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Water-flume experiments are conducted to study the structure of turbulent flow within and above a sparse model canopy consisting of two rigid canopies of different heights. This difference in height specifies a two-dimensional step change from a rough to a rougher surface, as opposed to a smooth-to-rough transition. Despite the fact that the flow is in transition from a rough to a rougher surface, the thickness of the internal boundary layer scales as x 4/5, consistent with smooth-to-rough boundary layer adjustment studies, where x is the downstream distance from the step change. However, the analogy with smooth-to-rough transitions no longer holds when the flow inside the canopy and near the canopy top is considered. Results show that the step change in surface roughness significantly increases turbulence intensities and shear stress. In particular, there is an adjustment of the mean horizontal velocity and shear stress as the flow passes over the rougher canopy, so that their vertical profiles adjust to give maximum values at the top of this canopy. We also observe that the magnitude and shape of the inflection in the mean horizontal velocity profile is significantly affected by the transition. The horizontal and vertical turbulence spectra compare well with Kolmogorov’s theory, although a small deviation at high frequencies is observed in the horizontal spectrum within the canopy. Here, for relatively low leaf area index, shear is found to be a more effective mechanism for momentum transfer through the canopy structure than vortex shedding.  相似文献   

Spatially distributed values of the specific yield, a fundamental parameter for transient groundwater mass balance calculations, were obtained by means of three independent methods for the Crau plain, France. In contrast to its traditional use to assess recharge based on a given specific yield, the water-table fluctuation (WTF) method, applied using major recharging events, gave a first set of reference values. Then, large infiltration processes recorded by monitored boreholes and caused by major precipitation events were interpreted in terms of specific yield by means of a one-dimensional vertical numerical model solving Richards’ equations within the unsaturated zone. Finally, two gravity field campaigns, at low and high piezometric levels, were carried out to assess the groundwater mass variation and thus alternative specific yield values. The range obtained by the WTF method for this aquifer made of alluvial detrital material was 2.9– 26%, in line with the scarce data available so far. The average spatial value of specific yield by the WTF method (9.1%) is consistent with the aquifer scale value from the hydro-gravimetric approach. In this investigation, an estimate of the hitherto unknown spatial distribution of the specific yield over the Crau plain was obtained using the most reliable method (the WTF method). A groundwater mass balance calculation over the domain using this distribution yielded similar results to an independent quantification based on a stable isotope-mixing model. This agreement reinforces the relevance of such estimates, which can be used to build a more accurate transient hydrogeological model.

Abstract— The L/LL5 chondrite Knyahinya had an approximately spherical shape, and as it experienced a single stage exposure history, it represents a very interesting object to study depth profiles of cosmic-ray-produced nuclide concentrations. Such data are required to improve and to validate model calculations of production rates. We report Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe isotopic abundances in five bulk samples. The adopted procedure of noble gas extraction included two pyrolysis steps at 450 °C and 650 °C, respectively, followed by a combustion step in pure O2 at 650 °C before melting the sample. This procedure allows for the separation of a significant fraction of the trapped Kr and Xe, leading to an enrichment of the cosmic-ray produced component, which is released in the melting step. The isotopic composition of the trapped Xe component measured in the combustion step is found to be identical with the OC-Xe composition (Lavielle and Marti, 1992) and supports the suggestion that ordinary chondrites formed in a homogeneous trapped noble gas reservoir. Cosmic-ray produced Kr and Xe components and depth profiles were measured, including for the first time a 81Kr profile. The calculated exposure age of 39.5 ± 1.0 Ma, based on the 81Kr-Kr method, is found to be in excellent agreement with previous determinations. The concentrations of trapped and fissiogenic noble gas components are clearly lower than those generally observed in type 5 ordinary chondrites and may suggest diffusion losses before a meter-sized object was exposed to the cosmic radiation.  相似文献   
汶川地震对现代河流形态的影响与水文效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年5月12日14时28分,我国四川发生里氏8.0级大地震,发震构造为龙门山断裂带.形成了NE向映秀-北川断裂地表破裂带,彭县-灌县断裂破裂带以及NW向的小鱼洞破裂带,表现为逆冲-走滑性质.目前,有关地表破裂、次生地质灾害及堰塞湖等开展了大量的调查工作,而地震对河流形态的影响还缺少较为系统的分析.在野外地震地貌考察的基础上,根据河流走向与断层位置关系,并结合地表破裂特征,总结了汶川地震对现代河流形态影响的几种地貌类型:顺向陡坎跌水,河道错动,断寨湖(塘),河流改道等,并对其演化趋势进行了讨论.分析了汶川地震的河流水文效应:地震增加了河流泥沙含量,改变了河流水质,同时,也使得河流与地下水系统之间的联系更为紧密.  相似文献   
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