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Interplanetary magnetic clouds (MCs) are one of the main sources of large non-recurrent geomagnetic storms. With the aid of a force-free flux rope model, the dependence of the intensity of geomagnetic activity (indicated by Dst index) on the axial orientation (denoted by θ and φ in GSE coordinates) of the magnetic cloud is analyzed theoretically. The distribution of the Dst values in the (θ, φ) plane is calculated by changing the axial orientation for various cases. It is concluded that (i) geomagnetic storms tend to occur in the region of θ<0°, especially in the region of θ≲−45°, where larger geomagnetic activity could be created; (ii) the intensity of geomagnetic activity varies more strongly with θ than with φ; (iii) when the parameters B 0 (the magnetic field strength at the flux rope axis), R 0 (the radius of the flux rope), or V (the bulk speed) increase, or |D| (the shortest distance between the flux rope axis and the x-axis in GSE coordinates) decreases, a flux rope not only can increase the intensity of geomagnetic activity, but also is more likely to create a storm, however the variation of n (the density) only has a little effect on the intensity; (iv) the most efficient orientation (MEO) in which a flux rope can cause the largest geomagnetic activity appears at φ∼0° or ∼ 180°, and some value of θ which depends mainly on D; (v) the minimum Dst value that could be caused by a flux rope is the most sensitive to changes in B 0 and V of the flux rope, and for a stronger and/or faster MC, a wider range of orientations will be geoeffective. Further, through analyzing 20 MC-caused moderate to large geomagnetic storms during 1998 – 2003, a long-term prediction of MC-caused geomagnetic storms on the basis of the flux rope model is proposed and assessed. The comparison between the theoretical results and the observations shows that there is a close linear correlation between the estimated and observed minimum Dst values. This suggests that using the ideal flux rope to predict practical MC-caused geomagnetic storms is applicable. The possibility of the long-term prediction of MC-caused geomagnetic storms is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
The behavior of solar energetic particles (SEPs) in a shock – magnetic cloud interacting complex structure observed by the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft on 5 November 2001 is analyzed. A strong shock causing magnetic field strength and solar wind speed increases of about 41 nT and 300 km s−1, respectively, propagated within a preceding magnetic cloud (MC). It is found that an extraordinary SEP enhancement appeared at the high-energy (≥10 MeV) proton intensities and extended over and only over the entire period of the shock – MC structure passing through the spacecraft. Such SEP behavior is much different from the usual picture that the SEPs are depressed in MCs. The comparison of this event with other top SEP events of solar cycle 23 (2000 Bastille Day and 2003 Halloween events) shows that such an enhancement resulted from the effects of the shock – MC complex structure leading to the highest ≥10 MeV proton intensity of solar cycle 23. Our analysis suggests that the relatively isolated magnetic field configuration of MCs combined with an embedded strong shock could significantly enhance the SEP intensity; SEPs are accelerated by the shock and confined into the MC. Further, we find that the SEP enhancement at lower energies happened not only within the shock – MC structure but also after it, probably owing to the presence of a following MC-like structure. This is consistent with the picture that SEP fluxes could be enhanced in the magnetic topology between two MCs, which was proposed based on numerical simulations by Kallenrode and Cliver (Proc. 27th ICRC 8, 3318, 2001b).  相似文献   
行星际磁云研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从飞船的观测结果、磁云形态及演化的理论模型、磁流体动力学(MHD)数值模拟、激波对磁云的作用、多重磁云等5个方面,评述了行星际磁云的研究成果及最新进展。在太阳峰年,大部分的非重现性地磁暴都与磁云有关。最近的研究表明,压缩后的磁云往往能产生更大的地磁效应。深入研究磁云对空间天气研究有着特殊的价值,特别是对提高大磁暴的预报水平有着重要帮助。  相似文献   
In this paper, ten CME events viewed by the STEREO twin spacecraft are analyzed to study the deflections of CMEs during their propagation in the corona. Based on the three-dimensional information of the CMEs derived by the graduated cylindrical shell (GCS) model (Thernisien, Howard, and Vourlidas in Astrophys. J. 652, 1305, 2006), it is found that the propagation directions of eight CMEs had changed. By applying the theoretical method proposed by Shen et?al. (Solar Phys. 269, 389, 2011) to all the CMEs, we found that the deflections are consistent, in strength and direction, with the gradient of the magnetic energy density. There is a positive correlation between the deflection rate and the strength of the magnetic energy density gradient and a weak anti-correlation between the deflection rate and the CME speed. Our results suggest that the deflections of CMEs are mainly controlled by the background magnetic field and can be quantitatively described by the magnetic energy density gradient (MEDG) model.  相似文献   
We studied the kinematic evolution of the 8 October 2007 CME in the corona based on observations from Sun – Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) onboard satellite B of Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO). The observational results show that this CME obviously deflected to a lower latitude region of about 30° at the beginning. After this, the CME propagated radially. We also analyze the influence of the background magnetic field on the deflection of this CME. We find that the deflection of this CME at an early stage may be caused by a nonuniform distribution of the background magnetic-field energy density and that the CME tended to propagate to the region with lower magnetic-energy density. In addition, we found that the velocity profile of this gradual CME shows multiphased evolution during its propagation in the COR1-B FOV. The CME velocity first remained constant: 23.1 km s−1. Then it accelerated continuously with a positive acceleration of ≈7.6 m s−2.  相似文献   
Deflection of coronal mass ejection in the interplanetary medium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wang  Yuming  Shen  Chenglong  Wang  S.  Ye  Pinzhong 《Solar physics》2004,222(2):329-343
A solar coronal mass ejection (CME) is a large-scale eruption of plasma and magnetic fields from the Sun. It is believed to be the main source of strong interplanetary disturbances that may cause intense geomagnetic storms. However, not all front-side halo CMEs can encounter the Earth and produce geomagnetic storms. The longitude distribution of the Earth-encountered front-side halo CMEs (EFHCMEs) has not only an east–west (E–W) asymmetry  (Wang et al., 2002), but also depends on the EFHCMEs' transit speeds from the Sun to 1 AU. The faster the EFHCMEs are, the more westward does their distribution shift, and as a whole, the distribution shifts to the west. Combining the observational results and a simple kinetic analysis, we believe that such E–W asymmetry appearing in the source longitude distribution is due to the deflection of CMEs' propagation in the interplanetary medium. Under the effect of the Parker spiral magnetic field, a fast CME will be blocked by the background solar wind ahead and deflected to the east, whereas a slow CME will be pushed by the following background solar wind and deflected to the west. The deflection angle may be estimated according to the CMEs' transit speed by using a kinetic model. It is shown that slow CMEs can be deflected more easily than fast ones. This is consistent with the observational results obtained by Zhang et al. (2003), that all four Earth-encountered limb CMEs originated from the east. On the other hand, since the most of the EFHCMEs are fast events, the range of the longitude distribution given by the theoretical model is E40°,W70°, which is well consistent with the observational results (E40°,W75°).  相似文献   
赵品忠 《地质与勘探》2019,55(S1):429-435
本文通过对南斗冲铅锌矿区区域地质背景、地层、构造、矿石组构等地质特征以及含矿建造地球化学特征的综合研究表明:南斗冲铅锌矿属构造控制的热液矿床,其成矿流体为沉积盆地中的热卤水经过循环溶解金属矿物形成的含矿热液,矿体主要赋存于岩石构造裂隙中,多形成含矿角砾岩、碎裂化粉晶-细晶白云岩。铅锌矿体分布在南斗冲向斜两翼,受断裂F5和F6控制,主要赋存于寒武系-奥陶系下统博菜田组第二段闪锌矿化碎裂化粉晶-细晶白云岩中。矿石矿物主要有硫化物、氧化物、硫酸盐等3种存在形式,其中主要为硫化物和氧化物矿物。寒武系-奥陶系下统博菜田组为滇东南地区新发现的铅锌矿赋矿层位,为下一步寻找铅锌矿提供了新的找矿方向。  相似文献   
Based on the observations of the Sun and the interplanetary medium, a series of solar activities in late October 2003 and their consequences are studied comprehensively. Thirteen X-ray flares with importance greater than M-class, six frontside halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs) with span angle larger than 100 and three associated eruptions of filament materials are identified by examining lots of solar observations from October 26 to 29. All these flares were associated with type III radio bursts, all the frontside halo CMEs were accompanied by type II or type II-like radio bursts. Particularly, among these activities, two major solar events caused two extraordinary enhancements (exceeding 1000 particles/(cm2s–1sterMev–1) of solar energetic particle (SEP) flux intensity near the Earth, two large ejecta with fast shocks preceding, and two great geomagnetic storms with Dst peak value of –363 and –401 nT, respectively. By using a cross correlation technique and a force-free cylindrical flux rope model, the October 29 magnetic cloud associated with the largest CME are analyzed, including its orientation and the sign of its helicity. It is found that the helicity of the cloud is negative, contrary to the regular statistical pattern that negative- and positive-helical interplanetary magnetic clouds would be expected to come from northern and southern solar hemisphere. Moreover, the relationship between the orientation of magnetic cloud and associated filament is discussed. In addition, some discussion concerning multiple-magnetic-cloud structures and SEP events is also given.  相似文献   
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