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Summary This study is a follow up of the investigation of some magnetic properties and metastability of greigite in samples obtained from Miocene claystones in the Kruné hory (Erzgebirge) Piedmont basins (Bohemia). Three different methods of upgrading the smythite were applied; the magnetic properties of the concentrates are compared. The thermal conversion of smythite sets in at 200°C while greigite converts at 250°C. The first intermediate products to be formed are iron sulphides, marcasite clearly dominating over pyrite and pyrrhotite. Apart from a Fe3+ sulphate with a composition of Fe2(SO4)3, oxidation of these sulphides gives rise to -Fe2O3. The result of the subsequent decomposition of the mentioned sulphate is the formation of -Fe2O3, which retains the sulphate structure. The final product of the thermal decomposition at 800°C is -Fe2O3. In the smythite concentrate the conversion to Fe3+ sulphate and -Fe2O3 is about twice as intensive as in greigite. No direct conversion to -Fe2O3 was found. During the thermal process self-reversals of remanence were observed, in various samples as many as four reversals in the temperature interval from 340 to 590°C. The occurrences of self-reversals of remanence were only observed at high degrees of thermal demagnetization, of the order of 10–2 down to 10–3 in the temperature interval of sulphide origin (below 400°C), and of the order of 10–4 down to 10–6 in the temperature interval of Fe-oxides origin (above 400°C).Presented at the 3rd Conference on New Trends in Geomagnetism, Castle of Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, June 22–29, 1992  相似文献   
Nearly 50 sections through the Llandovery and Wenlock black shales of the Barrandian area (Bohemia) have been examined bed by bed. This has made possible the compilation of an improved and well defined graptolite zonal scheme with much new biostratigraphic data included. A total of 268 graptolite species and subspecies have been found. Their stratigraphic distribution allows the recognition of 27 graptolite zones: ascensus–acuminatus, vesiculosus, cyphus, triangulatus–pectinatus, simulans, convolutus, sedgwickii, linnaei, turriculatus, crispus, griestoniensis, tullbergi, spiralis, grandis, insectus, centrifugus, murchisoni, riccartonensis, dubius, belophorus, rigidus, ramosus–perneri, lundgreni, parvus, nassa–frequens, praedeubeli–deubeli, ludensis, and several subzones. The biozones are defined by the vertical ranges of their ‘index’ species and are characterized by rich accompanying associations. The zonal scheme is correlated with graptolite sequences elsewhere.  相似文献   
We report lightcurves for five asteroids from the inner main belt—(1703) Barry, (2590) Mourão, (4022) Nonna, (5171) Augustesen, (23031) 1999 XX7—and for two near-Earth asteroids—(100004) 1983 VA, (144922) 2005 CK38—obtained at Modra Observatory as a part of binary asteroid photometric campaign. Estimated synodic rotational periods and amplitudes of their composite lightcurves were as follows: 107.1 ± 0.5 h, 0.5 mag for (1703) Barry; 15.59 ± 0.01 h, 0.49 mag for (2590) Mourão; 2.5877 ± 0.0005 h, 0.08 mag for (4022) Nonna; 474 ± 10 h, 0.8 mag for (5171) Augustesen; 3.075 ± 0.001 h, 0.43 mag for (23031) 1999 XX7; 3.1643 ± 0.0009 h, 0.11 mag for (100004) 1983 VA; 4.7894 ± 0.0005 h, 0.27 mag for (144922) 2005 CK38. The slow rotator (5171) Augustesen and possibly also (1703) Barry appear to be tumblers, though their precession periods can not be estimated from the available data.  相似文献   
The main limnological features of Lake Issyk-kul are described. The lake is a large (6,236 km2), deep (zm, 668 m), closed lake in eastern Kirgizia. It lies at ∼1,607 m above sea level, but water-levels have been dropping since the last century. It is slightly saline (salinity, ∼6g L−1), with Na+, Mg2+, Cl and SO 4 2− the dominant ions. Nutrient levels are low and the lake is considered ultra-oligotrophic. Characeae dominate the macrophytes. About 300 and 117 taxa of, respectively, phytoplankton and zooplankton have been identified, withArctodiaptomus salinus the most numerous in the zooplankton. Chironomids dominate the benthos. Several endemic taxa of fish occur, of whichLeuciscus bergi was dominant until the 1970s. The fish fauna has been supplemented by many introduced species. Three mysids were introduced in 1965–8 and are now a significant part of the ecosystem. The present annual fish catch permitted is 320 t. The most important value of the lake is as a recreational resource. To promote and sustain this value requires careful, ongoing management. The most significant threats to the lake are local pollution, visitor pressure, and declining water-levels.  相似文献   
The paper reports on detection and quantification of the impact of local anthropogenic structures and regional climatic changes on subsurface temperature field. The analyzed temperature records were obtained by temperature monitoring in a borehole in Prague-Spo?ilov (Czechia) and by repeated logging of a borehole in ?empeter (Slovenia). The observed data were compared with temperatures yielded by mathematical 3D time-variable geothermal models of the boreholes’ sites with the aim to decompose the observed transient component of the subsurface temperature into the part affected by construction of new buildings and other anthropogenic structures in surroundings of the boreholes and into the part affected by the ground surface temperature warming due to the surface air temperature rise. A direct human impact on the subsurface temperature warming was proved and contributions of individual anthropogenic structures to this change were evaluated. In the case of Spo?ilov, where the mean annual warming rate reached 0.034°C per year at the depth of 38.3?m during the period 1993–2008, it turned out that about half of the observed warming can be attributed to the air (ground) surface temperature change and half to the human activity on the surface in the immediate vicinity of the borehole. The situation is similar in ?empeter, where the effect of the recently built surface anthropogenic structures is detectable down to the depth of 80?m and the share of the anthropogenic signal on the non-stationary component of the observed subsurface temperature amounts to 30% at the depth of 50?m.  相似文献   
The Lakagígar eruption in Iceland during 1783 was followed by the severe winter of 1783/1784, which was characterised by low temperatures, frozen soils, ice-bound watercourses and high rates of snow accumulation across much of Europe. Sudden warming coupled with rainfall led to rapid snowmelt, resulting in a series of flooding phases across much of Europe. The first phase of flooding occurred in late December 1783–early January 1784 in England, France, the Low Countries and historical Hungary. The second phase at the turn of February–March 1784 was of greater extent, generated by the melting of an unusually large accumulation of snow and river ice, affecting catchments across France and Central Europe (where it is still considered as one of the most disastrous known floods), throughout the Danube catchment and in southeast Central Europe. The third and final phase of flooding occurred mainly in historical Hungary during late March and early April 1784. The different impacts and consequences of the above floods on both local and regional scales were reflected in the economic and societal responses, material damage and human losses. The winter of 1783/1784 can be considered as typical, if severe, for the Little Ice Age period across much of Europe.  相似文献   
Retrieving the parameters of a seismic source from seismograms involves deconvolving the response of the medium from seismic records. Thus, in general, source parameters are determined from both seismograms and the Green functions describing the properties of the medium in which the earthquake focus is buried. The quality of each of these two datasets is equally significant for the successful determination of source characteristics. As a rule, both sets are subject to contamination by effects that decrease the resolution of the source parameters. Seismic records are generally contaminated by noise that appears as a spurious signal unrelated to the source. Since an improper model of the medium is quite often employed, due to poor knowledge of the seismic velocity of the area under study, and since the hypocentre may be mislocated, the Green functions are not without fault. Thus, structures not modelled by Green functions are assigned to the source, distorting the source mechanism. To demonstrate these effects, we performed a synthetic case study by simulating seismic observations in the Dobrá Voda area of the Little Carpathians region of Slovakia. Simplified 1-D and 3-D laterally inhomogeneous structural models were constructed, and synthetic data were calculated using the 3-D model. Both models were employed during a moment tensor inversion. The synthetic data were contaminated by random noise up to 10 and 20 % of the maximum signal amplitude. We compared the influence of these two effects on retrieving moment tensors, and determined that a poor structural model can be compensated for by high-quality data; and that, in a similar manner, a lack of data can be compensated for by a detailed model of the medium. For examples, five local events from the Dobrá Voda area were processed.  相似文献   
Cambrian and Ordovician-Middle Devonian sequences of two successive Early Palaeozoic basins of the Barrandian unconformably overlie Cadomian basement in the Bohemian Massif NW interior (Teplá-Barrandian unit) which is the easternmost peri-Gondwanan remnant within the Variscides. Correlation of stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Early Palaeozoic siliciclastic rocks elucidated sediment provenances. Sandstones of the Middle Cambrian Píbram-Jince Basin were derived from a Cadomian Neoproterozoic island arc. The source area of the Ordovician shallow-marine siliciclastics of the successor Prague Basin is a dissected Cadomian orogen. Late Cambrian acid volcanics of the Barrandian and Cambrian (meta)granitoids emplaced in the W part of the Teplá-Barrandian Cadomian basement are also discernible in these sediments. Old sedimentary component increased during the Ordovician. Early Llandovery siliciclastic rocks show characteristics of an abruptly weakened supply of terrigenous material and an elevated proportion of synsedimentary basic volcanics as a result of Silurian transgression. Emsian siliciclastics (intercalated in the Late Silurian to Early Devonian limestone suite) presumably comprise an addition of coeval basic/ultrabasic volcaniclastics. Middle Devonian flysch-like siliciclastics indicate reappearance of Cadomian source near the Barrandian during early Variscan convergences of Armorican microplates that preceeded accretion of the Teplá-Barrandian unit within the Bohemian Massif terrane mosaic.Dr. Patoka deceased in July 2004.  相似文献   
The three deformation phases inferred from the detailed structural analysis of the Cesky Krumlov Varied Group record the Hercynian development of the Southern Moldanubian of the Bohemian Massif. The deformation is related to the NW-SE thrusting of the large crustal units including granulites. The formation of the NS and NW-SE trending shear zones is connected with the thrust movement. The structural development begins with F1 isoclinal fold formation, that could originate in unmetamorphosed sediments. In the final stage, they were strongly flattened and B1 boudinage developed in the rocks. Aplite dykes and migmatitization of paragneisses occurred at the same time the rocks were metamorphosed. The D2 deformational phase was produced by the simple shear deformation of the unit and folds of various styles around rigid inclusions and the strike-slip shear zone near the boundary of the granulite and the Varied Group were formed. The F1 and F2 folds are parallel with the stretching and mineral lineation indicating a NS to NW-SE direction of the thrusting. The youngest deformation is characterized by spectacular boudinage and by folding of the vertically oriented planes.
Zusammenfassung Drei Deformationsphasen der variszischen tektonischen Entwicklung sind in der Bunten Gruppe des südlichen Moldanubikums des Böhmischen Massivs enthalten. Die Deformation ist mit der von NW nach SE orientierten überschiebung von gro\en Krusteneinheiten mit Granuliten verbunden. Die Entstehung von jüngeren N-S und NW-SE verlaufenden Scherzonen kann auf die überschiebungsbewegung bezogen werden. Die Strukturentwicklung beginnt mit F1 isoklinalen Falten, die wahrscheinlich den nichtmetamorphisierten Sedimenten aufgeprägt wurden. Während der Abschlu\phase der Formung wurden sie stark geplättet und es entstand die B1 Boudinage. Die Aplitgänge, Migmatitisation der Paragneisse und Metamorphose der Gesteine sind gleichzeitig. Die D2 Deformationsphase wurde durch einfache Scherung der Einheit hervorgerufen und es entstanden Falten verschiedenen tektonischen Stils in der Umgebung starrer Einschlüsse und die Blattverschiebung an der Grenze von Granulit und Bunter Gruppe. Die F1 und F2 Falten liegen parallel zur Streckungslmeation und überschiebungsrichtung ab. Die jüngste Deformation ist charakterisiert durch eine spektakuläre Boudinage und Faltung der senkrecht stehenden Flächen.

Résumé L'étude structurale détaillée de la Série Variée du Moldanubien méridional dans le Massif de Bohème a permis de distinguer trois phases de déformation dans le développement tectonique varisque. Cette déformation est liée au charriage, du Nord-Ouest vers le Sud-Est, de grandes unités crustales comportant des granulites. La genèse de zones de cisaillement plus jeunes, d'orientation N-S et NW-SE peut Être liée au mÊme processus de charriage. Le développement structural commence avec des plis isoclinaux F1 engendrés vraisemblablement dans les sédiments non métamorphisés. Au stade final de leur formation, ils ont été très aplatis et un boudinage B1 est apparu. L'intrusion de filons d'aplite et la migmatitisation des paragneisses sont contemporaines du métamorphisme. La deuxième déformation D2 a été le fait d'un cisaillement simple; à ce moment se sont formés des plis de style tectonique très variés, localisés fréquemment autour d'inclusions rigides. De cette étape date également le décrochement ductile entre les granulites et la Série Variée. Les plis F1 et F2 sont parallèles à la linéation d'étirement (linéation minérale) qui indique la direction N-S à NW-SE du charriage. La déformation la plus jeune comporte un boudinage spectaculaire et le plissement des plans d'attitude verticale.

- , : , . , ( ) ( ). - 502±10 , 0,71174±73. , . 471±9 0,70684±25, , , . - 56±1 . 120–230 , . 37±1 , , . 10,4 14,6, 8,9 11,8. , , , , — .
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