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Zusammenfassung Man beobachtet Antizyklonen, die als Folge einer Konzentration von Kaltluftmasssen auf ein kleineres Gebiet gedeutet werden können. Die Konzentration der Kaltluft ist durch die Umwandlung der kinetischen Energie der Kaltluft in potentielle Energie oder durch die Wärmezufuhr der kalten Luft bedingt. Solche Antizyklonen bilden sich oft in Berggebieten, da dort wegen der grossen äusseren Reibung die erwähnte Umwandlung der Energie beschleunigt wird. Wie gross solche antizyklogenetischen Effekte sein können, ist berechnet.
Summary The origin of some anticyclones can be explained as a consequence of the concentration of the cold air on a smaler area. The concentration of the cold air is caused by a transformation of the kinetic energy of the cold air into the potential energy or by the heating of the cold air. Such anticyclones often appear in mountain regions where the transformation of the mentioned energy is more intense. The intensity of such anticyclogenetical effects is evaluated.
Croatia, through its geographic position, is a Mediterranean/Adriatic and Central European/Danube state. As an Adriatic coastal state, it has a long maritime tradition, which is apparent in its well-developed shipping (2.4 million GT), the high-quality ship-building industry (among the top six in the world) and through its numerous sea ports, of which many were established in ancient times. The leading national port is Rijeka, which is at the same time an important transit port for Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.The exceptionally indented Croatian Adriatic coast with its attractive archipelagos and favorable climatic and oceanographic conditions in the coastal sea offers very advantageous conditions for comprehensive tourist utilization. This is particularly true of nautical tourism, which is complimented by a larger number of constructed and well-equipped yachting ports/marinas on the coast and islands.  相似文献   
Assuming a radially stratified Newtonian mantle in a steady-state approximation, we demonstrate that the permeability of a viscosity interface at 660-km depth strongly depends on the wavelength of buoyancy forces driving the flow. The flow induced by long-wavelength loads penetrates through the boundary freely even if the viscosity increases by two orders. In contrast, the boundary is practically impermeable for short-wavelength loads located in the upper mantle. Thus, a stepwise increase of viscosity is a significant obstacle for small descending features in the upper mantle, but huge upper mantle downwellings, or upwellings formed in the-lower mantle can overcome it easily. This indicates that certain care is necessary in interpreting the seismic structure of the mantle by means of flow models. The global tomographic image includes only the first few degrees of the harmonic series and, consequently, its interpretation in terms of a present-day flow field results in a predominantly whole-mantle circulation even for extreme viscosity contrasts.  相似文献   
—Changes of the primary strain-stress state (caused by interaction between natural conditions and mining activity) can result, under special circumstances, to the origin of seismic induced events. The question of induced seismic activity prediction was treated as a problem of time series extrapolation of maximum cumulative amplitudes and numbers of seismic events recorded per day. The treatment was carried out by means of Multilayered Perceptron Neural Networks (MLP NN). The application to mining tremor prediction has been tested and methodological conditions have been obtained. It was proved that the prediction of the number of mining tremors per day is more precise than the prediction of future energy (maximum amplitudes). Further advance, based on the processing of seismo-acoustic activity series, is introduced.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics in the region of the (3556) Lixiaohua asteroid family. The family lies in a particularly interesting region of the phase space, crossed by several two-body and three-body mean motion resonances. Also, members of this family can have close encounters with large asteroids, such as Ceres. We have identified the mean motion resonances which contribute to the long-term dynamical evolution of the family and our results confirm that the members of this family can be classified into a number of groups, exhibiting different dynamical behavior. We show for the first time that in the Lixiaohua region, apart from the chaotic diffusion in proper eccentricity and inclination (e p and I p ), there is at least one extended chaotic zone where several resonances overlap, thus giving rise to chaotic diffusion in proper semi-major axis (a p ) as well. Using a code of Monte Carlo type, we simulate the evolution of the family, according to the model which combines the chaotic diffusion (in a p , e p and I p ), Yarkovsky/YORP thermal effect and random walk in a p due to the close encounters with massive asteroids. These simulations show that all these effects should be taken into account in order to accurately explain the observed distribution of family members in the space of proper elements, although a “minimal” model that accounts for chaotic diffusion in (e p , I p ), Yarkovsky-induced drift in a p and random walk in a p due to the close encounters with the most massive asteroids is enough to grossly characterize the shape of the family.  相似文献   
A risk-targeted design spectral acceleration and the corresponding seismic design action for the force-based design of structures is introduced by means of two formulations. The first one called direct formulation utilizes the seismic hazard function at the site of the structure. Because the seismic action defined in the codes is often associated with a designated return period, an indirect formulation is also introduced. It incorporates a risk-targeted safety factor that can be used to define a risk-targeted reduction factor. It is shown that the proposed formulations give analogical results and provide an insight into the concept of the reduction of seismic forces for the force-based seismic design of structures if the objective is defined by a target collapse risk. The introduced closed-form solution for the risk-targeted reduction factor can be used to investigate how the target collapse risk, the seismic hazard parameters, the randomness of the seismic action, and the conventional parameters (ie, the overstrength factor and the deformation and energy dissipation capacity) affect the seismic design forces in the case of force-based design. However, collaborative research is needed in order to develop appropriate models of these parameters. In the second part of the paper, the proposed formulations are demonstrated by estimating the risk-targeted seismic design action for a six-storey reinforced concrete building. By verifying the collapse risk of the designed structure, it is demonstrated that the risk-targeted seismic action, in conjunction with a conventional force-based design, provided structure with acceptable performance when measured in terms of collapse risk.  相似文献   
Evapotranspiration is a source of water vapour to the atmosphere, and as a crucial indicator of landscape behaviour its accurate measurement has widespread implications. Here we investigate errors that are prevalent and systematic in the closed-path eddy-covariance measurement of latent heat flux: the attenuation of fluxes through dampened cospectral power at high frequencies. This process is especially pronounced during periods of high relative humidity through the adsorption and desorption of water vapour along the tube walls. These effects are additionally amplified during lower air temperature conditions. Here, we quantify the underestimation of evapotranspiration by a closed-path system by comparing its flux estimate to simultaneous and adjacent measurements from an open-path sensor. We apply models relating flux loss to relative humidity itself, to the lag time of the cross-correlation peak between the water vapour and vertical wind velocity signals, and to models of cospectral attenuation relative to the cospectral power of simultaneous sensible heat-flux measurements. We find that including the role of temperature in modifying the attenuation–humidity relationship is essential for unbiased flux correction, and that physically based cospectral attenuation methods are effective characterizers of closed-path instrument signal loss relative to the unattenuated flux value.  相似文献   
Induced magnetic fields in the Earth arise due to two phenomena: induction generated by the time-variable exciting field and the motional induction caused by movement of the conductive planet in the outer magnetic fields. The comparison of both approaches on the spherical Earth has been analyzed in the present work for two sources in the ionosphere and magnetosphere. For this aim, both sources with their natural sizes and positions have been modeled analytically to obtain the fields on the layered sphere at the middle latitudes. The conditions when the steady ring current field is not influenced by the Earth’s rotation have been established theoretically. The synthetic diurnal magnetograms were used for the deep sounding by the magnetovariation spatial gradient method and the result was compared with the one obtained on the nonrotating sphere. Sounding results using both approaches were found different above the 2D inhomogeneous mantle. The precessions of the magnetospheric belt current pole for daily sampling frequency were presented using several geomagnetic observatory data in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   
The propagation and interference of Alfvén waves in magnetic regions is studied. A multilayer approximation of the standard models of the solar atmosphere is used. In each layer, there is a linear law of temperature variation and a power law of Alfvén velocity variation. The analytical solutions of a wave equation are stitched at the layer boundaries. The low-frequency Alfvén waves (P > 1 s) are able to transfer the energy from sunspots into the corona by tunneling only. The chromosphere is not a resonance filter for the Alfvén waves. The interference and resonance of Alfvén waves are found to be important to wave propagation through the magnetic coronal arches. The transmission coefficient of Alfvén waves into the corona increases sharply on the resonance frequences. To take into account the wave absorption in the corona, a method of equivalent schemes is developed. The heating of a coronal arch by Alfvén waves is discussed.  相似文献   
Eclipsing binary TX UMa was observed with the D.A.O. high-dispersion spectrographs in 1969–1970, with emphasis on the detailed coverage of the primary minimum. One spectrum was taken exclusively within totality, thus exhibiting an uncontaminated spectrum of the secondary component. This leads to spectral reclassification of the secondary (F6 IV). The narrowing of the line profile of the H-line in totality is interpreted in terms of synchronous rotation of the secondary (v sini80 km s–1) while the primary rotates faster (v sini130 km s–1) than synchronously (v sini50 km s–1). Although the secondary does not fill in its Roche lobe fully, the system exhibits pronounced indications of rather strong physical interaction. This is now supported also by the profound changes of the line profiles of the H-line with phase.  相似文献   
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