons that emit hard X rays and γ rays. We find that the same 5×1035 electrons inferred from RHESSI observations are responsible for the compact submillimeter source (0.5 arcsec in radius) in a region of 4500 G low in the atmosphere, and for the traditional microwave spectral component by a more extended source (50 arcsec) in a 480 G magnetic field located higher up in the loops. The extreme values in magnetic field and source size required to account for the submillimeter emission can be relaxed if anisotropy and transport of the electrons are taken into account.  相似文献   
Data accumulated by the Solar Maximum Mission Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) have been searched for evidence of the 2.223 MeV neutron capture line from the Sun, outside the times of -ray-emitting solar flares. Background-corrected spectra accumulated over 3-day intervals between 1980 and 1989 show no evidence of the line. Upper limits are reported separately for periods of high and low solar activity.A conservative 3 upper limit of 5.7 × 10–5 (cm2 s)–1 is placed on the steady flux in the 2.223 MeV line during inactive periods, which is nearly two orders of magnitude lower than previously published results. After correction for limb darkening of the line emission from off-center positions, this upper limit becomes 7.1 × 10–5 (cm2s)–1. Our 3 upper limit on the steady flux in the line during periods of high solar activity is 6.9 × 10–5 (cm2 s)–1, or 8.6 × 10–5 (cm2 s)–1 after correction for limb darkening. Our results imply that the quiescent solar corona cannot be heated by ions accelerated above 1 MeV in microflares (or a continuous acceleration process), so long as the ion energy spectrum is similar to that measured in large flares. We also use our results to derive the rate of tritium production at the solar surface; our upper limit of 9 nuclei (cm2 s)–1 is about a factor of 9 below the upper limit from searches for 3H in the solar wind. We place upper limits of the order 1033 on the number of energetic (> 30 MeV) protons which can be stored in active regions prior to being released in solar flares, which imply that the strongest observed flares cannot be produced by such a mechanism.  相似文献   
Two bursts of high-energy photons have been discovered during analysis of 2 1/2 years of data from NRL's solar X-ray detector on OSO-6. Both bursts were simultaneously observed by the OGO-5 hard X-ray spectrometer (Kane, 1975). The bursts occurred at about 18 087 s UT on 25 January, 1970, and about 56 532 s UT on 1 October, 1970. The October event was also observed by Vela 5A; however, none of the Vela detectors observed the January event which had an intensity of about 2×10–5 ergs cm–2. Based on these new data, the number of bursts with intensities above about 10–5 ergs cm–2 appears to be about 50% higher than the Vela data alone would indicate.Paper presented at the COSPAR Symposium on Fast Transients in X- and Gamma-Rays, held at Varna, Bulgaria, 29–31 May, 1975.  相似文献   
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