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Building upon our previous work, in which we analyzed smoothed and subsampled velocity data from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), we extend our analysis to unsmoothed, full-resolution MDI data. We also present results from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI), in both full resolution and processed to be a proxy for the low-resolution MDI data. We find that the systematic errors that we saw previously, namely peaks in both the high-latitude rotation rate and the normalized residuals of odd \(a\)-coefficients, are almost entirely absent in the two full-resolution analyses. Furthermore, we find that both systematic errors seem to depend almost entirely on how the input images are apodized, rather than on resolution or smoothing. Using the full-resolution HMI data, we confirm our previous findings regarding the effect of using asymmetric profiles on mode parameters, and also find that they occasionally result in more stable fits. We also confirm our previous findings regarding discrepancies between 360-day and 72-day analyses. We further investigate a six-month period previously seen in \(f\)-mode frequency shifts using the low-resolution datasets, this time accounting for solar-cycle dependence using magnetic-field data. Both HMI and MDI saw prominent six-month signals in the frequency shifts, but we were surprised to discover that the strongest signal at that frequency occurred in the mode coverage for the low-resolution proxy. Finally, a comparison of mode parameters from HMI and MDI shows that the frequencies and \(a\)-coefficients agree closely, encouraging the concatenation of the two datasets.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe in detail the implementation and main properties of a new inversion code for the polarized radiative transfer equation (VFISV: Very Fast Inversion of the Stokes Vector). VFISV will routinely analyze pipeline data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on-board of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). It will provide full-disk maps (4096×4096 pixels) of the magnetic field vector on the Solar Photosphere every ten minutes. For this reason VFISV is optimized to achieve an inversion speed that will allow it to invert sixteen million pixels every ten minutes with a modest number (approx. 50) of CPUs. Here we focus on describing a number of important details, simplifications and tweaks that have allowed us to significantly speed up the inversion process. We also give details on tests performed with data from the spectropolarimeter on-board of the Hinode spacecraft.  相似文献   
The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory produces line-of-sight (LOS) observables (Doppler velocity, magnetic-field strength, Fe i line width, line depth, and continuum intensity) as well as vector magnetic-field maps at the solar surface. The accuracy of LOS observables is dependent on the algorithm used to translate a sequence of HMI filtergrams into the corresponding observables. Using one hour of high-cadence imaging spectropolarimetric observations of a sunspot in the Fe i line at 6173 Å through the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer installed at the Dunn Solar Telescope, and the Milne–Eddington inversion of the corresponding Stokes vectors, we test the accuracy of the observables algorithm currently implemented in the HMI data-analysis pipeline: the MDI-like algorithm. In an attempt to improve the accuracy of HMI observables, we also compare this algorithm to others that may be implemented in the future: a least-squares fit with a Gaussian profile, a least-squares fit with a Voigt profile, and the use of second Fourier coefficients in the MDI-like algorithm.  相似文献   
R. Wachter  J. Schou 《Solar physics》2009,258(2):331-341
We present a method to infer small-scale flatfields for imaging solar instruments using only regular-observation intensity images with a fixed field of view. The method is related to the flatfielding method developed by Kuhn, Lin, and Loranz (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 103, 1097 – 1108, 1991), but does not require image offsets. Instead, it takes advantage of the fact that the solar image is changing in the CCD reference frame due to solar rotation. We apply the method to data sets of MDI filtergrams and compare the results to flat fields derived with other methods. Finally, we discuss the planned implementation of this method in the data processing for Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on the Solar Dynamics Observatory.  相似文献   
We compare line-of-sight magnetograms from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The line-of-sight magnetic signal inferred from the calibrated MDI data is greater than that derived from the HMI data by a factor of 1.40. This factor varies somewhat with center-to-limb distance. An upper bound to the random noise for the 1′′ resolution HMI 720-second magnetograms is 6.3 Mx?cm?2, and 10.2 Mx?cm?2 for the 45-second magnetograms. Virtually no p-mode leakage is seen in the HMI magnetograms, but it is significant in the MDI magnetograms. 12-hour and 24-hour periodicities are detected in strong fields in the HMI magnetograms. The newly calibrated MDI full-disk magnetograms have been corrected for the zero-point offset and underestimation of the flux density. The noise is 26.4 Mx?cm?2 for the MDI one-minute full-disk magnetograms and 16.2 Mx?cm?2 for the five-minute full-disk magnetograms observed with four-arcsecond resolution. The variation of the noise over the Sun’s disk found in MDI magnetograms is likely due to the different optical distortions in the left- and right-circular analyzers, which allows the granulation and p-mode to leak in as noise. Saturation sometimes seen in sunspot umbrae in MDI magnetograms is caused by the low intensity and the limitation of the onboard computation. The noise in the HMI and MDI line-of-sight magnetic-field synoptic charts appears to be fairly uniform over the entire map. The noise is 2.3 Mx?cm?2 for HMI charts and 5.0 Mx?cm?2 for MDI charts. No evident periodicity is found in the HMI synoptic charts.  相似文献   
We describe the imaging quality of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) as measured during the ground calibration of the instrument. We describe the calibration techniques and report our results for the final configuration of HMI. We present the distortion, modulation transfer function, stray light, image shifts introduced by moving parts of the instrument, best focus, field curvature, and the relative alignment of the two cameras. We investigate the gain and linearity of the cameras, and present the measured flat field.  相似文献   
We present a detailed analysis of solar acoustic mode frequencies and their rotational splittings for modes with degree up to 900. They were obtained by applying spherical harmonic decomposition to full-disk solar images observed by the Michelson Doppler Imager onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft. Global helioseismology analysis of high-degree modes is complicated by the fact that the individual modes cannot be isolated, which has limited so far the use of high-degree data for structure inversion of the near-surface layers (r>0.97R ). In this work, we took great care to recover the actual mode characteristics using a physically motivated model which included a complete leakage matrix. We included in our analysis the following instrumental characteristics: the correct instantaneous image scale, the radial and non-radial image distortions, the effective position angle of the solar rotation axis, and a correction to the Carrington elements. We also present variations of the mode frequencies caused by the solar activity cycle. We have analyzed seven observational periods from 1999 to 2005 and correlated their frequency shift with four different solar indices. The frequency shift scaled by the relative mode inertia is a function of frequency alone and follows a simple power law, where the exponent obtained for the p modes is twice the value obtained for the f modes. The different solar indices present the same result.  相似文献   
We describe and apply a new helioseismic method for measuring solar subsurface axisymmetric meridional and zonal flow. The method is based on a theoretical model of the response of global-oscillation eigenfunctions to the flow velocity and uses cross spectra of the time-varying coefficients in the spherical-harmonic expansion of the photospheric Doppler-velocity field. Eigenfunction changes modify the leakage matrix, which describes the sensitivity of the spherical-harmonic coefficients to the global-oscillation modes. The form of the leakage matrix in turn affects the theoretically expected spherical-harmonic cross spectra. Estimates of internal meridional and zonal flow were obtained by fitting the theoretical flow-dependent cross spectra to spherical-harmonic cross spectra computed from approximately 500 days of full-disk Dopplergrams from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on the SDO spacecraft. The zonal-flow measurements, parameterized in the form of “a” coefficients, substantially agree with measurements obtained from conventional global-mode-frequency analysis. The meridional-flow estimates, in the form of depth-weighted averages of the flow velocity, are similar to estimates obtained from earlier analyses, for oscillation modes that penetrate the outermost one-third of the convection zone. For more deeply penetrating modes, the inferred flow velocity increases significantly with penetration depth, indicating the need for either a modification of the simple conveyor-belt picture of meridional flow or improvement in the cross-spectral model.  相似文献   
Toomre  J.  Christensen-Dalsgaard  J.  Howe  R.  Larsen  R.M.  Schou  J.  Thompson  M.J. 《Solar physics》2000,192(1-2):437-448
The variation of rotation in the convection zone over a period of two years from mid-1996 is studied using inversions of SOI–MDI data. We confirm the existence of near-surface banded zonal flows migrating towards the equator from higher latitudes, and reveal that these banded flows extend substantially beneath the surface, possibly to depths as great as 70 Mm (10% of the solar radius). Our results also reveal apparently significant temporal variations in the rotation rate at high latitudes and in the vicinity of the tachocline over the period of study.  相似文献   
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