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Despite the wealth of archaeological sites and excellent conditions for preservation, few phytolith investigations have been undertaken from the Arabian Gulf region. The results from the Sasanian and Islamic archaeological tell of Kush, Ras al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, are presented. Kush is situated just inside the Gulf on an important trade route. The occupation sequence dates from the 4th century A.D. until the 13th century A.D., recording the development of the site in the Sasanian period, followed by the arrival of Islam in the 7th century A.D. and the final abandonment of the site in the late 13th century when the nearby site of al-Mataf (Julfar) began to develop closer to the present day coastline. All the samples analyzed contained abundant phytoliths (short cells, elongated cells, and groups of elongated cells) of various types. They included date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), papillae (possibly from barley (Hordeum)), and hair cells possibly from species of canary grass (Phalaris spp.). Some researchers have suggested that groups of elongated cells may indicate the presence of irrigation in semiarid environments. The present results for this class of phytoliths appeared to imply that intensive irrigation was unlikely to have taken place around Kush.  相似文献   
Abstract– We report on the microstructure, crystallography, chemistry, and isotopic compositions of seven SiC X grains and two mainstream grains from the Murchison meteorite. TEM crystallographic analysis revealed that the X grains (approximately 3 μm) are composed of many small crystals (24–457 nm), while the similarly sized mainstream grains are composed of only a few crystals (0.5–1.7 μm). The difference in crystal size likely results from differences in their formation environments: the X grain crystals evidently formed under conditions of greater supersaturation and rapid growth compared to their mainstream counterparts. However, the same polytypes are observed in both mainstream and X grains. Six X grains and both mainstream grains are entirely the 3C‐SiC polytype and one X grain is an intergrowth of the 3C‐SiC and 2H‐SiC polytypes. EDXS measurements indicate relatively high Mg content in the X grains (≲5 atomic%), while Mg was undetectable in the mainstream grains. The high Mg content is probably from the decay of 26Al into 26Mg. Estimates of the 26Al/27Al ratios, which range from 0.44–0.67, were made from elemental Mg/Al ratios. This range is consistent with the 26Al/27Al ratios inferred from previous isotopic measurements of X grains. We also report the first direct observations of subgrains in X grains, including the first silicides [(Fe,Ni)nSim]. Diffraction data do not match any previously observed presolar phases, but are a good fit to silicides, which are predicted stable SN condensates. Eight subgrains with highly variable Ni/Fe ratios (0.12–1.60) were observed in two X grains.  相似文献   
This study has identified probable factors that govern ISMR predictability. Furthermore, extensive analysis has been performed to evaluate factors leading to the predictability aspect of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) using uncoupled and coupled version of National Centers for Environmental Prediction Coupled Forecast System (CFS). It has been found that the coupled version (CFS) has outperformed the uncoupled version [Global Forecast System (GFS)] of the model in terms of prediction of rainfall over Indian land points. Even the spatial distribution of rainfall is much better represented in the CFS as compared to that of GFS. Even though these model skills are inadequate for the reliable forecasting of monsoon, it imparts the capacious knowledge about the model fidelity. The mean monsoon features and its evolution in terms of rainfall and large-scale circulation along with the zonal and meridional shear of winds, which govern the strength of the monsoon, are relatively closer to the observation in the CFS as compared to the GFS. Furthermore, sea surface temperature–rainfall relation is fairly realistic and intense in the coupled version of the model (CFS). It is found that the CFS is able to capture El Niño Southern Oscillation ISMR (ENSO-ISMR) teleconnections much strongly as compared to GFS; however, in the case of Indian Ocean Dipole ISMR teleconnections, GFS has the larger say. Coupled models have to be fine-tuned for the prediction of the transition of El Niño as well as the strength of the mature phase has to be improved. Thus, to sum up, CFS tends to have better predictive skill on account of following three factors: (a) better ability to replicate mean features, (b) comparatively better representation of air–sea interactions, and (c) much better portrayal of ENSO-ISMR teleconnections. This study clearly brings out that coupled model is the only way forward for improving the ISMR prediction skill. However, coupled model’s spurious representation of SST variability and mean model bias are detrimental in seasonal prediction.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to assess the existing concentration of 17β-estradiol(E2)in the surface water samples collected from rivers and lakes around Klang Valley,Malaysia.E2,which is a natural feminizing chemical produced in female organisms,regularly used to compare with other environmental estrogens because they behave similarly and react effectively as a hormone at a very low concentration.It was found that the average concentration of E2 in the aquatic environment of Klang Valley was(14.08 ±3.67)pg/mL,which was 14 times higher than those in the Japanese aquatic environment in this study.The river system had the average concentration of(20.02±5.26)pg/mL while the lake had an average concentration of(5.91±3.39)pg/mL.The E2 concentration was presumed high if the sources occurred nearby the area.Current levels of E2 in the aquatic environment may possess threats to existing aquatic organisms.Since high level of E2 has been discovered in the aquatic environment around Klang Valley,further studies and monitoring of E2 and other EDCs concentrations are needed to determine their levels in Malaysian aquatic environment and help to control these chemicals pollution in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   
With a new type of ion microprobe, the NanoSIMS, we determined the oxygen isotopic compositions of small (<1μm) oxide grains in chemical separates from two CM2 carbonaceous meteorites, Murray and Murchison. Among 628 grains from Murray separate CF (mean diameter 0.15 μm) we discovered 15 presolar spinel and 3 presolar corundum grains, among 753 grains from Murray separate CG (mean diameter 0.45 μm) 9 presolar spinel grains, and among 473 grains from Murchison separate KIE (mean diameter 0.5 μm) 2 presolar spinel and 4 presolar corundum grains. The abundance of presolar spinel is highest (2.4%) in the smallest size fraction. The total abundance in the whole meteorite is at least 1 ppm, which makes spinel the third-most abundant presolar grain species after nanodiamonds (if indeed a significant fraction of them are presolar) and silicon carbide. The O-isotopic distribution of the spinel grains is very similar to that of presolar corundum, the only statistically significant difference being that there is a larger fraction of corundum grains with large 17O excesses (17O/16O > 1.5 × 10−3), which indicates parent stars with masses between 1.8 and 4.5 M.  相似文献   
Abstract— Fine material that floats during freeze-thaw disaggregation of the Allende meteorite is greatly enriched in noble gases compared to the bulk meteorite. Not only the elemental concentrations, but also most isotopic ratios of the noble gases in this fraction, strongly suggest that this material is very similar to the gas-rich carbonaceous residue isolated from the bulk meteorite by chemical treatment. The only significant difference in noble gas signature between our separated fraction and the chemical residues is that the 129Xe/132Xe ratio in the former is significantly lower than that in the latter, which suggests readsorption of 129Xe released from the dissolved minerals during the chemical treatment. This is the first time that a gas-rich residue of a meteorite has been separated by a purely physical method alone. We also show that noble gases in phase Q and presolar diamond may be separable physically, although both are closely associated.  相似文献   
In this study we used two stable isotopes, δ13C and δ18O, for water mass classification in the coastal region off eastern Hokkaido. δ13C* values, which were corrected for the biological effect, and δ 18O values up to 300 m depth suggested that the isotopic character of the onshore and offshore water in the southern Okhotsk Sea, the Nemuro Strait and the western North Pacific could be explained by the mixing of three source waters: the Oyashio water (OYW), Soya Warm Current water (SWCW) and East Sakhalin Current water (ESCW). In summer, δ 13C*-δ 18O plots indicated mixing between SWCW from the southern Okhotsk Sea and OYW in the Pacific coast of southeastern Hokkaido, while temperature-salinity plots of the onshore water showed minimal difference from the offshore OYW. In winter, on the other hand, the mixed water of ESCW and OYW (or SWCW) appeared in the Pacific coastal region, distributed as cold, low salinity onshore water. Finally, we estimated mixing ratios of OYW, SWCW and ESCW in the coastal region of western North Pacific using their mean values of δ 13C* and δ 18O as endmembers. These results suggest seasonal and yearly changes of water mass combination en route from the southern Okhotsk Sea to the western North Pacific.  相似文献   
Abstract— We report measurements of isotopic ratios of C, N, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, and Fe in bulk samples (aggregates of many grains) of up to seven different fractions of silicon carbide (SiC), ranging from 0.38 to 3.0μm in diameter, from the Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondrite. Ratios of 12C/13C range from 37 to 42 and 14N/15N ratios from 370 to 520, within the range of single‐grain measurements on coarser samples and in agreement with an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star origin of most of the grains. Variations among size fractions do not show any simple trend and can be explained by varying contamination with isotopically normal material. Silicon isotopic ratios vary only little and, with one exception, lie to the right of the singlegrain mainstream correlation line. This might indicate a higher percentage of the minor populations Y and Z among finer grain‐size fractions. All bulk samples have large 26Mg excesses attributed to the presence of short‐lived 26Al at the time of grain formation. Inferred 26Al/27Al ratios are much larger than those measured in single larger mainstream grains. This is probably because of the presence of SiC grains of type X; we obtain an estimate of 0.4 for their 26Al/27Al ratio. Our Ca‐isotopic measurements, the first made on presolar SiC grains, show excesses in 42Ca and 43Ca, which is in general agreement with theoretical expectations for AGB stars. Calcium‐44 excesses are much larger than expected and are probably because of X grains, which have high44Ca excesses because of the decay of short‐lived 44Ti produced in supernova explosions. We arrive at an estimate of 0.014 for the initial 44Ti/48Ti ratio of the X grains, within the range obtained from previous single X grain measurements. The Ti‐isotopic ratios of the bulk samples show a V‐shaped pattern with excesses of all isotopes relative to 48Ti. Isotopes 46Ti, 47Ti, and 50Ti show excesses relative to the correlation between Ti and Si ratios for single grains and are in general agreement with theoretical models of s‐process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars. In contrast, 49Ti does not show any excess relative to the singlegrain data; it also fails to agree with theory, which predicts much larger excesses than observed. Measured 53Cr/52Cr and 57Fe/56Fe ratios are normal within errors. The first result is expected even for Cr in AGB star envelopes, but the second result suggests that most of the Fe analyzed originates from contamination. We have found no simple trends in isotopic composition with respect to grain size that can be interpreted in terms of nucleosynthetic origin, unlike the results for Kr, Xe, Ba, and Sr.  相似文献   
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